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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

DON & LIZ'S HOMEGOING!--"The Truth Revolution"--Part 7       12/79 DO 2461

       (Introduction by Sara from "The Truth Revolution!" TSOOC 90):
       JILL & LIZ GREW CLOSER TOGETHER THAN EVER & WERE TRYING TO MAKE A TWO-FOLD CORD that would not be quickly broken in combating their marriage problems. Their children continued to fall sick off & on, which was also a continuing trial. Dad reminded us from time to time, "Just train them all you can. Never give up. It's a FIGHT, but it would be WORTH it if they really MADE it." But we were very disappointed to see that Liz was weakening as time went on, although she was really trying her best. Whatta fight!
       THE FOLKS SUGGESTED THAT LIZ GIVE US MORNING REPORTS of how things went the night before, & oh, it just got worse & worse! Don thought nothing of expressing himself over & over again, saying "I don't agree. I don't see why they do things that way here," as well as quizzing the girls on their nights spent with the boys at the house, as Dad had suggested, always murmuring & complaining behind closed doors. Maria lovingly reminded us, "It takes TIME to change. You can't expect people to change overnight even though they've been corrected outright. Maybe in situations like this the wives come on in a self-righteous way, maybe they're not handling it right, maybe they DO provoke their husbands to anger. How can we know?"
       DON CONTINUALLY CRITICISED & DISAGREED & COMPLAINED about the conditions he was to meet & our overall work, which was directed firsthand by Dad & Maria themselves, till one night when completely depressed, & after having listened to his "poor-me" tape by the Bee Gees--which was one of his favourite System tapes from a collection of many--(Dad said, "The Bee Gees give me the heebee-geebees!")--Don snuck out of the campground after closing hours & bought a bottle of wine with "their own" money, which was direct disobedience to Dad's conditions asked of him, drank till drunk, & was found talking to himself under their caravan awning. When approached by his wives he became violent, although incoherent, & this is all we had to hear the next morning to try our best to now put a STOP to it altogether!
       DAD SAID, "THAT JUNGLE MUSIC JUST LETS THE DEVIL IN! If he refuses to part with it, even when TOLD not to listen to it, it shows that's what he WORSHIPS! You've gotta get out of the Devil's reach! Pack that caravan & have it ready to go in an hour-&-a-half. The boys'll be there to pick you up & the Family here will be fasting & praying for your situation there."
       SO WHILE SOME OF OUR BOYS PIONEERED A NEW FAR-AWAY CAMPSITE FOR US TO MOVE TO, I PACKED THE CARAVAN & HAD IT READY TO GO & we pulled out that night, but not before Liz walked over to tell us good-bye, as she sensed in the spirit exactly what would happen & said she KNEW she'd never see another Day of Heaven with us again! What a heartbreaker! It's all just so sad when people fail the Lord!
       PETER, ALF & MYSELF THEN TALKED TO THE TRUTH REVOLUTION TEAM ABOUT RETURNING TO THEIR FORMER FIELD, so they could start anew in the land that they reported they had done so well in, as now we were moving so far away we really had no need for them any more as a help to the Staff. The husband replied, "But I pledged my loyalty only YESTERDAY! I just wrote the Folks YESTERDAY telling them I'm sorry!" And we knew they WERE very sorry, as we ALL felt VERY heartbroken about the entire situation, but knew it was best & it was right, as it came from the mouth of God's Prophet, & let me tell you, at this point the rest of us were determined to OBEY every order to the best of our ability in every way no matter what the cost, God helping us!
       WE CRIED TO SAY GOOD-BYE, ESPECIALLY TO THEIR DEAR CHILDREN WHO WERE SUCH GOOD SOLDIERS & good witnesses for the Lord, & hitched up our caravan, which was ready to roll, & pulled out--waving bye-bye to the Truth Revolution Team behind us! Like Dad said, "If I only had" or "I was wrong" are the hardest words to say in the English language. So Lord help us & make us all a blessing, & OBEDIENT blessings at that! In Jesus' name, Amen!
       1. (DAD PRAYS:) AMEN! PYL! TYJ! LORD, GIVE US WISDOM! Thank You for this beautiful day You've given us for this move, Lord. Give them great wisdom in breaking the news to Don & Liz & handling them with love & patience, in Jesus' name we ask for Thy glory. Help Don & Liz to be able to take it! They sure must know by this time, Lord, that they have really flunked! We were ready to send them back last time they had any problems, but we gave them one more chance, so he must surely know, Lord, that he has failed & broken all the rules & all the things we told him. He certainly must know that there's nothing left but "a fearful looking forward to of judgement."--Heb.10:27.
       2. HELP US TO JUDGE HIM LOVINGLY, LORD, WISELY, & the best we can to try to get the best use out of him for Thy glory that we possibly can, to still try to salvage him & reclaim him if we can, Lord, for Thy Work's sake, in Jesus' name. Help them not to cause any problems or troubles here before they go & we ask You to help them to see that this is best, in Jesus' name. TYL!
       3. I'VE BEEN TALKING TO MARIA & ASKING GOD, "WHY DID YOU LET IT HAPPEN AT ALL?" But "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord."--Rom.8:28. One thing I'll have to say for him, he sure is a good salesman!--He knows how to sell himself, & he sure talked his way into here. He must have wanted to come awful bad, although I don't know why! I can't imagine anybody who would want to come work with us!--That's the toughest job there is, as far as I'm concerned, & the most dangerous!
       4. I GUESS IT'S PRIDE, because he wanted to be lifted up to the highest & say, "I have worked with Dad!" Well, pride comes before a fall & you are never so near the abyss as when you are on the brink! Satan said, "I will be lifted up! I want to become as the Most High"--& that was his downfall!--Isa.14:14.
       5. THEY NEVER TOLD US ABOUT ALL THEIR PROBLEMS! EVERYTHING WAS ROSY! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT! They said the children were never sick a day in their lives. I don't know whether that means that they weren't in the hospital in an operation or what, but the children were never sick.--That's about all they were when they first got here! I can't blame the poor kids for that, it's always difficult to move to a new climate, but to say they were so strong & never sick & never to tell us anything about all the serious problems they had was deceptive!
       6. SO THEY REALLY CAME UNDER FALSE PRETENCES, hiding their evils & hiding their faults & frailties & not being very honest with us. If you're not honest, then you are being FALSE. And if you're claiming to be righteous when you're not, then you're a hypocrite. I must say that I did hesitate several times & I always feel it is wiser to prove people at some other Unit before they come to us, but it seemed like they had proved themselves there. But you see, they were there on their own & alone & with nobody to report anything to us. I'll tell you, the proof of the pudding is in the tasting, & being time-tested in a position where people have some months or years to be tested!
       7. BUT DON & LIZ HAD NEVER REALLY WORKED UNDER ANYBODY THAT WE KNEW OR HAD ANY EXPERIENCE WITH THAT I KNOW OF. Well, he talked his way into this job & he has also talked his way out! And frankly, before I even got your note, Sara, I was already talking to Maria about how to get rid of them. In fact, we've been talking about that & what to do about it for quite awhile, & that's one reason we're shopping around for another place for you to park your trailer. It was my conviction that the safest thing to do was sort of withdraw slowly from them & try to avoid an explosion if we can.
       8. ANYHOW, THEY ARE ON THEIR WAY BACK TO THEIR FORMER FIELD, AS FAR AS I CAN SEE. We don't have to tell them all their faults & why they're being fired, literally, or even that they ARE being fired. Please, let's try to keep it on a nice "dehiring" level, if you know what I mean. Nowadays when big corporations want to get rid of an executive, all of a sudden they lose their secretary, then they find out they've lost their big desk & they've been moved to a smaller office, & by & by, when they even take away their executive restroom key, then they know that they are really not wanted any more. By that time they quit, they don't have to fire them.
       9. MY MOTHER USED TO SAY, "I NEVER FIRED ANYBODY, EVER! I JUST PRAYED THEM OUT!" And as Maria knows, & some of you who have worked with me from way back know, even in our Soul Clinic schools, somebody that just didn't work out with us & didn't work well with us, we simply would sit down & have a chat with them & say, "Well, I suppose you see that you are not happy in this situation or that things are not going quite as well here as they did where you were before. You were such a huge success back in your former area, from all the things you wrote, everything was so great, that we believe you will probably be happier there."
       10. BUT THE FIRST THING YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM IS THAT, "WE'RE VERY SORRY, BUT DUE TO A CERTAIN SECURITY SITUATION, WE'RE ALL MOVING!"--Which is certainly true! HE'S the problem, but you don't have to tell him that. So break the news that due to a security problem that has arisen, you have to move today--now! Sorry! You know them well, Peter, you lived with them & you are the top officer & it's your duty to be my hatchet man when you have to be, & I'm glad you can be kind & loving & sweet. It might be a good idea to say that not only Alf & Sara are having to move, but we're all having to move!--And that's true! We're all moving right away, very soon.
       11. WHENEVER THERE IS A WEAK LINK OR A WEAK CHINK, THE DEVIL ALWAYS TRIES TO GET IN. Whenever there is somebody who's prone to be weak, then the Devil certainly knows it & takes advantage of it. In fact, he virtually takes that person over if they just keep on yielding to him, like Don has. The idea of listening to the Bee Gees all day long, it's enough to give you the "Heebee Geebees," or whatever they used to call them! I mean, feeding his soul on junk like that is just as bad, if not worse, than "You Are What You Read!"
       12. OBVIOUSLY HE IS COMPLETELY OUT OF FELLOWSHIP WITH THE LORD & HE'S ONE OF THOSE "POOR-ME'S," SORRY-FOR-HIMSELF TYPES! Some people just think they are God's gift to the World, & if you don't appreciate them, then they are super sorry for themselves & they try to make you sorry, too, & they usually do! So she's got her hands full, but she is just as much to blame as he is because she protected him. She's another one of those wives who lied for him & covered for her husband, so she is just as much to blame! She danced the dance with him, & now it's time to pay the fiddler!
       13. AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED, SHE IS THE ONE WHO ALLOWED THIS PROBLEM TO COME HERE, & now she is going to have to help get rid of it. We're not going to break up the family & give her special consideration & let her stay, which could even cause bigger problems & more explosions, because he's so crazy he's almost schizophrenic! I think he has let the Devil in too much & he is nearly possessed on occasion, especially when he drinks.
       14. SURELY HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN FROM THE TAPES I MADE THAT I WAS IN THE MOOD TO FIRE HIM THEN! It was only the grace of God we've tried to give him one more chance & he has absolutely muffed it!--The thing that amazes me about people like that is they have no fear of God. When they have no fear of ME, they have no fear of GOD! Even in his note he says he didn't think it was anything serious to take a little drink of wine--even though he had been FORBIDDEN!
       15. NORMALLY IT IS NOT SERIOUS TO TAKE A LITTLE DRINK OF WINE, but if you have been FORBIDDEN to do it & told your job hangs on your obedience & that if you touch another drop of wine or if you break any one of these rules you are FINISHED, then to go right ahead & do it without compunction, without any fear at all, shows something's wrong, very wrong! It's almost like he WANTS to get fired!
       16. HE CLAIMS: "OH THERE'S NOTHING THAT I WANT TO DO MORE THAN STAY HERE!"--I DON'T BELIEVE HIM! If that were true he would have done everything under the sun to try to keep the rules & he would have been absolutely scared to death to take a drink! It's another one of his soft-soap talks. He DOESN'T want to stay here more than anything in the World! He WOULDN'T rather work for us more than anything!
       17. I THINK HE'S DYING TO LEAVE, & EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T ADMIT IT, I THINK HE'S HAPPY THAT HE IS GOING TO GET TO GO! Because here he has been exposed, found out, disciplined, dealt with & under other bosses, which he has never been before, at least not for a long time. I think he is tickled pink to leave--although I doubt if he will say so. He will probably break down & bawl & have one of his tantrums that he has to go, blah blah, but all the time he is HAPPY!
       18. I DON'T BELIEVE A THING THE GUY SAYS ANY MORE!--HE IS AN ABSOLUTE DECEIVER! I think he's partly possessed!--Not totally, because he's not like that all the time, he's schizophrenic, off & on!--Off again, on again, gone again, Flannigan!--Especially when he drinks & he's out of fellowship. And that's one of the worst things that could have happened, him being out there alone at that trailer. He got out there alone with the Heebee Geebee's & the Bee Gees & listening to nothing but the Devil, so of course that made him worse! He was just fellowshipping with the Devil & himself all day long.
       19. MARIA & I HAVE OFTEN DISCUSSED THE PROS & CONS OF AN ENEMY--A PACIFIED ENEMY WITHIN OR A DANGEROUS ENEMY WITHOUT. And I'll tell you, I'll take the known open enemy OUTSIDE any time rather than an enemy WITHIN! Just like your own spiritual life & your own body, it's easier to fight the outside devils than the one that worms his way in through your own weaknesses & faults & failures. He can do a lot of damage outside, but he can do a hell of a lot MORE INSIDE!
       20. SO THE QUICKER WE CUT OFF ALL OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIM TO DO ANY DAMAGE WHATSOEVER TO ANY OF OUR PERSONNEL OR WHATEVER, THE BETTER! I don't want him going on one of his drunken sprees & demon possessions & into some kind of a fit over there at the camp which will draw in the police! And naturally when he gets demon-possessed like that he is going to attack the closest representatives of the Lord & could come smashing through your door or throw bottles through your windows or God only knows what! I don't want to give him a chance!
       21. SO THE FIRST THING IS TO LET THEM KNOW THAT AN EMERGENCY SECURITY SITUATION HAS ARISEN. Tell them you're leaving tomorrow or in the next day or two, Peter. I doubt if he'll try to hurt the little folks, he'd try to hurt somebody he thinks is to blame & the top dogs who have responsibility & the ones he feels caused their trouble & so on.
       22. IT MIGHT EVEN DO YOU GOOD TO FAST BEFORE YOU GO OVER THERE! You might not want to eat when I get through telling you this! "This kind goeth not out save by fasting & prayer."--Mat.17:21. It might be good to go there with an empty stomach so you will realise how serious it is, but that's up to you.
       23. SO HERE'S YOUR STORY: "WE'RE LEAVING, WHICH OF COURSE MEANS YOU'VE GOT TO LEAVE TOO. You can do what you want to, if you want to stay here with your car & trailer or you want to tour Europe or whatever you want to do, that's up to you, but you did your best when you were in the States & we feel it would be better for you to go back there now that you have had this bit of training here with us, & we hope that you can do even better." We certainly do, don't we? Be honest, speak with conviction, it's the truth!
       24. "WE BELIEVE THAT YOU DID YOUR BEST THERE & WE HOPE NOW THAT YOU CAN EVEN DO BETTER since you have had a little time with us & worked with us. We're willing to give you back all your money that you brought with you, buy your trailer from you, & we'll take the car too." It was a gift, anyhow, that he kept looking in the mouth & didn't want, so he sure won't consider that any great loss! "You can't very well take your trailer with you, but we can use it since we're moving, & therefore we'll pay you back for it, & thanks for the improvements that you made in getting it fixed up.
       25. "WE REALLY THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE FOR YOU, BUT UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES IT LOOKS LIKE THE LORD MUST HAVE DONE IT FOR US!" But he did that, more or less, you might say, in exchange for his room-&-board & family expenses while he was here. He earned his way while here through what he did, or at least as well as he was able to, mentally & spiritually. Certainly not as well as he was PHYSICALLY able to. Apparently the guy has had a real weakness along that line--God only knows how long--apparently for years according to her own story.
       26. I HAVE A FEELING HE WAS PROBABLY A SPOILED BRAT WHO THREW TANTRUMS WHEN HE WAS LITTLE & GOT HIS WAY & HE JUST NEVER HAS GROWN UP! People just don't learn that sort of thing overnight, it's something that is virtually part of you & becomes a habit through years & probably started when he was a child.
       27. IT'S LIKE THAT STORY IN THE FN ABOUT THE GUY THAT WAS TAKING CARE OF KENAZ' BOYS WHEN THEY RAN AWAY. When I read that story & was reading his apology & all, I thought, "Where did they ever get this idea of running away from home?" We've never talked about anything like that in the Letters! g
       28. HOME WAS NEVER THAT BAD TO ME, HOME WAS A HEAVEN-ON-EARTH & MY MOTHER & FATHER WERE SAINTS, & I KNEW IT! I wouldn't have ever thought of running away from home. So I thought, "Now where did those two little boys, six & seven years of age, get the idea that it was something great to run away from home?"
       29. AND IT CAME TO ME JUST AS CLEAR AS ANYTHING, "WHAT KIND OF BOOKS HAVE THEY BEEN READING? What kind of stories have they been telling them? I'll bet they learned that from some kind of Worldly books or something that they've been reading." And in the next paragraph or two he said, "I let them read Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn & all this sort of thing, & now I realise I was wrong & that these books taught them bad things."
       30. YOU COULDN'T HARDLY READ ANYTHING WORSE THAN HUCKLEBERRY FINN & TOM SAWYER & SOME OF THAT STUFF!--IT'S PRACTICALLY CRIMINAL! Mark Twain was supposed to be a humourist, but those were naughty books when I was a kid! They had all the bad things in them: Lying, cheating, running away from home, mixing with bad boys & bad people & everything! (Maria: I'll bet those adults hadn't read those books recently to see what was in them.) The kids were avid readers, good readers, & they just let them have them. You are what you read!
       31. SO I DON'T DOUBT THAT DON WAS PROBABLY A PROBLEM WHEN HE WAS A KID--A REAL RASCAL!--AND SPOILED & PAMPERED & ALLOWED TO HAVE TANTRUMS! He seems to think that's his privilege now & he has a right to have these tantrums. He blames everything on everybody else, even his apology after the tapes & all. He started out apologising for Liz: "Well, Liz so-&-so, & Liz this & Liz that. I realise that I shouldn't have done so, but Liz did blah blah blah!"
       32. I USED TO HATE THOSE GUYS THAT GOT UP IN TESTIMONY MEETINGS IN CHURCH & TESTIFIED, "WELL, I'VE GOT THE VICTORY NOW OVER SISTER SO-&-SO & all those things she did to me & how she treated me & what she said about me!" I had them get up right in my face in our Florida Soul Clinic School & say: "Well, I finally got the victory over Brother So-&-so & the things he said to me & the way he treated me & his attitude."--Confessing OTHER people's sins FOR them!--The opportunity to have a forum in which to sound off & tell everybody what they think about everybody else. That's about how his confession sounded to me!
       33. I COULD TELL THEN IT WASN'T TOO GOOD, BUT WE PROMISED TO GIVE HIM ANOTHER CHANCE, & I thought that by throwing the fear of God into him & setting down the rules & laying down the law, this was his chance, & that if he really meant business & really wanted to stay & really wanted to please God, he would really obey & show it. But it obviously meant very little to him.
       34. THE DEVIL DECEIVES SOME OF THOSE GUYS TO WHERE THEY FINALLY BEGIN TO BELIEVE THEIR OWN STORIES & FEEL SORRY FOR THEMSELVES! Everybody else is wrong & they are the only ones that've been in step! Everybody else is OUT of step! The idea of him talking about "that's the way they do things around here"! We haven't done anything around here except be GOOD to them & go out of our way to try to avoid offending him & be kind to them & do everything under the sun for them!
       35. "WELL ANYHOW, DEAR DON & LIZ, WE HAVE TO LEAVE, SORRY. And since we have to leave & your visa is almost up & you've got to leave the country anyway, we really feel it would be best for you to go. And since you've got to go anyhow, you might as well go back to the States now. We'll take your fare out of the money you brought & expenses," etc., & whatever else he owes & give him back the rest.
       36. TELL THEM, "I'M SORRY, BUT WHERE WE'RE GOING WE JUST CAN'T TAKE YOU WITH US! We don't have a place for you, & we won't have a need for you & we feel it's best that you go back to the States, you do better there & there's a greater need for you."--And there is a need for VSs in the States to go around & fellowship with people, etc. "We'd like to have you go back to the States & become VSs there. There's a great need for you. You don't speak European languages, you only know American, whereas you're excellent at procuring & witnessing & everything else in the States. You can be open, free, no Selah conditions, & you really just thrive back there & you did much better."--And they did, obviously.
       37. "SO WE'RE WILLING TO PUT YOU ON AS ONE OF THE VSs WITH A WORLD SERVICE MONTHLY GIFT. We're not promising how long it's going to last"--at least till they get over there & to try to keep them loyal for awhile. Although I've found some people talk against you even if they are on the payroll, so it doesn't always work. "We think you are needed more there & we would like to have you go back & be our representatives there & be a VS & help the folks there."
       38. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING DEROGATORY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CRITICISE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CONDEMN, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY THEY FAILED, NOTHING!--ALL YOU HAVE TO BE IS POSITIVE & ENCOURAGING: "We have to go now & since you have to leave the country anyhow, within the next couple of weeks, we feel it's better that you go now too. We're willing to get your tickets, put you on the plane & give you the rest of your money & see you off. We think it would be nice for you to get home for Christmas to visit your relatives & have a real nice homegoing. Christmas is only ten days away.
       39. "OF COURSE, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO, IT'S A FREE COUNTRY & YOU'RE WELCOME TO STAY HERE, keep the car & trailer, & we'll give you back your money anyhow."--Whatever they haven't already spent. "You can keep your car & trailer & whatever little may be left of the money, & if you want to start putt-putting around Europe where you can't even speak French enough to ask for gasoline or anything else, well, that's up to you. But since you are not doing what we are asking you to do, we're not going to support you. You'll be on your own, completely."
       40. THAT VIRTUALLY MEANS, IF THEY DON'T DO WHAT WE ASK THEM TO DO, BROTHER, THEY ARE ALMOST OUT OF THE FAMILY!--Just like Tim. Oh, he wasn't leaving the Family, he was only leaving WIM, going out into the Family to do this great job! He could hardly wait to get out & pioneer a Home, he'd never had this experience before, blah blah! I mean, they all say it! You don't suppose the Devil really convinces them & deceives them into thinking that that's what they're really going to do, do you?--Or is that just their story? Maybe it's a little bit of both. They have to justify themselves somehow.
       41. SO DO YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE ALL THAT CLEAR TO THEM? (Peter: Yes.)--Good boy! Thank God for hatchet men! I don't want to have to do it myself, but I'm sure he knows it's coming from me when you say "we feel this way." You can tell him, "I think you know this is probably what's best for you & the Work. So you'll need a few days to get packed up."
       42. THE 21st GIVES THEM A REASONABLE LENGTH OF TIME & GETS THEM BACK BY CHRISTMAS. You can tell them, "We've already booked you a flight on the 21st, because we have the faith that you are going to see that this is best & you'll make this choice. But of course, if you don't want to, you don't have to, it's up to you. But you've got to get out of the country anyhow by the 4th, so what are you going to do?"
       43. LET THEM KNOW THEY'RE MAKING THEIR OWN DECISION, WE'RE NOT FORCING THEM. If they want to stay here, let them stay, but we're leaving! "You won't be working with us any more, & we're leaving right away!" I think it's important to give the impression & let them know that everybody's leaving, & the more people we get off, the better! And you can even tell them Mom & Dad are already gone--which we are!--And I will not be signing any more personal notes to them. I have said my last say to them on those last notes!
       44. THE ANSWER'S ALL RIGHT THERE IN THAT VERSE IN 1st SAMUEL 15, HE FITS IT TO A TEE! We told him exactly what to do & how to do it, & yet he went ahead & did things his own way. People don't seem to think those little things matter, just one little glass of wine, just a little bit of wine. The guy said, "I was busy with a little here & there, then it was gone."--1Kg.20:40.
       45. SAUL CAME BACK FROM HIS VICTORY OVER THE AMALEKITES & SAID TO SAMUEL, "BEHOLD, THY SERVANT HATH PERFORMED THE WORD OF THE LORD!" And Samuel said, "Then what meaneth this bleating of sheep & the lowing of the oxen?" Saul had been told to kill EVERYTHING, because they were probably all infected with the evil spirits or diseases or whatever.--1Sam.15:3.
       46. "OH," HE SAID, "THE PEOPLE PERSUADED ME TO SAVE A FEW LITTLE THINGS. Not very much, just a few. It's not very important. I only disobeyed a little bit, not very much. Look, after all, I won a big victory, I obeyed a whole lot! I only disobeyed a LITTLE." As far as God's concerned, he that breaks ONE of these is guilty of ALL.--Jam.2:10. If he only hadn't taken that little sip of wine that he was forbidden to do! That was it, finished, guilty of all! But he went right ahead & broke quite a few other rules, too, in his behaviour & his attitude & his words & all the rest.
       47. SO THIS IS HIS LAST CHANCE TO TRY TO DO SOME DAMAGE, & I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO BE HERE WHEN IT HAPPENS! The best way to keep a target from being hit is to REMOVE the target! Therefore the quicker you guys get moved, the better, as far as I'm concerned, & they'll know we mean business!
       48. THINK OF HOW THEY HAVE WASTED THE LORD'S TIME! If the Devil can't do anything else, if he can't do any damage, he tries to just waste your time. And we have wasted more time on them!
       49. LORD, WE ASK THEE TO GIVE US WISDOM NOW & HELP THESE WITH THEIR TASK OF INFORMING DON & LIZ & FAMILY, discussing it with them & letting them know. In Jesus' name we ask for Thy glory, Lord! Have Thy way, Thy Will be done! You know what's best. Help them to take the news well, & we do trust that we can avoid any problems or difficulties or explosions or whatever. Help us to be kind to them & really sincerely mean what we say. We do feel it's best for them to go home, & that if they can serve You at all, Lord, they can serve You better there--certainly more than here. So work it out! Amen!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family