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Latest revision as of 23:58, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

IT'S UP TO JAPAN!       1/88       DO 2404
--Whether There's Trade War & Recession or Peace & Plenty!

       1. For the Dollar to have been down to 120 Yen & then rise to 130 Yen was ridiculous! All because of false hopes! But now the Stock Market has suffered its third worst fall right after the Dollar went up, so it's bound to come down again. (Maria: It just shows no matter how much Man is trying to stop it, they can't.) They can't stop the judgements of God!

       2. The thing I wanted to tell you, the thing that has come to me in praying about the situation in Japan & the World economic situation, particularly the present World crisis in World trade, is that the Lord has been good to Japan. He's actually given Japan a second chance. The first time Japan tried to force its military & economic domination on the World & it failed, the Lord let them suffer in ignominious defeat, which greatly humbled them--the Lord Himself said so, so that He could bless them.
       3. They're great people, wonderful people, hard-working people, industrious, ingenious, good people, righteous people, clean people, moral people, courteous, hospitable, polite. They're almost like Christians should be, except they don't have the Lord, at least very few of them have or know the Lord.
       4. But the Lord allowed them to be raised up from the dust, from that crushing defeat, in which they were totally devastated, ruined, but He allowed them to be raised up from the dust, literally, from abject poverty, ruin, even hunger, cities in ruin, hundreds of thousands slaughtered, Japan suffered horrors that no nation has ever suffered before!
       5. God punished them for their selfishness & their aggression, their cruel oppressing domination of nearly the whole East, their own slaughter of thousands & massacre of many in Korea, China, Southeast Asia, even as far as the Philippines. The Lord then punished them with total abject defeat & poverty & ruin, that He might try to teach them a lesson, & then have mercy on them & allow them to raise themselves from total defeat & total ruin & even hunger, to become the World's greatest economic power on Earth, as they are today!
       6. Now the Lord is giving them a second chance, in other words, to do the right thing this time, to be truly righteous & compassionate on the poor. Having once been poverty stricken themselves after the war, He's wondering if they're going to learn their lesson & have mercy on the poor of the World as He has had mercy on them.
       7. So Japan right now is at the crossroads, or I might say, it's at the division in the road that they should take, the Lord having blessed them with riches & plenty above any other nation on the face of the Earth.--Wealth & tremendous capital reserves, their economy totally in the black as a nation, with multi-billions of Dollars in reserve & billions of Dollars in surplus trade balances, so that they have become the greatest creditor on Earth so that more people on Earth owe them more money than any other nation on Earth!
       8. Whereas even the great once-wealthy U.S.A. has been going downhill, accumulating a greater trade deficit & budget deficit, more & more until now the U.S.A. has become the greatest debtor nation on Earth. It owes more money than any other nation on Earth, & a tremendous amount of it, more & more of it, to Japan, which is literally buying up the U.S.A. or as much as they can get of it, for which they're going to be sorry when the U.S. collapses, as all those investments in the U.S. are going to go down the drain!--If they don't help the U.S. to survive, & if they don't help some of the other poverty-stricken debtor nations of the Earth to survive. And they could help them. They are able & could afford to literally donate billions of Dollars to help the poor developing nations of the World, even if they'd only loan it to them.
       9. But the thing that has struck me is that Japan could help the whole World right now, not only the poor, poverty-stricken underdeveloped debtor nations of the East, like the Philippines, as well as the West, like Latin America, but even the declining U.S.A., just by lowering Japanese tariffs & allowing the products of these poorer nations to come into Japan. They wouldn't have to give a cent to the U.S. or these poor nations if they would simply abolish their import taxes, or in other words, their tariffs, which are taxes, on all of these cheaper goods that are being produced in the underdeveloped nations of both East & West as well as even the U.S.A.--especially food!
       10. U.S. farmers wouldn't be failing right now if it weren't for the fact that Japan refuses to allow many U.S. agricultural products into Japan. (Maria: Japan comes back & says, "Our farmers are going to be failing if we allow that.") Well, somebody's gotta give, somebody's going to get hurt. Because of these unfair trade practices, Japanese farmers have gotten rich, too rich, at the expense of the rest of the World, & even their own people, with forced high prices!
       11. Their average people, working classes, do not have as high a standard of living as those in the U.S.A. because the prices are so high, they have to pay so much, especially for food. The average Japanese throughout Japan pays four to six times as much as World prices for agricultural products such as the most common staple that they eat, rice! They pay four to six times as much for it as the price of rice on the World market produced by both the U.S. & the poorer nations of the World--because of Japan's high trade barriers!
       12. If Japan would let down its trade barriers & allow those cheaper food products--it's nearly all food products--which the rest of the World is producing much more cheaply than Japan can even afford to produce, Japan would be consuming an enormous amount of these cheap food products from the poor countries of the World, as well as from the poor U.S.A.!
       13. As U.S. Senator Lloyd Bensten tried to point out & persuade the Japanese in his visit to Japan, it would not only benefit the poor nations of the World & the U.S.A. by giving them this tremendous rich Japanese market for their products, but also raise the standard of living of the poor Japanese workers!--Although that might hurt the Japanese farmers because they cannot economically produce food as cheaply as the rest of the World because they just haven't got the land, they can't operate huge mechanised agri-business farms. Their farms are small, & they just cannot compete with the rest of the World when it comes to food.
       14. They've never been able to compete! They've always been desperate to try to produce their own food, & the only way they can produce their own food is by subsidizing their farmers & the government paying the farmers to produce the food at such high prices that the government has to pay part of the prices & then sell the products to the Japanese people for four to six times the cost of the same food on the World market!
       15. This seems crazy, except that Japan has been desperately trying to preserve its own food production & make itself self-sufficient in food & not dependent on any other nation on Earth for its food. (Maria: In some ways that's commendable.) But not when you think of the World as a whole & the World as a community, it is extremely selfish to keep out the cheap products of the rest of the World who need to sell to Japan & who need the income. It would be little enough as it is, but it would tremendously help the poor nations, like those in Southeast Asia for example, if they could sell more of their products, especially food products, to Japan.--And it would help the U.S. where the farmers have been going downhill & bankrupt & becoming poverty-stricken! Every year more banks are failing, especially in the farm States, where the farmers just can't make it because they can't sell enough of their products, etc.
       16. If Japan would abolish, or at least even lower their horrible trade barriers, which are so high they keep out these World products that are only one-fourth to one-sixth as expensive, that much cheaper than Japan's food products, Japan says it would ruin their farmers. Well, if the farmers of Japan cannot compete with the farmers of the rest of the World, then why keep up an unprofitable, non-competitive, inefficient & ineffective form of subsidised, paid farming--paid by the government & paid by the poor people of Japan--why don't they let the rest of the World feed Japan?--If only Japan were not so afraid of being dependent on the rest of the World for food!
       17. Japan has got to wake up to the fact that it cannot be so isolationist, it cannot insist that it's going to have to feed itself, take care of itself & not look to the rest of the World for any thing or any help. It's selfishness to insist on not being dependent on anybody, just on themselves! Right now they're not dependent on anybody economically. They dominate the World now when it comes to money, paper money, finances, business, electronic products & manufactured products. In those they excel, they supersede all the rest of the nations on the face of the Earth! Not even the U.S.A., the mighty great industrial U.S.A., can compete with them when it comes to their electronic & mechanical products.
       18. The Japanese are experts at this electronics business & manufacturing mechanical products, etc. They excel, they outdo the whole World, they're so clever & ingenious & inventive & always very clever with anything when it comes to making things with their hands. Now they've even made machines that can make them without their hands!

       19. What we are going to have to teach the World in the Millennium is that nobody can be independent & totally self-contained, isolationist, selfish & dependent on nobody!--That all the World, every people, every nation, is dependent on somebody for something, & they all have to learn to share. In other words, let Japan excel the World in manufactured products, for example, now. Let them beat even the great U.S.A. at the production of highly mechanised equipment, car production, etc. They can produce anything the U.S.A. produces better & cheaper! So let them! But the U.S.A. can produce food better & cheaper than Japan!
       20. So what needs to happen is to put a stop to all these horrible trade barriers! They ought to totally abolish them, all the trade barriers between nations, which are usually put up by a nation on products they cannot compete with other nations on. So they just artificially raise the prices by putting government taxes on those products so it raises the price of those products in the countries which cannot compete with them, & therefore by trying to keep those products out, they think they're benefitting their own manufacturers & their own producers, etc., whereas at the same time they're robbing their own people of these cheap products that can be produced cheaper in other countries. They are refusing to allow fair competition.
       21. So what I would say is, what's going to happen in the Millennium, there are going to be no tariffs to keep out competition in the Millennium! Whatever country can produce products cheaper than the rest of the World, let them produce them & let them trade them with the rest of the World, for the products that the rest of the World can produce cheaper than Japan, for example, like food products!
       22. The only solution is absolute totally fair & free World trade! The countries which can produce things better & more cheaply than anybody else on Earth, let them produce those items better & cheaper & let them sell them to the rest of the World without a lot of trade barriers & artificial price hikes! But let Japan also abolish its trade barriers & high tariffs against the food products of the rest of the World. So that Japan could then allow the rest of the World to produce these products cheaper & better & sell them to Japan cheaper & better than Japanese farmers can!
       23. It might hurt the Japanese farmers who are now artificially made rich by Japanese tariffs & high prices. It may squeeze out the Japanese farmers who cannot efficiently & effectively & economically enough produce those food products as cheaply as the rest of the World. Yes, Japan would become dependent on other nations for its food, but other nations are dependent on Japan for its other cheap products, electronic products, mechanical products. (Maria: Products which they want to buy more of, but they can't because...)--Because their own nations raise huge trade barriers against Japan, & Japan raises these huge trade barriers against the food products of the rest of the World!
       24. So everybody's cutting their own throats by being so independent, selfish & not sharing! A perfect World such as is going to be in the Millennium, almost perfect, is a World where everybody does the best they can at what they can do best, & shares it with the rest of the World. They share with their neighbour what they can do best & better than he can. In the case of Japan, the rest of the World can produce food much more cheaply & economically & effectively & efficiently than Japan can.

       25. So Japan & the rest of the World have to learn how to share unselfishly, & in the long run all would benefit by everybody sharing fairly & freely. Although it might hurt the farmers of Japan because they can't produce that food as efficiently & as cheaply as the rest of the World, it would help the vast majority of the people of Japan. The farmers today are a very small minority of the Japanese people, as I recall it's something ridiculous like 10%! Its farmers are very few compared to the vast majority of the Japanese people who could be benefitting from these cheap food prices that are common to the rest of the World market! The Japanese worker could be buying his food for 1/4 to 1/6 of what his food is costing him now! Can you imagine what a benefit that would be to the Japanese worker? Then he could afford to buy himself a house or an apartment, which is one of the most desperate needs in Japan today--housing!
       26. The Japanese people, considering their tremendous economic power & prosperity compared to the rest of the World, especially the U.S.A., are living near the poverty level when it comes to housing! Their housing is so small & so insufficient, it's like they're living in cottages & shacks compared to the U.S.! Because when it comes to the actual cost that the working man has to pay for housing & property, he just can't afford it, considering Japan's high prices. Land, property, homes, even apartments are priced completely way out of reason, so that the average Japanese just can't afford'm! He can hardly afford to rent an apartment on his low wages.
       27. If all of these trade barriers of all nations were abandoned, suddenly, even overnight, suddenly Japan could sell a tremendous volume of its electronic & mechanical products, industrial products, in which they can out-sell, out-manufacture, out-price & out-compete almost anything any other part of the World has to sell! They could flood the markets then, & they could stay rich because of the tremendously increased market they would have for their products & not have to be limited in quotas to the U.S.A., etc., not have to be taxed & tariffed out of the U.S. market by high tariffs that try to keep their products out, because of their own unfair trade practices by keeping American products out, food products, in which the U.S. can out-sell, out-produce & out-price the Japanese all over the place!
       28. But if both would come to an agreement, a reckoning, "All right, we'll let your products in if you'll let our products in," things would start to even off, level off, average off, so that the best producers with the best products & the lowest prices would have a tremendous market throughout the World! And if the producers of those same products cannot compete with other products of the World, well all right, let them find something else to do, let them find something they can produce better than anybody else.--Just like Japan has found things they can produce better than anybody else in the World! Just like the U.S.A. has found that it can produce food cheaper than anybody else on Earth, with its huge fields & monstrous agri-business farms of thousands of acres, mechanically operated, etc.
       29. Japan has mechanised its electronics industry & its mechanical industry--so mechanised it & robotised it that they can produce things faster, cheaper, more efficiently than any other nation on Earth! The U.S., for example, has so mechanised its huge agri-business, monstrous, thousands-of-acres farms with automatic machinery, that it has cut down on labour so that it can produce food faster, cheaper & more efficiently than any other nation on Earth!
       30. Now what they need to do is get together & make an agreement--which we're going to make them do when it comes to the Millennium--to allow the part of the World that can produce the food better, faster, cheaper, more economically, more effectively & efficiently than anybody else on Earth, let them produce it, & let the other nations buy it & trade it for their own products, such as Japan's, which they can produce faster, cheaper & more efficiently than any other nation on Earth! So let them all trade those benefits. Let Japan sell its cheap products in the U.S.A. for their cheap prices without U.S. tariff barriers! But let the U.S.A. sell its cheap food products in Japan cheaper than Japan can raise them!
       31. And in both cases, the general population of each country will tremendously benefit! Because the U.S.A., which craves Japanese products which are better & cheaper than their own, would be able to buy them from Japan better & cheaper, & it would benefit the whole population, all the workers, all the labourers, all the people, even the poor! Whereas if then Japan allows World food products into Japan at the World market prices, one-sixth what they're now paying, Japan could be eating better & cheaper than they could possibly produce it themselves! They cannot produce food as cheap, it's impossible for them to do it in their small, inefficient little individual farms on their tiny little bit of agricultural land in such a mountainous country!
       32. They just haven't got the land, which is what Japan has been complaining about for a century, that they need more land to grow more food on so they can feed their population. They want to be independent, they want to be isolationists, they want to be self-sufficient, so they want to be able to grow their own food & not depend on anybody else, but that is not God's plan for the World! God's plan for the World is to let whoever can produce whatever products the best & cheapest in the whole World, & trade them with the other nations of the World for their products that they can produce best & cheapest!
       33. Such as right now, let Japan trade its superior & cheaper manufactured products with the U.S.A. freely, without tariffs, without trade barriers, while Japan allows the U.S.A. to trade its cheaper food products with Japan & the poor of Japan & the general population of Japan, the workers & labourers of Japan, the average Japanese, at those cheap World market prices!--Including a flood of agricultural products from the other poorer nations of the Earth, like their neighbours in Southeast Asia & other poor farmers of the East, & the West as well.--Which would tremendously benefit the Japanese people!
       34. Imagine how much of their income now has to go to food, that's the main item in question right now. It's estimated that the average budget for food in the U.S.A. is about 25% of the average income. In Japan it's about half of the average income because they have to pay such high prices for their food! The average worker, labourer, average Japanese, has to pay four to six times as much for his food as the rest of the World does! Think of it! Think what a benefit it would be to the Japanese people as a whole if suddenly the bottom dropped out of their budget & they didn't have to pay such a tremendous amount of their income for food! Immediately the whole of the Japanese people, let's say nine-tenths of them, would become prosperous & better off, could eat better & live more cheaply, all except for the farmers who cannot compete. They just cannot farm sufficiently efficiently to compete with the food products of the rest of the World!--So let'm change jobs!
       35. So Japanese farmers might have to go out of business except for growing their own food, & they might have to look around for jobs to do something else to try to maintain their standard of living.--Their exaggerated, artificial standard of living right now. (Maria: The worldwide demand for Japanese electronics products is so great that if the farmers could turn to that & be absorbed into that it might not really hurt so much.) Yes, be absorbed into the labour industry of manufacturing the products which the Japanese excel in & can undersell the rest of the nations of the World.

       TIT FOR TAT!
       36. So it's tit for tat! It's trade for trade! The Japanese would have to sacrifice their farmers & turn them into electronics & manufacturing labourers instead, because they just cannot produce food efficiently enough to be cheap enough to compete with the rest of the World. The U.S.A. & a lot of other developing nations that are trying to become industrial but can't because they can't do it as well & as efficiently & as effectively as the Japanese, just using them as an example, maybe their industrial labourers would have to go back to the farm & do what they can do best & cheapest, such as the U.S.A.'s farmers!
       37. Let them each go into the business & the production of things which they can do best & cheapest. To each his own, in a sense, until everybody in the World is producing what he can produce best & cheapest, & therefore furnish it to the rest of the World cheaper & better than they can do for themselves! (Maria: There are a lot of other examples in the World, like South Africa produces all these precious metals, but the whole World is trying desperately to produce the same things, when they don't have as many & it's much more expensive. And the Middle East produces more & cheaper oil, but all the rest of the World is trying frantically in some way to pour millions of Dollars into finding their own on their own turf.) Yes! The U.S. produces oil but cannot produce oil nearly as cheaply as can the Middle East!
       38. Let's speak of ideal, perhaps Millennial conditions, although a lot of this stuff is going to be eliminated in the Millennium. But let's say even for right now, if everybody would simply produce what they can produce best & cheapest, & therefore find a ready market for it in the rest of the World who can't, everybody would be trading the products that they can produce best for the products of the other guy that he can produce better than they can.--So that World prices on everything would tumble, & this would benefit the entire World population! It would make things better & cheaper for everybody!
       39. Japan could flood the U.S. with its electronic & manufactured products that they can produce better & cheaper than the U.S. can for itself, & the U.S. could flood Japan with its agricultural products that the U.S. can produce better & cheaper than the Japanese can, & everybody would benefit! Whole populations would benefit! The U.S.A. could flood Japan with cheap food & a few other products it could produce better & cheaper, & Japan could flood the World with its cheap electronics products & manufactured products that it can produce better & cheaper than anybody else in the World! So they'd have a tremendous market which would more than make up for what their poor little farmers lost on a few little items of food!

       40. Now, here is the crux of the whole matter, & that is that it's coming to a major World crisis! The last time the World was faced with this crisis they went into a vicious Trade War, which brought on the World Depression & finally the great World War, World War 2! It was brought on by the Trade War, believe it or not, because Germany & Japan were flooding the World with their cheap manufactured products, with which Europe & the Americans could not compete. That's what it amounted to. So there was a growing & growing trade war, until each of these nations got furious about it & became violent!
       41. The U.S. got furious with Germany & Japan & raised its tariffs against their products, so that Japan & Germany got furious with the U.S. & Europe for their high tariffs, & it eventually just erupted into a World War! World War 2 was not fought to make the World safe for democracy or the war to end all wars & all those fancy slogans, it was fought to see who could dominate the World economy! It was fought to sell products!--It was fought for money!
       42. World War 2, just like World War 1 & every other war was fought for money, for economic advantages & power!--And economic advantages mean power. So when a country couldn't compete with another country economically, they'd fight with them instead & tried to dominate them so they could have the same power. They could take over their economic power. This was what the U.S. was trying to do & Kaiser Wilhelm & Germany were trying to do in the First World War, they were competing with each other economically until it erupted militarily into a war! The same thing happened over again with World War 2.
       43. After World War 1, it was the old War-Boom-Bust cycle, the war was over, the boom burst & the Depression was coming on. And during this Depression Japan was making money by cheaper products & out-competing the rest of the World, especially North America & Europe, with its cheap products. So that Europe & the U.S. got furious with Japan & Germany again, until finally it again erupted into war! Trade Wars almost invariably & inevitably erupt into shooting wars! When they can't compete economically, they decide to try to overcome their enemies militarily.
       44. So the U.S. couldn't compete economically even then with Japan! It couldn't compete with Japan economically & with its cheap products, & when Japan started taking over the East both economically & militarily, the U.S. decided they just had to stop it! So they went to war militarily to try to stop Japan, & they almost didn't! But they finally did, which no doubt was the hand of God, as He told us, to humble Japan that He might make them great & give them what is now their last chance to share with the rest of the World. But the rest of the World must learn to share with them!

       45. The whole World needs to learn to share, each nation produce what it can produce best & most economically, most efficiently, & be able to trade it freely & competitively with the rest of the nations who cannot produce those things as well or as cheaply as that particular nation can.
       46. Well, this is now coming to a real crisis between Japan & the U.S.A. Japan is flooding the U.S. with its cheap automotive products, electronic products, mechanical & engineering products, almost everything that's mechanical or electronic, whatever the U.S. is producing along that line, Japan can produce better & cheaper! America's not only buying Japanese cars because they are cheaper, but because they're better!
       47. And no American is that patriotic that he's going to pay more for an expensive American product that is more poorly made just to be loyal to his country! Every American I ever knew was more loyal to himself than anybody else, & certainly more loyal to himself than he was to his country! He tries to do everything he can to better himself, but he doesn't give a damn about the country except as a matter of national pride & hopes that his country will survive so his job & his home & family & standard of living will survive. But when it comes to buying products, he is going to buy the best & at the same time the cheapest no matter where it's from! He couldn't care less whether it's from Japan! And that's exactly what they've been doing!
       48. (Maria: So the U.S. has been letting the Japanese products in.) Right! They have much more fairly & freely been allowing in Japanese products, largely because the population demands them, insists on it.--Rather than Japan allowing in the cheap agricultural products of the U.S. & the World. The Japanese people are programmed & geared to suffer more & sacrifice more & they have been told that they've got to sacrifice & pay high prices for food, they've got to pay'm in order to save Japan, "Be loyal to your country, be patriotic! Japan's gotta be self-sufficient in food! It's gotta feed itself, we can't be dependent on others, we especially can't be dependent on the U.S.A. or they'll control us!" (Maria: "And if they turn on you, then we won't have any food left.") Exactly, that's exactly what they've been preaching to the Japanese people, & therefore the Japanese worker has been willing to suffer & to sacrifice & to pay six times as much for his food as he otherwise would have to pay!
       49. But how long is that Japanese worker's patience going to last when he realises how much he's having to pay for his food just to support Japanese farmers! (Maria: But the U.S. could do that, they could turn on Japan & cut off all the food & the Japanese would starve!) You mean if the U.S. took over feeding Japan. Well, that's where nations have to be tolerant of each other & give & take & barter.
       50. The U.S. has to say to Japan, "Give us your food markets & we'll give you our electronics markets!" Japan has to be willing to say to the U.S., "Give us your electronics markets & we'll give you our food markets in free & fair trade!" Now that has to happen! If the Americans are going to be able to keep up their purchase of Japanese products, Japan has got to allow American products into Japan, it's got to happen! Or, if not, what's going to happen? It's coming to this crisis now!:
       51. The U.S. has just about had it, it's had enough, just like it did after World War 1 & at the beginning of the Depression. The U.S. decided that, to save itself & its own producers, it was going to have to drastically & dramatically raise its tariffs on foreign products, including especially Germany & Japan. It was going to have to raise its tariffs & taxes on those foreign nations' products that were flooding the U.S., to stop this competition with the U.S. manufacturers.
       52. At the same time Japan was flooding the U.S. markets but was refusing to accept American food products just like they are now. They raised their tariffs & taxes on American food. So once they both were stiff & hard & unyielding & both of them insisted on high tariffs on each others products, it helped to bring on the Great Depression, because they couldn't sell as much to each other, they couldn't trade as much with each other. So it ruined Japan's markets in the U.S., it ruined the U.S.' markets in Japan, & this happened, in a sense, all over the World--& presto!--Great Depression!
       53. (Maria: Right now Japan has most of its market in the U.S.?) Exactly, but the U.S. has almost no market in Japan! It can't compete. (Maria: But would it have a big market if it would open?) Oh, it would take over the entire Japanese food market! Virtually all the food that's sold in Japan the U.S. would be selling, because it can produce it at one-sixth the price of Japanese food! Think how that would benefit the Japanese poor & the Japanese labourer & the Japanese common office worker, etc., the common run of Japanese people, if they only had to pay a sixth as much for their food!--Which is what would happen!
       54. That will also make the common people of the U.S.A. very happy to buy all the Japanese electronics & cars & everything even much cheaper than they're buying them now! It's tit for tat, trade for trade! Japan could then be fairly trading its manufactured products for a fair trade of the U.S. trading its food products in Japan. It would be fair trade. They call it free & fair trade, which is something that Reagan has been advocating & has been begging Japan to do. Because as a Republican, he remembers what happened in the last Republican administration after World War 1 when the Americans finally got fed up with cheap German & Japanese products & drastically raised their tariffs on those products to try to keep out German & Japanese competition, & it brought on the Great World Depression!
       55. It's selfishness that brings on these trade wars & real wars! Each country is unwilling to give a little in order to get a little. Each country wants the other country to make the sacrifices. And right now the Japanese are being the unfair ones, believe it or not!
       56. I've stuck up for Japan for a lot of things, what wonderful people they are, hardworking, industrious, ingenious, sacrificial, good, moral, righteous, one of the lowest crime rates in the World, one of the cleanest countries in the World, & certainly one of the richest now, God blessed them for it.
       57. But now God is putting Japan to the test! He humbled them that He might make them great, that He might now put them to the test to see what they're going to do when it comes to sacrificing a little in order to gain a lot. The biggest thing that they would gain is World peace & prosperity, World economic stability, if Japan would be willing to lower or completely eliminate its food tariffs that are against the rest of the World, & at the same time the rest of the World make the same fair exchange by eliminating its tariffs & taxes on Japanese products.

       58. Well, it's come to a crisis!--And the crisis is coming up this month & next month! And it's so serious & severe, & they all know it, that the Prime Minister of Japan is going to the U.S.A. to try to plead his cause & beg the U.S.A. not to force'm, in fact to beg the World, in a sense, not to force'm to let down their food tariff barriers, & not to force them to allow these cheap food products in.
       59. World opinion & a World organisation, the World economic court--not the actual, literal World Court, but the economic court, GATT, the General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs, etc., is a World body of about 144 nations, as I recall, who get together & agree on what is a fair trade & free trade & fair tariffs & unfair competition, unfair tariffs, etc.--This World body of the other nations in the World, has agreed that Japan's tariffs are totally unfair & that Japan has got to allow in at least a dozen of these food products from the rest of the World with which they can't compete.
       60. (Maria: Isn't Japan saying they are going to relax restrictions?) Japan is saying, to try to turn down the heat, "Well, it looks like we're going to have to do it, let in at least ten of them." Well, that remains to be seen. In the day that Japan does that, that will be a record red-letter day for the first time in history, & their farmers are already demonstrating against it, violently!
       61. This is going to be the showdown! The showdown is coming when the Prime Minister of Japan goes to the U.S. & makes a last plea for mercy, begs for mercy from the rest of the World to please not force them to accept these agricultural products. But they've just about come to the point in Japan that they have been resisting so long & so hard till they're fighting the whole rest of the World on this agriculture issue, that they're going to have to give something, at least on these 10 or 12 products, which is almost nothing compared to the products that they need to give in on!
       62. The major products they need to give on are things that they use the most of, like rice. The Japanese price of rice in Japan is six times that of the World market price! Some of the products that Japan uses the most of, it produces the least of, & the most uneconomically, expensively. So Japan itself is suffering from its own tariffs because the Japanese people have to pay 4-6 times as much for their food. That's what it amounts to, it's just that simple!
       63. Whereas if they could come to an agreement with the U.S., for example, right now, & the U.S. say, "Okay, Japan..."--& this is probably what they're going to say, & it's going to be the last time, "This is your last chance--we'll let in your products, Japan, all your electronics & cars & all you want to sell us, we'll give you an open free market here without tariffs, as much as you want to sell us, if you'll open your food markets to us & let us sell freely in a fair trade without high tariffs on all of our food products in Japan. We'll let you sell your electronics & cars to us if you'll let us trade our food with you!"
       64. The U.S., in a sense, has really been very patient with Japan, but some of them are getting pretty fed-up. And I believe the U.S. is going to tell Japan, give it a final ultimatum: "Either let our food products into Japan or we're going to shut your products out of the U.S.A.!"--Which is Japan's biggest market for its manufactured products.
       65. Now, what if Japan still stubbornly refuses to yield its food markets for America's electronics markets? Then the U.S.A. will raise high tariffs against Japanese products to virtually shut the Japanese completely out of the U.S. market. Then where is Japan going to sell its products? As I recall, it sells about 40% of its products right now to the U.S.A. It's going to have to somehow increase its domestic markets & its World markets.
       66. Europe is getting fed-up too, they're threatening the same thing. "If Japan won't let in some of our products, then we're going to shut out its products!" Of course, Europe cannot produce food economically because it subsidises its farmers like Japan. It hasn't got the territory & it can't produce food as cheaply & as economically as the U.S. & as the rest of the World.
       67. I'm just saying, that's it! Japan is going to have to yield & let the World's food products into Japan or the World is going to raise its tariffs so high against Japanese products that Japan won't be able to sell'm! Then where will Japan be? Then where will the World be? It would destroy Japan's economy if they had no place to sell their products. If the World got mad & just told Japan off & said, "If we can't sell our food in Japan, you can't sell your electronics in our country!"--Then where is Japan going to be?
       68. "Well," the Japanese could say, "at least we would be producing our own food & could feed ourselves, we'd be back where we were before." I don't think the Japanese people want that, just some of the stubborn Japanese politicians & stubborn farmers who control the politicians. (Maria: Back where they were before?) Yes, in poverty! It's their electronic & manufactured products that have made Japan rich. If they couldn't sell them, where would they be?--Back where they were before, struggling along trying to produce enough food to feed themselves, with no riches!
       69. If Japan forces the rest of the World to raise tariff barriers against its products because it insists on having tariff barriers in Japan against the World's food, then it's going to wreck the World economy!--Not only Japan's economy, but it's going to start bringing down the economy of the World! Because when countries refuse to trade with each other because the other guy's unfair, then everything falls apart, everything goes down, just like it did in the Great Depression. That's what brought on the Great Depression. Because of Japan & Germany's stubbornness & the way they were out-selling & out-competing with the Americans, the U.S. raised tremendous trade barriers in a big trade bill under Hoover, & it brought on the World Depression, the greatest Depression the World's ever known!
       70. Reagan remembers that! He can remember Hoover like I can, & the Great Depression. He's old enough, he knows what brought it on, & he doesn't want to be another president to allow them to pass a horrors trade bill that would shut out all competition for American products, & which at the same time would cause the rest of the World to shut out American products! So when everybody's shutting out the other guy's products & therefore refusing to trade, trade collapses & the World economy collapses! Everything collapses! So that's probably the way it's going to go--if Japan doesn't yield!

       71. (Maria: One advantage the U.S. has is that they're buying Japan's luxury items, whereas Japan's need for food is a necessity.) Right. The U.S. produces food so efficiently it can almost feed the World! The U.S. would have to go without these luxury items & a lot of these cheap Japanese goods & all, but they would still have enough to eat. Whereas Japan can keep on producing all these luxury electronics, but it can't eat'm. And this is what Japan's been afraid of. So they've tried to keep the farmers so that if anything like that happens, at least they'll be able to eat, barely eat, by having kept the farmers in business & able to produce. Well, it's certainly not going to do the World economy any good. It can bring about the collapse of the World economy!
       72. Japan is being tested right now by God to see if it's willing to give a little to get a lot!--Or whether it's going to be instrumental in selfishly bringing down the whole World economy by stubbornly refusing free trade & fair trade just to protect its farmers & its own food production.
       73. (Maria: In other words, what they're afraid of, that the rest of the World could stop the food to them at any time, wouldn't happen if they'd give a little & share now. God would see that they were supplied.) Right, God would bless it! But now Japan is afraid that if they let down their food barriers, the rest of the World would take over its food supply, which it would, because it can produce food a lot cheaper than Japan can. So it would take over Japan's entire food market & would be controlling Japan's food.
       74. At the same time, the American manufacturers don't want Japan to be controlling their electronics & car markets, but they could a lot more easily do without these luxury goods than Japan could do without food. But just for the sake of trying to save the Japanese farmers & their own meager food production, which can barely feed Japan, Japan is risking ruining its own economy, its own markets abroad, & bringing on a World economic collapse, by foolishly, stubbornly continuing to resist World food products!
       75. (Maria: But even though it's going to hurt the whole World, it's going to hurt Japan worse, or at least worse than the U.S., because the U.S. will still be able to feed its people.) Yes, & Europe too produces a tremendously efficient amount of food, can more than feed itself & even sells its surplus to other nations. So it's not going to hurt Europe all that much to shut out Japanese luxury products. Europe & the U.S. can still more than feed themselves.
       76. (Maria: And in the last Depression in the U.S., nobody starved, did they? There was enough food even if everybody lost their job.) There was food & everybody could get something to eat. People weren't really starving. You could buy cheap meals in restaurants, as I pointed out before. The Dinner Bell in downtown Miami was serving 7-course dinners for only 15 cents, & you could go to some of those restaurants & you could buy fully prepared meals almost cheaper than you could prepare them at home. (Maria: And for the people that didn't have everything, the government was able to supply the food?) Yes, they supplied the food. I don't know of anybody that really starved, they had plenty of food, & a surplus of food.
       77. They had such a surplus that by the time Roosevelt took over in almost the middle of the Depression, the U.S. government was able to persuade farmers to destroy certain crops of which they had a surplus, in order to raise the prices of those crops on the market, to so-called "save the farmers." (Maria: During the Depression?) Yes. The government paid the farmers not to produce certain crops, even paid the farmers to destroy certain crops. They burned truckloads of oranges to keep the price of oranges up! They paid them not to grow wheat in order to keep the price of wheat up, crazy things like that.
       78. And they did everything they could to give everybody a job, even at a Dollar a day, with which you could feed your family in those days, just to stand out in a grove & count walnuts on the trees, just to stand out & act like you were working, the WPA (Work Projects Administration), for a Dollar a day. They called them make-work projects, just to keep everybody in a little bit of money to have a little income. Roosevelt started just spending money lavishly in government projects to save the country & save the employees, save the labourer, save the poor, save the people, etc.
       79. (Maria: So the U.S. could do it again & the Depression wouldn't totally devastate them?) They could do it again & the Depression wouldn't hurt them as much as it would hurt Japan. The U.S. can still produce more food than it needs for itself. They would at least eat. But they would have to tremendously lower their standard of living, they couldn't afford all those Japanese cars & Japanese electronics, etc., & they could hardly afford their own. That's what happened in the Depression.
       80. So the end of the whole matter is that it looks like under present World conditions, nations are not going to be willing to give enough to save the World economy & World trade. So from the looks of things, if they want to know what's going to happen, I believe that, once again, the nations are going to be selfish & stubborn & try to save themselves. Instead of giving, sharing & sacrificing for each other, each wants to selfishly save only itself & to Hell with the rest of the World!
       81. And they're going to bring on another Great Depression! They're going to bring it on just like they did before, but they're going to bring on another World Depression that's going to be the worst or the greatest they've ever had!--Out of which only a master mind, a genius, a superman, can force them to yield to his will & his brilliance & his super-intelligence to try to save them & force the solutions on them, force them to accept his plans & his solutions to save the World economy, to save the World!--To save Japan from starvation, because their economy would just completely collapse without their World markets, even if they could feed themselves, which is somewhat questionable.
       82. And certainly the U.S. economy would collapse without all the luxuries it's been used to & with no place to sell their stuff, which they're having a hard time selling now anyhow, except for their food. If Japan is going to stubbornly refuse U.S. food, the U.S. is going to soon stubbornly refuse Japanese products, & then where will Japan be? Then the whole World is going to be in a crisis situation of economic collapse!

       83. (Maria: We have predicted the Crash is going to happen no matter what. Does that mean no matter what Japan does or the U.S. does, it still has to come?) The point is, they're not going to do it. God is putting them to the test, the choice is up to them, & judging by their past history, they're going to make the wrong choice, they're going to refuse. The World is going to refuse to share with each other fairly & freely, so down will come the World economy. Down will come World trade, & therefore World economy.--It's as sure as gravity!
       84. (Maria: Okay, Japan has the option of making the right choice, so suppose it does? Nevertheless, we'll still have the Crash, but it will be because of somebody else's stubbornness. In other words, we don't know for sure that it will come through Japan, but we are 100% sure that the Crash is going to come through somebody's stubbornness.)
       85. If Japan does not let in World food, the World would not let in Japanese products, & I'm sorry to say, judging by Japan's past reputation & behaviour, it now seems somewhat doubtful that Japan is going to be willing to yield. (Maria: Even if they could be persuaded to yield, the Crash is still inevitable sooner or later, but it would come through somebody else's selfishness, right? It's coming anyway, we're going to have the Crash no matter what.)
       86. Then the U.S. would probably bring it on by its own selfishness. It is refusing the products of the poor, Latin America & the poor developing nations of the World. It is limiting, it is setting quotas on the products of these poor countries in order to protect some of the few inefficient agricultural producers in the U.S., such as sugar for a prime example. The Americans cannot produce sugar as cheaply as can Cuba, the Dominican Republic & other countries. So then the U.S.' stubbornness on the products which it cannot produce efficiently & cheaply enough, by shutting out the products of these other poor countries, particularly Latin America, it can bring on the Crash. Because if the U.S. does that, Latin America would collapse financially & be totally unable to pay its foreign debts, & that means the World banking system would collapse.
       87. So any way you're looking at it, somebody's stubbornness can bring it on, either Japan's stubbornness or American stubbornness, & the stubbornness is all in selfishness! Those selfish, violently demonstrating farmers in Japan who control the dominant Japanese political party, & thereby the government, if they get their way & influence the Japanese government to be stubborn & continue to shut out World food products, then the World is going to shut out Japanese luxury products.
       88. If Japan still stubbornly, selfishly shuts out cheap World food products, the World is going to shut out Japan's cheap luxury products, & that will bring Japan down. If Japan yields, but it's the U.S. that stubbornly refuses to allow in the cheap products of the poor developing World--like they're doing right now with their high tariffs--then those developing countries, take Latin America, for example, are not going to be able to afford to buy American luxury products, & that's going to wreck American industry, because Latin America is one of its greatest trading partners.
       89. But if the U.S. is stubbornly, selfishly shutting out both Latin American food & industrial products, that will bring about the collapse of the Latin American economy & their inability to pay their debts to the American banks, & that will bring about the collapse of the American economy!
       90. See, God's system is based on sharing, giving, tit for tat, equality in trading. And if any one party in the World economy refuses to share & wants to hog it all & shut out others, it's going to bring about its own collapse & bring a lot of others down with it! And that's exactly what happened in the great World Depression. (Maria: Then the ones that were mostly to blame will suffer the most.) Yes. (Maria: If Japan would let down its barriers but the U.S. remains still stubborn & selfish towards Latin America, when the Crash does happen the U.S. will get it worse because Japan will be able to turn, like you said before, to the other countries that aren't so affected.)
       91. If Japan will be willing to trade its manufactured products for the East's food products, which they're not very willing to do right now, if they were willing to do that--in fact they'd almost have to do it to get food--then it could survive without the U.S.A. (Maria: Because there's some technology that Japan has that isn't just luxury & that the other countries would still have to have.) And want for that matter, & they've got the food to trade for it if Japan would allow it.
       92. But Japan has stubbornly, selfishly refused to let any other country invade its food markets in order to protect the Japanese farmers so that Japan can be self-sufficient in food, even at six times the cost of foreign food! It pays its farmers six times World prices for the food they grow because it costs them so much to grow it. They can't efficiently, economically produce the food as cheaply as the rest of the World can.--The U.S., because of mechanisation of the farms, the poor countries of the World because of cheap labour. The U.S. can produce food cheaper because of mechanisation, & the poor countries of the World can produce food cheaper because of cheap labour. Japan can't do either one! It neither has sufficient farm land to mechanise enough, neither does it have cheap labour, not now anyhow.
       93. (Maria: The U.S. has shut out not only the Latin American products, they've shut out Italian shoes...)--Spanish shoes, Italian shoes, the products of the poor countries, even of Europe, it's shut out. (Maria: Libyan oil because they don't like the Arabs, & South African metals & products.) Yes, South African business & products per se, just because they don't like South Africa! America is beginning to cut its own throat, cutting off its nose to spite its face!--Just to please its [EDITED: "minorities"]!
       94. So if what we have foreseen is true, somebody is going to start the ball rolling for the World Depression, & it's most apt to be either one of the leading economic powers of the World such as the U.S.A. or Europe, which is not likely, or Japan, which according to its past history is quite likely!
       95. The U.S. has had a fairly good reputation of advocating free trade, fair trade & exchanging its markets with World markets, etc. But it has had a bad reputation of restricting trade as well, when it was foolish enough to be selfish enough to do it to protect its own producers, which is just going to cut its own throat as it did at the beginning of the Depression with the famous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill, in which Hoover raised the American tariffs very high on its two major competitors, Germany & Japan, & that brought on the World Depression, which eventually brought on the World War!--And it can do it again!
       96. So it depends on who wants to be the goat, who's going to be the guilty party that's going to be so stubborn as not to be willing to trade fairly, bargain, exchange, get tit for tat, trade electronic products for food products. And the U.S. is now in a mood to say, "Either give us your food markets or you can't have our electronic & car markets, period!" In fact, some of them are furious & agitating for it in Congress right now! And if this visit by the Japanese Prime Minister doesn't show Japan's willingness to give & trade, then the U.S. is going to do it, that's enough!
       97. So now it remains to be seen who's going to be the guilty party, who's going to be so stubborn & selfish as to bring on the World's last great economic collapse & Worldwide Depression or even worse, which will then bring on the final great One-World government of the Antichrist, the Superman, the genius intelligence who can persuade the World to save itself by following him & his economic solutions, which will be One-World Government, in which there will be no national boundaries, in a sense, like under the Roman Empire, & therefore no trade barriers, & the World will attempt to save itself.--At least he'll convince them that it's going to. But it will eventually erupt, regardless, in more wars, as the Bible foretells, until the Final One!
       98. So that's the way the World's going. My advice to Japanese businessmen, if they want to save themselves & save Japan & help save the World, is that they had better give, yield, now, & trade their food markets for America's electronics & car markets, if they want to keep them; otherwise the U.S. is ready to shut'm out!

       99. (Maria: Isn't the Dollar crashing regardless of what Japan does or the U.S. does or anybody does?) Yes, it is, & it is falling because of the loss of World faith in the U.S.A., because they can see that the U.S. has become a poor country & it's not able to meet its obligations, it's not even able to meet its obligations to itself, it can't even balance its own budget, it can't even pay its own debts, so they're losing confidence in the U.S. & therefore in its currency. And because of America's sins, it's going to keep going that way, it's not going to get better. That Green Paper Pig collapsed completely, so therefore the American Dollar is collapsing! (See ML #243.)
       100. (Maria: So in other words, we're having the Crash regardless of what Japan does or regardless of what the U.S. does.) Yes, but it depends on what each does as to who suffers the most from the Crash. It's the U.S. right now that's crashing, not Japan! Japan is prospering from the U.S.' crash, it's the U.S. that's crashing. It's not the Japanese economy, it's not the Japanese Yen that's crashing, it's the U.S. economy & Dollar that's crashing. (Maria: But if the U.S. is crashing, that means they're bringing down the whole World, doesn't it?) That's what they did before. It was the U.S. that crashed first, & when the U.S. crashed, it helped to bring down the whole World, involved the entire World in the Great Depression of the 30's!
       101. (Maria: You said if Japan doesn't lower its barriers it's going to bring on the Crash & be responsible for the Crash.) Yes!--If Japan doesn't stop now & try to help the U.S. If it doesn't stop now & help the U.S. by opening its food markets to the U.S., Japan is going to suffer. (Maria: That could help the U.S. recover, right?) Yes, exactly. It would help the U.S. farmers to sell their products to Japan & help the U.S. to partially recover. But if Japan is so stubborn & foolish & selfish as to continue to keep out U.S. food, then Japan's going to go down with it.
       102. Japan could help save itself & the U.S. & the World economy if it would be unselfish enough & willing enough to yield & give & allow World food products into Japan. It would help the Japanese people live much more economically & be just the same as raising all their wages! When they've got to pay six times as much for food, as they're having to do now, to drop that cost of food down to one part instead of six times as much, would be the same as a tremendous increase in Japanese wages & would greatly help the Japanese common man! It might make the farmers a little poorer, it might even put the farmer out of business. He couldn't even produce food cheap enough to be able to stay in business, so they'll have to go to work in something they could do better.
       103. (Maria: So you think if Japan lowered its trade barriers right now the Dollar would start to rise again?) I think it would help to start slowing down the Crash, at least. I think God's judgements are going to come regardless, & His judgements are primarily on America, they're the ones that have done the most damage & been the most wicked & polluted the Earth with their music & their vileness & their wickedness & their selfishness & their wars & all the rest, so the U.S. deserves the greatest judgement!
       104. But if Japan doesn't try to do what it can to save not only itself but the World, it could be dragged down right with it, & will be! And according to Bible Prophecy, the whole World will be. Apparently somebody is not going to give, apparently somebody is not going to give enough. Apparently Japan will not even be able to give enough to save the U.S.A. (Maria: But they could slow it down a little bit.) They could slow it down if they'd just open their food market to the U.S. so the U.S. could start selling more food, so it can pay more debts & balance more budgets & have less of a trade deficit.--Instead of by their foolish practice of buying up Dollars to try to raise the price of Dollars.
       105. It's up to Japan just how far this thing goes, how far they want it to go, or how far it's going to go whether they want it or not. (Maria: How far what's going to go?) This economic Crash. The U.S. is already crashing or has crashed, it's already got more debts than it can ever pay, & therefore World confidence in its ability to pay its debts, etc., is wrecking World confidence in its currency, its Dollar. The Dollar is getting cheaper all the time because they haven't got faith in their money any more, & as that faith goes down, the Dollar goes down.
       106. And Japan could now do something about it--instead of just buying up Dollars, how about buying up U.S. food products to help save the U.S.? But if they won't, if they'd rather just see the U.S. go down, then Japan's going to go down with it along with the rest of the World! (Maria: In other words, the U.S. is going to go down anyway, but it's a question of time. If Japan would like to hold off things a little longer they could help the U.S., & also God won't judge them as severely if they do help.) Yes. Any nation that sacrifices & shares in order to avert or slow down the Crash, God is going to bless accordingly. (Maria: When it does come He'll make it not so hard on them.) Exactly. When that time comes, probably all the U.S. will have to sell is its food, but it could stay alive through selling its food if Japan would be willing to buy it.
       107. So a lot of the fault for the Crash is going to depend on the nations who are willing or not willing to share, willing or not willing to give, willing or not willing to buy. So, to be or not to be, that is the question! Does Japan want to be to blame? The U.S. is already to blame. Does Japan want to be to blame too, & have to share the blame?--Or does Japan want to get the credit from God for at least trying to stop it, trying to save the U.S. & the World!--Or does Japan want to be so selfish & stubborn as to refuse & therefore go down with them, that's the whole thing. Well, PTL! TYJ!

       108. (Maria: The whole World is asking, what's causing the Crash? What are the reasons for the Crash?)--Selfishness & getting away from God, disobedience to God. Selfishness, the opposite of Love! God is Love, so selfishness is the opposite of God! And all the World's troubles today are caused by selfishness, lack of love, lack of willingness to share & sacrifice to help others, & as a result they're all going to suffer! (Maria: And because the U.S. has not been willing to share, God's judging it, that's the spiritual reason.) Right!
       109. When the U.S. was the most powerful & the richest, it was unwilling to share, so God's bringing it down & it's becoming less powerful & less rich. In fact, in view of its debts, it's about the poorest country on Earth because it's got the biggest debts! (Maria: So you could say that's the spiritual reason God's doing it, but He's using some natural means to do it, & the World's trying to find out what the natural means are, what's doing it.)
       110. God doesn't have to do it! God leaves the choice up to Man, & it is Man's spiritual attitude which results in the natural causes. If Man had the right spiritual attitude toward God & his fellow Man & would recognise & love God, he would then love his fellow Man & would sacrifice & share to try to help him. But Man won't do it! Man doesn't love God any more, he doesn't even believe in God any more! He's selfish & won't love his fellow Man by sharing with him, so God is going to let the natural things happen that are His natural judgements on selfishness & lack of love, it's just that simple!

       111. (Maria: But what is the World saying is causing this Crash right now?) They don't know! They're asking. They don't know what caused the Stock Market crash! They've got commissions & commissions & committees trying to solve the problem of why did the Stock Market crash! It's just simple, like I've said before, it's people's loss of faith. They began to get afraid & fear. (Maria: Then there was no one thing, but just little by little, one event after another that decreased people's faith more & more.) It's a general loss of faith. People finally saw that what goes up must come down, & they decided to get out before it came down.--Especially some of the big investors. The big boys almost always get out first & they save their money, but they leave the little boys holding the bag!
       112. (Maria: Or is it a worldwide conspiracy of the big money boys deliberately trying to collapse it?) I'm firmly convinced that it's a part of the [EDITED: "AC"] manipulation of World economy to try to bring on the Crash so they can bring out their Man & take over the World! (Maria: But it's like they waited until it would look natural, it would just look like people's loss of faith, & then they can make their move, actually manipulate it themselves.) Yes, yes, yes. They say it was just the pullout of a few big investors that started it!

       113. Nothing Man can do can stop the judgements of God on Man's lack of love & his selfishness & his lack of faith & obedience to God! There's only one thing Man can do, & that's turn to the Lord & ask God to forgive him for his selfishness, stubbornness, failure to recognise God, failure to obey God, & his lack of love for others. Man can turn to God & thereby turn to each other in love & compassion & try to save each other, & thereby save themselves. But instead of that, everybody's trying to save himself & to Hell with the rest of the guys! He's trying to save himself & to Hell with God as far as he's concerned! There's no care for God & no care for his fellow Man, & therefore he reaps the results of his own sin, which is lack of love.
       114. The Japanese don't think they're sinners, but they're soon going to find out!--Because their selfish sins of saving themselves & letting the rest of the World go to Hell is going to bring them down to Hell too, while they're blaming it on everybody else & the U.S.! God's going to show them. They're going to bring themselves down again, just like they did before, only this time it's going to be economically, & take the World down with them!--If they don't turn to the Lord.--And I don't see any massive turning to the Lord by either the U.S.A. or Japan. So it's even less likely in Japan.
       115. But because they are doing the things which you might say are naturally right in Japan, God is saving them longer than the U.S. The U.S. is already crashing, the U.S. is already broke, the U.S. already owes more money than it can pay. The Lord, at least, has been good to Japan economically, but they are going to now have to make this next decision, & it's going to be their decision.
       116. The next major decision in World history is Japan's decision!--Either open their markets to cheap World food, or help bring on the World Crash! The U.S. is already crashing, but Japan could help slow it down & save it by opening its markets to U.S. food. So the next decision is up to Japan. What's Japan going to do? Is it going to try to save the U.S. & the World by sacrificing some farmers, or is it going to try to save itself & thereby help bring down the whole World? That's it! That's what I see.

       117. (Maria: That's valuable information! If they only knew how valuable we are to Japan, they'd really try to do all they could to keep our Family there!) Yes! That's another thing God is going to judge nations for, is how they've treated His children. That's why the Philippines is such a mess now! We could have saved them. God would have saved them if they would have treated the Family fairly. (Maria: If they had just followed our counsel against anti-God Communism, even if they would have done that.) But they not only rejected the counsel of the Lord, but what's that verse about "mistreated His Prophets"? "But they mocked the messengers of God, & despised His Words, & misused His Prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no remedy!"--2Chr.36:16. Therefore there's nothing left for the Philippines but the Wrath of God, & probably through her enemies! And Japan is also going to be judged accordingly.
       118. If they'll receive us & make it easy for us to stay there & help their people, the Lord will bless them for that & help to save them, if they'll let us save their people. But if they get tough on us & reject us & make it hard for us & even completely try to kick us out like the Philippines did, then there can be nothing but an awful looking forward to of judgement, because God will not allow His people to be mistreated without paying for it!
       119. (Maria: The same thing is happening in India. They've put laws into effect & are enforcing them, which are forcing our people to leave.) And it's probably going to get to where they won't let them come back in if they've already stayed there too long. Even Japan has done that to some extent. If they see someone's stayed there too long, they don't let them come back easily.
       120. So the World's tightening up against God's people, & therefore God is judging the World accordingly & judging its nations according to how they've treated His children & each other, & little children.
       121. The World's tightening up & getting tougher & tougher & harder & harder & the fields are getting narrower & narrower & fewer & fewer, until soon, when we can't do much more, the Lord's going to have to put an end to it all, thank the Lord!
       122. There it is anyhow. I wouldn't say God told me so, although I got a revelation in the night about it, but it's just simple, God's laws just operate that way, that's all. If you violate His economic laws, you crash! Just like if you violate His natural laws of gravity, if you try to step out on nothing you're going to fall! The World's stepping out on nothing when it's not trusting the Lord!
       123. So it's up to Japan! In other words, it's now up to Japan to save the World! If Japan sacrifices the World to save its farmers, it'll go down with it! America's already failed. America's gone too far, its time is up! I can't see America really repenting now. If anything, America's getting worse.

       124. (While reading the newspaper:) Here's a little confirmation about what we said about the big boys manipulating the Market, of course we mean big [EDITED: "AC"] boys by that, big money boys that control the World economy. The Presidential Commission has now made its report & concluded that "the Crash was driven by a small number of major market players rather than a stampede of small investors." In other words, the big boys got out & left the little guys holding the bag!
       125. It's funny how the Devil tricks these stock gamblers! He lets the Stock Market make a quick little rise & they all get encouraged that prosperity's here again, & then the big guys jerk the rug out from under them! The latest third worst drop in history in the Stock Market which occurred yesterday, they say it was blamed on computer-driven program trading by big investors! You see, these big money boys, [EDITED: "AC"] bigwigs who are controlling the U.S. economy & the World economy, have got the computers now to help them! They could sell faster than the little guys. They could sell huge blocks of millions of Dollars worth of stocks in a few moments, seconds!
       126. See how it happens? The Stock Market had made an uninterrupted four-day New Years' winning streak, so everybody thought things were going to be rosy again, & then the Big Boys jerked the rug! (Maria: Why?) Because they want to bring on the Crash! They can't bring on their Man unless they can bring on the Crash, & then the World will be crying for him! (Maria: But why do they admit that they did that? Why does the World think that these big money boys did it?) They know they did it because it was big-block trading by computers that did it.
       127. (Maria: But do they know the reason? What are they saying is the reason?) They don't know the reason except that they figure that the Crash is here & it's going on & they're trying to get out of it. (Maria: They think that they're just trying to get out of it by that?) After a four-day upward trend it was the best time to sell before prices got any lower. (Maria: So it looks perfectly natural, like they're just trying to save themselves when they're actually trying to bring down the World economy & collapse it!)--Right!--To bring on their Antichrist "Messiah" to "save" the World!--And send it to Hell!--So God can save the World with Jesus! Hallelujah! TYJ!--Amen?

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family