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Latest revision as of 08:15, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

LATEST NEWS FLASHES! No.2--From M&M Personally       DO 968       14/2/81

       1. WORLD NEWS!: THE WORLD NEWS ITEMS FOUND IN THE FAMILY NEWS are not expected to be the latest news which you yourself can read in any newspaper. They are chosen by Dad himself from those which we think will be of special interest to our Family, which have particular significance for our Family, & which may affect us.

       2. WE SHY AWAY FROM THE LATEST NEWS HEADLINES WHICH CHANGE FROM DAY TO DAY which we couldn't possibly get to you fast enough & you can read in your own local paper. We try to emphasize items which will be of lasting interest & influence on the Family, such as health, children, economics, laws, taxes, & world events which are changing the course of history & fulfilling Bible prophecy, signs of the End!

       3. IF YOU WANT TO READ THE LATEST PASSING NEWS, READ YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. If you want to read the most important news with the most likely lasting effect on you & your family & the future, read the World News in our Family News selected & edited personally by Dad. Of course we also include a few humorous items & personalities in the news of particular interest to the Family, such as religious news & people we know.

       4. MOST OF THE ITEMS WE CHOOSE ARE OF PERMANENT BACKGROUND INTEREST OF LASTING EFFECT & not changing from day-to-day, but changing the future. So if you want to read about the past, read your local daily newspaper. If you want to read about the future, read FN's World News!

       5. MUCH OF IT IS OF IMPORTANT STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR THE PERMANENT RECORD. I mark a lot of things in the paper that I think we should save for future reference, such as the cost of living in various countries, the rise & the fall of the dollar & gold & so on--all valuable historical records & indicators of the future, documentary evidence of the truth of the Letters--the news that proves Truth!--That's the real World News that really counts!--If you don't like it, don't read it!

       * * *

       6. MAGS & DATES!: FROM NOW ON WE ARE TRYING TO SEE THAT YOUR MAGAZINES ARE MAILED OUT TWICE MONTHLY if possible, as near the First & 15th of each Month as we can, regardless of size or content. We have given our printing office orders to try to meet these twice monthly mailing dates with whatever they have on hand that is ready to print, whether it is all FNs, Komix, World News, MO, or whatnot, as fast as it's ready to go, so that you will get it as quickly as possible, regardless of what it is.

       7. HOWEVER, IT IS AMAZING TO US THAT THE AVERAGE MAGAZINE IS USUALLY ABOUT 1/3 TO 1/2 MO LETTERS, as the Lord keeps dishing it out & we serve it to you! We're cooking it & serving it as fast as we can, although the Lord continually produces it faster than we could ever possibly prepare it for you, just as He promised: That He would "pour out such a blessing that there would not be room enough to hold it."--Malachi 3:10 & "Birthday Warning."

       8. THIS IS TRUE OF EVERY SINGLE MAGAZINE: THERE NEVER SEEMS TO BE ENOUGH ROOM FOR EVERYTHING that we want to put in it! God's Reservoir is enormous, but our pipes are too small, so the pressure on them is almost too great, tho' we've got the tap turned on full blast & we're flooding it to you as fast as we can. I guess it will take all eternity for the Lord to teach you all he wants you to know.

       9. RIGHT NOW HE IS TRYING TO GIVE YOU ALL HE CAN to help you in the present & to prepare you for the immediate future, so we just can't get everything in the Magazine that we'd like to. If you want any more, you'll have to get it yourself personally straight from the Lord Himself, & you're welcome to do so.--That's the way I get it. And if you can get it that way, more power to you! And if you can serve it to the Family faster & better than we do, let them pay their tithes to you, & we can take a vacation!

       10. MEANWHILE, SINCE WE HAVEN'T FOUND A BETTER CHANNEL, we're very happy to hang on to the one we've got, & hope it will continue to serve you as long as you need it. So from now on you're going to get it faster than ever twice a month, God willing, along with a LIN once a month for use with your contacts & friends & relatives, & a Kidz once a month for use with everybody including you! I enjoy them myself.--At least that's one Magazine I can understand. Either a Kidz or a LIN will be mailed to you with each Magazine, God willing, so you'll get one of each of these each month if possible.

       11. DUE TO THE LIMITATIONS OF MAN & THE PRINTING PRESSES, & our desire to get you all the materials you need for yourselves & your ministry, you may receive a book or a calendar or some tapes occasionally in place of one of your monthly Magazines, as it may be impossible to mail you both of them at the same time.

       12. YOU MAY ALSO BE RECEIVING THESE HEAVIER OR WEIGHTIER VOLUMES such as MO Books, 7- or 800-page Komic Books, Childcare Books & so on via Surface Mail rather than Air Mail, which is very costly for these heavier items that are not as urgent for you to receive as rapidly as the Magazines.

       13. ALL MAGAZINES ARE SENT TO YOU AIRMAIL WORLD WIDE AT A TREMENDOUS EXPENSE, but we feel it is important that you receive their news & information as quickly as possible. So as long as you continue to do your share by tithing faithfully, we trust we'll be able to continue this Airmail service of 2 Magazines a month, God willing.--Plus all the other items that we're sending you.

       14. THESE ARE ALL COMPLETELY FREE OF ANY CHARGE WHATSOEVER TO EVERY FAITHFULLY TITHING HOME--Magazines, Books, Tapes, Colour Calendars & everything, God willing--as far as He can stretch your tithe, & He is really stretching them! We are amazed at the volume He & you have enabled us to produce for both you & the rest of the world! Besides all the Magazines & Books & other things that we are preparing.

       15. MWM HAS NOW MADE NEARLY 30 FULL HALF-HOUR SHOWS, all of which you will receive eventually for booking on radio stations, ministering to others & your own personal enjoyment, as well as some special tapes such as the Christmas Tapes, the Children's Tapes, the Love Music Tapes, Skits, Video Tapes & so on, God willing--all free as you faithfully tithe to His worldwide missionary work.

       16. MWM IS ALREADY ON ABOUT 100 STATIONS WORLDWIDE with hundreds more to come, particularly with the beginning of a new Spanish MWM SHOW for circulation throughout the Spanish-speaking world & Family!--And there are French & Italian Shows also now in preparation which we hope to send you samples of soon, if you keep tithing & supporting His Work as faithfully as you have been of late.

       17. OUR WORK & MINISTRY ARE BOOMING GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE & there seems to be no end of what the Lord can do thru' you if you continue to faithfully serve him. "They Can't Stop Our Rain!" & we're going to "go into all the world & preach the Gospel to every creature" yet!--We already have to most of it, with now more Homes & more Family in more countries than ever before, preaching more Gospel to more people & winning more souls than ever before! Hallelujah!

       18. SO KEEP ON KEEPING ON, & KEEP THEM ROLLING! Praise the Lord! There is no stopping us now!--No way!--In spite of a new international kidnapping, imprisoning, deprogramming, criminal torture ring backed by the old FreeCOG enemies around the world! So watch out for them wherever you are!

       19. THE DEVIL'S FORCES ARE EVERYWHERE, TOO, & are on the constant lookout for you! So you be on the lookout for them & avoid them the best you can. But don't be afraid of them, for "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Hallelujah!

       20. YOU FOLKS IN THE U.S. HAD ESPECIALLY BETTER WATCH OUT because they're particularly strong there & getting laws passed to permit their criminal activities & legalize their crimes against all of God's children in many different sects. The present new administration is claiming that it now has the power under the "Emergency Powers Act" of 1977 to prevent all Americans from leaving the United States or taking their money with them or even to travel abroad (if they can catch them!).

       21. SO YOUR LAST DAYS OF FREEDOM TO ESCAPE THE U.S. TRAP & CONTINUE TO BURN FREE ABROAD ARE NUMBERED!--Are you using them wisely to prepare & to leave the hardened burned-out fields of the rich North for the hungry fertile harvest of the poor South? Don't delay! Do it today! Tomorrow may be too late!

       * * *

       22. VIDEOS!: DON'T BUY VIDEO EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU'VE READ THE NEXT VIDEO EDITION OF THE MAGAZINE telling you all you need to know about videos & what to get & what not to get, or you may find yourself in a mess with the wrong equipment that will soon be obsolete & totally incompatible with our Family videos which are strictly of the VHS-PAL system, the best & most widely used throughout the world, & sure to make most others obsolete.

       23. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A VHS-PAL SYSTEM YOU CANNOT PLAY THE FAMILY VIDEOS NOR MAKE VIDEOS FOR THE FAMILY! If you already have the wrong kind of video equipment, maybe you could sell it or swap it for PAL-VHS somewhere. But don't do it until you get the next Mag. You can easily find cheap Pal equipment of course in the countries where Pal television is in control, such as most of Europe, North Africa, South Africa, China, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Argentina & Central South America.

       24. OF COURSE, IN AREAS WHERE THE TV SYSTEMS ARE MIXED, YOU MAY BE ABLE TO OBTAIN EITHER OR BOTH, OR A COMBINATION OF ALL THREE: PAL, SECAM & the worst, NTSC which controls all North America & the Eastern & Northern parts of South America--but who wants it? Get only VHS-PAL systems for Family use, or you'll be sorry! Remember we warned you! You're going to miss a lot if you miss these Family videos, & we'll miss a lot if we miss yours! So please let's get it together with VHS-PAL only!

       25. IF YOU ALONE HAVEN'T GOT THE FAITH FOR IT, TRY TO GET SEVERAL HOMES IN YOUR AREA TO PITCH IN TOGETHER & SHARE THE COSTS & THE VIEWING; or ask your rich relatives to help finance it so they can enjoy your videos, too. Or if any of you would like to contribute to the Family video Fund to help with the purchase of equipment & the production of videos for Family use, please send your extra gifts in care of World Services, Family Video Fund, Pf. 241, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland.

       26. WE ARE ALREADY ENCOURAGING ALL WORLD SERVICE UNITS OR UNIT AREAS TO OBTAIN VIDEOS if possible & share our fellowship via video, & we hope to make these videos available soon to all Family Homes who have VHS-PAL equipment to play them on a circulating library plan at no extra cost to you other than your tithe & the forwarding or return postage.

       27. ALSO, IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW, HAS PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC TELEVISION OR MOTION PICTURE EXPERIENCE, in audio, lighting, camera work, scenic art, directing & so on, who can help us produce the MWM Video Shows for both Family, television & the world, please let us know. Send your photo, personal testimony & describe your experience & qualifications in these fields to MWM, Video Department, CPO 220, Athens, Greece.

       * * *

       28. HEMS & STREAMS!: A COMBINATION VOLUME OF BOTH OF GRANDMOTHER'S WORLD FAMOUS BOOKS ON FAITH & HEALING will soon be printed, God willing, in larger type & handier form for Family use & ministry to others in response to the many requests for these Books. We hope to be able to send it to you free as a special Easter Gift sometime in April, God willing.

       29. SO HANG ON & PRAY FOR THE PRINTERS & the world situation so we can hope to get it to you before the War begins when you may need it! The Astrologers say something big is going to happen about Reagan & the U.S. in the month of May, & we wouldn't be surprised if he manages to get the U.S. into the War by that time at the rate he & Haig are going hog-wild & hell-bent for self-destruction in their attacks on Russia!--Are you ready?

       * * *

       30. NUDITY!: IF YOU LIMS & LIT-PICS think the local authorities might feel that some of our photos or even written material may be a bit strong or offensive to the local yokels in your reprints, don't use them! You're free to either change the picture or substitute a different one & even censor the text if necessary to avoid any unnecessary trouble in your local language areas.

       31. IN SOME AREAS ALMOST ANY KIND OF EVEN THE MILDEST BARENESS OR SEXUAL REFERENCES ARE CONSIDERED OFFENSIVE, PORNOGRAPHIC & OBSCENE & are literally outlawed legally! So watch out! Be sure to know your local laws as to how much can be shown or said. For example, in some areas anything goes--even on the front covers of Magazines! In others, any kind of nudity, top or bottom, is banned, & all sexual references considered evil & obscene! Whereas in other areas, there is a moderate amount of censorship, such as Spain where any nudity on Magazine covers is forbidden but topless nudity permitted inside, but all pubic exposure banned, inside or out!

       32. WE HAVE TRIED TO STRIKE A HAPPY MEDIUM IN OUR PUBLICATIONS SO AS NOT TO BE OFFENSIVE IF POSSIBLE. So we are no longer exposing pubic areas, & are even drawing bras on some bosoms, which is very easy to do if you have a nice black pen or felt tip, or you can put hearts or stars over the nipples or where the Gates of Heaven are! If you have any complaints or suggestions, you can use a little do-it-yourself censorship of our photos & text to suit your particular area & local tastes.

       33. FRANKLY, WE'VE ALREADY DONE THIS WITH MOST OF OUR MATERIAL in both Letters & Magazines as well as Books, so we really think that this should rarely be necessary except in the most extreme cases. Please don't cover up all that beauty of God's creation unless you have to.

       34. WE DON'T KNOW WHY THE SYSTEM SEEMS TO THINK THAT ALL SEX & NUDITY ARE EVIL, BUT THE DEVIL REALLY HATES SEX, as he knows it's one of God's most effective weapons & most life-creating activity which the Devil would like to destroy or use for his own purposes. The Devil, the System & the church want a monopoly on sex to license it strictly for their own use at high costs, when God created it to be enjoyed free by all!

       35. INCIDENTALLY, YOU LOVELY LOVELIES WHO SEND ME NUDIE CUTIES, I really love them & you & appreciate you both, & you're really an inspiration & a blessing & inspire me to new heights of ecstasy over your beauty & sweetness & prayer reminders! But please, if you must wear anything, wear lovely lace scanty panties of some curvaceous colour & not those dirty white scanty panties you wear on your period! I'd rather see the naked nitty gritty in all its awful truth than those ugly dirty white baggy-pants! (By the way, girls, why don't you give a haircut frequently to keep it trim!)

       36. A SCANTY-PANTY OF THE TONGA 3-INCH TRIANGLE, G-STRING TYPE or the briefest possible bikini are best to show off your lovely curves & God's beautiful creations to best advantage.--And please make the pose artistic & as beautiful & natural as you can--"just doin' what comes naturally," like the old song sings!

       37. NOW PLEASE DON'T LET ME SCARE YOU OUT OF SENDING ME MORE PHOTOS, because I'd rather have you in your dirty white baggy pants than not at all! I take them & color them in myself anyway when they come--or leave them off entirely! You're beautiful, just you, all you! So thanks for your loving, lovely, lovelies that I love! God bless you!

       * * *

       38. FOOD STAMPS!: FOOD STAMPS GIVEN BY GOVERNMENTS TO NEEDY FAMILIES of low, below-the-minimum income [EDITED: "who legally qualify"] can be very helpful to some of our Homes of limited income, as well as Welfare-help to large families with many children, or unmarried mothers without supporting mates. These do not obligate you to serve the System like the grants & salaries mentioned in "Caesar's Pound of Flesh" which make you System slaves which must kowtow to the System's slightest whim & compromise your conscience beyond limits of conviction.

       39. FOOD STAMPS & OTHER WELFARE PAYMENTS ARE A MINIMUM OF ASSISTANCE WHICH YOUR SYSTEM OWES YOU as a needy family [EDITED: "if you legally qualify"], & is not costing it very much at that, & nothing compared to what it wastes on War & other horrible extravagances! So "Use It!" (See No.27.) [EDITED: "If you legally qualify"] [DELETED] you can & use it for God's glory, if it doesn't compromise your testimony or restrict your witnessing or litnessing or hinder your ministry in any way, or obligate you to accept the Mark of the Beast & force you to do things only his way against the will of God! So "Use It!" (Read Letters No.27, 330C, 771:20.)

       40. MUSICIANS!: WE HAVE GIFTS AWAITING YOU!: Nahum Nail, composer of "Men of Faith"; Amminadab (Sam Halbert), composer of "Sing a Song of Happiness"; Samson Drummer, Brannon, performer of "Noah"; a Tillicum band member (name unknown), composer of "Noah"; Cana Bird (Francis Edwards), composer of "The Lamb"; Gideon Sol, composer of "The Room." Please, if you read this or if you know of the whereabouts or the address of any of these, send us their addresses so that we can mail them these Gifts. Mail names & addresses to: MWM, Musicians Fund, CPO 220, Athens, Greece.

       * * *

       41. APPOINTMENTS!: KEEPING YOUR WORD & FULFILLING VOWS TO BE IN A CERTAIN PLACE AT A CERTAIN TIME, such as medical or dental appointments with the System, is a part of your good witness & a testimony of "honesty with them that are without" (1Thess.4:12) that you keep your word, tell the truth & are not a liar & have enough of the Love of God to be concerned about their valuable time & not failing to be there when you're supposed to be & wasting the time someone else could have taken or the Doctor could have used more beneficially than sitting there waiting for you never to show up!

       42. ONLY MAKE APPOINTMENTS THAT YOU'RE SURE TO BE ABLE TO KEEP! But if for any emergency reason you find you can't, be sure to phone ahead as soon as you know this to endeavor to cancel your appointment so the Doctor can give your time to someone else. Also, always phone ahead either on the day of your appointment or the day before to confirm it with the Doctor or his aide & to make sure that he is still there & expecting you & hasn't been called away on some emergency himself, or you may find that you're the one that's disappointed, especially if he doesn't have your phone number! Please, "Do unto others what you'd have them do unto you," as Jesus said, The Golden Rule of God's Only Law of Love! (Mt.7:12.)

       * * *

       43. LIM/LIT-PIC KOMIX!: All LIMs, LIT-PICs & other local language translators, please send direct to us an entire list of all of your translated GP Komix. Please type your list using English titles & send it today. We are working on preparing a Komix Mag which will include Komix in all major languages, God willing, useful for witnessing in multilingual areas: If you don't know their lingo, just open it up to their Komix & let'm read it!

       * * *

       44. KOMIX VOLUME I: ARTISTS! LAST CALL! A few of your Volume I Komix have not yet come in, but if you send them immediately, no later than this week, we may still be able to squeeze them in where they belong in Volume I as a lasting Family memorial to your inimitable art which they will cherish till Jesus comes & make a blessing to millions! Don't fail the Lord, the Family & the whole World!

       45. GET YOUR KOMIC IN THIS WEEK & you'll receive your special artist gift soon. Don't delay! Sketch today! Tomorrow may be too late!--And it will be forever lost to posterity! (Hope you're also working on your Volume 2 assignments due soon!) GBAKY busy for Jesus! If any others of you are also artists who have not yet received assignments, please let us know & we'll be happy to send you some!

       * * *

       46. FAMILY CARE KOMIX & FLANNELGRAPH MAGS!: Extra copies of FC Komix Mags Vols. 1 & 2 as well as the Flannelgraph Mag are still available! Send for yours today! Please see order form on page 62.

       * * *

       47. PRAISE & PRAYER!: THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR EFFECTIVE FERVENT PRAYERS FOR DAD'S STOMACH & SLEEP! Since stopping nearly all wine, coffee & so on, & starting nightly doses of catnip tea & papaya extract mixed with a lot of prayer, he has had no more severe indigestion & is sleeping much better!

       48. HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF A PERSISTENT COUGH, due to a throat deformity he has had for years & which seems to have run in his family, his sleep is often disturbed by sudden bouts of coughing during the night which we know is just another attack of the Enemy to try to afflict him in his sleep, so please pray the Lord will heal him of this infirmity.

       49. THIS COUGH HAS GOTTEN INCREASINGLY WORSE since the Lord has healed him of his indigestion, & which we're sure is another attack of the Enemy, so please pray that the Lord will deliver him of this affliction. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!" (Ps.34:19.) "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities & healeth all thy diseases!" (Ps.103:3.) "And by His stripes we are healed." (Isa.53:5.)--Love, Maria.

       * * *

       50. ANOTHER SPECIAL REQUEST FROM US IS THAT YOU PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR VARIOUS WORLD SERVICE UNITS including ourselves who must make major moves soon to other new areas out of the coming war zones. Moving these major World Service Units with all their important personnel & vital equipment, files & so on is a monumental task which will require miracles of the Lord's strength, wisdom, protection, & provision!

       51. SO PLEASE PRAY FOR US AS WE MOVE out of these war zones into safer refuges where we may continue to serve you, our Family, as long as possible. And please pray that the Lord will lead each of us to the best destinations for us all, as we are praying the same for you. Lord bless & keep us all in the centre of His will where we can be to most use of Him & each other & the world till Jesus comes!--In Jesus' name, amen.--Thanks! Praise the Lord! We love you! Tks. also for all your precious cards, gifts, photos, & special Birthday greetings! You're wonderful! Bye for now! Keep'm Rollin'!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family