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[[Category:HomeARC ML 1201-1400]]

Latest revision as of 18:14, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

LATEST NEWS FLASHES FOR BOTM NO.1       DO 1204A       5/82

--RU on it? Some NVCs are already in circulation!--Is yours?--If not, write your NAS, VS or nearest IVL--P.R., Zurich or H.K.--Don't miss the boat!--It's a World Tour! GBY!

MARCH 1982

Dear Family,

              GBY! WLY SO MUCH & have just been thrilled to see your labours of love around the world via video! The videos from the pioneer fields in particular have been so inspiring & encouraging to Dad. While watching the video of one pioneer Lit-Pic recently he commented, "Isn't the Lord wonderful?--Look what He can do! Look at that light, look at that fire! Just to see one team like that makes it worth it all!" PTL!

              SO TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR THRILLING VIDEOS GET THE WIDEST POSSIBLE VIEWING, Dad has proposed the World Video Circuit--the WVC! He has suggested that as each new video is produced, the first step would be to circulate it thoroughly within its country of origin by the NAS, with the video ending up in the NVL (National Video Library) when all have seen it.

              THEN WHEN THE NVL HAS FINISHED A BATCH OF VIDEOS they should be sent to the next nearby NVL of that hemisphere, whether Eastern Hemisphere or Western Hemisphere. And the videos would continue circulating in that hemisphere from NVL to NVL until all there had been given a chance to see them, at which time they could be sent to the next hemisphere to make the circuit of the NVLs there! This would make it possible for each video to be circulated thoroughly in its own area first before being sent on to other areas.

              SO EACH HEMISPHERE NEEDS TO WORK OUT A CIRCUIT OF NVLs for the fastest, shortest, most economical & travelled routes by anyone going that way. Dad suggested that videos going from East to West might best be sent along the following route:
       Hong Kong--> Taiwan--> Japan--> Philippines--> Australia (Family videos only)--> Indonesia--> Singapore--> Malaysia--> Thailand--> India--> Europe--> Caribbean--> So. America--& stored in L.A. when finished the WVC.

Then perhaps the West could send theirs around
       South America--> Caribbean--> Europe--> India--> S.E.A.--> Indonesia--> Australia--> Philippine--> Hong Kong--> Taiwan--> Japan--> & back to the IVL for storage.

What do you think? These are only suggestions of course, but we do need to work out the route that gets the videos around the fastest to the mostest!

              BEGINNING WITH YOU NEXT HOME UNIT OR NVL VIDEO REPORT, please specify your Family videos as Eastern Hemisphere (Asia & the Pacific) or Western Hemisphere (North & South America & Europe). This will help us to see that each gets around to its respective area first! Thanks!

              IF YOU'RE MISSING THESE PRICELESS FAMILY VIDEOS, YOU'RE REALLY MISSING SOMETHING! Organise your NVL today & join the WVC! And please remember to send us your video report each month with your TRF report so that we can continue to provide you & others with these Heavenly videos! You're gonna jump for joy when you see them! PTL!

              THE DM FOR SEPT. 16 SAYS, "IT'S GOD'S LAST CHANCE TO SHOW HIS LOVE TO THE WORLD, SO HE'S REALLY SPREADING IT ON!--'For I shall do a new thing, for I shall give such love that it shall explode throughout all nations & disrupt all kingdoms, and I shall give such great love that it shall overthrow the kingdoms of this Earth!'" Keep going & glowing for Him! WLY! & sure do love to see you via video!

       --Amen! GBY!--Get your PAL-VHS now!--WLY!
Much love in Jesus,
       World Video Secretary


       How do you do it? We would like to receive inspiring 'how to' testimonies from those of you on the field who have or have had, GOOD DROP-IN JOBS, so that we can share them with the rest of the Family in the soon-coming DFO Reference Book.

       How did you get your job? What qualifications are necessary? What are working conditions like? How do you witness while 'on the job'? Does it help with getting a visa? How much of your support does it provide? Are you happy with it? etc.

       Can you share what you have learned, the 'do's and don'ts' with the rest of the Family, so that they can benefit from your experience? We especially would appreciate articles that are concise, to the point, (space is limited, so 'nothing but the facts' please!) and which cover every aspect of 'how' you do it; anything that would be of interest to others considering the same type of job.

       If possible, send in your article typed, ready for printing, using a page format of 13.5cm x 19.5cm or dimension of equal proportion.

       So 'don't delay,--write today!'--as time is short! We need to hear from you as soon as possible, at the following address:

       POSTFACH 241
       8021 ZURICH

       with 'Attention: James' on the inside envelope.
       Thank you for all your help! We know that God will bless you for 'sharing the know' with the rest of the Family!


              GBY! WLAPFY!

       1) In the proposed Family Reference Book (DFO) we would like to include translations of the following texts in as many major languages as possible. Could you help by having your top translators translate them into your language and send them to the address below as soon as possible? Thanks so much! Please try to send them 'print ready', ready for photo work.


       a). The texts of the 3 Christmas cards that appeared in Mag. 43
       b). The following ML Quotes on Salvation:

       "Jesus is the Light of the World! Only in Him is there Light!" (ML #3:12).

       "God is Love, and it's impossible for Him to fail!" (ML #151:54).

       "God's Creation is the greatest proof of His Existence!" (ML #204:10).

       "You can never be too bad for Jesus!" (ML #312:10).

       "When you open the door to Jesus, He always comes in!--Always!" (DM 354).

       c). The following Bible verses:
       Romans 3:23
       Ephesians 2:8,9
       John 3:16
       John 1:12
       Revelations 3:20
       Romans 10:9,10
       John 3:36

       d). The following prayer:
       "Dear Lord, please forgive me for my selfish life. Thank You so much for sending Jesus, Your Son, to take my punishment       for me. I now receive Him as my Saviour and Your Son, and ask Him to come into my heart and help me to be good and love You and others by Your Spirit. Help me to read Your Word, obey it and do my best to help others. In Jesus' name, Amen." ML #172:16,18.

       2) Along with these translations, could you also send a list of all GP lit that is available in your language, so that we can include the list in the DFO book

       POSTFACH 241
       8021 ZURICH
       Note: On the inside envelope, please mark, 'Attention JAMES'.

       Thank you all so much for your help and cooperation in this, as we work together to give out the Words of Life in as many ways and languages as possible! We love, need and pray for you!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family