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Latest revision as of 22:20, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

MORE TEENAGE SECRETS!--My Diary for 1934!        Begun when I was 14!--A Christmas gift from my Mother.        DO1715
Dedication by my Mother: To my David--my joy and comfort!--Dec. 25, 1933.

       Jan.1 Mon: New Year's Day at the Kogers.--The Laundry Affair! Well, hello, New Year! And, hello, New Friend Diary! God help me to keep you both without a blot! Awoke, arose, & dressed at 8:15. A beautiful, bright New Year's Morning! Ate a breakfast of oatmeal, as usual. Swept my room. Wrote this. Rode to Mrs. Bragg's with my laundry. She is to do my laundry while the folks are gone--Mother's had it all arranged. While out that way I went over to "the house". (Still on Dan's bike). Found that the man hadn't come for my 1-1/2 wk. old laundry there. Got the 50 cents for that purpose (to pay the man for the laundry) which Mother had left with Hartley, & took the laundry & got 50 cents over to Mrs. Bragg. So it all worked out O.K. after all. Came home. Practised on my sax. Read. Supper. Went to bed about 9:00. Rather cool, these evenings.

       Jan. 2 Tue: I settle down to school routine, while living at Kogers, after a week's vacation. Awoke when alarm went off at 6:00; arose, dressed, made bed (boy, that's a job, too! It is a day-bed & doesn't work correctly. It's a mess.), ate a breakfast of oatmeal. Mary, the Koger daughter married to Paul, helped me & fixed my lunch sandwiches, for she gets up to fix Paul's breakfast & lunch--he goes to work early. Studied until time to go. Left for school at about 7:45. Got to school pretty early on that account. I guess Doc. Koger goes that early so that he may get down to the Court House about 8:15. Grace did not go with us this morning because she did not feel well. Got settled down into the old routine again today. Arranged with the Doc. that I would wait at the school until 3:30 so that in case he was or is out, that way he can come by & take me home--otherwise I would go on the streetcar. He came after me this afternoon. Had to go with him on several calls before I got home about 5:00. Played on sax till supper time. Went to store for "Radio Programs" but couldn't get one. Listened to radio in bed until went to sleep about 9:30.

       Jan.3 Wed: Another day of school--Watch--President's Poem.-- Awoke, arose & dressed to 7:00. Had hard time awakening & arising this morning. Don't know why I was so sleepy. Ate breakfast already prepared for me by Mary. Gee, it's certainly swell of her. She also made my lunch for me. Studied till time to go. Doc. Koger left even earlier this morning than yesterday. Got to school about 7:50--25 min. before 1st bell. Spent extra time learning a poem for "History" which gives all the "Presidents". Pretty neat. We have to learn the presidents, you see, so I chose this easy way.--Had nice day at school today. Doc. Koger came by for me again today (that's 14 cents saved). On his calls before taking me home he stopped by Mr. Kinzer's (I guess that's the way it's spelled) Jewelry shop & got my watch. He had fixed it for nothing. Nice man, Mr. Kinzer. Arrived home at 5:00. Wrote this & finished yesterday's. Watch seems to be working O.K. He said he just fixed the stem & that I would probably have to send it back to the factory to be completely repaired.-- But it's running now better than it ever did! Started a letter to the folks in Pittsburgh, Pa. Ate supper. Finished letter at 9:30 & went to bed.

       Jan.4 Thurs: School--History Theme--Malteser--The Folks away. Awoke at the sound of my alarm at 6:30. Arose & dressed & ate breakfast. Studied till time to go. Doc. Koger put his letter in with mine & sent it today. Didn't get to school so very, very early this morning. Took me 3 solid hours to write a theme for "history" today. Pretty swell one, too. Waited at school until 3:30 as usual today, but today the Doc. didn't come. Was waiting for the street car on 7th ave. when he happened to pass by & see me. Boy! Is that luck?! Eh, what! He brought me home right away. Arrived home at 4:30. Wrote this. Walked over to store & bought a candy bar called the "Malteser". I never ate candy much, but this one sure has me down! Ate supper. Read "Amazing Stories" awhile & went to bed. Have not heard from Mother since the short note sent from Charlotte.

       Jan.5 Fri: Lunch mix-up--Bicycle ride. Awoke, arose, & dressed with my alarm clock, as usual. Ate breakfast. Studied till time to go. Mrs. Koger gave Paul's lunch to me to give to him when we went by on the way to school. In the rush I gave him the wrong lunch by accident. I bet he nearly starved, & I had far more than I could eat. It was sure funny! Ha, ha! Nice day at school. Doc. Koger didn't come by this afternoon so I came home on street car. I have to transfer from the 7th ave. to the S.W. 6th St. car & it brings me within 6 blocks of the house (Koger's). When I got home I borrowed Dan's bike & rode to town, bought a 60W reading bulb of my own to have & came back. Made it from town back to the house in 10 min.!--4 miles! About 20 to 25 miles per hour! Ate supper. Read till 11:10 & went to bed--listening to my radio. It's wonderful weather we're having.

       Jan.6 Sat: Hansford--car cleaning--Smoky. Awoke, arose, & dressed about 9:30. Everyone was already gone about their business & Evelyn (William's wife) & I were alone in the house. We ate breakfast. Dan & Mrs. Koger came back (& Barbara). They got Evelyn & went out again but not before I had asked for the loan of Dan's bike. Cleared the table & got everything cleaned up except dishes. When I finished (11:30) I wrote this. Borrowed Dan's bike (as aforesaid) & went to the Church. Saw Hansford. We both rode back on it. We helped Dan polish his "Dad's" & his brother's cars. Ate a bite of lunch. Received a letter from Mother with the week's sustenance--$2. Went back with Hansford & came back. Took a bath & ate supper. Went to see "Smoky"--with Victory Jory (character, I mean) at the Tower. Very good! Came home. Listened to "Byrd's Expedition", "Believe it or Not", & "One Man's Family" over my radio in bed. Went to sleep about 10:30.

       Jan.7 Sun: For first time drove Doc. Koger's car "home" from Church--Mac Wyatt--Blessing. Awoke, arose, & dressed at about 8:00. Ate some breakfast (of my own making, as usual). Went to Sunday School & Church with Kogers. Mr. Haas preached. Pretty good message but no particular point to it. I drove Doc. Koger's car home! He was with me, of course. Ate dinner. Wrote this. Read the funnies. Read (Amazing Stories) all af- ternoon. Ate a bite. We went to church at about 7:30. Mr. Mac Wyatt preached his 1st message tonight. He was just going to sort of get acquainted but you can never tell what God is going to do. Praise His Name! It turned into a heartfelt mes- sage. I was brought back or my interests were renewed in Christ. I was brought back into the fold. Praise the Lord! Drove home. Bed 10:30. (In those days we "got saved" often!)

       Jan.8 Mon: Driving Doc.Koger--Haircut. Awoke & arose & dressed at 6:15. Ate breakfast. Studied until time to go. Drove to school. I'm getting pretty good, I am, I am! Nice day at school as usual. Doc. Koger came right after school. I drove him around all afternoon (he has a hurt leg). His starter was broken so when he was cranking the car, he accidentally left it in gear. It mashed (or hurt badly) his leg when the car leaped ahead against the parked car in front & Doc. was in between. Made a big swelling & a deep skinned place about 3 inches long & 1-1/2 inches wide. Gee, I sure bet it hurt! But he didn't so much as let out an exclamation. I not only drove him because it hurt his leg to drive but because he had allowed me to do so before, & I wanted & liked to drive. Drove downtown in the thick of traffic. Got home in time for supper. Mary cut the family's hair & mine. Bed about 10:00.

       Jan.9 Tue: Schoolwork--Map. Awoke, arose, & dressed when good-old Benny Boy rang. (My alarm clock--a very accurate & dependable personage). Fixed & ate my breakfast (oatmeal & toast as usual). Mary always fixes my lunch & helps me with my breakfast. Wrote this. Studied till time to go. In a hurry this morning --Doc. Koger drove. Nice day at school. Comin' close to the end of the semester--all the rush, etc. Hooray! Half-day holiday Thurs. & Fri. because of Air-Meet! 7 30- minute periods. Got out at 12:15. Waited till four for the Doc. but he didn't show up. Took street-car. Stopped in town & got cardboard sheet for map in "history". Worked on map all afternoon. Ate. Worked some more on map. Got to bed at 10:30. Listened to program from "Seth Parker's" (Philip Lord's) ship, the "Seth Parker". Goodnight.

       Jan.10 Wed: Arose & dressed at 6:15. Ate breakfast. Studied till time to go. Boy, I've sure got lots of school assignments to do. Drove to school. Rather nice day--well, I had plenty to do, anyway. Compiled a speech from a magazine on "Traveller", Gen. R.E. Lee's horse. About 5-1/2 pages long. Got to give it next Wed. Think I'll be sick. I know I'll be sick if I have to make it. Lee's birthday is around that day so we're giving a program in his honor--our school being Rob't. E. Lee. (Sorry for this blotted mess here--Barbara did it.) Doc. Koger came for me & I drove him around all afternoon. I'm a very good (pretty good, at least) driver now. Got home about 6:30. Ate supper. Wrote this. Worked on map till 12:30. Bed about 1:00. Completely exhausted! Tired out!

       Jan.11 Thurs: Awoke when alarm went off but I felt so exhausted that I simply turned it off, turned over, & went back to sleep. Mrs. Koger inquired & I told her I wasn't going to school today--there is only 1/2 day of school today anyway-- told her I was going to sleep & get rested up. I slept till 10:30, arose, dressed, & fixed and ate a bite of breakfast. Listened to the "Gospel Singer" with Mrs. Koger & Evelyn over their radio. Practised on my sax till Doc.Koger came home for lunch & his usual hour's rest. Read "American Boy Mag." in car till he was ready to go at 2:00. Drove him around all afternoon. Did an almost perfect job of it, too. Read "Mag." while waiting on him at each call. Got home for supper at 6:15. Ate. Worked on map & finished it about 11:00. Not so hot. Went to bed.

       Jan.12 Fri: Awoke at 6:15, arose, dressed, & fixed & ate some breakfast. Hope I didn't miss anything very important at school yesterday. Haven't gotten to go to Air Meet yet. Don't think I'll be able to go, either--unless I use the "spring & fall" ticket (climb over fence!) Getting quite experienced at driving--thanks to Doctor Koger for allowing me to chauffeur him about on his calls. Boy! He certainly is a busy man! My day at school today was short and sweet. Had to phone when I got out at 12:00 that I was coming home on the streetcar for I had forgotten about there only being a half-a-day school today & had told Doc. to come by between 3:00 & 4:00 as usual. He was home for lunch when I got there. Drove him all afternoon. Came home & ate supper. Read till bed at 10:00.

       Jan.13 Sat: Awoke, arose, & dressed at 7:00. Ate some breakfast. Drove Doctor Koger around all morning. This morning should go down as a memorial: I received my first bawling out from a cop!--For trying unknowingly to go thru' a red light. Doc. wasn't in the car with me, thank goodness--I was hunting for a parking place. Came home for lunch. A letter had arrived from Mother, with usual $2. Says she's in perfect health; the meetings are going over splendidly; slight car trouble; & she expects me to meet her in Wheeling, W. Va. at the end of semester. Am arranging for passage in private car. Drove Doc. around all afternoon. Am really getting good now. Came home, ate supper, took a bath, & read till I went to bed at 10:00.

       Jan.14 Sun: Awoke, arose, & dressed at 7:45. Ate breakfast while Mrs. Koger read S.S. Lesson. Wrote this. Drove to church. Swell message given by Mr. Mac Wyatt this morning. Also went to "radio" before & heard Mrs. Haas do her best with a swell radio message of Mother's--but it's too bad! She does as well as she can--it's not her fault, but she sounds just exactly like she's telling a bedtime story to some little children! Learned speech all afternoon (On "Traveller" for school, Wed.). It so exhausted me, the pacing of the floor and gesticulating, that I threw myself on the couch about 3:00 and went right off to sleep. Awoke about 5:30. Got ready for church. Drove. Before church I went over to where they were displaying swell new Chevrolets. Neat.--Nice (wonderful) message tonight. Drove home. Got to bed 10:45.

       Jan.15 Mon: Awoke, arose, and dressed at 6:05. Ate. Studied till we left. Drove to school. Boy, I sure got discouraged today what with getting my laundry instead of my lunch, missing Doc. Koger, missing street car, carrying great load of books, and with all the homework that was piled on, including having to work on speech. Snapped out of my "blue funk" tho' when I went to work on it all. Received card from Dad today. I must write oftener. Got my radio home from school today. Finished homework (at least--all I was going to do tonight), read, to bed about 10:30. Must get to bed earlier. Having a trying time lately to keep as close to God as I should. The Devil is sure putting up a fight for my soul!

       Jan.16 Tue: Awoke, arose, and dressed at 6:15. Sleepy. Ate breakfast. Cold this morning. Wrote this when I should have been studying speech or something (History usually). Drove to school. Made 100% on Math monthly test & 100% on Literature monthly test. Doc. Koger came after me at about 4:02.--Good thing I waited a little longer. Drove him around all afternoon and learned my speech while waiting on him. Got home in time for supper. Practiced speech some more. Listened to radio & went to sleep about 10:00.

       Jan.17 Wed: The "zero-hour" approaches! I make my speech this morning in auditorium!! Arose at 7:00 quite sleepy. Ate. Wrote notes to hold in my hand for speech. Drove to school. Wonder of the Wonders! I certainly gave myself a big surprise. Went through it with poise & without a single hesitation, if I do say so myself! Whew! Boy! That's a week's load off my brain! Drove "Doc." around this afternoon. Spent an evening of leisure after supper.--All worries (at least for a few hours) are over.--No work to have to plug away at. I don't mind lots of work much, but memorizing gives me wrinkles under the collar. Read awhile & went to bed. By the way, Mrs. Mac left the usual oh-day here today. (That's pig- Latin for "dough"--money!)

       Jan.18 Thurs: Awoke feeling like a free man instead of being bonded down with any such monstrosity as a speech! Ate. Studied "History". Drove to school.--Test (daily) in History today--made 80%! Terrible! I had one of the boys kick me in the pants for my own benefit. History, I have come to realize, no matter how hard I try to really like & enjoy it, has gradually become my Nemesis--my Waterloo--my 2nd World War! I like history but it is too much memory work.--Drove Doc. around this afternoon. Came home & ate. Had to work on learning a poem for about 2-1/2 hrs. Boy, it was hard! But I tackled it & mastered it. It was for history, by the way. Boy! I told you memory work is my hardest battle. Got a very poor memory. Wrote this. Went to bed at 9:45.

       Jan.19 Fri: Awoke to the realization that I must study for history (monthly) test. Ate. Studied. Drove to school.--Made 93% on test, said poem O.K. Made 94% on science monthly test. Am now sure of exemption. Also, all hard work is finished-- revue week is easy--I can coast for a while now. Drove Doc. around this afternoon. Must write folks but I've been, oh! so busy the past 2 wks. Came home. Ate. Worked on making a map of Miami for myself so that I can drive better. Finished it & went to bed at 1:00! The only thing that deters my driving is mostly my poor memory.

       Jan.20 Sat: Awoke at 7:15--sleepy. Ate, arose that early because I wanted to chauffeur the Doc. His leg is healing up but pains him much of late. Drove him around all morning. Getting a little bit better. When we came home for lunch Dan gave me a swell, real map of Miami, for which I discarded my other map which I had done so much work on. Drive Doc. around all afternoon. Came home & found a letter awaiting me from Mother. Says she must know when I can leave & what it will cost to meet her either at Wheeling, W. Va. or Indiana, Penn. Never got a chance to eat supper. Drove Doc. around & finally landed at church. Came home on streetcar to eat supper, take my bath, & write Mother. Wrote her could leave Jan. 24, 25, 26 or 27th. Prefer 24th, Wed. of revue week, but it won't hurt to miss some. Would rather miss a couple days here than Wheaton.

       Jan.21 Sun: Awoke, arose, & dressed at 8:30. Ate. Drove to church. Mailed my letter Air-Mail--Special Delivery. She'll probably get it Tues. but I must send her information before that, by telegraph. Wonderful message this morning. Gave me a real blessing. Depending upon the Lord for my passage North. --Went to dinner with Haases. Had put it off so long on account of other business that I made up my mind to not disappoint them today, even tho' I have to visit the Travel Bureaus. Came back to town immediately after dinner to do this. Then wrote this telegram to Mother: (My first telegram.) "Mrs. Virginia Brandt, Station WWSW, Hotel Shenley, Pittsburgh, Pa.--Can leave morning twenty-fourth. Private car. Arrive late twenty-fifth Indiana. Thirteen dollars cheapest. Must have deposit. Rest upon leaving. Wire via Western Union, immediately. David" (21 words Night $.65--Will arrive in Pittsburgh Mon. morning). Expect an answer tomorrow afternoon--not earlier, because it is sent to where she broadcasts & she won't be there till late morning.--Wonderful meeting tonight. Special offering taken for Wyatt besides usual one. Good sermon. Drove home.

       Jan.22 Mon: Awoke about 7:00, very tired because of staying up so late at the meeting last night. Ate. Wrote this. Expect the deciding answer today from Mother in the form of a telegram. Whew! It makes me nervous to think that so much--my career, college education--may depend all on her answer.-- School--Doc. came after me while I was playing tennis in the patio. No telegram yet. Must give travel bureau immediate notice upon its arrival. Drove Doc. around all afternoon. All remarks I've made about my driving hitherto are boloney! I've just gotten onto how to really drive. Came home & ate. Went to Tower & saw "The Mad Game". Wish I hadn't gone. Almost got into trouble with my best friend--Jesus. Got to bed at 11:00.

       Jan.23 Tue: Awoke, arose & dressed at 6:45. Tired. God surely has tested me by showing me what real anxiety is & to show patience--but I'm afraid I didn't bear up very well under the testing. I complained,grieved, & worried.--Ate. Drove to school.--100% on Mechanical Drawing Monthly Test. Received telegram from Mother telling me to decide for myself--that the chances for getting me from there on to Wheaton are very slim (received telegram during Eng. class). Spent next period wiring my answer from a telephone:--"Prayed. Can leave 25th. Arrive Wheeling 26th. $12. Wire via W.U. immediately."--It took my very last cent (day letter). Doc. Koger came for me & also gave me a money order from the W.U.! Praise the Lord! My plans now are (after getting money at W.U. & getting all details about trip at Auto Travel Bureau) to leave 8:00 AM Thurs. Morning. They're coming by for me. There will be my- self & 3 or 4 young men in the party. Arrive in Wheeling & Lehman's & Mother on Sat. night. 2 nights & 3 days on road. Expenses: $12 fare & $4.00 for current expenses (food etc.)

       Jan.24 Wed: Awoke at 6:30. Wrote this. Ate. (Intend going to school this morning to get report card, get books, & tell'm "good-bye". I then intend to get all business attended to, such as laundry, getting heavy underwear, pants cleaned, shoes fixed, & everything packed. Must have only one suitcase & one overnight-bag). Did all this. Drove Doc. around. Came home & ate lunch. Packed some of my things. Drove Doc around some more. Had a mix-up about my passage to Wheeling at the Auto Bureau. Going to straighten it out tomorrow. Came home, ate. Went to bed.

       Jan.25 Thurs: Awoke at 7:30. Drove Grace to work. Drove to the Auto Travel Bureaus & straightened everything out. Had a hard decision:--One Auto Travel Bureau treated us very "spunkily"--the other treated us honestly & courteously. The first had a car leaving tonight--a Pierce Arrow Sedan--1 man, his wife & 2 women--to arrive in Wheeling Sat. night. The nice one had a car leaving Sat. morning from Lake Worth--1 man, 2 women (his wife & friend) in a Chevrolet sedan--arrive in Wheeling Mon. night--The first will arrive in time but I know nothing of the people who I would go with. The other would arrive quite late, but!--The man is a man Doc Koger knows-- very nice man. This was the deciding factor. I chose the latter. Came home after driving all day. Took a bath. Ate. Went to Roxy & saw "Take a Chance". Wish I hadn't! No good.

       Jan.26 Fri: Awoke--10:30 A.M. Ate. Fixed all my things ready to go. The man, Mr. Potter, lives in Lake Worth but is coming down for me this evening, going to take me back, put me up at his home all night free of charge. Then we leave in the morning (Sat.) for Wheeling from his home in Lake Worth. Wrote this. All I'm doing is waiting, now, for him to come. Passed the time by figuring distances & routes on maps, etc. Ate an early supper so as to be ready. A good thing, too, for he came about 5:30. Said my good-bye's, to all except Doc. Koger--he had gone out on some calls expecting to be back to see me off. But the man came earlier than expected.--My first impression wasn't so good but Mr. Potter turned out to be a very nice man.--Arrived in L. Worth at 9:00.--Bed at 10:30.

       Jan.27 Sat: Arose at 3:15 A.M. Potter & I were intending to arise at 4:00 anyway, but I couldn't sleep any more because of his snoring--decided I'd arise earlier & write this & attend to several other things. Mr. Potter is a rather nice, jolly old fellow of 68--has been through several wars etc. He was a Scout in the West in Buffalo Bill's time. Got well acquainted with him in the car last night. He has a New Chevrolet Sedan. It's neat! Well, I've got to go wake him up now.--Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel! Nothing of importance happened. The ladies are Mrs. Engle: A rather supercilious person--does nothing but gab. Mrs. Bevington:--not bad-- pretty (rather)--also rather fast. She & Mrs. Engle smoke once in a while. Miss Lingenhiemer:--a very nice, quiet young lady.--Made over 500 mi. today. Stopped in Savannah for the night. Wanted to sleep in car on account of small funds but Mr. Potter fixed it up so that I slept with him.

       Jan.28 Sun: Alarm woke us at 5:00. Got started at 6:00. Making good time. Had good night's rest at "Green Lantern Inn"--tourist Home in Savannah. Having to skimp on funds:-- $14 fare, $2 preparations, & $5 left for expenses. (Doc. Koger loaned me $3). Spending $.25 for breakfast & lunch & 35 cents for supper.--Made Danville, Va. tonight. Saw a terrible accident & the injured people who were in it not far out on the road from Savannah. Mr. Potter is a rather short-tempered queer old fellow. He's not so nice as I tho't he was. Mrs. Engle a rather spiteful person, wealthy--about 50 yrs. old. They all like dancing--Bah! A very worldly group! But, praise the Lord!--I'm getting on fine.--Went to church tonight at a little church not far from here. Good message on the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Came back to the tourist home, took a bath, & went to bed without awakening the rest. Not so very cold night--about 50 degrees F. (10 C.)

       Jan.29 Mon: Boy! It's really cold this morning. Awoke at 6:00 & started at 7:00. Having quite a discussion on the route we're taking, I showed Mr. Potter a good, direct route on the map--but Mrs. Engle! She wanted to go by the route she & her husband had gone before--about 100 miles out of the way. I told Mr. Potter to decide for himself & he picked my route. Mrs. Engle was sort of mean about things since then. She's very self-centered. Yet again--she's not bad at all. Why should I complain? But I've sort of gotten them all down on me now for it didn't turn out to be as nice a route as the map showed--so mountainous.--Haven't made good time! Arrived at Frostburg, Md. tonight & put up at a tourist home. (75 cents, same as last night). Expected to reach Wheeling tonight but am disappointed. (And worried! Running low on cash--this night on road, etc. 4 degrees below zero. Snow & ice all over ground. We haven't made good time because of the ice & snow on the roads. Others ate.--Going to start late in morning. Ate breakfast for 35 cents at nice little place across street from where we stayed. Bitter cold! Must have warmer outfitting. Started seeing these traces of snow on the ground at about Winchester, Va. Haven't seen it snow, tho', yet.

       Jan.30 Tue: Arose at 8:30. Walked down to the little All- American Restaurant & got a good hot breakfast of oatmeal & cocoa for 25 cents. 5 degrees below zero. Brrrrr!! Started at 9:15. Arrived at Mrs. Engle's home in McKeesport, Pa. Nice trip. Roads are sheets of ice--had to make it slow. Arrived in McKeesport 12:45. Had nice lunch at insistence of Mrs. Engle at her table. She's not such a bad sort. Mr. Potter took me to the Blue Ridge Bus Line Station at 2:30; bought me a ticket for Wheeling for $1.50. Left on bus at 3:30. Arrived Wheeling 6:00 P.M. Nice trip. Phoned Lehman to send someone after me at bus-station. They took me straight to church where I waited for Mother & Dad.

       Jan.31 Wed: Stayed at Lehman's (where Mother & Dad stayed) last night. Gee! I'm glad to be with them! Lehman's got a swell home. Live almost in luxury! Junior has everything his heart could desire! Ate nice breakfast. Had long talk with Mother. Decided to let me go with Lehmans to Chicago when they go up Monday. Hate to delay that long! But it saves money, ($6) busfare. She gave me a $10 bill & told me to get myself some heavy clothing. I did:--2 pants, heavy, dark suit $5.75; overcoat $4; 2 heavy underwear suits, $1.18; 1 cap 98 cents; 3 pair heavy woolen stockings $.45; muffler 50 cents; gloves, 98 cents. Total $13.06. (Mrs. Lehman had given me a gift of $5). Came home at 4:45. Ate a swell dinner. Repacked my things. Went to church. Crowds are very poor. Last night 20. Tonight about 50. Slept in parlor tonight.

       Feb.1 Thurs: Just getting introduced around here in Wheeling.

       Feb.2 Fri: Went sled riding today!

       Feb.3 Sat: More business & playing! Play "Parcheesi" with Junior, Mary Frances, & Dorothy. Boy! Junior certainly has everything his heart could desire!

       Feb.4 Sun: Awoke at the turning on of the radio for the morning program. Ate. Went to church. Had it in the "Wheeling Gospel Tabernacle Studio". About 20 people. Junior preached. Splendid musical program. Came home & ate. (Mrs. Moline, Mrs. Lehman's mother, is certainly a splendid cook!) Wrote this. (Been skipping the past few days, as you notice. Too busy!)

       Feb.5 Mon: Left for Wheaton today (Chicago, really) with Junior and Mrs. Moline. Made it in about 8 hrs. Some driving! Mostly a steady 70! La Salle sedan. Took the "Aurora & Elgin" Electric train from Chicago to Wheaton. No one at the Wheaton Station to meet me but phoned Hjal at the dining hall where he was working late. Took a taxi. Boy! We're glad to see each other!

       Feb. 19: Taking 9A (second semester Freshman) subjects. Made up 1st semester Algebra in 30 hrs. by myself so's I could take 9A. My other subjects are:--World History in the Making, Literature, and General Science. Sure love it here!

       May 3: Began working as part of kitchen police and official vegetable-fixer-helper just about the beginning of this month--35 cents per hour. Put in about 2 hours per day--six days per week. (Walk to job through snow at 5 am!)

       Jun.7 Thurs: Saw the "World's Fair" in Chicago with Hjal.--It was great! I spent $5 altogether!

       Jun.10 Sun: Left Wheaton with Uldine and Ovella--Headed home!

       Jun.13 Wed: Made over 700 miles today and touched or crossed thru' 7 states! Uldine's sure a fast driver!--80 miles per hour on good stretches and 40 to 60 in the mountains! (Sat outside in rumble seat with Ovella!)

       Jun.14 Thurs: Arrived home! Surprised the folks. They say my voice has changed a lot.

       Jun.18 Mon: From here on spent about 3 weeks at apartments at the Beach.

       Jul.6 Fri: Have finally come to a slack space in my time. Have decided to go back to keeping my diary informed. During this slack or blank space I have been to Wheaton Academy in Wheaton, Ill., at the College where, of course, Hjalmer attends. Enjoyed it greatly. Was a last semester freshmen of 99 students. Am now back home for the summer. Staying with Mother at Casa Casaurina Apts. at the beach.--School has changed me much, I think. It has broadened my view on life. I had been living in such a rut of my narrow selfishness that it had warped me. Being away at school where I had to depend a lot on my own--working, etc. has taught me self-reliance and given me confidence in myself. My voice has changed since I left and I have added an inch or two to my height, both causing the usual comments from the home folks here.--So-- here I am back with plenty of time on my hands. I am doing all the driving for Mother. Am also doing quite a bit of reading, being resolved to read as many famous & worthwhile classics as possible this summer.

       Jul.6 Fri: Read Library book all morning--Scott's "Ivanhoe". Mother & Dad discussed qualities of our car, the Packard, for the trip Mother is planning this summer--evangelistic tour. Attended Beryl Vick's wedding to Hazel--Money. Had a lot of fun--rice, tin cans & all. Some of the Young People came over to our house (Vick & Hazel are staying in the back cottage) to haze the new couple & kept me awake half the night.

       Jul.7 Sat: Took Wiley Blanton to work for Mrs. Owen this morn. in Dad's car. Then took Virginia with me over to the apt. at Beach. Wrote this. Went in swimming for nearly 3 hours (2 to 5 P.M.) Water fine. Large waves. Read all evening--"Ivanhoe".

       Jul.8 Sun: Drove Mother from Beach to Radio Station.--Ran out of gas on causeway.--Mother caught a jitney--I got a tow to gas station. Went home, changed my clothes, & came back for church. The splendid idea of keeping all kinds of books came to me this morning in church. Took Dad's car & saw "The Black Cat" at Tower this afternoon. Attended evening services. Came Home tonite.

       Jul.9 Mon: Woke with another "brilliant" idea this morning: that of selling some of Wiley's prepared placard signs. Spent all of first of afternoon canvassing--sold two (15 cents--10 cent profit, 5 cent cost) which paid for my busfare to town & back.--Got tired & went to see "Baby Take a Bow" with Shirley Temple.

       Jul.10 Tue: Arose rather late. Ate breakfast by myself. Occupied the greater part of the morning by fixing up my room; packing, unpacking, straightening things, etcetera. I have come back from the beach to live at home. Mother came back today, also, tho' I came back Sunday night. Did a crossword puzzle until lunch. Am keeping a little book of peculiar words which I happen on in crossword puzzles. Ate a bite of lunch with Virginia and Wiley. Read "Ivanhoe" before & after supper. Read 'till 11:00. "Ivanhoe" is certainly an extremely interesting and worthwhile piece of literature. Retired.

       Jul.11 Wed: Arose late again. Ate alone once more. Read "Ivanhoe" until about 12:00. I have nearly finished the book. It is quite long (550 pages), but, nonetheless, one becomes completely rapt in its intensely enthralling scenes, adventure, and romance. In today's reading, Font-de-Boeuf, wounded, dying, & locked in his chamber, is unable to save himself from dying a horrible death: By fire! Though depicted as such a cruel villain, I could not help but feel a slight pang of regret or sorrow at this horrible death which one so brave & fearless--tho' cruel--was suffered to die. Ate light lunch about 12:30. Read till supper. Attended Y.P.

       Jul.12 Thurs: 8:30--Arose. Ate with family. Wrote this. I did some work around the house for Mother since Wiley wasn't feeling well: Emptying trash, sweeping, etcetera. 12:00-- Left house with Mother and Doc. Koger in Doc's car to meet Dad at the Church, who was to take me to the Library from there. Got $.25 on the way over from Mother on the dollar I'm supposed to receive from her each week. She had already given me 20 cents of it Sunday. 1:00--Arrived at Library. Finished & returned "Ivanhoe". Took out "Quentin Durward", "Guy Mannering", & "Clever One". Walked to Church after rain ceased (5:30). Went home with Dad. Dressed & drove him, Wiley, & Mrs. Smith to Church in "big car". Ate at "AOGF" Banquet. Went out & took Velma, Lile, Wayne, & Adrian for a ride before speeches started & returned before ended. Drove folks home about 11:30.

       Jul.13 Fri: 12:25 AM--Just going to bed after coming home from banquet. 9:30 Arose. Very tired this morning from such late hours. I am trying to be "early to bed & early to rise" but it doesn't seem to be of any use. Ate breakfast (pineapple--there was no milk left after making pancakes, & I detest pancakes) with Virginia, Mother, & Dad. Went to town with Virginia, Mother, & Doc. Koger. Got notebooks for project. Came home on bus & spent evening (after eating at Civic with Dad & Wiley) on notebooks.

       Jul.14 Sat: This morning I arose at about 8:00. I would much prefer to arise earlier but circumstances seem to continually refuse to allow me to do so. Spent the "pre-breakfast" time in searching for a message or sermon for Mother, for which "services rendered" I was to receive 25 cents. Being in dire need of cash I also (after eating breakfast with the family) picked up or retrieved all hairpins which I could find from floors for Mother--& for 1 cent per 3 hairpins. Mother & Dad took me near town on their way to the beach, where (in town) I saw a very amusing comedy at the Capitol, "The Poor Rich." Returned home via bus; read intensively interesting novel-- Wallace's "Clever One" all afternoon & evening until 11:00.

       Jul.15 Sun: Arose at 7:30, dressed for church, ate with the family, and read until time to leave. Attended Sunday-School this morning--for the first time since my return from Wheaton. Church--Mother preached --then the usual indecision as to where we would dine. After finally choosing to eat at several diverse places, we dined at Fang Hoo's--or Hang Foo's--or some such--at the beach. (Mother, Dad, Mary Lou, & I). We returned Mary Lou to Facell's (rich folks where Mary Lou worked as maid), & ourselves home, where I spent the afternoon reading: Funnies & "Clever One". After Y.P. & Church, I waited reading upstairs in the church until the folks should decide to return home. I darned near finished the book, too, since they apparently had forgotten me & left without me! I had consigned myself to spending the night on the couch there (about 12:30). Then Doc. Koger showed up & took me home. Wrote this.

       Jul.16 Mon: Am quite fatigued this morning, having "stayed up" so late (or early) last night (or was it this morning). Struggled out of bed at 9:00, dressed, & ate my own breakfast. Helped with house work awhile afterward, then I finished "Clever One"; A very thrilling & absorbing novel. Drove Dad to town about 2:45, where I attended the Capitol and saw "Wild Gold." I was supposed to meet Dad at the Church at 5:00, but, being slightly late, I had to take the bus (after going to the Greyhound Bus Office to get some "info" for Mother). Went to the store for Virginia, came back & ate supper with the family.--Managed to borrow the car on some excuse & saw "Dancing Lady" at the Regent. Came home without as much faith in my excuse as when I went out. Slipped in, wrote this, & got to bed before I could be questioned.

       Jul.17 Tue: Arose late for breakfast this morning. Ate with Virginia & Dad & did some work about the house. I cleaned the car windows and was about to start in to polish the car when Dad needed it & drove off with it. Edna had come over to see Mother. Her car was standing there so I thought I might as well shine it while waiting. Had almost begun when she had to leave. Decided to go along & finish it at her house. Spent afternoon in this occupation. Received--gratitude for work. I took the bus to town & saw the side features at the Roxy. Returned home about 5:00. Went to Firestone Station & Edna got Mother some tires (3) (retreaded). Came home & ate with Virg. Did nothing in particular till Mel came to see Virg. Then read. Wrote this. Bed.

       Jul.18 Wed: Arose, tired as usual, at about 8:45. Ate breakfast, after which came an "argument" with Mother. I must have said something which hurt her feelings, because she took it hard--had a heart attack & all. A shame. It taught me a lesson, tho': You can't argue with Mother. She is extremely emotional. Her emotions seem to control her reason & her health. Did work about the house all morning. Worked on & painted the auto-trunk until 3:00 in the afternoon. Mother sent me to town on the bus then to do some errands for her & buy myself a pair of pants. Did so. Also coat & shoes. Afterwards I spent from about 6:00 to 8:30 installing a crystal- set for Mrs. Singer at church. Met Dad. Gave me supper money for Civic. Came home on bus: 9:00. Read. Retired at 11:30.

       Jul.20 Fri: At last! The day of departure has arrived! Arose about 6:30, finished my packing & then helped all the rest of them in packing, fixing up car, etc., after breakfast. Finally: The hour of departure! Had prayer. Edna, Virg., Vick, Hazel, Mrs. Seaman & Dr. Koger were there to see us off. I have decided to keep a picture record of the trip & all, so I had gotten out & cleaned up my "Hawkeye", bought some films, & took a couple of pictures before we left. We started having tire trouble before we reached Ft. Lauderdale. Dad & I had to change two tires. Stopped & got two new tires.--About 12:30 A.M. tonight (or tomorrow) connecting rod came loose & knocked out side of cylinder, ruining motor! Negro passing hauled us 3 miles in to Cocoa to a "Hotel Knox". We feel pretty much put out. Have to have new motor or new car. Bed 1:00.

       Jul.21 Sat: Arising at about 10:00 after a very harassing night, we went to a nearby restaurant & ate breakfast. After breakfast, much phoning & telegraphing, everything was settled. Haas was wired to come from Orlando (50 mi.) & haul the car back there. Dr. Koger was phoned in Miami to make arrangements to see about new car: Preferably new Plymouth or a Packard. Haas & Sons arrived at about 3:00. Towed us back with our thin little rope; car, baggage, & all. Arrived in Orlando about 5:30. Changed clothing after unloading. Took a walk by Lake Eola with Lamont. Same old boy, Lamont. Has a "sight-unseen" (except by snapshots) girl in Pa.--Alverna Wiedner. Nice; intelligent looking. Became acquainted thru' corresponding. Ate supper with Haases. Bed.

       Jul.22 Sun: Slept not too soundly with a restless Lamont. Arose about 8:30. Dressed up in my new duds & attended Sunday -School with Lamont at a nearby church. Attended church with Haases, Mother, Dad, & Mary Francis, at the Alliance. A very nice message on "Peace of the spirit & soul". Came home for a short time, then Mother & Doc. Koger had to have a conference, so Dad, Lamont, & I went along to "Park Lake", where we sat on a bench in the shade & read for an hour (until 3:00). Returned home & ate an excellent, typical Haas dinner. Loafed around until time for church--8:00. Mother spoke at the Salvation Army. Small crowd. Mother told "Life Story" & did not receive the offering. Returned home, ate a light night snack & retired about 11:00.

       Jul.23 Mon: Arose about 9:00, after another bad night's sleep. Ate a delicious breakfast of grapenuts & toast. Afterwards I pitched in & helped Dad, with Lamont, to change all the good tires on our old Packard onto the new one which Doc. Koger had arrived with yesterday morning about 5:00 A.M. He had driven it all night up from Miami. It took him about 7 hours. It was dark when he arrived so that we didn't know what kind of car it was until morning. It's great! A 1930! Well, anyway--I spent the day in hard labour! We made a change of 12 tires! Lamont, with every one except Dad & I, left on a trip to a spring called "Sanlando" about 11 miles away. Dad & I stayed & finished the job. Afterwards, Dad & I ate downtown at "Sharkey's". Came home & retired. 10:00 P.M.

       Jul.24 Tue: Arose about 9:00 A.M. Another poor night's sleep. Lamont tosses terribly in his sleep! Sometimes I awaken to find him lying on top of me, kicking me, pulling all the covers off, or talking in his sleep. Anyway, I ate usual breakfast, took orders & money from anyone who wished to have prints made from my films which I got from the drugstore last night. Took these orders to developer. About 12:00 Dad, Mother, Lamont, Mary F., Junior, & I left for this lovely swimming place--Sanlando Springs. Took our car. Mr. & Ms. Haas had to stay & take care of their office. He sells Mutual Benefit Insurance. Had a great time swimming. Ate lunch there. Took some pictures. Returned about 5:00. Mother spoke at Salvation Army on "Prayer". Didn't get home until about 1:00, & ate supper. Bed about 1:30. This is wearing me down.

       Jul.25 Wed: Was awakened by the man calling for the old Packard. They are allowing $150 on the New Packard for the Old Packard. Arose, & ate breakfast about 9:00. Helped around the house with dishes, etc. Read the "Real-America" mag. for awhile. Went (about 12:00) with Dad to see about our battery; got the car greased at the Packard place. Returned. Helped with hanging out clothing. Packed my own belongings. We intend leaving about 7:00 in the morning--continuing our trip north. Had started making up back days in my Diary (since Sat.) when dinner was called. After dinner I continued, finishing, now, about 8:20. Intend fixing up snap-shots album or washing dishes & retiring about 9:00 P.M. Must get sleep.

       Jul.26 Thurs: Awakened & arose about 6:00. Dressed hurriedly & helped pack the car. We all ate some breakfast prepared by Mrs. Haas, and, after prayer, left about 8:00. I knew we'd never get started at 7:00. I drove as far as Lake City (almost) where Dad relieved me. I drove again later almost as far as Macon, Ga. (to Perry). Saw a very bad accident near Perry. A truck & a new Ford had a collision--head on. One young man (of the new Ford) killed. Arrived in Macon about 8:45. After taking Mary F. to her nieces', Mother, Dad, & I ate dinner at a "De Luxe" Cafe. Terrible Food. Met a young waitress who knew Mother. Drove around looking for a place to stay & finally decided on a tourist home. Big spooky house! Could almost be used for a Haunted House. Retired 11:00.

       Jul.27 Fri: Arose & dressed about 6:00. Did some work in my snap-shot album while Mother & Dad were dressing. Helped Dad pack the car & we all drove over to where Mary F. had spent the night with her niece. She had had breakfast but came with us while we ate at the New York Cafe. By a lucky chance I got two snap-shots of "The Original Tarzan" of pictures--an adventuresome experience. He happened to be eating at the same cafe.--I drove almost as far as Atlanta, then Dad relieved me. 50 mph--no flat yet. Ate lunch at S&W Cafeteria while Dad had brake adjusted. Mary F. almost fell for the handsome host there. Car took long time--until 4:00! Dad drove. Uneventful until we arrived in pouring rain in Cleveland, Tenn. for Conference. Ate. Bed 10:00 (Not so bad!)

       Jul.28 Sat: Arose & dressed in my bare, dirty room given me in the Boy's Dorm at this, the Bob Jones College. Went down to breakfast at 7:00. Boy, what a dumpy dump! Bare & unclean. One sheet & no pillow. Grits, prunes, bacon, & a glass of milk for breakfast in the barren-looking dining hall. Conversed with a nice young man named Hadden (on the front porch) from Elgin, Tenn. Came up to my room, worked on my snap-shot album, & wrote in my diary. Intend missing meetings as much as possible & going swimming in the College swimming pool. Folks decided to move on. Did not care for the "Bob Jones" College lodging. I drove as far as Knoxville. Arrived in Morristown (Tenn.) about 6:00. Lodged at a tourist home. Waiting for telegram from Miami. Bed--10:00.

       Jul.29 Sun: Arose too late to suit Mother & Dad (8:00) & so missed my breakfast prepared by Mrs. Bruce for 8:00. After a short & "sweet" discussion about clothes and misdemeanours, I managed to get dressed & attend the Methodist Church & a "well read" sermon on attaining happiness. A difficult drive thru' the countryside (manoeuvred by myself) to the home of Doc. Koger's brothers. This, Morristown, is his home town--a typical Tenn. country town. A delicious country dinner at 1:00 of fried chicken, biscuits, etcetera. An afternoon of reading (the American Boy Mag.) The Bruces (who own the "tourist home") are the typical hospitable, kindly, old Southern home-folks. Tried to read. Church. Dad: Methodist. Mother & Mary F.--a rip-roarin' Church of God Tabernacle! Myself--a nice quiet sermon on God's Will--Presbyterian.

       Jul.30 Mon: Start for Lancaster, Ohio, 5:30. Dad drives thru' thickest of Mountains (from Morristown to Middleboro) then relinquishes the wheel to me--after breakfast in Middleboro. Driving thru' quite a few mountains. (By cleverness in several instances continued in position at the wheel all the way to Wilmington, Ohio where we spent the night.) Pass thru' Corbin, Lexington, etc., until Cincinatti. Dissension--Ma & Pa patched up. Father has way. Pass on instead of stopping to eat or to allow Mother to attend to some business there. Arrive in Wilmington 52 mi. from Lancaster. Eat dinner at New Martin Restaurant--Mary F. not hungry. Stay at hotel of same name. Very fatigued from day of driving. Fell asleep about 10:00. Room by myself.

       Jul.31 Tue: Arise at about 9:00. Dress, pack, & attend to car--packing, sweeping, etc., before going to "Folks" rooms. Finally eat at General Denver Hotel Coffee Shop about 11:00. After packing car we leave about 12:00. Beautiful drive of 52 mi. thru' farmland and rolling hills to Lancaster, Ohio. Exceptionally cool. Have been having temperatures of about 111 degrees F.--before we came here. Now a drop of about 40 degrees! Arrive at the lovely Sater home at 3:00 on the outskirts of the community in the midst of beautiful & historical woodland. Lovely home & people; Mr. & Mrs. Sater, their little girl, 8-year-old Delores, a friend of his & her little girl, a dog, & two cats, or kittens. After unloading, read papers. We then ate a delicious supper. Write in my diary. Max & Neva Harvey, the musicians, are here to help in revival. Will retire at about 10:30.--Tired.

       Aug.1 Wed: New day--New month--New Love! I arrive about 8:00--dress & go down for breakfast. After a lovely meal I return to my room, change to older clothing, & go out to wash and polish the car. I wash it with the hose but not the right way; change a tire. Wait until lunch for Mother to finish letter so I can go for polish. I eat lunch. While working on car I get my first sweet, brief glimpse of Ruth Ridenour. I finally give up idea of polishing car & go on an outing with Miss Ridenour & Delores Sater to Mt. Pleasant. Lovely 1-1/2 hours. Took pictures. Home all too soon. After supper go to United Brethren Camp Meeting.--Ruth--Ruth--Ruth!!

       Aug.2 Thurs: Arose late (9:30) to a late breakfast.--It finally takes a girl to inspire me to greater physical development.--Am planning exercise program.--Errands for Mother & myself in town. Home. Write in my Diary. I go out onto the lawn & exercise. Ruth is on the lawn playing with Mrs. Pyfron with Waneta. It is lunch time--tho' no lunch. I am practically forced to attend the Circus (Sam Dill & Tom Mix's) with Delores because she has no one else to go with. We go. It is extremely hot & uncomfortable. We drive home for supper. After, we are dropped off at Mt. Pleasant by the "Folks". After an hour-&-a-half of clambering around over the cliff we are picked up by the folks & go home. A shower. Read. Retire 10:00. Ruth was not able to attend the Circus with us. She had to work. Poor girl!

       Aug.3 Fri: Arise & take a shower at 9:00. Eat. After a trip to town in the car for cloths to clean the car, I return & begin work on the car--washing it & polishing it--10:00. At 2:00 I finish it. The car looks like new! I wait around for the Folks (Mother & Dad) until they go to town. They drop Delores & I off at the Mt. We spend from 3:30 to 4:30 scrambling about the rocks & cliffs, & walk home for supper at 5:15. I help with the dishes; play around in the yard with the cat, a bat, etc. & I come in about 8:15 for a shower (bath). I wrote in my Diary. I have not seen Ruth all day. She & her Mother are away at the Camp-Meeting. Boy! I miss her! She sure is on my mind.

       Aug.22 Mon: Left Lancaster today for Chicago. Via Indianapolis and some of Mothers' relatives.

       Aug.24 Wed: At the Marquises, Mother's relatives, in Indianapolis. It's 'specially the auto racing capital of the World! (Loved Mom's beautiful blonde cousin, Mary Dear!--And Uncle Ed, an old drunk!--And playing football with Dad in the Park!)

       Aug.25 Thurs: Drove to Detroit, Michigan.

       Aug.26 Fri: Visit with Fred Schultze, Henry Ford's cousin.

       Aug.27 Sat: Left Schultzes' and Detroit about 1:00 P.M. Stopped at some little town in a tourist home very late at night. Were going to drive straight thru' but decided not to.

       Aug.28 Sun: Passed through Pittsburgh and arrived in Indiana, Pa., a short time before the afternoon service.

       Sep.2 Fri: It is here in Indiana that I became so interested in photography. Bought a big postcard-size camera with money made from bookstand. Jack Munyon (the young evangelist-pastor here) gave me his camera (same as one I bought, only better) because it had a defective bellows. Fixed it. We're here for two-weeks' meeting. (Loved Mary Frances!)

       Sep.11 Tue: Left Indiana this morning. Arrived in Washington, D.C. this evening. All of us saw "British Agent".--Very good.

       Sep.12 Wed: Took a lot of pictures in Washington today by myself by means of my "Kodak Self-Timer", including on White House lawn! Traded in big Kodak I bought in Indiana (kept one Jack gave me) for smaller box camera. Very good little camera but the photographer got the best of the deal. Wouldn't give me a better camera for mine because I didn't have time to wait till he tested the one I was trading in.

       Sep.13 Thurs: Left Washington "Homeward bound!" Arrived in Hartsville, S.C. & spent night with friends (Whites) tonight.

       Sep.14 Fri: I drove a lot today--Nearly 300 miles in one stretch. Travelled late, spent night with Haases in Orlando.

       Sep.15 Sat: Left Orlando about 1:30 P.M. Arrived in Miami late at night.

       Sep.17 Mon: Started in school (10B) at Miami High--just registered.

       Sep.20 Thurs: Was sent back to take 9B at Andrew Jackson, which grade I skipped when I went to Wheaton. Rather discouraging! Could have gone right on with 10B easily.--But that's the way it is.

       Oct.9 Tue: Resume of preceding 2 months. Yesterday I suddenly conceived the idea that I should continue my Diary! Thus, I am starting in tomorrow. A brief sketch of what has happened in the gap will not be out of place: After leaving Lancaster, Ohio, we journeyed via Columbus, Ohio & Indianapolis, Ind., to Chicago and the World's Fair. We were in Chicago about the 25-26 of August. Leaving Chicago we then went by way of Detroit (and Shultze's) to Indiana, Pa. Here we held a two weeks' campaign. From Indiana we started back home via Washington D.C. We spent 2 nights and a day in Washington, after which we journeyed on, arriving in Miami Sept. 15. I started in the 10th grade in Miami High, but was put back to take 9B for having skipped it in Wheaton. We are living in the back house and I am attending Andrew Jackson Jr. High School!

       Oct.10 Wed: "Real America"--Typewriting--Photobook. Morning: Began reading "Real America In Romance" (and also in 13 volumes) edited by Edwin Markham. Evening: Studied 2 hrs. on the beginning of "The New Rational" typewriting course. My crooked left arm is a great impediment to this, but by practise I shall soon overcome this difficulty. I finally completed my photobook tonight. It contains 157 pictures taken over a period of 3 yrs., and covering territory from Oklahoma to Washington (D.C.) and from The Fair (Chicago) to Miami.

       Oct.11 Thurs: New Idea = Latin & French. Mother sees photobook. Morning: Having skipped the 9B while at Wheaton I was sent back to take it when I came back to Miami. Thus, I am only taking three comparatively simple subjects in Andrew Jackson Jr. High--Civics, English, and Science. This leaves me with the last two periods of the day free for anything I choose to do, considering that I spend the 1st Study period preparing homework. Thus, also, have I decided that I am wasting precious time, so this morning I conceived the brilliant idea of taking up two courses by myself--Latin and French! Evening: Mother saw my Photobook for the first time this evening. Virginia, Mel, & Roger were over here for a visit and they saw it also. I am afraid my French is going to give me great difficulty because of the pronunciation and since I have no teacher to demonstrate such to me.

       Oct.12 Fri: French--Pictures. Morning: Struggled all morning to master the use of the Table of International Phonetics in my French book. Coming along slowly but surely. With my Latin--it is child's play compared to mastering French pronunciation! School: Asked advice about my French from a teacher who has had 4 yrs. of it. She could not help me much but recommended me to her brother who has just returned from a year's stay in France. I have his address. Evening: Went to town with Doc. Koger, Mary Lou, & Mother from school. Got some films & prints from the photographer. Mounted prints in my book after supper.

       Oct.13 Sat: Hjalmer's Operation--Letter--New French Book-- Mother's Fall! Morning: Was writing letter to Hjalmer when Dad read a telegram from Dean Emerson saying that Hjalmer had been rushed to the Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago, for an emergency operation for appendicitis. Almost finished the letter (thought it best to make no mention about operation as tho' I had written it before we received the word) when I was called to take Mother to town. Visited Booth's restaurant in Dolphin Hotel. Took Mother to second-hand furniture store & I went to second-hand book store where I procured a French Course book, easier than the one I already have. Took 5 films to Miami Photo Supply Co. for prints and enlargement (special 10 cents). Evening: Went home for Dad and then to 36th St. & 7th Ave. to eat supper. Mother fell & hurt herself before we left the house. Left Mary Lou at the place where she works Saturdays. Finished letter & fixed photo book. Went for Mary Lou in car at her work.

       Oct.14 Sun: Hjalmer--Sunday School Class--Roger. Monday: We received a telegraphic report from Elinor. Hjal is at Hospital in Chicago. Says Hjalmer pulled thru' perfectly and is coming along fine. Taught my first Sunday School class this morning. It was very interesting "work" & I enjoyed it immensely. The class was composed of only three small boys but we certainly had a nice time. Dad preached this morning since Mother was not well enough to come. Afternoon: Ate dinner at Booth's restaurant. Went to the park with Wayne, Velma, Virginia, Mary Lou & Roger & took some pictures. Roger & I went back to his studio where he developed the films. We chatted for about 2 hrs. Nice fellow. Attended Young People's & went home. Read "Real America". Evening: On way home discovered I had lost Library card.

       Oct.15 Mon: French--French--"Real America". Morning: Read preface to new French book. Afternoon: Studied French vowel pronunciation. Helped Dad start fixing the broken car door. Evening: Mel & Virginia are staying in the house now (front) but are both away at work at the restaurant all day. After they arrived "home" this evening I read from "The Real America". Lent Mel "The Phantom of the Opera."

       Oct.16 Tue: French--Latin--Pants--Mary Lou. Morning: Studied French pronunciation. It is very difficult, but I think I am progressing slightly. Afternoon: In study hall, I spent 2 hrs. on Latin. Progressing more easily with this than the French, for Latin pronunciation is comparatively simple. I have already gotten into Latin words & grammar. Played baseball with the boys next door for recreation. Drove to the store 3 times & one time bought myself a pair of brown pants for $1.39. Needed them badly. Evening: Reprimanded Mary Lou for her immodest mode of dress. Upon arriving home this evening found Dad in bed with the dengue fever!

       Oct.17 Wed: Drove to town on errands. Secured prints & enlargements from Miami Photo Supply. Evening: Ate supper at Virginia & Mel's (Dolphin Restaurant). Read "Real America".

       Oct.18 Thurs: Morning: Prepared Civics homework. Afternoon: Took bus to town to meet Mother to see about getting trousers. Waited at Church with Hansford for 3 hours. I took the bus home. Evening: Dad drove himself & me to the Dolphin for supper. I drove Dad's car to the Capitol but the picture on was no good, so I drove around a bit & finally headed home. Read "Real America".

       Oct.19 Fri: Morning: Prepared speech for English class. I felt queer in study hall in school today--thought I was getting "dengue" fever. It passed off. Afternoon: I took the bus to town again. Showed Hansford "American Boy Mag." with plans & directions for constructing 5-inch reflecting telescope--costs $5. Everything in town is booming for the American Legion Convention! Evening: Went to the Dolphin with Mother, Mary Lou, & Wayne. Drove folks & myself home.

       Oct.20 Sat: Morning: Took three views of Dolphin Restaurant after riding down with Mel & Virginia (time exposures with 2C). Walked to the Church where: Afternoon: I checked in & spent the day laboring as "carpenter's general helper"--20 cents per hour. Worked 8 hrs. & received $1.35 (They had to owe me $.25 because of shortage of funds.) Evening: Watched the building of the rock-gardens beside the Church. Went with the folks to supper at the Dolphin--10:00 P.M. Returned home with Mel & Virginia about 11:00.

       Oct.21 Sun: Morning: Awoke feeling reasonably good, but soon noticed that I was just about exhausted. Went through with teaching my Sunday School class though, before I began to feel plenty "punk". Afternoon: Took bus home, not staying for church, and went directly to bed. Slept for some time but at last I sat up (5:30) and read ("American Boy"). Read until 10:00 and turned in. (to sleep--I was already "turned in").

       Oct.22 Mon: Morning: Awoke feeling much better, but had no sooner gotten up on my feet than I began feeling "under the weather" once more. Felt "sickest" ever for the next hour or so. Slept about 2 hrs. and when I awoke felt very much better. Arose and prepared something for myself to eat (milk and toast, and toast & jam). Afternoon: Looked thru' "Books of Knowledge" all afternoon. Evening: Rode to the Dolphin with Dad. Ate. I then drove home in Dad's car. Almost went to the Capitol Theatre but decided not to. Came on home.

       Oct.23 Tue: Morning: Caught bus with Virginia and arrived on the job at the Church about 9:30. Worked drilling 2-inch holes in cement all morning. Afternoon: "Laid off" for a bite of lunch at the Civic. Worked until 5:30 & laid off for the day. Evening: Got prints at Miami Photo Supply--$1.44. Waited around until folks went to Dolphin for supper (7:30). When they brought me back to town I took the bus home.

       Oct.24 Wed: Morning: Finished English homework. School. Afternoon: Walked home. Fixed or replaced prints in my photo- book in place of the ones which I sent to Hjalmer. Must write him again soon. Must write Lamont. Evening: Went to the "Doughnut Hut" downtown with the folks.--Maxwell House Coffee --my 1st cup (I didn't taste the "last drop")--and doughnuts. Met an old neighbour of ours before the "Jungle Wild Life" Village. Drove to the Dolphin where we ate, and I then caught a street car to town, got Dad's car, drove to the Biltmore & saw Fay Wray & Jack Holt in "Black Moon."--Returned home. Arranged my old relics on their shelves.

       Oct.25 Thurs: Afternoon: Experimented with lenses.

       Oct.27 Sat: Morning: Waited around all morning to go to town with Mother. Finally left at about 11:00 A.M. (with Mother). Went to the Church & saw Hansford. Afternoon: Hansford & I walked to the library where we spent all the afternoon until 6:00 P.M. Had to pay out $2 of much needed money for lost library book. I think much of my library privileges. Checked out "Behind Your Front" (E.P. Oppenheim) a book on psychology; "Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde" & Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables." Evening: Hansford walked to the Dolphin with me, where we parted. Ate.

       Oct.28 Sun: Morning: Taught Sunday School class again. The present lessons are difficult to try to interest small boys in. Afternoon: Invited Hans to dinner with us at the Dolphin. Wes spent the afternoon at the house fooling around with "Photorita"--a preparation supposed to make prints without a darkroom. Practically a failure. Evening: Went with Dad to Church but came back with car (& Hans) for Mother. Felt very sleepy. I lay in the car while Hansford & I told each other stories. Queer but true. That was during Church. Dozed all the way home.

       Oct.29 Mon: Morning: Read "Real America". Afternoon: Could not study Latin well because I did not feel well in study- hall. Dad brought me home to find everything torn out of my room. After spending 2 months to get my room fixed up it is a great disappointment to have to move out of it. That side of the house is being rented. Mother is getting ready to leave on an evangelistic tour. Arranged my new "office" in a corner of Dad's study. Evening: Ate at the Dolphin. Returned home & finished arranging new quarters.

       Oct.30 Tue: Morning: Catalogued books. Afternoon: Did well with my Latin. Felt fine. Dad brought me home. Wrote in my diary making up past few days.

       Oct.31 Wed: Morning: Catalogued books. Frank Earl Herrick coincidence. Afternoon: Arranged my personal effects, etc. Packed away many things. Packed my belongings in case I should have to leave with Mother. Evening: Dinner at the church with the "inmates". Learned I was not to go--a disappointment. Came home on the bus.

       Nov.1 Thurs: Morning: Talked with Mother and "saw her off". Mary Francis, Virginia and Wayne (Bloun) went with her. She is going to Jonesboro, Tenn. for her meeting and possibly from there to California. Afternoon: Borrowed book from Civics teacher (Miss Morgan) --"Current Problems in American History". Tried to purchase new pants. Arranged my "office". Looked over Mother's old books to see if any were worth adding to my collection. Evening: Went with Dad to small restaurant in Allapattah.--By the way, a very prosperous and growing community. Spent the evening selecting some of Mother's books for my collection. Found 1853 copy of "Spurgeon's Sermons"!

       Nov.21 Wed: Dad & I have gotten along splendidly together-- he's a pal!

       Nov.22 Thurs: Mother arrives home. (about 9:00 P.M.)

       Nov.23 Fri: School. Baseball at home after school.

       Nov.24 Sat: Played Camelot. Drove Mother around town all afternoon & also turned books in at the Library. Ate out at Sistrunk's. Reading a very good book, "The Red Napoleon" by Floyd Gibbons, famous war correspondent and radio announcer.

       Nov.25 Sun: Dad preached fine sermon: "The Christian's Wealth". Ate at the Maxwell House. Drove Mother around. Lamont came over & we played Camelot & Rook all afternoon. Mother preached tonight.--Parting sermon. She's leaving soon for California to see Father Brandt who is in ill health.

       Nov.26 Mon: School. Received nice letter from Hjal with picture of his girl. Wrote him a letter. Ordered (for 50 cents) "Current Problems in American History". Plumbers' for dinner.

       Nov.27 Tue: School. Played catch. Read. Moores' for dinner.-- Dad's Bible class--Review & 1st part of Revelation Chap. 8.

       Nov.28 Wed: School. Kirklands' for dinner.

       Nov.29 Thurs: Thanksgiving Holiday! Played baseball etc. with Lamont over here. Went to his house for Thanksgiving Dinner. Swell! Mother left at 10:50 P.M. on F.E.C. for Chicago & California. Lamont stayed all night with me.

       Nov.30 Fri: Played Camelot & Rook all day with Lamont. Terrible waste of time! Wilsons' for dinner. Press clippings.

       Dec.1 Sat: Worked on press-clippings. Played baseball. Worked on press-clippings. Sistrunks' for dinner. Worked on press- clippings.

       Dec.2 Sun: Sunday School class. Have worked out a point system. Church. Dad preached good message on Communion. With Hartley at the Maxwell House for dinner. Worked on news clippings. Got brilliant idea of making map board. Cut maps out of old Geography books. Young People's. Church--Dad preached good message on "Man's Enemies".--Very good but a bit too long.

       Dec.3 Mon: School--English monthly test = 99%. Bought large, white sheets of cardboard--for mounting maps. Worked on press clippings. Dinner at Plumbers'. Worked on press-clippings.

       Dec.9 Sun: Dad preached very good message. Dinner at "Pig'n Whistle" with Hartley. Finished one panel of my "Wall Atlas" & fitted it in the door of the bookcase which has the glass out. Y.P.'s. I must lead next Sunday. Dad preached best message ever heard him preach. Must have been the Lord. I wept!

       Dec.10 Mon: School:--They changed my part in the operetta from "McSpindle" to "The Burgomaster". (Because of my deep bass voice.) Practised my songs and part in the operetta ("Tulip Time") all afternoon. Many more solo parts and other songs and much more speaking parts than as "McSpindle". Dinner at Plumbers'. Practice--1st--For operetta at 8:00 P.M. Had a fine practice. Part O.K.

       Dec.11 Tue: School: Teacher gave me a letter addressed to "A Ninth Grade Student" from a Marie Drissell in Payson, Utah. The letter was written as an English project. I am answering it, being interested in corresponding with someone "out West" just for the heck of it. Sending some pictures of myself and am asking her to send me pictures of herself. Worked on press clippings. Dinner at Moores'. Dad's Bible class. Coldest yet. Low of 30 degrees! (-1 C.)

       Dec.12 Wed: Coldest for years! +30.4 degrees F.--3 degrees above coldest ever! No school today because of cold weather. Finished letter to Marie Drissell. Tended to some errands. Studied part in operetta. Dinner at Kirklands'. Too cold for practise at school for operetta so I went (by myself in Dad's car) to practise for Christmas Play at Church. Took Mary Lou home.

       Dec.13 Thurs: Didn't attend school again today. Cleaned the house. Exercised outdoors. Worked on press clippings. Fred Johnson, D.D.--(arrived in town a day or so ago) came to see Dad this afternoon.--Some proposition about using our name (of church) to sell "Go to Church seals". We get 25% of receipts. Think it is a good idea. Selling done by phone. Drove Johnson to town. Attended to some errands (snap-shots & library). Came home. Saters' for dinner. Made & installed map-board for other door of book-case. (P.S.--Mr. Smith died this afternoon).

       Dec.14 Fri: All dressed & ready for school but read in paper no school for today because of cold. Played baseball, ping- pong; worked on press clippings; took a bath; & read. (Also cleaned air-rifles). Stovalls' for dinner. Went with Dad to Homestead, 7:00 P.M. Got back about 10:00 P.M.

       Dec.15 Sat: Arose late. Shot air-rifle awhile. Worked on press-clippings. Exercised outside awhile. Sistrunks' for dinner. Got to thinking about what kind of a guy I am. Wrote card to Mother. Wrote card to Hjal. Read. Wrote short note of repentance to Mary Lou. (For sexy loving!)

       Dec.16 Sun: Wrote Hjal. a card. Sunday School Class. Dad preached good sermon. Dinner with Hartley at "Mac's". Read. Practise at Church 4:00 to 6:00 (went on bus). Led Young People's Service. Theme:--God's Promises. Dad preached another good sermon. Light Lunch out at "The Coconuts" (where Uncle Mark works).

       Dec.17 Mon: Late for school. School. Took car to town (Edgar Hobart went along, too.) Bought about 25 Christmas cards-- nothing more this Christmas. Also small present (orange blossom perfume) for Ruth Ridenour; book as prize for Sunday School class; & baby rattle for present to bad boy in Sunday School. Came home. Dinner at Martins'. (Bill's "gonna git" married). Practice at Church. Came home with Moores'.

       Dec.18 Tue: School--By the way.--Got report card yesterday: Civics 96; Science 97; English 98. Signed & addressed all cards in study hall: 6 to Oakland folks, 5 to Los Angeles folks, 2 to Ridenours, 1 to Hjal, 1 to Miss Heiss, 1 to Miss Drissell, 2 to Academy boys, 5 to "Home Folks" (here in Miami). Sent card of my grades to Hjal. Wrote letter of answers to question contest in Miami Daily News. Dinner at Moores'.--Dad's Bible class.

       Dec.19 Wed: School:--Practised for an hour after school with "Chorus" for Operetta. Walked home with Mary Huff. (One of cast.) Nice girl. Mailed card to Mother. Rather embarrassing --the way she never writes. Told her about it. Worked on press-clippings. Fitzstephens' for dinner. Practice at school. Nice practice but I need plenty more. Fred MacFarland brought me home. My! But the young people of today are certainly frivolous!

       Dec.20 Thurs: Found note & $1 from Aunt Ellen in School:-- Wrote card of appreciation (mail box this morning) to Aunt Ellen for her $1 Christmas gift. It helps a lot. Worked on press-clippings. Looked in News & found I had not won contest. One of few contests in which I have ever participated.

       Dec.21 Fri: Mother arrived home tonight.

       Dec.23 Sun: Vera arrived this evening.

       Dec.24 Mon: Did some shopping.

       Dec.25 Tue: Had a very nice Christmas--dinner upstairs at the Church and all.--Not as much as last Christmas but am satisfied.

       Dec.28 Fri: Went to West Palm Beach--drove Vera, Mother, Virginia, Mary Lou, & Doc. Koger.

       DEC.29 SAT: Mother & Dad went out for the day to study. Took Dad's car & went downtown on some errands. Got my pictures from the photographers at last--$1.58. Took Vera's films to be developed & printed. Came home & took a bath. Worked on press-clippings. Dad, Mother, Vera, & I ate at the Maxwell House. I drove Vera "home" (to the Church). While with her we got pictures from the photographers.

       DEC.30 SUN: Sunday School class. Dad preached. Dinner at the Maxwell House. Mel & Virginia came over. Showed them the pictures I took of their restaurant before they went out of business. Worked on press-clippings. Young People's. Gave 15 cents to a tramp. Mother preached. Ate at "Pig 'n Whistle" after Church.

       DEC.31 MON: Practice for operetta at the school this morning.

       DECEMBER MEMO: I believe that 1934 has been one of the most EVENTFUL YEARS OF MY LIFE! It has really been a turning point in my life, what with: Wheaton!--The trip this past summer!-- And the Chicago World's Fair! So long, Ol' Year! You were a great ol' fella in my life!

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