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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

TECHI'S STORY!--Chap.10: BREASTFEEDING!--By Maria David       DFO863       August 1979

       1. AND DADDY KNEW THAT BREASTFEEDING WAS BEST, along with all the childcare expects, nutritionalists & many of the medical profession; that through breastfeeding we were fulfilling not only Techi's nutritional needs in giving her God's own custom-made food far superior to all other milk or formulas, but we were also fulfilling important emotional needs as well, as, according to statistics,

       2. BREASTFED BABIES IN GENERAL GROW INTO HAPPIER, warmer, more stable, secure & affectionate adults than those who are only bottlefed. Some studies even conclude that there seem to be intellectual advantages as well, with breastfed children achieving higher standing in later scholastic studies.

       3. AND IF THIS IS NOT ENOUGH, THE HEALTH BENEFITS ARE TOO GREAT TO BE DISCOUNTED. Your baby through breastfeeding becomes more resistant to allergies, illness, infection & death. A completely breastfed baby almost never becomes constipated, & is less likely to have diaper rash & other skin disorders.

       4. HIS FACIAL DEVELOPMENT WILL BE BETTER since his muscles are exercised in the strenuous sucking on the nipple of the breast, whereas a bottle takes very little work on his part. You are safe in the knowledge that your own good, perfect-temperature breastmilk is free from contamination, unlike other kinds of milk.

       5. YOUR MILK, WHICH CONTAINS SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES OF THE VITAMINS YOUR CHILD MOST NEEDS, will result in a calmer, less nervous child, & one which will probably sleep longer & more soundly than if fed other milk or formulas.

       6. MANY STUDIES SHOW THAT NOTHING IS TO BE GAINED IN GIVING FOOD OTHER THAN BREAST MILK UNTIL THE BABY IS SIX MONTHS OLD if you have sufficient milk to keep baby satisfied. If you can breastfeed only a short time, that is better than nothing. Several months is even better & the best idea is if you breastfeed until the baby weans himself, & is no longer interested, around a year, more or less. You will thus be giving him the most excellent start possible, Besides bringing your child into a love-filled Christian home with loving parents devoted to the Lord & His Work & His Children,

       7. THIS IS ONE OF THE NEXT MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CHILD. Therefore, in nursing Techi I was happy in the knowledge that I hadn't failed to do for her what was so easily mine to do, & neglect of which I might have regretted later on. Now months later, I am truly grateful to David that he urged me to do so.

       8. NOW I FEEL REALLY FULFILLED, knowing that I have given her the best possible start in life. She has received the far superior milk that God provided especially for her, & that all childcare experts, medical people, nutritionalists without exception, agree cannot be surpassed.

       9. HUMAN MILK IS MORE EASILY DIGESTED THAN COW'S MILK by human babies, & is perfectly suited to their system. Many babies are allergic to cow's milk & even large numbers of adults cannot tolerate it & are plagued with heartburn when they drink it.

       10. COW'S MILK HAS LARGE TOUGH CURDS which calves with their multi-stomach digestive system can handle well. But baby's one tiny immature stomach finds it hard to digest the curds properly, & so they remain longer in the stomach, producing a feeling of fullness; therefore, baby can go longer between feedings but without being able to make use of the food, which lies partly undigested in the stomach.

       11. PARENTS SOMETIMES WELCOMES WELCOME THIS CONVENIENCE without realising that they are in fact harming their little one in giving him cow's milk or any popular formulas made with it, when it is within their power to build his life instead of tearing down, harming or even destroying it!

       12. RAW COW'S MILK IS VERY DANGEROUS, as it is a wonderful vehicle for bacteria of many diseases, amongst which are typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, & diarrhoea! On the other hand, pasteurised milk, from which commercial milk formulas are made, is so highly heated in the process of killing the germs that practically all vitamins & even much of the calcium & other beneficial properties are destroyed as well.

       13. YOGURT, HOWEVER, IS A MUCH SAFER & MORE WHOLESOME PRODUCT THAN PLAIN MILK & is a much better choice for baby's food than cow's milk, if baby is not to be breastfed. It is fed to infants of many countries.


       What nursing does for babies--and for mothers

       Near the end of its feeding, the breast-fed infant begins a warbling, cooing melody that tells its pleasure in being warm, full, sleepy. Richard M. Applebaum, M.D., El Paso, Texas, pediatrician and leader in childbirth education, has recorded a great many baby "nursing songs." Some have the magical, beyond-time quality of whale and dolphin songs; others are memorably similar to the spontaneous pleasure-cries of human coitus.
       Sounds made by the child at the breast are quite different from those made by the baby with a rubber nipple in its mouth. "The breast-feeding child has better use of its tongue," said Dr. Applebaum, "and is better able to phonate its gratification."
       Breast-feeding, its proponents believe, may give a child an advantage in learning to speak later on; and Dr. Applebaum theorizes that early oral gratification may prevent frustration which could lead, much later, to overeating and obesity or to a smoking habit.
       In Houston, a sampling of private hospitals shows more than nine out of ten new mothers nurse their babies at the breast. Five years ago in these same hospitals, only one baby in ten was breast-fed. Across the nation today. more than half of the babies are fed at the breast at the time they leave the hospital.
       Most doctors warmly commend breast-feeding, for several reasons. Most important for the infant are near-ideal nourishment for growth and development, protection from infectious diseases and allergies, and a special, needed bonding with its mother, a psychic reinforcement that endures throughout life.
       Makers of commercial baby formulas--a boon where nursing at the breast is impossible--try to come close to the nutritional qualities of human milk. Yet all of science and technology can't equal, much less excel, the product of the human breast, which varies in consistency and content--from watery to rich and thick--during a feeding, as if the baby were offered a full-course meal with beverage and dessert.
       Milk from the human breast is intricately, superbly compounded to nourish a baby, with ingredients strikingly different from those of cows' milk: More fat, milk sugar, vitamins A, B and C; less protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins B1 and B2. Many of the enzymes, fats and amino acids or protein building blocks are uniquely different in human milk.
       What cannot be reproduced in a commercial formula is the protective property of human milk. In the womb, a baby is nourished by a marvelous temporary organ, the placenta, which also supplies protective antibodies. After the child is born, the breast takes over the lifeline functions of feeding and immunizing. Substances in the milk protect the newborn from diseases, allergies, and infections. Some of these are enzymes, some proteins, others known by such names as the bifidis factor & the antistaphylococcal factor. Gravely ill babies with enterotoxic E. coli infection have been saved by donor breast milk. A usually fatal disease, acrodermatitis enteropathica, also has been controlled by breast milk, and researchers only recently found out why: breast milk has protective amounts of zinc, an essential dietary element, and the dreaded disease involves deficiency of zinc.
       Breast-fed babies are far less likely to catch colds or to have diarrhea. They develop fewer allergic symptoms, such as eczema, asthma, and runny noses, than do bottle-fed babies; and some research indicates that this allergy protection may continue into adult life. The longer a child breast-feeds, according to Dr. Applebaum, the safer it is from developing allergies.
       Commercial feeding formulas have been greatly improved in fat-absorption properties and digestibility. This has been done by replacing cows' milk fats with polyunsaturated vegetable products, giving a virtually cholesterol-free product. But breast milk does contain cholesterol, and babies need it for proper growth, especially of brain and nerve tissues. Strangely enough, getting the right amounts of cholesterol early in life seems to protect against too-high blood cholesterol levels later. An ongoing Boston study is bringing in evidence that adults who were breast-fed babies have lower blood cholesterol scores.
       Breast milk is low in iron, and for good reasons. Two proteins plentiful in human milk--lactoferrin and transferrin--are protective agents against infectious bacteria. But they can't work when saturated with iron. There is lactoferrin in commercial formula too, but it has been found ineffective against bacteria because it becomes denatured in the manufacturing process. And finally, the small amount of iron in breast milk is more readily absorbed than is cows' milk iron.
       Breast-feeding may protect your baby against overweight later in life. Some studies indicate that obese adults are more likely to have been bottle-fed babies. Breast-fed babies are rarely fat; "They're generally smaller and meatier," says Dr. Applebaum. Possibly this is because they're fed on demand, and know when to stop. And that magical change in the milk during nursing, creamy part last, may give the baby a satisfied feeling at the right time.
       Can you breast-feed your child? Most likely. As many as 96 percent of women who give birth are able to nurse their young when the conditions are right, medical experts say. And, adds Carmen Acosta Johnson, Ph.D., of the Baylor Mothers Milk Bank, the size and shape of your breasts have nothing to do with your ability to produce milk. But seeking out the right conditions for starting your child at the breast may be up to you.
       Obviously you'll need an obstetrician who's in favor of breast-feeding. You'll also need to be sure your hospital's staff and facilities do not offer obstacles such as a nursery routine that keeps mothers separated from their babies, or a standard practice of feeding newborns sugar-water. Ideally, a breast- feeding consultant should be available to show you just how to hold and feed the baby. "Most breast-feeding difficulties are due to the method of feeding," said Dr. Applebaum, "not to any inadequacy in the quality or amount of mother's milk."
       It's important to begin nursing as soon as possible after delivery. Dundee, Scotland, researchers determined that the best course is to put the baby on the breast within minutes of its birth, to nurse every two hours until lactation is well established, and afterward to feed it on demand. Where hospital schedules don't permit complete on-demand feeding, adds Dr. Applebaum, be sure the baby is brought for nursing at least every three hours, not on the time-honoured four-hour schedule.
       There are a very few conditions in which breast-feeding is ill advised: serious psychiatric disturbance, severe infections such as tuberculosis and typhoid fever, some chronic diseases. Under good control and careful medical supervision, diabetic mothers often can breast-feed their babies.
       There are also some drugs and medications capable of passing into breast milk. The American Academy of Pediatrics says nursing mothers should not be taking anti-thyroid compounds, anticancer drugs, or anticoagulants. Pollution of the environment by harmful chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, has caused worries about breast-feeding. The Academy's special study committee has advised that women should be encouraged to breast-feed their infants as usual, except for mothers who clearly have been exposed to the chemicals, or who have eaten heavily of fish from waters known to be PCB-contaminated.
       By almost every score, being fed by breast is the best thing for babies. But what's in it for you, the mother? Will you become fat and have sagging breasts? Can you bear the inconvenience of being tied down? Does breast-feeding mean a gap in your love life? Will your husband feel left out, displaced by an all-consuming infant?
       Physicians and experienced mothers promise that your figure will return to normal even sooner with breast-feeding, probably because the baby's suckling stimulates uterine contractions, pulling the abdomen back to prepregnancy flatness. Abdominal congestion also is far less likely. Nursing mothers, according to Dr. Applebaum, have fewer hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Breast- cancer incidence is lower among women who breast-feed.
       Breasts themselves are certainly larger during lactation. "But," said Dr. Applebaum, "you are replacing fatty tissue with glandular tissue, which is firmer. Breasts will be firmer even after lactation is past."
       in breast-feeding, may be listed in your town. Or write or call La Leche League International Inc., 9616 Minneapolis Avenue. Franklin Park IL 60131. Telephone (312) 455-7730.
       Must you become fat in order to breast-feed? Quite the contrary. Nutrition experts recommend an added 500 calories and 20 grams of protein daily to support milk production. This can be as simple as an extra peanut-butter sandwich and a glass of milk. You should not gain weight if you're producing milk and also getting enough exercise.

       "Breast feeding is simpler and easier than even the newest handy formula packs"

       Dr. Johnson recommends a nursing brassiere that supports the breasts from beneath but does not push the nipple out of place. And she suggests taking a tip from mothers in tropical climates: occasional fresh air and sunlight on the breasts.
       Far from being burdensome and time-demanding, breast-feeding is simpler and easier than bottle-feeding, even with the newest handy formula packs. Obviously there's no need to buy formula, boil bottles, refrigerate, and reheat, or to perform a myriad of related chores. No need either to get up to heat a bottle in the middle of the night while a hungry baby complains; just pick up the baby and nestle back in bed.
       Marian Tompson, president of La Leche League International, a leading force for breast-feeding since the 1950s, says that you can, with a little practice, nurse your baby anytime, any place. La Leche, which offers invaluable help, advice, and encouragement vitamin-mineral supplement you used in pregnancy.
       Grown-up love and sexuality are not to be shut down during the breast-feeding period. Instead, you're likely to feel especially sexy during this time; and you may learn new aspects of your sexual being. Just as non-pregnant women often lactate slightly during intercourse, the act of nursing itself often is sexually arousing.
       For the man in your life, the period in which you breast-feed his child can be and should be a rewarding one. The emotional and physical "bonding" that breast-feeding promotes can extend three ways. Some ways to reinforce the bond are a father's close presence during feeding, and his sharing in physical contact with the baby by bathing it, changing it, and holding it--making infant care a lot more fun, too. Many fathers find breast-feeding as a spectator event a lovely experience.


       14. ALTHOUGH OUR MAIN SUBJECT HERE IS THE ADVANTAGES OF MOTHER'S MILK, we realise of course that some of you will either be unable to nurse, or unwilling for one reason or another, so we want to give you a good alternative, & one which many of our babies have accepted easily & have thrived upon: The yogurt-fortified formula. (See "Formula Feeding", F.C. No.1.)

       15. FOR THOSE WHO NURSE, IT ALSO MAKES A GOOD SUPPLEMENT if one is needed. With the Lord's blessing & protection, Techi has grown beautiful & healthy on what breast milk I produced & her good yogurt formula which was started at three days old & which she still takes at eight months either in a bottle, a cup or on a plate mixed with egg & banana.

       16. ADELLE DAVIS, ONE OF AMERICA'S LEADING NUTRITIONISTS believes that formulas containing yogurt should be given to babies far more frequently than they are. Although we do not unreservedly agree with her on all points, (in fact, she is a proponent of raw milk for babies, whereas we do not see how one can ever be certain it would be free from disease; the risks are too great, so it is safer just to avoid it entirely.)

       17. WHAT SHE SAYS ABOUT THE USE OF YOGURT FOR INFANTS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED countless times by multitudes of studies & examples in many countries: "The enzymes produced by the bacteria in yogurt, or acidophilus, partially digest the protein during the culturing process; the valuable bacteria break milk-sugar into lactic acid, which increases calcium absorption; & gas-forming & disease-producing bacteria cannot thrive in the lactic acid thus formed.

       18. "COMPARED WITH INFANTS GIVEN OTHER TYPES OF FORMULAS, infants given yogurt or acidophilus have far less colic, diarrhoea, constipation, intestinal infections & even fewer infections of the middle ear, throat, & lung (pneumonia). Stools of infants given such formulas are said to be 'remarkably negative', or free from disease-producing bacteria.

       19. "THE BACTERIA SUPPLIED BY YOGURT OR ACIDOPHILUS HINDER THE DEVELOPMENT of almost every variety of disease producing organism, including those which change nitrates into dangerous nitrites (pg.182) & others causing salmonella (bacteria-caused intestinal infection) & dysentery.

       20. "SUCH FORMULAS HAVE BEEN RECOMMENDED FOR HOSPITAL NURSERIES because they save the hospitals the expense of buying antibiotics. These formulas need not be sterilised. In fact, they are especially recommended to retard bacterial growth wherever refrigeration is poor. A principle advantage of such formulas is that:

       21. "YOGURT BACTERIA PRODUCE B VITAMINS & VITAMIN K, which can then pass into the infant's blood. Yogurt or acidophilus formulas are well tolerated by healthy & ill babies alike, but are especially recommended for infection-susceptible premature babies & for infants with colic, enteritis (intestinal infection), diarrhoea, constipation or allergies."

       22. IF, HORROR OF HORRORS, YOU DO USE A COMMERCIAL MILK FORMULA, please read "Let's Have Healthy Children", Chapter 19, for help in fortifying it & rectifying some of its failings.

       23. DETERMINED TO DO MY BEST, I CONTINUED NURSING DURING THOSE FIRST DAYS, knowing it was so important to David, & so Techi could have the advantage of the important colostrum, the first breast secretion which precedes the actual milk.

       24. THROUGH THIS, THE BABY OBTAINS VERY VALUABLE PROTEIN & receives antibodies which result in a kind of inoculation process that gives protection against illnesses & disease, not only as a small baby but some think even extending into adult life. First it was real torture, however, & my breasts did not become better for a long time. Since then I have learned some ways to prevent such misery or to make it easier.

       25. LET THE BABY FEED FREQUENTLY so that her sucking is more gentle. I was worried that she would get a little blood along with her milk, but it was a needless fear, since this does not hurt a baby at all.

       26. EVEN IF THE MOTHER HAS A BREAST INFECTION, SHE CAN CONTINUE TO NURSE, since mother & baby both partake of the same germs. Studies have shown that the baby is not harmed in any way. I learned that, for extremely sore nipples in a case where you can't just grin & bear it,

       27. YOU CAN TAKE THE BABY OFF THE AFFECTED BREAST, OR BOTH IF NECESSARY, BUT CONTINUE TO EXPRESS THE MILK (or colostrum) by hand or pump at every feed, directly into a sterile bottle, & give it to the baby by bottle. If you have more than baby can handle, you can freeze it in an ordinary refrigerator ice-cube compartment for up to two weeks.

       28. THEN WHEN YOU WANT TO USE IT, thaw it by putting the container under warm running water, gradually getting it warmer until thawed. Then set milk in a can of water on the stove to heat to room temperature.

       29. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE EXPRESSING IT, even after following the procedure in "Techi's Story, chapter 9" try thinking of the milk flowing. Sometimes when I would sit down to nurse Techi, the milk wouldn't come & she would begin to cry impatiently. I'd remember what Daddy had advised,

       30. "CONCENTRATE--THINK ABOUT YOUR MILK COMING, & think about the baby & her needs"--& it worked every time. If this method isn't effective for you in hand expression, you may need to massage the breast a little first. Then try again. You can also pour warm water over the breast until the milk lets down, standing over a washbowl.

       31. USE A CREAM PRESCRIBED BY YOUR DOCTOR, or one you know to be effective & safe, for several days until the soreness subsides, & then go back to nursing. Continuing to feed with badly cracked nipples probably will make them even worse & prolong the healing period.

       32. IF THERE IS ANOTHER NURSING MOTHER IN YOUR HOME or one near you who could nurse the baby herself through this difficult period while you continue to express your milk, so the baby could continue at the breast without having to get used to a bottle, this could be a good solution.

       33. IF YOU CAN FIND IN YOUR AREA POWDERED ACACIA, an old tried & proven herbal remedy for sore nipples, amongst other things, do try to obtain it, because it is probably the most effective, most natural & harmless remedy both to you & baby that you could use. Ask for it by its botanical name, Acacia Arabica. Apply a pinch of the powder before or after nursing, or both.

       34. THIS HERB ALSO HAS INTERNAL MEDICAL VALUE for a variety of ailments, providing a nourishing food for weak or inflamed stomachs, aids sleep & is soothing to the nervous system. If this is not available, you might be able to obtain pure lanolin cream, also not harmful to baby & not necessary to remove before nursing. Any vegetable oil may also be used on cracked & sore nipples, but stay away from mineral oil.

       35. IMPROVE YOUR DIET. EATING GOOD FOODS which will help you resist infection & are healing as well. Eat as much liver, wheat germ, yeast & spinach & yogurt as possible. There are many ways to make these food very palatable, & even delicious, so experiment.

       36. YOU CAN EAT LIVER SOUP, wheat germ as a cereal with fruit, yeast, mixed in almost anything, & spinach pureed with yogurt, yogurt with fruit & honey & wheat germ, etc.

       37. IF THE BREASTS THEMSELVES BECOME INFLAMED & PAINFUL following cracks in the nipples, it is usually because the milk ducts are clogged, due to incomplete emptying by the baby, since the mother can't stand to have her at the breast long enough.

       38. OR PERHAPS THEY BECAME INFECTED THROUGH THE CRACKED NIPPLES where the bacteria has gained access to neighbouring milk ducts where they grow & flourish & then infect the tissue of the breast itself unless the breast is properly emptied.

       39. WHATEVER THE CAUSE, it can almost always be remedied by complete expression by hand or pump, but you must try to make sure you completely get all the milk every time. Complete emptying is also the most important thing you can do to keep your milk supply adequate.

       40. IF YOUR BREASTS BECOME INFLAMED & SORE, EVEN THOUGH THE NIPPLES REMAIN HEALTHY, it may be again that the baby is not emptying the breast. Try to find out the cause & remedy it soon, or go to the doctor & ask him if he might know what is wrong. He may know some very simple & natural solution.

       41. YOU SHOULD NOT IGNORE ANY INFECTION, BUT TREAT IT WITH PRAYER & CARE. If you have a serious problem & you don't have the faith for natural healing, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics that may arrest the infection, providing the breast is satisfactorily emptied by manual expression or breast pump.

       42. FOR ADDITIONAL HELP FOR SORE NIPPLES, you can try any or all of the following suggestions (listed in The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding & The Complete Book of Breastfeeding, Bantam Books, Inc., New York):

       43. (a) AVOID ALL IRRITATING (& DRYING) SUBSTANCES. Do not use soap, alcohol, tincture of benzoin, witch hazel or Vaseline on your nipples.

       44. (b) USE ONLY MILD CREAMS such as pure lanolin (or others mentioned in paragraphs 31-34.)

       45. (c) KEEP YOUR NIPPLES DRY. Snip out the plastic linings of your bra, which tend to trap the moisture. (I didn't, & instead wore plastic shields almost continuously at first since I leaked so profusely. As a result, because of the inability of fresh air to reach my breasts to purify & dry,

       46. I FOUND MYSELF WITH A RED ITCHY RASH on both breasts & nipples which lasted for weeks & was extremely difficult to get rid of. Only lots of prayer, coupled with fresh air & sun & no more plastic, cleared it up eventually.

       47. BUT THIS EXPERIENCE MADE ME REALISE that if plastic wasn't good for me, hindering passage of any air, it certainly wasn't good for baby's extremely tender bottom to be completely bound, air-tight, day after day, month after month in a fabricated synthetic material made from gasoline, even whose fumes when burned are poisonous!

       48. SO WE STARTED TAKING THE AIRTIGHT PLASTICS OFF POOR TECHI who also had a rash which was stubbornly persisting. Yes, it took more time washing sheets & blankets, but what does that really matter when it comes to a baby's comfort & health?


       50. (e) WALK AROUND THE HOUSE WITH YOUR NIPPLES UNCOVERED as much as possible.

       51. (f) GET SMALL TEA STRAINERS from the five-&-dime, remove the handle & insert them in your bra to let air circulate around your nipples while you are dressed.


       53. (h) TAKE A GLASS OF WINE or perhaps an occasional aspirin before feedings. But don't overdo it.

       54. (i) USE MANUAL EXPRESSION AT THE BEGINNING OF A FEEDING to start the milk flowing, so your baby won't be sucking vigorously at the breast before the milk lets down.

       55.(J) BE SURE THE BABY IS TAKING THE ENTIRE AREOLA into his mouth, not the nipple alone. Do not let him chew on the nipple. When you want to make him let go, either press down on his chin or insert a clean finger in the side of his mouth to break the suction, then you can remove the nipple easily.

       56. (k) NURSE YOUR BABY JUST AS FREQUENTLY BUT FOR SHORTER PERIODS OF TIME. Your breasts are less likely to overfill & your baby more likely to nurse gently.

       57. (l) LIMIT SUCKING TIME to five minutes on the sore side (or on each side, if both nipples are sore).

       58. (m) GIVE THE BABY A PACIFIER if he seems to need more sucking time.

       59. (n) OFFER THE LESS SORE BREAST FIRST. This will give the milk a chance to let down in time for the sore side, & then baby won't be sucking as hard by the time he gets around to his second course.

       60. (o) CHANGE YOUR POSITION at each feeding. Lie down, sit up, hold the baby in different positions so that the pressure on different parts of the breasts will be equalised.

       61. (p) IF A SCAB FORMS on the nipple during early nursing, leave it alone.

       62. (q) OCCASIONALLY, SORE NIPPLES ARE CAUSED BY THRUSH, a fungus infection manifesting itself in milky white spots inside the mouth. One method that often works is to wash the nipples after every nursing in a solution of one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a glass of sterile water. Dry the nipples & apply a mild cream. Continue to nurse.

       63. ADELLE DAVIS IN LET'S HAVE HEALTHY CHILDREN says that if a nursing mother will daily eat fresh liver, yeast & a supplement of all B-Vitamins, the thrush should clear immediately.

       64. (r) YOU MIGHT TRY TAKING VITAMIN C a couple of days, two to three grams a day in 100 mg doses, which is not at all harmful & is effective in fighting infection.

       65. (s) LET US REMIND YOU, HOWEVER, THAT WE WHO KNOW THE LORD & HIS HEALING POWER, if we fail to pray & be dependent on Him in every respect, then we shouldn't be surprised if all our other "remedies" fail. He undoubtedly wants us to remember that without Him we can do nothing. Our only hope as His Children lies in our faith in Him & our dependence upon Him.

       66. USUALLY, BY A COMBINATION OF SOME OF THE ABOVE METHODS, you should be able to clear up the soreness in a few days & not have any more trouble. In rare cases, however, the condition may continue to worsen until the nipple cracks & bleeds & is absolutely too painful to permit the baby to suck. If this should happen,

       67. (t) TAKE THE BABY OFF THE AFFECTED NIPPLE FOR TWENTY- FOUR TO FORTY-EIGHT HOURS & feed him by bottle. Express your milk by hand (without touching the nipples) or electric pump (which you can sometimes rent) every three hours, or every time you would ordinarily be nursing the baby.

       68. GRADUALLY RESUME NURSING WITH SHORT (FIVE-MINUTE) FEEDINGS on the sore breast, starting twice a day. Continue to express milk at other feeding times, until the breast is well enough to work up to the full nursing schedule.

       69. (u) THE USE OF A NIPPLE SHIELD is sometimes helpful for cracked nipples. The shield consists of a plastic cone attached to a rubber nipple. It fits over the breast, & the baby sucks from the breast nipple, drawing milk from the breast by suction; the baby's mouth does not come into contact with the breast itself.

       70. BE SURE TO FILE THE SHIELD HALFWAY WITH HONEY WATER to avoid the discomfort to your breast that would otherwise be caused by the baby's sucking. The benefits of the shield are limited, however. Even though the mother's nipple is protected somewhat,

       71. BE SURE TO FILL THE SHIELD HALFWAY WITH HONEY WATER to avoid the discomfort to your breast that would otherwise be caused by the baby's sucking. The benefits of the shield are limited, however. Even though the mother's nipple is protected somewhat,

       71. IT DOES NOT GET AS MUCH STIMULATION as it should for the production of adequate amounts of milk. As a temporary measure, though, the nipple-shield is sometimes just enough of an aid to help a mother over a rough time.

       72. ENGORGEMENT (SWOLLEN BREASTS): This painful swelling of the breasts experienced by some women three to five days after childbirth is caused by a combination of the swelling of the tissues, the increased circulation of blood in the breasts, & the pressure of the newly produced milk. The breasts feel hard, tender & tight.

       73. ENGORGEMENT CAN USUALLY BE PREVENTED BY FEEDING THE BABY ON DEMAND from birth & withholding formula & sweetened water from him. If the baby nurses vigorously & frequently from the start, the chance of engorgement is greatly reduced.

       74. IF YOU DO BECOME ENGORGED, the following procedures are helpful:

       75. (a) WEAR A FIRM BRA for support. But be sure it's not too tight. This can aggravate your discomfort & cause other problems.

       76. (b) APPLY ICE PACKS to ease the pain & improve circulation.

       77. (c) APPLY HEAT by a heating pad, a small hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, or a towel soaked in hot water.

       78. (d) OR TAKE A WARM SHOWER OR BATH. (This seems to contradict the ice pack measure, but both extremes of temperature seem to help this condition. Some women find relief in one or the other; some alternate hot & cold treatments.)

       79. (e) EXPRESS THE MILK MANUALLY or pump a little bit before a feeding, to soften the breasts.

       80. (f) TRY A GLASS OF WINE or an aspirin--if you think you must (but only an occasional one & don't make it a habit).

       81. (g) SOME HARMLESS PAIN-RELIEVING HERBS are Scullcap (Scutellaria Laterifolia), Camomile, (Anthemis Nobilis), Valerian (Valeriana Afficinalis) & Hops (Humulus Lupulus) that you may be able to obtain from a pharmacist or herbalist. Ask there for instructions on their use.

       82. CLOGGED DUCT: In this condition, which can occur any time during nursing, one or more of the milk ducts are blocked, & the milk cannot pass through them. You are likely to find a small lump on the breast which is reddened & painful to the touch.

       83. IF NOT TREATED, INFECTION CAN FOLLOW this condition. To treat it, do the following:

       84. (a) BE SURE YOUR BRA IS NOT SO TIGHT that it is pressing on the ducts.

       85. (b) BREASTFEED OFTENER & LONGER, so the baby can help you empty the breast.

       86. (c) CHANGE POSITION with every feeding, so the pressure of his nursing will hit different places on the breast, exerting pressure on different ducts.

       87. (d) HAND-EXPRESS MILK from the affected breast after each feeding, to get out as much milk as possible.

       88. (e) IF DRIED SECRETIONS are covering the nipple openings, wash them off very gently after each nursing with a piece of cotton saturated with sterile water.

       89. (f) OFFER THE SORE BREAST FIRST to the baby, so it will be emptied more completely.

       90. (g) CONTINUE TO NURSE. If you stop suddenly, the breast is likely to get too full, the condition will be aggravated, & infection may be the result.

       91. (THIS SAME PRINCIPLE, BY THE WAY, APPLIES TO WEANING. If the baby after several months of nursing--8, 10, 12, etc.--decides he's now grown up & wants to have bottles & solids, you'll have to express your milk for awhile when you feel the need, until you being to dry up, to avoid such a condition occurring.)

       92. SINCE A CLOGGED DUCT IS SOMETIMES THE FORERUNNER OF AN INFECTION, we hope you'll be prayerful in following the above suggestions. But breast infections do in some cases occur. Symptoms include headache, painful engorgement, with the breast hot & tender to the touch, redness, fever, & a general sick, achey, flu-like feeling.

       93. A BREAST INFECTION IS MOST LIKELY TO OCCUR FROM ONE TO THREE WEEKS AFTER DELIVERY & may be a complication of an untreated clogged duct or the result of a bacterial infection carried from the baby to the mother. Mothers with breast infections used to be told to stop nursing immediately. We have found, however, that

       94. BREAST INFECTIONS CLEAR UP MORE QUICKLY & WITH FEWER COMPLICATIONS when the mother continues to nurse from the affected breast. There is no danger of the baby's becoming ill from nursing at an infected breast; probably harbors the same germs that caused it, in his mouth & nose area, anyway.

       95. IF A BREAST INFECTION (remember: --headaches, fever, sick feeling come with it) is treated within twenty-four hours, it is much more likely to heal without developing an abscess. So if you seem to have the symptoms of breast infection, do the following:

       96. (a) GO TO BED IMMEDIATELY & stay there as much as possible.

       97. (b) APPLY HEAT to the affected breast (heating pad, hot water bottle, or hot wet towel).

       98. (c) OFFER THE SORE BREAST FIRST at each nursing, so it can be emptied more completely.

       99. (d) WEAR A FIRM (BUT NOT TOO TIGHT) BRA for support.

       100. (e) CALL ON YOUR PHYSICIAN (whether it be the Lord or the medical doctor--whichever way your faith runs) right away. He may want to prescribe antibiotics or pain-relievers.

       101. A BREAST ABSCESS IS A LOCALISED COMPLICATION of a general infection, in which pus accumulates in one spot. Antibiotics may heal it, or it may require surgical opening & drainage. If surgery is needed, it can often be done in the doctor's office.

       102. HEALING IS FAIRLY QUICK. While the breast is healing, nurse the baby on the other side, & express or pump milk on the affected side. Throw away this milk. After the abscess is healed, you can resume nursing from that breast.

       103. FOR YOU MEN OR CHILDLESS WOMEN or even for those of you mothers who have nursed without problems, it may seem unnecessary to spend so much time & detail on this subject. And therefore, you may be surprised to know that we receive letters like the following from Family members:

       104. "WHEN MY BABY WAS 5 1/2 MONTHS OLD, I was only feeding him one small (but healthy) meal (of solids) a day, besides the breastmilk, & I found people almost rebuking me because of it! Some quoted the "Health R" about stuffing the babies with milk; others referred to the Davidito Letters, because he was eating solids at two months, but

       105. "IN BOTH THESE CASES THE BABIES WEREN'T BEING BREASTFED, which none of these young mothers realised at the time. I've been hoping the Techi Letters would talk more about breastfeeding, as it is so so important for our little babies, physically, psychologically, etc. Within a month I had met six mothers here with babies under 3 1/2 months old, &

       106. "ONLY ONE OF THEM WAS STILL BREASTFEEDING, & she only two times a day! Each one had lost their milk for various reasons. Some went FFing & singing continually, one was over-worked & rundown, & some said their milk went "runny" or "funny" & the baby didn't want it anymore! Some of the mothers regretted losing their milk, others were relieved.

       107. "FEW REALISED THE VITAL IMPORTANCE OF BREASTFEEDING, or had read up on the subject in books you have recommended we read. It just broke my heart to see these poor little babies miss out in this way. Many mothers are then shocked to discover they'll have another baby before their first one is barely one year old, but God's natural ways allow a little time-space between children, making things a lot easier on both mother & child."

       108. THIS IS TRUE IN SOME CASES. If you are nursing you may or may not have a longer rest break from periods & pregnancy than a woman who is not nursing. It all depends on what the Lord knows is best for you as an individual & for your particular system, when your period will return, although in general, nursing mothers do go longer without menstruating & therefore becoming pregnant, but usually only a few months more.

       109. ONE MEDICAL DOCTOR, author of a book on pregnancy, Nine Months' Reading says--(& his statement agrees pretty much with most others):

       110. "NURSING MOTHERS MAY NOT HAVE ANY PERIODS at all as long as they continue to nurse. There are many exceptions though; it is not unusual for the first period to occur about four months after delivery." (Mine did--almost exactly.) "It has long been thought that it is impossible to become pregnant again while nursing. Lactation does, indeed, provide protection against pregnancy which is fairly reliable, but not completely so. In other words,

       111. DON'T COUNT ON IT. It is also widely believed that a pregnancy which develops during the nursing process will be adversely affected. Not so."

       112. "A LOT OF MOTHERS INTRODUCE SOLIDS WAY BEFORE NECESSARY. I probably did myself. I mean, it's such a temptation; the baby is fussy at the breast, & it's so much easier for him to eat from a spoon or bottle, but it's been proven true:

       113. INTRODUCING SOLIDS EARLY IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF BREASTFEEDING." So that is one aspect I think needs more emphasis in the Family.

       114. SO WE HOPE THAT THIS TECHI LETTER WILL HELP MANY to avoid serious problems & will help them over a very rough time & make it possible for them to continue nursing successfully, satisfied & fulfilled in the knowledge that they as a mother are paving a better road for their child & themselves through God's natural & rewarding way.

       115. DURING THOSE FIRST TWO OR THREE DAYS WHILE IN THE HOSPITAL, whenever Techi cried, it was not because she was hungry, but mostly because she needed security & comfort, & sucking at the breasts supplies this for small babies.

       116. BUT, SINCE MINE WERE SO SORE, I EVEN HESITATED TO HOLD HER, because when I did she always seemed to automatically reach for my breasts & I couldn't bear to disappoint the poor little thing.

       117. WE TRIED A PACIFIER, otherwise called a "dummy" or "chupa", but she never showed the least interest in it. And by no means did we want to cover it with honey to entice her to take it.

       118. THIS BECOMES A HABIT & A BAD ONE for new little teeth, besides making baby's first food a sweet one & more readily desired in preference to others. So we had one thing left to try:

       119. WE FOUND THAT TECHI WAS NO RESPECTOR OF BREASTS & would suck as well on Sara's & Sue's as she did at mine. It was such a blessing to have the other girls there to help when my breasts were too sore to nurse, & the nurses covered their shock surprisingly well when they would come into our room & wonder if they had made a mistake about who the mother really was!

       120. BEFORE PUTTING HER TO OUR BREAST, each of us was always every careful to wash our breasts with soap & water & dry with a clean paper towel or to use the breast-care towelettes we were given by the doctor.

       121. BY THE TIME SHE'D GONE THROUGH THREE SETS OF BREASTS in the hospital, we were very happy to be able to take her home to Dora where we could get more help.

       122. SARA WAS SORE FOR SEVERAL DAYS & Sue almost as bad, but with Dora taking her turn, too, & then the beginning of the supplemental bottled yogurt formula, all breasts concerned had a chance to rest & heal, except Mommy's, whose nipples stayed terrifically sore for about ten days, after which they began to toughen & heal.

       123. I WOULD HAVE GIVEN UP ENTIRELY except for the knowledge that with just a little extra work & determination on my part, I could be a faithful steward over the little life God had given me to care for. If I did it His way, I could claim His special blessings for Techi--and I had Daddy's continued encouragement that soon it wouldn't be so difficult. "Everything takes about two weeks to heal", he said.

       124. HE CONSTANTLY SO PROUDLY EXPRESSED HIS ADMIRATION FOR ME whenever I'd nurse, with "You're such a good mother, Honey!"--so how could I fail him?

       125. I THINK HE WAS THE PROUDEST, MOST LOVING DADDY I'd ever seen, so concerned & caring for both Mommy & baby, never ceasing to marvel at & thank the Lord for the miracle He had created!

       126. DADDY HAD A HARD TIME PULLING HIMSELF AWAY FROM HER & getting back to his work. He liked to spend every minute with her that he could. He had fun trying out our new Polaroid camera & exclaiming over the cute lil' pictures of her & me nursing.--It was worth it all! Breastfeed your baby!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family