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Latest revision as of 01:08, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WORLD CURRENTS!--No.47       Comp.12/89       DO 2600


       1. Have Thy way in Panama, Lord, in Jesus' name! The U.S. didn't go about it in the right way, Lord, but at least if Thy people pray, You can forgive their mistakes so there is not too much carnage & slaughter there.

       2. Help the Noriega forces to surrender & work for the new government, Lord.--At least enough of them to bring some semblance of peace & order. And have Thy way about Noriega, Lord. We believe You used him to be a thorn in their flesh & an embarrassment, & put to nought all of their lies & excuses for war.

       3. My God! What a Christmas gift, for a President of the United States to inaugurate this slaughter & carnage of Americans & Panamanians! My God! Put it down! Please stop it, Lord, in Jesus' name! We're sure You're teaching the Americans a lesson, & Bush a lesson, that it just wasn't worth it. You're probably even teaching Noriega & his forces a lesson. But, Lord, if it be possible within Thy mercy, stop it on both sides & let there be peace!

       4. You promised, Lord, peace on Earth to men of good will!--Luk.2:14. And may it be so, Lord, at Christmas. Touch & heal & deliver Thy children, especially those that pray to Thee, Lord, both American & Panamanian.--In Jesus' name, amen! I'm sure the Lord will honour our prayers, & those of His people everywhere.

       5. O, Lord Jesus, help the poor American families of the dead & the wounded to pray! Help it to bring them back to You, Lord, to realise the consequences of sin, & the weaknesses of their President. My God, may he learn his lesson & may he suffer as they & their loved ones have suffered! Lord, may he lose someone or something to teach him a lesson of what an evil thing he has done to both Americans & Panamanians.

       6. May the Americans learn & understand & realise what an evil thing this was, to try to justify war just because one man has embarrassed them. You take care of Noriega, Lord, in whatever way You know is best. Thy Will be done. If You still want to use him as a thorn in their flesh to defy them & embarrass them & shame them & show how stupid they are, then keep it up, Lord! If so, then protect him, Lord, & help him to continue to be a thorn in their flesh for their evil doings! Thy Will be done, Lord!

       7. We know Noriega is not guiltless, but we know that You have nevertheless used him to show the sins of the self-righteous! Better are the sins of the guilty & the sinner than of the hypocritical self-righteous U.S.! Teach those boys who are having to fight this war, Lord, & show them how serious life is! Help it to draw them to Thee, Lord, & to pray & ask for Thy deliverance. Only You can solve the situation, if they pray!

       8. Help this to sober the U.S., Lord, & help George Bush to be sobered & to realise what horror he has perpetrated!--Instead of just going off now to happily celebrate his Christmas Holiday having sent Thy children through the fire!--His children, his American children! My God, help him to realise the horror of what he has done, & may he also suffer through someone, Lord--some loved one, some relative--the horror & the anguish of war & the suffering of those parents whose boys are now dead or dying! May he reap what he has sown, Lord, & learn his lesson & pray for Thy forgiveness for the horror he has perpetrated in this war in Panama, in Jesus' name!

       9. Amen, Lord, I've done my praying, You've heard my prayers. Now You work it out the way You know is best, in Jesus' name. Help me to go to sleep now, Lord. I've been Thy faithful Prophet to pray for Thy children & Thy people, now, in Jesus' name, please help me to go to sleep, Lord. Is that good enough? Those are the outpourings of my heart. It may not be a pure heart, but it's the best I have to give. At least I'm trying, Lord, to do what You want me to do, to pray for Thy people & for peace, & for order, & for what's best, in Jesus' name, amen.

       10. I'm expecting to see some improvement in this situation tomorrow! OK? Amen? Don't you think the Lord will answer my prayer?--The prayer of one little tiny Prophet, not even so righteous? (Maria: Yes, I know He will!) Nevertheless I believe the Lord has heard me, don't you? (Maria: Yes, Sir!) The Lord is going to answer in both Romania & Panama! You've done it before, Lord, & You can do it again. TYL!--In Jesus' name, amen.

       11. And teach Bush & his Americans a lesson, Lord, that they cannot cause Thy children & their children to pass through the fire without requiring a recompense for such sin!--For causing Thy children & Thy boys to pass through such fire that You condemn in Your Word, Lord!--Lev.18:21.

       12. Teach them all a lesson, Lord! Make them all pray, Lord, in Romania & Panama & the U.S. Answer prayer, Lord, & if possible, bring peace in both places, Lord, before the Holocaust! TYJ! Give them yet a little rest, & give us yet a little peace before the Holocaust, in the Name of Jesus! The Jews think they've had a holocaust, but it was nothing compared to what's coming for the whole World!

       13. So we've prayed, Lord, & we'll leave it there with Thee. Thy Will be done. Have Thy way. You know what's best, in Jesus' name. Amen! Do you think I've prayed enough? (Maria: Yes, Sir, I do!) The effectual fervent prayer, of even one maybe not quite so righteous man, availeth much! Make my fervent prayer effectual, Lord, in Jesus' name!


       14. Lord, help the Romanians! Have mercy on them & save them from those devilish, evil, horrible Communists & that God-damned villain, that horrible Satanic Ceausescu! Help them to beat them, in the Name of Jesus! May the protesters fill up the ranks, Lord, & be willing to die for the Truth! That's the only thing that is going to bring it. TYJ!

       15. Lord, bless & keep Thy true believers in Romania! Deliver them, Lord, from the devilish, fiendish monster Ceausescu! May he get his just deserts! Lord, You can topple him! You can put him down to save Thy people! In Jesus' name, do it, Lord! Do it now! Even as he blasts against them, topple him, Lord!

       16. Hear our prayer! God damn Ceausescu! Remove him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus, & deliver those poor Romanian people who love You, Jesus, & want to have their churches. In the Name of Jesus I claim it right now in the middle of the night, God damn Ceausescu! I ask You to kill him, Lord! Destroy him & deliver Thy sheep, O Lord, in the Name of Jesus!

       17. Deliver Thy children from this monster, in the Name of Jesus! TYL! PYL! Hallelujah! It's going to be done! TYL! Kill this monster that's slaying Thy children & Thy people! Kill him, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, kill him right now! You promised "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!"--Jam.5:16. In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to condemn him & destroy him & send him to Hell!

       18. God damn Ceausescu, this demon, this devil who is destroying Thy children, Lord! You destroy him, Lord, in Jesus' name! Right now! We want to hear it! We want to see it! Stop him, Lord, & his wife & his followers, in the Name of Jesus!

       19. I prayed, Lord! I'm not very much, I'm not very important, Lord, but You said "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" I'm not very righteous, I'm not very effectual, but I know I am praying according to Thy Will to destroy that wicked, horrible, evil tyrant Ceausescu!

       20. He's had his chance, Lord. He's reached his time. He's even older than I am. Fill him with the fruits of his evil works, Lord, in Jesus' name! Deliver Thy children & destroy this monster, in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke him in the Name of Jesus Christ! I ask You to rebuke Ceausescu, the tyrant of Romania, Lord! Destroy him & deliver Thy children, in the Name of Jesus!

       21. Ceausescu, that's his name, Lord!--The horrible, anti-Christ, anti-God leader of Romania!--The persecutor of Thy children, Lord! My God, sock it to him! Kill him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus, in the name of Thy children, in Jesus' name! TYL! Hallelujah!

       22. You can do it, Lord! We can't touch him, but You can do it, Lord! You can destroy this demon, this anti-God, anti-Christ, horrible man, Lord, who resists You, & even goes to Satan for his comfort, by going to Iran! My God, kill him now, in Jesus' name! I prayed to You before & You answered prayer for Khomeini! (See ML#2407.) I ask You now in the Name of Jesus to kill Ceausescu, the devil of Romania!

       23. Save those poor people of Romania who love You, Jesus, & try to love You & want to love You, Lord!--The churches there. My God! Deliver them from the Devil, in the Name of Jesus! I ask You, in Jesus' name, to rebuke Ceausescu, Lord, & kill him! Destroy him & keep him from killing thousands of Thy people, Thy Christians! Do it now, in Jesus' name!

       24. Thank You Lord! Amen! He will do it! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! Jesus will do it!--In Jesus' name, amen!

       25. O, Lord, please have mercy on Thy children & Thy Christians! Destroy this devil, this animal Ceausescu, with Your Power, Lord, that devours! My God! Deliver them, Lord, & destroy him! Like You have with all these others, Lord, I want You to destroy him for destroying Thy people!

       26. In the Name of Jesus, have mercy on Thy people, Lord! Deliver them, Lord, & rebuke this anti-Christ, anti-God, devilish, fiendish, horrible Ceausescu! I claim it, Lord! Kill him before he kills any more of Thy children! Destroy him! I want to see it & hear it, Lord, that You have destroyed this anti-Christ, anti-God demon! Lord, please do it before any more of Thy children are destroyed! Destroy him before he destroys them! My God, he's mowing them down, Lord, with bullets & machine guns!

       27. I ask You to destroy Ceausescu, the leader of Romania, of anti-Christ Communism, in the Name of Jesus! There You are, Lord! I give you his name & I ask You in Jesus' name to stop him from destroying Thy children! Hallelujah! God is going to do it! Mighty is Thy power, O God! In the Name of Jesus, show Thy mighty power!

       28. God damn Ceausescu! The Lord is going to damn him, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, he has slaughtered thousands of Thy Saints, thousands of Thy children! My God! God damn him, in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke you, Ceausescu, in the Name of Jesus! I resist you, Ceausescu, in the Name of Jesus! I damn you in the Name of Jesus! God damn you to Hell forever, in the Name of Jesus! TYJ! PYL!

       29. Help Thy people to rise up, Lord, & even be willing to sacrifice their lives to rebuke this God-damned demon! My God, help Thy people to have the courage to rise up & resist him! Bless them & keep them, Lord! Give them the strength! Give them the fury! My God, give them hatred of these demons, Lord, these hellish ones.--In the Name of Jesus! TYL!

       30. My God, Lord Jesus! Help Thy children to fight! Help them not to love, but to hate Thy enemies, Lord, to resist Thy enemies!--Psa.139:21,22. You promised, Lord, "Resist the Enemy, & he will flee from you!"--Jam.4:7. Raise up a standard against them, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! My God! We ask Thee right now in Jesus' name to resist Ceausescu! Destroy him, Lord! Defeat him! He's killing thousands of Thy children, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, kill him, Lord, & save Thy precious children! May they resist him, Lord, & may they rise up & have victory!

       31. The Lord is going to do it, in Jesus' name! You promised, Lord, in the Name of Jesus, that You will answer our prayers! Now defeat this evil, diabolic, anti-Christ Ceausescu in Romania, in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke him, Lord, & stop him! After he has killed so many of Thy children, Lord, now it's time to kill him & send him to Hell where he belongs, in Jesus' name, that Thy children may be liberated & freed! TYL! Amen, amen, amen!

       32. Jesus, bless the poor people in Romania & help them to be delivered. Help them to pray to You to be delivered & give You the credit for it! We don't know why they should suffer the most, but Lord, in Jesus' name, deliver them! Give them freedom to worship Thee! TYL!
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       (After Ceausescu's death:)

       33. Lord, we pray for those poor people in Romania. Please give them the victory, Lord! Help them to overcome those evil security forces, in Jesus' name! Help the security forces to give up.--Those vicious personal security forces that Ceausescu trained & put in place to guard & protect his vicious regime. Give the army & the people mercy to forgive them & to offer them amnesty if they'll lay down their arms & yield to the Freedom Movement, in Jesus' name, amen! TYL!

       34. Do it, Lord! You answered our prayer about Ceausescu, now You can answer our prayer about the horrible people he left behind. Help them to quit, Lord, so that the army & people won't even have to necessarily overcome them or slaughter them, but that they will simply surrender to the inevitable.--In Jesus' name! TYL! Thank You Lord they caught Ceausescu & his family, in Jesus' name!

       35. Thank You that so many of them are praying, Lord. We believe You're going to answer those prayers & deliver them! Certainly it's Thy Will to deliver them from this vicious, anti-Christ, anti-God, horrible reign of terror of Ceausescu & his Communists. We're sure it's Thy Will, Lord, to deliver Thy people from the evil once they've been purged, Lord, & forced to pray. It seems they have suffered enough, Lord. Now please deliver them, in Jesus' name.

       36. Stop the carnage, Lord, & stop the horrible casualties & the suffering. Deliver Thy children, Lord! And may they pray to You, Lord, for deliverance & give You the credit, in Jesus' name. I want to see it, Lord. I want to see some improvement tomorrow, in Jesus' name! They can't stand too much more, Lord. They've already slaughtered thousands, Lord, the worst yet of any of the countries that Thou art delivering. Now do it, Lord! Stop it, in Jesus' name! Stop this carnage & horrible slaughter! Rebuke Thy enemies, Lord, in Jesus' name!


       37. I guess I'm not a very great prayer warrior because maybe I give up too soon, but the Lord seems to answer my prayers. He surely answered my prayer against Ceausescu! I cursed him & I asked You, Lord, to remove him, & You did, Jesus! Thank You for answering my prayer, in Jesus' name! Now remove the power of his evil security forces, Lord! May they give up & even surrender, Lord. And may the people & the army have mercy, so that they may have peace, in the Name of Jesus!--And in Panama, too. TYL!

       38. Let there be peace on Earth for Thy Birthday, in the Name of Jesus we ask it! TYJ! Do you think that's a good prayer?--That the Lord will bring peace on Earth to men of good will? (Maria: Yes, Sir! It's a very good prayer.) May they all pray that, Lord, on both sides & make peace!--In Jesus' name, amen! Do you think the Lord will honour it & answer it? (Maria: Amen, He promised!) Because I really prayed it sincerely that the Lord will bring peace in Romania & Panama.

       39. I ask You Lord, I implore Thee, Lord, I beg You, Jesus, to bring peace, especially to Thy children who are praying for peace! When they have learned their lessons, Lord, please bring peace & stop all of the horror & suffering, in Jesus' name! That's our prayer: Let there be peace on Earth & deliver Thy children & answer their prayers, Lord! Deliver them from the evil anti-Christ forces that beset them, & answer their prayers, Lord, in Jesus' name!

       40. Let there be peace on Earth on Thy Birthday, Lord, particularly to men of good will! TYL! Let there be peace on Earth to men of good will for Thy Birthday, in the Name of Jesus!--And may they have good will & pray good will, in the Name of Jesus! PTL! You've done it! We believe You've answered our prayers. We believe, Lord, that You're going to bring peace & deliver Thy children because of their prayers, in the Name of Jesus!

       41. Both in Romania & Panamania there is now pandemonium, Lord, but You're going to bring peace, in Jesus' name! I have prayed, Lord, & we believe You're going to answer it in both places, for poor Romania & poor Panamania, in the Name of Jesus. Bring peace, Lord! Stop the carnage! Stop the slaughter, Lord! Stop the suffering! Please, stop it, Lord, & bring peace in the Name of Jesus!

       42. I guess I'm not a very good prayer warrior but at least I try, because I love them & I want to help them! TYL! I really believe the Lord will answer my prayer, because I really mean it! I really asked Him to help both places have peace.

       43. Jesus, do it, Lord! Bring peace for Thy Birthday, Lord! Stop the carnage in both wars, in Romania & Panamania, that Thy children may enjoy Thy peace because of their prayers, in Jesus' name! Do it now, Lord! Stop the slaughter! Make those special forces lay down their arms, Lord, in the Name of Jesus!

       44. I rebuke the evil forces of Ceausescu!--In the Name of Jesus! Stop them, Lord, make them surrender! Make them lay down their arms & yield to Thy presence & Thy power & Thy people's prayers, in Jesus' name!

       45. May the people know it, Lord! May the people see it, may they recognise it, that You are the One that brought peace to Romania & Panamania both, in Jesus' name! Let there be peace on Earth for Your Birthday, Lord! Teach them the lessons You want them to learn, but please have mercy & give them peace.--And let them know it is in answer to their prayers, with both Romania & Panamania.

       46. I'm just praising the Lord for His victories & His answers to prayer, in the Name of Jesus! You're the Victor, Lord! You're the Conqueror! You're the greatest Power in both Romania & Panamania.--In the Name of Jesus! Please bring the victory, Lord, bring them peace by the prayers of Thy people! Help them to pray, Lord! It can only come by the prayers of Thy people, in the Name of Jesus! Help Thy children to pray! Help Thy people to pray that they may be delivered!
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       47. Lord, defeat the gigantic Goliath of the U.S. & make fools of them! Noriega may not be a good man, maybe he's even bad, but, Lord, you can use him to defeat the U.S., to shame them & embarrass them for their sins. Expose the sins of America, Lord! Help Noriega to expose them, in the Name of Jesus!

       48. Protect Thy poor in Panama! Vindicate Thy cause, the cause of Noriega who chose to fight for the poor, & defeat the forces of rich America, in the Name of Jesus! Shame them, embarrass them, humiliate them, defeat them, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! Help them vindicate Noriega. No matter how evil he is, he pointed a finger at guilty America & he's a thorn in their flesh.

       49. Lord, help those poor American boys who have been sent there to die by their foolish American President. Give them whatever they deserve. Some of the military in those collapsing European countries are risking even being shot to death rather than fire on their own people. Now give some of those American boys in Panama conviction, Lord, enough to refuse to shoot the poor Panamanians. In Jesus' name, Lord, help them to know better & not obey their President, Lord, not obey their officers, & refuse to shoot the poor helpless Panamanians, in Jesus' name. It's the same thing, Lord, as what's going on in the Eastern European countries right now. Give the poor American boys courage to refuse to shoot the poor innocent helpless defenseless Panamanians, in the Name of Jesus.

       50. Rebuke those horrible U.S. forces that are mowing down & slaughtering & massacring the Panamanians, Lord! My God, stop it, in the Name of Jesus! Protect Thy poor children, Lord! Protect those who believe in You, Jesus. Protect & save Thy poor Panamanians, in Jesus' name, & even Thy poor U.S. forces who are foolishly, pitifully obeying their government. Especially help those who refuse to, in Jesus' name. Lord, please help them to refuse to shoot. Even as we admire those in Eastern Europe who refused to shoot down their own people, Lord, maybe there would be some of those Americans who would refuse to shoot down those innocent, helpless civilian Panamanians, in Jesus' name.

       51. It's very important, Honey, we have to pray! Look how the Lord answered our prayer about various World leaders. He killed Khomeini & deposed Ceausescu right away. TYL! We have to continue to pray, Honey, for the victory of Truth & Righteousness against the Ugly Americans!

       U.S. WAR IN PANAMA!

       52. Think of the money this U.S. war in Panama has cost!--Millions of Dollars! And now that they've driven Noriega's troops underground, so to speak, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them! There's no worse war, really, than a guerrilla war!--And an urban guerrilla war is even worse, because you've got all the population mixed in & you can't tell one from another & who's the guy that's got the gun!

       53. The U.S. is almost worse off now than before they started it, because now they've driven'm into the jungles! They were fighting the Panamanian forces before & they knew where they were. Now they won't know where they're at, & they'll have to keep their troops there to protect the Canal. I think the U.S. is really going to pay for this, & they're getting a lot of criticism from other countries.

       54. They even claimed to have OAS (the Organisation of American States) support, & that's a downright lie! The last time they had an OAS meeting before the invasion, the majority of them advised the U.S. not to take any action militarily.--And after the invasion the OAS condemned the U.S. action & even refused to seat the new Panamanian Ambassador! In other words, Latin America in general doesn't like the U.S. invading one of their countries, so Bush is going to get a lot of static from that!

       55. I think this war was a big mistake! Bush has done several stupid things already, but starting this war is about the stupidest thing he's done!--Sending all those young people to their deaths! And God knows how many poor Panamanians they've slaughtered! They're not giving any stats on that. I don't think they want to give them.

       56. This is the first time I ever heard of the U.S. going to war to get one man, Noriega!--And it's cost them millions! They would have gotten the job done in a hurry if they'd just offered that many millions to any Panamanian who would shoot Noriega for them!

       57. Instead of offering a million Dollars for Noriega, the U.S. should have offered a million Dollars to the people, to his soldiers if they'll give up! But such wisdom doesn't seem to run in government. Just like the millions the U.S. has spent on the Contras in Nicaragua.--If they had offered it to the people, that they'd give them that to just quit, it would have alleviated their suffering & their poverty, & all the things that they're supposed to be fighting for!

       58. What a Christmas present to give your country & oodles of fathers & mothers, "Your son is dead, killed in my war trying to catch a drug-runner!" Bush can't give any kind of excuse to those parents who lost their children in this attack, not any kind of excuse that will hold water with them, that they would consider was necessary!

       59. For a guy who seemed to be a fairly nice sensible guy, Bush has been making a lot of unwise political decisions, including sending his officials to China to make friends with those tyrants there, giving them all a handshake & toasting them only six months after they mowed down the students in Tiananmen Square!

       60. Well, it looks like Ceausescu did even worse! The Chinese killed their hundreds at Tiananmen Square, but Ceausescu killed thousands! They were even machine-gunning them down from helicopters in the air! He tried to make sure nobody rebelled against him. Well, there's one thing we always used to say about these older dictators: They may escape their enemies, but they'll never escape death! It always catches up with them sooner or later. (--And did, as Ceausescu & his wife were later captured & executed by rebel forces.)

       BUSH'S FOLLY!

       61. They're saying Noriega is a criminal because he deals with drugs, but there are a lot more criminals in Washington! Noriega only killed one American! Bush killed more Americans than Noriega by sending his troops in there. Bush has been such a mild-mannered milquetoast for so long, I guess he's trying to change that image, & he sure did!

       62. Most of the time he is inclined to be slow, cautious, timid & not act. So this time he's trying to prove that he's not what they said he was, he's not a slow, cautious, timid wimp. "I'll show you how big I am!--How forcefully I can act!" God help us! He'll be famous & go down in history for being the President of the Panamanian War, & probably be criticised for foolishly going in.

       63. We're certainly living in historic times, times of great change! But at this moment, at this particular time, it still looks to me like one of the most auspicious times the Antichrist could ever possibly arise out of Russia to try to stop what's going on! Nobody else could do it, but he could do it, the more things get into absolute chaos.--Like in Panama where there's no government, really, & no forces to enforce a government. A government has to have power to be able to enforce things & control situations & keep the peace, but that's not yet true of hardly any of those East Bloc countries.

       64. Poor Gorbachev & Russia are just hanging on by their bare fingernails! It wouldn't take hardly anything to discredit him. The people are already fed up because he hasn't brought the plenty they expected. It wouldn't take much to persuade them to try something else.--Not necessarily go back to the old Communism, but for the Antichrist to say, "Here's something new, a new idea! Here's what will save you!"--Something that would even appeal to Western Europe to unite with him, which they will, eventually, according to the Bible.--Rev.17:12,13.

       65. If we last much longer, I think we're going to see the rise of the Antichrist next!--That is if the Crash doesn't come first, & if the Crash comes, it'll set the stage for him even more. He already has sufficient excuse to rise up & try to stop the whole Freedom Movement in the East Bloc! And this would be the ideal time for the Antichrist to arise while Bush is busy in his own back yard trying to suppress what amounts to a rebellion in Panama, while he's preaching to Europe, & Gorbachev is promising Europe that he won't try to suppress their rebellion! Boy oh boy, you wonder why people can't see that!

       66. God help us! With all that's going on in the World, what a time for Bush to get himself tangled up in a Latin American country! I think he's going to make an absolute fool out of himself, & I think he deserves it! Noriega wasn't worth all of that. He's been there for years. The U.S. even used to have him on their side & were using him, particularly because he was an anti-Communist & a strong ruler, & they've got oodles of dictators. As Nixon once said, "You complain we're supporting a totalitarian dictatorial regime?--We support 60-some of them all around the World!" At least he was honest & frank about that.

       67. The U.S. made Noriega, they promoted him! But when he finally began to feel his oats & decided he didn't need them any more & could get out on his own, that's when they suddenly started levelling their drug charges against him! As one reporter said, the U.S. would really rather see him killed there! They claim they want to bring him back to Florida to face trial, but they don't really, because there are too many things that could come out at that trial to embarrass the U.S. His lawyers could show how the U.S. promoted Noriega and used him, even when they knew he was a drug lord.

       68. The Lord knows my heart, that I have even prayed for Noriega to be a thorn in the flesh of the U.S. & to embarrass them & shame them for being such fools in this case, & as they have been in so many cases. This action has turned almost the whole World against Bush! None of them like what he's doing--except Mrs. Thatcher, & she just does that in hard times because she wants him to be loyal to her when she makes a mistake, which she does sometimes.

       69. No excuse that they have given has been sufficient to justify the over-kill reaction of this huge invasion! It's the largest military action that the U.S. has taken since the Vietnam War!--All to try to kick out a little dictator that was thumbing his nose at them. To justify themselves, they constantly keep repeating those little so-called "atrocities," that Noriega was killing Americans & he was torturing & beating others. He killed one American & he beat up two Americans. They exaggerate! This is what governments always do in wartime, they exaggerate the actual happenings & they lie & lie & lie!

       70. The U.S. just outright lied in saying that Endara had won the election & blah blah blah! Nobody even knows who won the election, because there were no real tallies. How are you ever going to tell who wins an election in a country like that? It's like the Philippines, everybody cheats! The only people who can ever win an election in a country like that--Panama or the Philippines--are the people who cheat the best! According to the government's tally in the Philippines, Marcos won. According to Cory's tally, she won! They were both cheating!

       71. What do you bet it's going to take the U.S. a long time to get out of Panama, if ever! Do you know how the U.S. government got involved in Panama in the first place?--They backed a rebel! Panama used to be a part of Colombia, but because the U.S. wanted to build a canal down there, they backed a rebel leader who led a revolt against Colombia and then declared himself a new government, the government of Panama. The U.S. went in there and backed him so they could grab off this piece of land that they needed to build their canal. That's the beginning of that history, and Colombia still disputes that Panama was ever a different government. But the U.S. backed it and helped this guy to grab it!

       72. In other words, the U.S. grabbed Panama in the beginning, that's the history of it, so they could be sure that they were going to control that neck of land through which they built the Panama Canal. As Reagan even stated, "We bought it, we built it & we're going to keep it!" But then the diplomats signed treaties that they're going to give it back to Panama in 1999.--Which will probably never be fulfilled.

       73. (Maria: Worldwide they're asking, "How can the Americans just decide they don't like somebody & go in & invade the country to try to get them?") Well, that's the habit of Americans. They've done it time & time & time again, especially in Latin America. They even did it once in Lebanon. When Lebanon voted for a pro-Communist government, Eisenhower sent in 5,000 Marines to grab the whole country! In some ways, it's too bad the U.S. didn't keep it!

       74. It's so ridiculous! The puppet government the U.S. has tried to install has no power, no police, no army, no forces to ensure the enforcement of laws. And what laws do they have? What kind of Constitution does Panama have? They're obviously a puppet government because the U.S. are the ones who swore'm in! To interpret that any other way is absolutely laughable throughout the World! The whole World knows it's nothing but a puppet government! It has no authority, no enforcement, nothing!--No police, no army, no forces!

       75. The U.S. is going to have to be their enforcement! The U.S. forces are going to have to be their forces. They established them, they installed them as a puppet government, & they're going to have to do it!

       76. So you just wait & see, I think the U.S. is going to have one Hell of a time trying to get out of there! They're going to have to establish a government, they're going to have to establish police forces, they're going to have a complete occupation force that's going to have to run Panama, with these little puppets sitting on top of it trying to pretend they are the government of Panama! I think they're going to have a tough time subduing Panama, & this is going to continue to infuriate the rest of the World about Bush, & perhaps give the Antichrist sufficient excuse for doing the same thing in Europe to stop the rebellion of the East Bloc countries!

       77. That's what Bush did, he sent in a 30,000-man army to squelch the rebellion of Panama against the U.S.! It's the same thing! So that justifies the Russians or the Antichrist in rising up to try to squelch & crush the rebellions of all the East Bloc countries. That's what I expect & that's what I look for next, the rise of the Antichrist to try to crush the rebellion against Communism.


       78. They used to call defence plants, war plants, which is really the honest term for them! But now they call them defence plants & claim they only have military & armaments & wars for defence, that's all!--Like this war in which the U.S. is "defending" itself now in Panama! They had to send about 30,000 men there just to "defend" themselves from one racketeer, little Manuel Noriega!

       79. I should think they'd be ashamed to admit it! I should think that Bush would have been ashamed to send such a force there to catch one little man!--And then he couldn't even catch him! Oh, I had to laugh at that! They were still frustrated because he got away from them! I must admit, I was praying for Noriega! He's like "the mouse that roared," someone who finally had the guts to thumb his nose at the U.S. & defy'm & do as he pleased!

       80. Did you hear that ridiculous list of excuses the U.S. had for starting that war? "The Panamanians killed a U.S. Marine & they bullied this other couple!" Was that sufficient cause to go to war?--To send some 30,000 men there, 25 of whom were killed & 250 injured? (Maria: They never did anything like that to rescue the hostages in Lebanon or Iran, but for one or two guys in Panama they send 30,000 troops!)

       81. Well, that's the U.S. for you, & its pride! They just got furious at Noriega because he out-manoeuvered them in every way for years, so Bush sent in this big invasion army. It would be funny if it weren't so sad, it would be ridiculous!--And the way they were trying to excuse it & justify it & make all these excuses, "Oh, they shot a Marine & they beat up this couple, so we're going to send 30,000 more to beat them up!"

       82. The people were poor enough already, now they've nearly wrecked the city, it's just a mess! When I heard about the looting, I thought, "Well, at last the poor are getting their share!" They were really carrying off the goods! Ha! Why not? They deserved it! Only the rich have been able to shop in some of those stores before. The people were hauling away TVs & refrigerators & beds & groceries & everything you could think of! They're doing their Christmas shopping with no money! Ha! Mama had to laugh at me because when I was praying for them, I kept calling it Panamania instead of Panama! I was praying for Romania & Panamania! I think the U.S. has got panamania!--Ha! I'll tell you, it's almost a laughable situation!

       83. And Noriega finally outsmarted them! That's the last place they'd ever have expected him to go, to the Vatican Embassy! And God bless the Vatican, they said they will not extradite him! Well, we'll see what kind of pressure the U.S. puts on them to give him up.

       84. (Maria: And then the U.S. reported, "He surrendered!") Yes, they kept wording it that way, "HE HAS SURRENDERED! HE HAS SURRENDERED!"--And then they'd say in a low voice, "To the Vatican Embassy." "WE FINALLY GOT NORIEGA!--In the Vatican."--Ha! They were ashamed to have to admit that he had outsmarted them the whole time! And of all the embassies to choose, he chose the Vatican Embassy! Of course, the U.S. said, "We just missed him, we were only 30 minutes late!" Boy oh boy, are their faces red!

       85. If the Vatican turned him over, I think most Catholics, especially throughout Latin America, would be absolutely furious! And yet certainly the Pope cannot be seen as sheltering criminals!--Although even in their sacrament or rite of confession they more or less shelter criminals.

       86. So it looks like that may have been a good move. That's like turning to all Latin America for refuge, because they're all strong, staunchly Catholic countries & they would be offended. They didn't like the American invasion in the first place & they'd probably really be offended if the Pope turns him over to the Americans.

       87. Noriega was smart enough to know that all of Latin America would rise up in horror! At the meeting of the OAS, they voted unanimously against the invasion, all except the U.S.! Think of that! So the U.S. was totally out-voted! The Latin American states were rising up in fury against the invasion! They've always feared those stupid American invasions.

       88. I'd almost hate to try to count all the Latin American countries that the U.S. has invaded at some time or another! They've invaded nearly all the Central American states, plus Mexico. In case you don't know it, Mexico is in North America, right next to the U.S., & that's why the U.S. is so good to their banks & keeps financing their debt, they don't want Mexico invading the States! So Mexico gets better terms from the IMF etc. than any other Latin American country.

       89. I can remember when I was much younger that Guatemala voted in a Communist president & the U.S. immediately sent in the Marines & ousted him! They've invaded Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Grenada, the Dominican Republic & Cuba, not to mention Puerto Rico! Nearly every Central American state has been invaded at some time by the Americans! And if they didn't invade them, they put sanctions on'm & did all kinds of other things to them!

       90. About the only two Latin countries I know of that were never invaded are Argentina & Brazil, because they were too big & a little too strong. Brazil was also more friendly. For years Argentina was the richest country in South America & thumbed its nose at the U.S.! Ever since I was young, it was known as a very prosperous & rich country & it refused to cooperate with the U.S. in any way, and the U.S. did everything they could to try to crush Argentina!

       91. It took the ACs to think up the smartest thing they could do to wreck all those countries, & that's to come just scattering money abroad, supposedly loaning them the money: "Oh, we may never even ask for it again! You need help? We'll give you this money!--Money, money, money!" And the sad part about it is the Latin American countries swallowed it hook, line & sinker!--And now they're getting hooked, because they've borrowed more than they can pay & it has made them poor!

       92. Bankers & statisticians have figured out that all the Latin American countries who borrowed money from the U.S. AC banks have already paid back double what they borrowed & are still paying! Think of it! No wonder they're wrecked economically! But it was their own fault, they shouldn't have borrowed it. They've danced the dance & now they've got to pay the fiddler! And the fiddlers are those fiddlin' ACs from the U.S.!

       93. Well, one of these days somebody's going to have the guts to get those Latin leaders together & say, "We're not going to pay you another penny!" But do you know why they keep on paying back, or paying interest?--Because they want to borrow more! So I'm sorry, those countries were very foolish to do that, but the ACs were just practically pushing money on them for a long time.--You might say for the same reason Joseph in Egypt did it! He pushed food on them till they even sold themselves as slaves to him!

       94. (Maria: I thought what happened with Noriega should be very encouraging to us, to see all the might of the U.S. trying to capture him in that one little place, but the Lord kept him! That shows how the Lord is going to be able to keep us, too! He has kept us, but even when they're all after us, if the Lord wants us kept, He can keep us!) Amen!

       95. Well, we were praying for him! I've been praying for him ever since he started fighting the U.S.! I thought, that guy's got courage to stand up against the U.S., & I admire him! I don't care what they say he is, I admire his guts & his cleverness & that he was able to defy the giant! He's like little David & the Giant! And they were still frustrated in the end, they still haven't got him. I'll admit that Mama & I were praying for him, so thank the Lord!


       96. And I'm sure you've all been praying for the Freedom Movement in the East Bloc, & for the people there, of course. That's really what we're praying for, is the common people, the people themselves against their tyrannical rulers & their anti-Christ systems. I'm sure you must be praying for the Romanians also. That was one country that didn't even expect to fall, because their leader, Ceausescu, had such a tight tyrannical stranglehold on it for so long with his secret police!

       97. Do you know why they're having such a hard time there? They've got the army on their side now, but they're having a hard time overthrowing the secret police which outnumber the army four-to-one & are heavily armed!--The secret police which were brought up & practically reared by Ceausescu! He took them away from their families & homes at early ages & reared them in strict regimented style, but spoiled them by giving them everything they wanted, the best of everything, so that they're very loyal to him.

       98. I think that's finally why they had to announce that Ceausescu & his wife were executed, because as long as they were alive, the secret police still fought bitterly, hoping that he would return to power again. But thank God, the latest we've heard is that they were executed, & I'm sure it was in order to keep the secret police down.

       99. They usually say, "Kill the leader & the sheep will be scattered." I hope that's not going to be true of you! You may be scattered, but keep on working for the Lord! Besides, I'm doing my best to keep out of their way & out of their sight so they can't get me! They've wanted to get me for years, but TTL, they've been unable to find us!

       100. So don't forget to pray! I'm sure you're already doing that earnestly. The Lord has really prayed through me for some of those people, & we're praying desperately for the poor Romanians now who are having the worst battle of all with thousands killed! Tiananmen Square was a teacup compared to this sea of murder in Romania!--Horrible!

       101. They've already won in Timisoara where it began, the Hungarian part of Romania, & where they had the first worst massacre. They say that about 5,000 people were massacred there & buried naked in big common graves! You talk about tight, they didn't even want to let them have their clothes, they stripped them completely naked!

       102. So Romania's still having a struggle because the secret police were so numerous & so well-armed, & also because they're fighting from some of the biggest, most solid buildings. They're carrying on a sniper warfare, holed up in these great big stone buildings, & the army has been having to shoot their big tank guns at the buildings to get them out! It's wrecking the buildings, of course, but it's better to have wrecked buildings than a wrecked country!

       103. All those countries have already been wrecked by Communism!--The people, their minds, their economies, everything has been wrecked, not to speak of their religion. But I have to hand it to the churches this time, they have helped to revive the fight & conquer the forces of Antichrist--Communism! So we have a lot to be thankful for! Obviously that was the big event that the prophets & the astrologers knew was coming in November! We thought it was going to be the Crash, of course. Well, it was a crash--Communism crashed & proved that it won't work! TTL!

       104. So please pray for the Romanians & all those East Bloc people, that they can have at least a measure of freedom & self-government, until the worst yet comes, which probably will begin with the crushing of the present movement away from Communism--as I've explained to you in some of our recent Letters. That first Letter, "The Way I See It" (ML # 2596), was actually a discussion. Mama's little question really spurred me on, & by bringing out those different points as we went along, the Lord kept showing us how things were happening & how things were going to happen, until we finally came out clearly on some of those points! As you'll notice, we weren't nearly as clear when we started that discussion, as we were when the Lord led us along & finished it!

       105. The next Letter, "The Communist Crash!" (ML #2597), is kind of a summary, in a way, with a few new points we learned when we had another little discussion with some of you. See, it helps to discuss things! The Lord says, "Reason ye together" etc. The Lord likes a mystery, apparently, & He helps us reason things out & analyse things, even by the process of elimination. He likes us to have a puzzle that we can work hard on, & we have to dig to get some of those diamonds out!

       106. Some of the most precious things of the World have to be dug out, & we've had to really dig to get out the precious jewels in His Word & polish them up & make it clear to us all!--And the Lord has done it! He created them & He can show them to you, where to find them & how to polish them up, all these jewels of His Word! PTL!


       107. I think Noriega's taking refuge at the Vatican Embassy was clever, in a way, but it's now created big problems & he's no longer all that safe there. I think it would have been more honourable & more like him if he had fled to the jungles & the mountains with his men & carried on a guerrilla warfare against the U.S. Of course, they probably would have hounded him & never been satisfied, but I think there would have been more chance for him to gain his freedom over the border or something, than to flee back into the arms of the System for refuge.

       108. If they ever turn him over to the U.S. forces, you can bet your boots you'd never see him again! The U.S. risked almost 30,000 lives & scores of deaths & an operation that must have cost hundreds of millions of Dollars to get Noriega--there's no way that they'd ever let him go if they ever get him! They would only humiliate him & mistreat him. Look what they did to Jimmy Bakker! If they treated a preacher like that, imagine what they'd do to Noriega! I don't doubt that they'd use torture & everything else! Did you know that U.S. police forces went around Latin America teaching torture?--Something they're not supposed to use in their own country. Of course, we don't know if they do or not.

       109. So Lord, I hope You'll somehow rescue this little man who defied the big bully & infuriated Goliath! They're probably all trumped-up charges in the cases they have against him, because that's not what they really want him for. They want him because he has defied them! They put him in power! They used to work with him. But when he started getting too independent & wouldn't obey their orders, then they got furious, & what they really want is vengeance!
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       110. Although the U.S. said they wanted him, under cover they really didn't want him, because they're afraid that too much scandal & expos is going to go on in the trial, showing how the U.S. actually was the one who put him in power, & even had him working with them when they knew he was dealing in drugs. So it's all a big hypocritical farce.

       111. He apparently figures that this way he can now get his revenge on the U.S. by exposing them at the trial! He can say & do things there that are going to make them sorry they ever found him! So God bless & help him to expose the hypocrisy of the United States!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family