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[[Category:HomeARC ML 0-200]]

Latest revision as of 22:41, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


Copyrighted October, 1972 by the Children of God
P.O.Box 31, London WC2E 7LX, England or GPO Box 3141, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

1. Lord, it was not necessarily the custom of old to anoint the Prime Minister. Nevertheless, he's already been anointed by Thy Spirit, and Thou hast been faithful to him and purged him and cleansed him and helped him and inspired him.

2. HE'S BEEN A FAITHFUL STEWARD in all his house, diligent in his business, and loyal in Thy service and hast accomplished all those things whereto Thou hast bidden him. We Thank You Lord! He's been one of the most faithful and loyal in all our house, and we have trusted him, Lord, and put all our affairs in his hands, so that we, as with the kings of old, hardly know ought about our business but what he cares for it.

3. THANK YOU FOR THE WONDERFUL POWER AND SPIRIT YOU'VE GIVEN HIM for the diplomatic relations with others and the wisdom and patience and love and tact you've given him. Thank You Jesus, for how You've inspired and led him how to do it, who to take, how to talk. We thank You Lord! Praise You Jesus!

4. THANK YOU LORD THAT HE HAS SUCCEEDED, AND BEEN A SUCCESS IN THY WORK and accomplished so much, both at home and abroad, always faithfully performing that to which he's been assigned. Lord, we know we can always expect to get it done when we ask Jeth to do it. We get action and immediate action when we ask him to do it! Thank You Lord!

5. Help him to quit thinking about himself, but to get his eyes on You. None of us can stand the sight of
ourselves. We're a mess and nothing without You, and only You can do it, if we just yield to You.

6. (Tongues) Even as Thou didst help Moses and gave him righthand men to conduct the affairs of the Kingdom, even so hast Thou done with us. We thank You for such good helpers. The Kingdom can not do without them. Help Thy subjects to give him due respect and honour, and to recognise his place and to obey. Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! In Jesus' Name!

7. FINISH THE JOB even as he requested, according to Thy will. Complete the purification of his spirit and setting of his mind and heart on Thee, putting Thee first of all, loving Thee with all his heart, and delighting himself in Thee above all other things.

8. (Sees a huge old ornate gold pocket watch on a heavy gold chain with a leather fob and emblem:) Give him joy in his labours and glory in his task, strength for the wheel as he puts his shoulder to it, to cause the other wheels to turn. Except this big wheel turns, Lord, none of the little wheels can turn, We're all cogged together. So help this big wheel to turn so the little wheels can hum! I guess I'm the Main Spring!

9. I'm the Spring!--The Lord's the One that winds it! The Spring causes all the wheels to turn, yet if these big wheels, like this balance wheel, turn not, then everything stops. Jesus, help Lord! If the Spring can't turn this wheel, then none of the wheels will turn properly, and this one keeps them in tune and in time and well balanced and running smoothly.--so that our face and hands can tell the time to the nations to show them what time it is, how late it is, as a sign. We are the time keepers of this world, and all of Thy operations are geared to us, Lord!

10. THANK YOU FOR THE PRECIOUS THINGS THOU HAST GIVEN US--THE CASE OF GOLD AND THE LITTLE JEWELS UPON WHICH THESE WHEELS PIVOT, and the little bearings upon which these wheels rest and without which they could not turn--all these little secretaries, workers, etc., so unseen behind the works--behind the face, behind the hands, behind the scenes,--and yet without them the wheels could not turn, without these smooth jewels who are the bearings, these precious jewels--secretaries, provisioners, PR men, greeters, cooks,--all the little tiny hidden parts that make it run, without which any missing part would hinder! Thank you Jesus!

11. Whether they like it or not, the world can hear us tick, they may think we conceal things, like the face of the clock conceals the works behind the scenes, but we can stand inspection, Lord, and they can hear us tick! They know we're running! We're not dead and silent like the churches! And the hands move-they don't stand still! They haven't stopped a hundred or two hundred years ago, but they're still telling time--telling the world what time it is, still prophesying, still voicing!

12. And this, Lord, is one of Thy biggest wheels, that's needed to make it go, make all the little wheels turn in tune and in time, for all the machinery to hum smoothly. Thank You Lord for the oil of Thy Spirit that makes everything run smoothly and sweetly and quietly without friction!

13. I'M NOTHING BUT A LITTLE SPRING, LORD, THAT SETS THINGS IN MOTION, pushes a little to get the wheels turning. We thank You Lord, for how they keep going! Help him to thank Thee and Praise Thee, not to weep for himself, but to weep for Thee and Thy work, Thy children, and get his eyes off himself.--To be sorry for himself is to be selfish and introspective and even to murmur!

14. HELP HIM NOT TO BE SORRY FOR HIMSELF, BUT TO PRAISE THEE for his blessings and thank Thee for how You've trusted him and we've trusted him to do a good job, for we know he will. Help him to thank Thee for how much You trust him, and how much You've helped him to accomplish, how You've worked so mightily in the hearts of those he's dealt with in public relations and in the hearts of his staff! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

15. THANK YOU FOR THE GOLDEN CASE YOU'VE PUT US IN--FOR THY BEAUTIFUL PROTECTION AND PROVISION! Thank you Jesus! Thank You Lord for the crystal of publicity that You've given Your message, through which the world can see us--TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, so many things through which the whole world views us, the crystal that makes our signs open to the public--the signs of the times--the movement of the hands!

16. Nothing God does is without signification, and the hands of this large old ornate watch stood at a little after 3. And I thought: well, now, what does that mean? Besides just being a sign to the world, they also tell us what the time is! The minute hand was actually in between three and six, nearly half past 3, between the 20 and 25 minute marks. We really didn't start telling the time until about 3 1/2 years ago! We didn't really start getting out the message to the world till the Spring of 1969!

17. And then I wondered, Why Lord, if that's the case--they're always talking about midnight being the final hour:--If that's the case, then midnight is less than nine hours, or nine years from now, which would make it about 1980 or 1981! Then the answer came just as clear:-

"That is not to be your Midnight, but your Noon!--And Midnight will come 12 hours after that!"--About 1993! Just as the Lord seemed to indicate in other prophecies such as "Gypsies" and the "70 Years Prophecy"! Hallelujah--'69 to '93!--24 years!--24 hours!--12 to 12 to 12!--And it's now '72--nearly half past three!--Glory!

18. It was like one of those big gold pocket watches, ornate and old-fashioned. I kept asking, Why was it in the form of a watch instead of a clock?--Why, of course, a clock is stationary, but a watch is always on the move! We're a pocket watch that the Lord carries around in His pocket all the time, and we're valuable to Him! He really protects us, and takes us out, and winds us, and He's even proud of us!

19. THE BACK OF THAT WATCH WAS SO ORNATE AND BEAUTIFUL!--ALL INLAID WITH DIAMONDS AND RUBIES! AND THAT ENGRAVING! I never thought about what it said. I don't even understand the design! It was just like a mystery, like several initials all intertwined. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! Whose initials are usually carved on the back of a watch?--The Owner's initials of course! Very mysterious! I can't even decipher them!--Like its a mystery. God has a lot of names!

20. There's a scripture in Revelation about the Lord putting His name on us--Revelation 3:12: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven from My God: and I will write upon him My new name."--Hallelujah! We're His watch and bear His name! You know that scripture is in the passage about the Philadelphian Church with the ones about the Key of David also! The Philadelphian Church is a totally victorious church--not a bad thing said about it!

21. Attached to the watch is a heavy golden chain:-and what is attached to the other end of the chain? The Owner, of course! We're tied to the Lord with the golden chain of His love! Hallelujah!

22. (This whole revelation came about because of Jethro's faith, and is his asking the Lord for a sign. He wanted to know what he was and where he fit in.)

23. YOU, JETH, ARE THAT WHEEL THAT KEEPS MOVING BACK AND FORTH, and when that wheel doesn't turn, nothing turns. What a balance you are between the spiritual and the practical, to keep things all balanced properly! If some of them had it, it wouldn't be anything but business!--And if others were doing it, it would be nothing but spiritual! But you help keep the balance. The balance wheel is the most active wheel--the one that moves the most back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, moves in all directions--keeps the balance.

24. There was a special pocket for the watch.--And they always had something else!--A watch fob! A little trinket or ornament on the top of the watch that you pull the watch out with--and sometimes they were made of leather with a little metal piece on it. This one I saw in vision had a yoke on it! How about that!--That's our symbol God told us to always wear!--Hallelujah!

25. And we're mobile! Whatever way God moves, we move with Him!--Right in His pocket!

26. THE LITTLE HAND INDICATES THE HOUR, OR IN THIS CASE, THE YEAR, and the big hand the minutes, which in this case, indicates the months. The year is divided into 12 months.--It must be something that happened in May of 1969! May be the Lord considers the Revolution didn't really get started until we left Tucson, because until that time we hadn't really forsaken all--we still had a certain dwelling place.--And then maybe it means something else! What else happened in the middle of May?--That's our Anniversary! Hallelujah!

27. GOD IS TELLING THE TIME BY US, and accurately! The watch is a portable timepiece! It has to be movable. It's always worn right on the person of the Owner! Whichever way He moves, we move! Hallelujah!--Isn't that great!

28. This morning, while praying, Jethro got II Kings 20 from the Lord, and verse 8, which says: "And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord the third day? And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah answered, it is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord: and he brought the shadow ten degrees back ward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.'--A sun dial!--A timepiece!--The Watch is that sign!--A sign that God's going to heal you, Jeth, and give you more Time!--Hallelujah!

29. This evening the Lord has answered that prayer with this sign! (MO: tongues and weeping:) "Why dost thou marvel for all these wonders and signs I have given thee, that thou shouldst wonder that I have spoken these things?"

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family}