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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2401-2600]]

Latest revision as of 00:18, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WORLD CURRENTS!--No.39       Comp. 9/10/88       DO 2463

       1. I believe Perez is a good man, he wants to give the Palestinians the West Bank. He thinks Israel ought to pull out of the West Bank & let the Arabs have it & make peace. He says Shamir is just doing nothing but making war. Shamir was behind the Lebanon War, which Israel lost. So they're running election campaigns against each other. (--And Israel voted in Shamir!)

       2. All this time Israel has said that as long as the PLO didn't recognise Israel's right to exist they'd never negotiate with them & never have anything to do with them, but if they would recognise Israel they would negotiate! So now they're really on the griddle, they're really on the spot!
       3. Jordan's King Hussein's decision to divorce Palestine completely from Jordan & put it on its own was a very good thing. A lot of people were scared at first & didn't like it, but the very fact that it infuriated Israel shows that it must have been a good thing! He declared the Palestinians independent from Jordan & he's no longer going to support various functions there. Imagine, Jordan's been paying for a lot of the upkeep of the Arab sectors of the West Bank etc., schools & professors & teachers & utilities & all kinds of things. It's one of the best things in the World that could have happened to the Palestinian Arabs, because it forced their hand. They're going to be forced to establish their own government, their own financing. (They did!) What can the UN & Israel do but recognise it?
       4. Hussein is like someone who's been a doting father, sort of spoiling his child. Now he's told them, "Well, it's time to go on your own, it's time to take care of yourself!" Even a lot of the Arabs at first didn't know whether they liked that or not, because they felt like they were sort of being abandoned. But he didn't mean that he was going to abandon them, he still supports them as far as their efforts are concerned. He said he just couldn't afford to support them financially any more & pay all their bills, which if Israel's going to insist on owning them, Israel's going to have to pay, or set them independent!
       5. The only gnat in Israel's craw has been that Arafat & the Arabs refuse to even recognise Israel's existence, but now he's declaring that they are going to recognise Israel's right to exist. (They did!) Therefore Israel has no more excuse for not giving them their own separate homeland. Because that has been Israel's main excuse, that they wouldn't recognise Israel's right to exist & that the PLO were only terrorists. But now they're going to be forced to form their own government in exile, their own parliament & everything. And the UN is going to be forced to recognise them, & everybody's going to recognise them except Israel. But Israel no longer has any excuse for not recognising them, so it's a big deal!
       6. It's a huge turning point! That's a real smart piece of diplomacy both on the part of Hussein & now Arafat, he's finally come to it. There were a lot of very radical wings of Arafat's PLO, which is the overall umbrella organisation, covering a whole bunch of different factions. Some of them are really radical, like George Habash, that wild-eyed doctor who is the head of a very fanatical radical branch of the Arabs which has absolutely declared they're going to push the Jews into the sea & never recognise their right to exist! So Arafat's had his hands full of a lot of real radicals like that affiliated with his organisation.
       7. But he has now wisely decided that he has got to recognise Israel or he'll never get anywhere. So Israel now has to recognise the Palestinian right to exist in their own homeland. And that's big big news!
       8. It will be a step in the right direction for the PLO & the Arabs to get the World on their side, the UN on their side, everybody on their side, except, of course, the U.S. & Israel! Israel & the U.S. haven't minded bucking World opinion for years, they don't give a damn. They're like the big bully that pushes his way around because he's so big & thinks he can get away with it.

       9. The media men have turned on Israel & they're blasting Israel with every report! The worldwide Jewish media, the liberal, moderate, rich Jewish media worldwide--not just the U.S., but European media & the rest of it--are all against Israel's present cruel policy of hardline military control, shoot'm down, imprison'm, blow up their houses & all the rest of it. Even the Jewish media has turned against Israel's present policy against the Palestinians. They are for a peaceful settlement somehow. Many of them are even advocating, "Give them their own State! Let's get rid of the problem & go ahead with Israel!"
       10. So the media has really turned against Israel. Israel is getting a bad press, it's really getting a horrible press. World opinion is against the way they're so horribly treating the poor Palestinians. You talk about Hitler, Hitler was never as bad as what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians right now! In fact they're calling the present Shamir government the New Nazis. Shamir is the guilty one, he's the rotten character. As long as Perez was still Prime Minister, he tried to keep them somewhat temperate & moderate. But the minute Shamir took over, that was it!
       11. Shamir is for the gun, he has always been for the gun! He was an absolute merciless terrorist! He shot British officers & Arabs in the back, he blew up hotels full of men, women & children of British officers. He destroyed & literally massacred whole villages of innocent Palestinian civilians, just to try to scare the Arabs out of Israel & make'm leave!
       12. Shamir is a monster! He's as big a monster as Begin ever was. They were both terrorists, both massacred old men, women & children. They shot people in the back, they were horrible monsters, & they still are! They're murderers! And now another one is running the Israeli government. First it was Begin, now it's Shamir.
       13. They don't give a damn what the people are saying or what the U.S. President's saying, what the World is saying! They're going to go ahead & kill all the Palestinians & try to drive them out of Israel! That's what they're trying to do! He declares, just like Begin did, "This is not Palestine, this is Judea, Samaria, blah blah!" And he's made a statement, "We will never let the West Bank go," etc. So there you are.

       14. It's almost unbelievable how the [EDITED: "ACs"] totally control the media now! They've controlled the movies, of course, for years, since the beginning. You can say I'm prejudiced ... go ahead & say it, I am! I don't like to see the [EDITED: "ACs"] running what used to be my country!
       15. But the amazing thing to me is how the Gentiles & the Christians have given up & how blind they seem to be, just blind! They don't even see what's happening, they don't even know it! That's where the [EDITED: "ACs"] first got their foot in the door, with the churches, the modernistic, unbelieving, politically-minded churches. The Communists were able to just walk in & persuade them that it was the right thing to do, that it was "Christian" to [EDITED: "others"] take over, that they shouldn't oppose them, that wasn't Christian. The [EDITED: "ACs"] are so smart!


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Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family