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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2601-2800]]

Latest revision as of 00:19, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

PRAYER FOR PEACE!       DO 2662RV       15/11/90

              1. (Tongues) Oh, Jesus! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Jesus! (Tongues & kisses) (Tongues & weeping) (Maria: What is it, Honey?) (Tongues & kisses)
       2. Oh, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! I pray for Thy people, Lord, in all those countries, those who love You, Jesus! I pray for them, Lord! (Tongues) O God! Forgive, Lord, in Jesus' name, & protect them, Lord! Prevent this war, Lord, if You can. If it's Thy Will, spare the World from this horrible horrible war, in Jesus' name! (Tongues & kisses!)
       3. O God, help us, Lord! Spare us! Help Saddam Hussein to find a way of peace, Lord! My God, rebuke Bush for his ridiculous, horrible, horrible crimes!--His horrible horrible audacity & impulsiveness, being gung-ho for war & his desire to kill thousands, Lord, maybe millions!
       4. O God! Rebuke that God-damned devil of war that's inspiring him, in the Name of Jesus! O God, help the others who have warned him not to go to war, Primakov, the Russian envoy, & even the news commentators & interviewers, Lord. O God, help them to persuade the people & this insane Bush to hold off, Lord, & to try to make peace, in the Name of Jesus! We believe Saddam is ready for overtures of peace.
       5. O God, stop it! Stop this insane glory of war, this insane war-fervour of the God-damned Americans, in the Name of Jesus! O God, please help! Stop this warfare, Lord! May some sensible minds come to the fore! May the U.S. Congress see how foolish it is, Lord, how horrible it would be, so terrible, Lord! Even Saddam! O God, help him to see. We believe You're beginning to help him to see how horrible the war would be & he's looking for ways of peace, in Jesus' name, amen. TYL! Hallelujah!
       6. Show them some way of peace, Lord, in Jesus' name, to satisfy those who have been wronged, to satisfy those who need satisfaction. My God, may he find a way of peace, in the Name of Jesus! TYL! TYL! Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL!
       7. I have prayed with my whole heart & I have asked the Lord for mercy. Lord, have mercy! Give us peace!--In spite of the evil, pugnacious, wicked Americans who want war, & the evil-minded Bush who seeks to save his reputation & his popularity by this war, to be sure he gets re-elected. He's insane!--Absolutely insane with power! He wants war! He's insane! He's demon-possessed!--Absolutely demon-possessed! No man in his right mind would want war, but he wants war to make himself a great person & famous. He was the one who wanted war.
       8. My God, rebuke him in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke Bush! Even Saddam is seeking peace, but not Bush. Bush seeks war, even while Saddam seeks peace. You could even remove Bush, Lord, before he gets the whole World into a horrible horrible war, in Jesus' name!
       9. Help Saddam, Lord! Help him to seek peace, Lord, in Jesus' name! Help the Russians to seek peace. Help all the rest of them to seek peace. We ask Thee in Jesus' name to stop Bush, who wants war for his own self-glorification & to preserve his presidency & to assure his re-election. My God, rebuke him! Rebuke Bush! Defeat him, Lord! Shame him! Humiliate him! Stop him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! May the voices of sense & reason such as the Russians stop him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! TYL! Hallelujah! Lord, may reason prevail, & may the horrible, terrible, insane insanity of Bush be defeated, in Jesus' name!
       10. I have prayed & prayed for peace & for God's intervention! In the Name of Jesus, we have the victory! We have it, Lord, in Jesus' name! Rebuke the Enemy & all his evil devices! Rebuke Bush, in Jesus' name! We believe that Saddam wants peace & negotiations. God damn those who want war!--In the Name of Jesus! Help the Russians, Lord, & help Hussein to find peace.
       11. Lord, in the Name of Jesus, rebuke the God-damned war-minded Americans! Defeat them! Defeat those that seek war, Lord, & bless those who seek peace, in Jesus' name!--Both Hussein & the Russians & many others in the U.S. Congress who seek peace, & all the others worldwide who want peace.
       12. Bless the peacemakers, in Jesus' name! Rebuke the warmongers in the Name of Jesus!
       "What more can I say than to you I have said?--
       To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled!"
       13. Amen, Lord, if it be possible, give us peace, in Jesus' name! Deliver all those who don't want war, & deliver our people in the U.S., Lord, & our people worldwide.--All Thy people everywhere, in Jesus' name!
       14. Please have mercy, Lord, in Jesus' name! O God, rebuke these devils, these horrible devils, these monsters who would kill thousands of men & women & children to satisfy their own selfish lusts!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family