Name Changes: From Children of God to The Family International

From XFamily - Children of God

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Children of God to The Family of Love

In an attempt to deflect public concern over some of his more controversial policies, founder and leader David Berg declared in early 1978:

28. Let's also try to get away from being called the "Children of God" where that name is hated, and simply call ourselves the new Family of Love!

Berg's orders were quickly implemented, and the group entered a new phase (see: Reorganization Nationalization Revolution).

The Family to The Family International

The group's most recent name change took place in August 2004, the primary stated reason being to differentiate between themselves and other organizations.

"With Family Homes in over 100 countries around the world, one of the purposes for changing the Family name was to help our 'parent' name reflect the broader, more international flavor that the Family really has, while also helping to distinguish between us and other System groups or organizations which have nothing to do with us, but who have 'Family-associated' names, and with which in some parts of the world we have at times been confused." — Steven Kelly

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