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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WORLD CURRENTS!--No. 51       DO 2643RV       Comp.9/90

       THE GULF WAR!
       1. Bush is portraying the same kind of character that they claim Saddam is: Irrational, implacable & determined to only do what he wants to do, & not give an inch! He's at the point now that he's not going to let anybody stop him from crushing Iraq.--And he may get a sad surprise!
       2. All they want is war, they want to invade, they just want to crush Iraq! They're not interested in talking peace, they want war! A former Pentagon official said they've been planning this arms buildup in the Mideast for months & months, way before Saddam invaded Kuwait! It's not spontaneous. I think they're probably jumping up & down for joy that Iraq finally gave them an excuse, & that it scared the Saudis sufficiently to invite them in.
       3. The U.S. is probably very happy that Iraq has invaded Kuwait, because that's exactly what they wanted--an excuse to invade Iraq! All Bush is waiting for now is to get enough forces there to finish the job. They've never prepared for a war yet that they haven't had! I believe that if Hussein uses chemical weapons, poison gas, the U.S. will use nuclear weapons. It wouldn't be the first time that the U.S. has won a war with nuclear weapons.
       4. I don't think Bush gives a damn about the hostages, either! He would consider that they were doing their duty like the soldiers, "dying for their country & for the American way of life!" They're trying to get all the troops they can get in now real quick while they have public support, because it would be difficult to get them in later when the public will protest.
       5. Kuwait is probably being punished for not sharing with the poor! Most of the people in Kuwait were rich, except for the workers they employed from other countries. Just think of all these millions of people, their lives disrupted & displaced, the economies of little nations completely destroyed!--And the lives of all the young soldiers & the relatives that are affected! I'm telling you, it's horrible!--And then you see photos of Bush & Baker (U.S. Secretary of State) sitting at a big table laughing like it's all great fun!
+ + + + + + +
       6. Americans love violence, they love war! They have proven it time & time again! They love to show their toughness & have a good fight. That's what they want.
       7. In war time, each side has to stir up the people against the other side by publicising all kinds of so-called atrocities they've committed & all kinds of horrible things they've done.--Oodles of exaggerations & outright lies to support their war effort! It usually seems like the enemies they describe never fire on anything but hospitals, schools, orphanages, homes & cities of innocent civilians & churches--or mosques in this case. The stories you read about Hitler & the Germans all through his buildup & during World War 2 were just almost unbelievable!--In fact, I didn't believe a lot of them! And many of the so-called "atrocities" were proven untrue after the war.
       8. This is always a very effective tactic of leaders--to turn the attention of the public from the real problems in their own country to an outside problem. Nearly all dictators try to solve their domestic problems by directing their nation's attention to foreign problems.
       9. Bush doesn't seem to give a damn about the American citizens there. If he'd been concerned about them he wouldn't have started this war, but all he's concerned about is oil, or as he put it, "the American way of life," protecting Israel & to get a big victory for him so he can be a great hero! Well, some American presidents have become heroes by winning wars, like FDR. Others have lost, & lost all credibility completely & lost their job, like poor Carter. So it's a very dicey, shaky, dangerous game to play, to hope to become a great hero by having a war, because the other side of the coin is that if he loses it, he'll lose the presidency & he may lose a lot more, including a lot of American lives! I'll tell you, when the U.S. military starts having casualties & losing soldiers, Bush's popularity is going to rapidly wane.
       10. Jordan's King Hussein said the whole World has gone mad! He said we never should have had this huge American war buildup. Bush is so cocky, he's acting like he's the god of the World! But he's going to find out it's not so much fun to be a so-called "hero" when U.S. citizens begin to protest this war! Some of the young people are already protesting it. I'll tell you, some other presidents suffered a huge loss of popularity by backing an unpopular war.
       11. Americans think they're fighting this war so they won't have to sacrifice! They're throwing their boys into the fire & putting their lives on the line so they can continue to luxuriate. The Americans are more willing to fight a war than they are to cut down on their gas! That's what this war's all about--they're going there to fight a war for gasoline! But that gasoline that they're fighting a war to keep is going to be tainted with the blood of their own sons!

       12. I read a very interesting article recently which was assessing Bush's popularity, his chances of re-election & all that sort of thing. The question came up on what the chances were for a president to get re-elected or to remain popular if he got the country into a war. It said that almost throughout American history, if a popular president got into a popular war, almost invariably it increased his chances for remaining popular & getting re-elected. For example, Bush's popularity soared to 75% when he invaded Panama!
       13. The article went clear back as far as FDR, showing how his popularity soared when he got the U.S. into World War 2. It brought out this point very clearly, that every time a U.S. president has gotten the country into a war, his popularity has skyrocketed & his chances of getting re-elected have been virtually guaranteed.
       14. In other words, if Bush wants to keep his popularity & get re-elected, he needs this Gulf War--just for his own purely political purposes. If he wants to cause his popularity to soar & be re-elected, he virtually has to get into this war. Now that was a remarkable statistic & revelation from that article. It was a study of all the presidents who have been caught in Bush's same predicament; they all caused their popularity to soar & get re-elected by getting into war, because that caused the American people to rally behind the flag because they love war, & they especially love to win them!
       15. Many past presidents have guaranteed their popularity & their re-election by wars. So I don't think Bush is going to pass up this chance of staying popular & getting re-elected by getting into a popular war. Get it? It just sounds to me like he is not going to pass up this chance! He wants this war, he needs this war & he's going to get this war! (Maria: Because when they're in the middle of the war, people would be less likely to switch presidents.) Yes, exactly! It's never happened! They call it "changing horses in the middle of the stream," & they've never done it.
       16. So nearly every U.S. president who went into war was guaranteed popularity & re-election by his actions. Americans like wars. About the only one they didn't like was the Vietnam War, because they lost it. Otherwise, winning wars is great stuff for American presidents, it guarantees their popularity & their re-election. So what does Bush need now?--He needs this war because the U.S. people will love him for it.
       17. Saddam Hussein has now been made out to be an evil dictator, a monster, a second Hitler, & Israel loves it & wants to use Bush to eliminate one of their major enemies.--And what Israel wants they usually get from any American government! The U.S. troops have got to stay there now anyway to please both the Arabs & the Israelis. Bush has to eliminate Saddam Hussein & Iraq, that's the only thing that will satisfy them. So either that or the Americans are going to have to stay & just sit there under constant threat from Iraq. So what do you bet they're going to have a war & try to wipe out the Iraqis?
       18. The U.S. has never listened to anybody before, they've always gone ahead & done what they pleased, & nothing will satisfy the U.S. & Israel (who is probably calling the shots) but to eliminate Saddam & virtually take over Iraq. That's what they'll try to do, & then remain in the Mideast. Israel & the U.S. would take it over; the U.S. for the oil, Israel for safety.
       19. I think Bush needs the political advantage that every president who ever got the U.S. into war had by raising their popularity & ensuring their re-election, by having a successful war. It's happened down through history. The ACs sure want Bush to win, the ACs want him there, & I think the whole World will be happy if he wins.--Which will make an ideal climate for the Antichrist to arise.
       20. So as the Lord has said, "This is it!" I think Bush is going to make sure he has a war to guarantee his popularity & his re-election. A successful war against the enemies of Israel will make him very very popular, & will make Israel very very happy. We shall see. But that's the history of every president who has entered a successful war; they've gained in popularity & ensured their re-election. So I don't think just a diplomatic negotiation of peace is going to satisfy Bush & the U.S. & Israel.

       21. 15 billion Dollars have been lost on the stock market in the last month or so since the Persian Gulf crisis started! If the oil prices go up drastically, it could plunge the whole World into a major recession. If any of Saudi Arabia's oil fields are wiped out, for example, that could do it. The whole World's economy depends on oil.

(From an editorial, with Dad's comments:)
       22. "By regional standards, Iraq's a very honest regime with very little corruption. Iraq has a lot of wealth & power, but it has been put into schools & clinics all over the country. So as well as doing all these terrible, wicked things, it has been under Hussein's rule that schools & clinics & other organisations arrived for the Shiites.
       23. "It is a sound, honest regime, free of extravagance, in many ways a regime far superior to the Saudi regime. If it wasn't in crisis now, I think you & I would much prefer to live in Baghdad than in Saudi Arabia. There are lots of churches in Iraq, unlike Saudi Arabia (where it's against the law to have Bibles or any Gospel literature at all.) Saddam Hussein may or may not drink whiskey, but he's not like the Saudi rich who drink champagne, & then whip & flog the common people for drinking beer! Neither does he forbid crucifixes & lots of churches in Iraq."
       24. This writer as good as says that we'd be better off defending Saddam Hussein rather than Saudi Arabia, a kingdom that the whole Arab World knows is one of the most cruel & absolutist kind of monarchies, where there's no freedom whatsoever & almost everything pleasurable is forbidden! Iraq is far more liberal & far more enlightened than is Saudi Arabia, allowing Christians, churches, crosses to be worn & all of that sort of thing.
       25. He says Hussein has done much for his people; he's built schools & clinics all over & he allows churches & Christians wearing crosses & all of that! (Maria: Funny how you never hear a bit about that.) No, of course you don't, because those who control the tools of propaganda are the ACs & the AC media. The World's view of Arabs is shaped by the AC media.
       26. The U.S. has really gotten themselves into it! Here they're literally defending one of the most absolutist, dictatorial, intolerant governments in the whole World--Saudi Arabia! Saudi Arabia has the kind of government that the U.S. is supposed to be totally against.--They're totally undemocratic, a totally oppressive dictatorship of the rich over the poor!
       27. The U.S. is doing what they wanted to do--they're just defending the oil! You can't tell those American soldiers that they're fighting for some "just cause." They're trying to make a huge big villain out of Saddam Hussein in order to say, "Well, we're fighting for a just cause! He invaded this little Kingdom of Kuwait & you are here to defend Kuwait.--And you're here to defend these dictatorial Saudi Arabians who are as cruel as they can be!" What kind of a cause is that? They know & everybody knows they're there to defend the oil that the greedy West needs!

       28. This pride of the President of the U.S. is going to turn to ashes!--This pride of the President of the U.S. at his speech to the Joint Session of Congress! Now he has the pride & the glory, but it's going to turn to ashes! He's cocky, he's really cocky! Americans are always gung-ho for war!--Always! Always! He said, "Who keeps America strong?--They do, our servicemen!"--Not a word about God! This is going to bring him to shame!
       29. In his speech he added another objective to his agenda--the creation of a New World Order! So now they're all talking about bringing in a New World Order. The Antichrist is getting everybody to advertise him & promote him!
       30. Above Bush's head was an inscription: "In God We Trust," but they didn't say a word about God! What hypocrisy! What self-righteousness! What confidence in the arm of the flesh! Bush is no doubt inspired by some very powerful demon! It's too clever to be just him. What a terrible mess he's getting the World into!

       THE U.S. & WAR!
       31. The United States has committed its armed forces to action more than 200 times, but Congress has declared war only five times! Only five times have they done it legally & declared war: The War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War & World Wars 1 & 2. (Maria: You mean during its 200-year history the U.S. has sent troops into other countries 200 times?) Yes, they've started a conflict & sent troops into action 200 times, but only five times legally. They've been at war almost all the time!

       32. Lord, help those poor Kuwaitis! They've been living like the very very rich, & now they're suffering like the very very poor. So help them, Lord. But it's good for them. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy! May they know how it is to suffer & to be poor.
       33. My God, help those poor boys in the desert! Jesus have mercy, Lord! Help them to pray! Have Thy way, Lord, about this stupid, idiotic war that Bush is getting all these poor boys into, in fact, the whole World! That's the way wars always start--they start small & grow big.
       34. Vindicate Thy servants, Lord! Vindicate Thy people! Protect Thy people, Lord, who confess that God is their Lord. Help them to defeat the enemy! Thy Will be done. Have Thy way, in Jesus' name.
       35. It's all in Your hands, Lord, You know what's best! But the U.S. needs to be humbled, it needs to be punished! I think she is going to be greatly punished & greatly humbled by this war. Vindicate the poor, Lord! Vindicate the downtrodden! Vindicate the cause of the needy, & humble the rich! Thank You Jesus! Hallelujah!--In Jesus' name!
       36. Lord Jesus, answer the cry of the poor & the needy! Give them faith in You, Jesus, to answer their prayers. Vindicate those who suffer, set Thy face against those who have the pride of the rich. Humble them, O God! Bring them to justice & judgement, O God! In Jesus' name, have Thy way! Thy Will be done! Bring down Thy mighty sword to vindicate Thy poor, Thy suffering! In the Name of Jesus! In the Name of Allah! In the name of those who believe in You, Jesus, & in Your Father, Allah! Thank You Lord!
       37. Help them to believe in You, even in Allah!--Even if they but name the name of Allah searching for You, Lord, & searching to live in Thy Name, O God!--In the Name of Jesus & Allah, in Jesus' name! Thank You Lord! Give Thy poor help! Give them faith, Lord! Answer their cry!--The cry of the needy! O God, You must! You must, O Lord! Grant the needs of millions who cry unto Thee and seek Thy Name, the Name of Jesus and of Allah!
       38. Judge those, Lord, who are wicked & evil but who claim to call on Thy Name, who claim to be Christians! Judge the evil, the self-righteous, the wicked! Judge them, Lord, in Jesus' name! Have mercy on Thy poor. Have mercy on Thy little ones, Lord!--In Jesus' name! Answer the prayers of the millions who kneel to You as Allah, who truly seek Thee, Lord, who truly seek Thy Will! Defeat the prayers of those who hypocritically, self-righteously pray in Thy Name, but are evil!--In Jesus' name, amen!

       39. Jesus have mercy on all those poor people in the Mideast, all the poor who suffer, especially in Jordan, & even the Iraqis. Give Jordan's King Hussein the victory, Lord. Help him to figure out how to feed those poor people & give them water, in Jesus' name. Bless & help those poor refugees, in Jesus' name. Lord, give them food & water, in the Name of Jesus! Please, Lord! Please have mercy on them, Lord! Have mercy!
       40. Help them to know that it came from You, Jesus!--That all that love & affection, & all of that supply of the need that they have for water & food & evacuation & everything, help them to know it came from You! TYL! Hallelujah!--In Jesus' name, amen! May they know that all this mercy & supply of their need came from You, Jesus, & Thy Red Cross & Thy people, in Jesus' name!

       41. This is going to be a great war with a very surprising ending! The Lord is not going to answer in the way many think He will. Hallelujah! Thank You Lord!--In Jesus' name! Amen! (Maria: Is it going to be a surprise to us?) I don't think so. No, I think we know. It's only going to be a surprise to them who have faith that is false.--The self-righteous, the proud, the arrogant, the rich & the evil. Thank You Jesus!
       42. "This is it!" That's what He said, that's what somebody said!--And I believe it! This is the beginning of some terrible, awful, horrible finito, I think probably to America.
       43. (Tongues) Bring about the end of them that are proud & rich & evil & wicked! Humble them, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! Bring about their end, Lord! May they receive the wickedness & the evil & the recompense of their reward, in the Name of Jesus. Amen! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah!
       44. This is it! They're going to get it, Honey! XXXXXXX! Praise You Lord! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Tongues:) XXXXXXX!
       45. (Maria: How is this war going to affect our work?) Nothing will stop the Word of God! Nothing!--Ever! We will always go somewhere. Thank You Lord! (Maria: Is it going to affect our outreach?) Never! Never, never, never! Nothing can ever stop the Word of God! If not here, it will be there, if not there, here. The Word of God can never never be bound. It cannot be bound. The Spirit is free, always free! If not here, there!--In Jesus' name! Amen! Hallelujah!
       46. Thank You Lord for all Thy victories & all Thy great rewards! Nothing ever defeats You, Lord! You always are the Victor! Thank You Lord!--In Jesus' name! Amen!

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Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family