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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

MILLENNIAL POWER!        The New Heaven's Children!--Chapter 34!         DFO 2283        9/86--Clean, Non-Polluting Generators!

       1. WHO WOULD LIKE TO LEAD US IN PRAYER? (David: I would!) Thank you, Son. (David: Thank You Jesus for this good time, and that we can sit with Grandpa and have a good Bible story or whatever we're going to talk about, Jesus. Please bless us now, help us to be good listeners and to get a lot out of this Heaven's Children Chapter, or whatever we're going to talk about, Jesus. In Jesus' name, amen.)
       2. THANK YOU JESUS! Amen! Why don't you pray too, Techi, okay? (Techi: Thank You Lord for this fun class that we can discuss Heaven's Children with Grandpa, Lord, if it's Your will. Help us to get good ideas, Lord, and help Grandpa to write this Heaven's Children now, in Jesus' name, amen.) Amen! Praise the Lord!
       3. LORD, DO BLESS & HELP US & GUIDE US & LEAD US & SHOW US THINGS WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE FUTURE, things that will be encouraging and inspiring and help us all to understand what You're doing and what You're planning to do, so we'll have a real vision of the Future, Lord, and what the Millennium is all about and what it's for. So do bless and keep us now safely and help the tape recorders to work well, and later help the typist with her transcribing and the artist with his art--Your art, Lord. Give him visions, Lord, of how to illustrate things.
       4. AND HELP US NOW AS WE JUST DISCUSS IT, LORD, that maybe we'll get something out of this little discussion, because the children have helped us a great deal with our Story. Our little discussion last time wasn't so little, but we got nearly ten Chapters out of it and we really learned a lot and they really were inspired, Lord, and You showed a lot of things to them and gave them a lot of good questions, and You really showed us many new things that we hadn't even thought about before. So Lord, give us revelations again today as we discuss it, and give the children the right questions to ask to sort of prick Grandpa's brain and my spirit so that I'll really seek You for the right answers, Lord.
       5. YOU SAID, LORD, NOT TO EVEN PREPARE OUR ANSWERS AHEAD OF TIME, BUT WHEN WE'RE QUESTIONED, JUST OPEN OUR MOUTHS and You will fill'm. So, Lord, if these are good questions and well-meaning--and we trust they will be--we ask You, Lord, in Jesus' name to give me the answers from Thee, from Thy Word, according to Thy will, Lord. Have Thy way, in Jesus' name. We're praying by faith, Lord, that we'll just open our mouths and You'll fill'm with the right questions and answers, in Jesus' name we ask, for Thy glory! Help me not to take too long either, in Jesus' name, amen!
       6. (TECHI: WE GOT TEN CHAPTERS OUT OF THAT LAST CLASS?) Yes, almost ten Chapters! How about that? I just finished Chapter 33 yesterday, so it carried us from about Chapter 22 to 33! How about that! (Techi: I thought it was from Chapter 25 to 33.) Well, I can't remember exactly. I said almost ten Chapters. You guys are really sticklers for accuracy, aren't you?
       7. IT'S GOOD TO BE PERFECTIONISTS! "NOTHING SHORT OF RIGHT IS RIGHT"! It's hard for me to remember all those little details. I try to speak in round numbers and generalities, so I said nearly ten Chapters! So if it was eight or nine, that's nearly ten Chapters, okay? (Maria: You have to understand how Grandpa looks at things and how he talks.) I sometimes look at things through rose-coloured glasses. What does that mean? (David: Like fisherman's talk!) (Techi: "I caught a fish that was this big!")
       8. I CONSIDER THAT OPTIMISM! I CONSIDER THAT FAITH! (Techi: Rose-coloured glasses is when you look back at everything and it's so nice and beautiful!) Yes. In fact, in our Story we're looking toward the Future with rosy-coloured glasses, aren't we, because it really is a rosy future, right? If something is nice, they always talk about it being rosy. They say, "Oh my, look! Everything is coming up roses!" What does that mean? It doesn't really mean that they see roses growing, what does it mean? (David: They think everything is good.) Everything is going good, right?
       9. SO WE KNOW THAT THE FUTURE IS GOING TO BE ROSY, probably even include a lot of roses! We know it's going to be rosy, we know it's going to be beautiful because it says so in God's Word! We've been reading it in lots of Scriptures, but this morning I just wanted to discuss it with you and thought maybe you might have some good ideas. I'm going to ask you questions again about it and see if you can get some good ideas and what your answers would be. I believe the Lord will inspire you in getting some good answers, praise the Lord?
       10. LET'S MOVE THE TAPE RECORDER OVER HERE so we can pick everyone up on it. Now I'm peeping and muttering in my beard! Do you know what the Word says about that?--"Beware of wizards that peep and mutter" (Isa.8:19) because then the typist can't even understand them! Ha!
       11. NOW, LET'S GET SERIOUS. I REALLY WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE MILLENNIUM. A lot of people wonder, "What in the world is the Millennium for? What do we need a thousand years for?" We certainly don't need a thousand years to get the Gospel to everybody on Earth, with all the wonderful means we'll have and the supernatural and miraculous tools and even with every publisher in the World publishing nothing but good Gospel literature instead of great big old fat newspapers full of trash! Every printer on Earth will be printing our Lit and our Komix and our beautiful Posters, and every sound engineer in the World will be making our beautiful music tapes, praise the Lord? My oh my, we really ought to do the job pretty fast, don't you think?
       12. (DAVID: IF WE HAVE MUSIC TAPES, WHAT ARE THE TAPE RECORDERS GOING TO RUN ON?) Well, there aren't going to be enough batteries left in the World to last for a thousand years, but long enough to get all these people started. (David: Yes, then maybe we could put a power source in them.) Yes! There are little transverters that plug right into the wall that we can run these little tape recorders on. Did you know that? (David: Yes, but will there be electricity lines and power lines?) Haven't you been reading the Story? (David: Yes I have!) Didn't you read about how we're going to have electricity? (David: Yes!)
       13. HOW ARE WE GOING TO HAVE ELECTRICITY? (David: In what Chapter is that?) He's a sceptic! Ha! You don't know how we're going to have electricity? You tell him, Techi! (Techi: In the Chapter that I was reading just now--I don't know if this is the answer you want--but Grandpa is showing Mommy this little printer that you look at and you think about it and it starts printing!) Yes, a computer printer. You just think and concentrate on it and instead of the poor typist having to wear herself out all day like she does now to transcribe all these tapes, we've got a computer printer that runs on brain power now! Isn't that wonderful! (David: So that's how all the homes in the World are going to get their electricity?) Well, it picks it up on brain power and then types it out! You just think the words and think the thoughts.
       14. BUT A LOT OF THE MACHINERY STILL HAS TO RUN ON REAL ELECTRICITY. Now, have you really been carefully reading these Stories? Don't you remember how I said the World is still going to have power, although they're not going to use these big dirty stinky smelly generators like now that burn oil and pollute the air and make a lot of racket and everything. We don't have to use those anymore because we don't want to dirty up the Millennial skyline and the Millennial air and pollute the air we breathe with all those stinky things! Nothing bad like that will be allowed in the Millennium, unless some of the Rebels get away with it. (See Chapters 8, 16 and 17).
       15. WHAT ARE TWO WAYS THAT ELECTRICITY HAS BEEN GENERATED FOR MANY YEARS WITHOUT OIL OR FIRES, ETC.? (David: Water power.) Yes, that's one of the main ways, and a lot of electricity is still generated by water power. They call them hydroelectric plants. Hydro means what? (David: Water.) Yes, so they're plants that manufacture electricity by means of water power, the water flowing over a falls or over a dam or through a dam.
       16. IT'S THE SAME IDEA AS THE OLD WATER MILLS for grinding the grain. It turns what they call turbines. The water goes through these big conduits like big huge pipes like this and it goes through a thing that's like a fan or a propeller and the water flowing through it turns it around real fast and this turns the generator around real fast, and that manufactures electricity.
       17. NOW, WHAT'S A GENERATOR? (David: It's a big machine that can be turned on when the lights go off and it generates power or electricity.) Well, very good! That's the kind of generator that some people use. When they don't have electricity they can run a little generator that's powered by gasoline. But gasoline is stinky too and those generators are very noisy! That's one kind of generator. The gasoline-powered generator and even those huge massive generators that are as big as half of this room, they all run on the same principle.
       18. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO TURN A MOTOR? Even these little tape recorders have motors. (David: Electricity.) Yes, it takes electricity to turn these motors. But didn't you make a little model generator once and you turned it real fast, and instead of taking electricity to turn it, it took hand power or arm power?
       19. THERE ARE GENERATORS LIKE THAT TOO. They used to use them in the War out on the field. The soldier would stop and want to contact headquarters and one man had this little generator. They were only about as big as some of our video machines, about so wide and so high and about so thick, and it had a hand crank on the side of it like this. The other guy would hold the radio or the walkie-talkie or whatever kind of radio he was powering with a generator, and he would do the talking and broadcasting and receiving on his transceiver that he was holding in his hand while the other guy cranked the generator with muscle-power! That's another kind of generator. You didn't know about that kind of generator, did you? (Children: No!)--Muscle-power! And that doesn't create any smoke or any pollutants or stink or make a big noise.
       20. IN FACT, A LOT OF MISSIONARIES NOW ARE TAKING THAT KIND OF TAPE PLAYER OR SLIDE PROJECTOR OUT INTO THE MISSION FIELD, way out to where the natives are that don't have any electricity at all, not even windmills, not even hydro-electricity. They can't play music for them because there's no local electricity, they can't show slides or movies for them, so they take along a hand-driven generator. You just turn it like this and while somebody cranks the handle the natives can see the pictures or hear the music! So that's another kind of generator.
       21. BUT THE WHOLE PRINCIPLE OF GENERATORS IS, you can take the same motors that use electricity to make them go, and if you can figure out some way to make those motors go without electricity, like go the opposite direction--I can't remember exactly how it works--but if you can turn that motor by hand or water or wind, instead of using electricity to turn the motor, if you can use other power to turn the motor, it will produce electricity! How about that! If someone could turn one of those small generators real fast by hand and keep it going like this, why it would generate electricity, just like it does with a turbine.
       22. SO WHAT I'M SAYING IS, A MOTOR CAN EITHER BE RUN BY ELECTRICITY OR IT CAN PRODUCE ELECTRICITY. If you had electricity you could use it. If you didn't have electricity, if you could figure out some way to turn the motor, it would produce electricity. Do you get it? So it's the same thing, just in reverse. (David: But you just have to know how to take the electricity out of it.) Well, it's all on the same wires that go in! You can hook up the same wires that go in that you use to turn the motor with electricity. You can hook them up to tape recorders and different things, if you can figure out some way to make that motor turn, either by hand or by water or by wind, like the old flour mills. We illustrated in one of our recent stories how the flour mill works. (See Chapter 16.) They've had those for hundreds of years!
       23. WATER MILLS WERE FINALLY INVENTED TO GRIND FLOUR--mostly to grind different grains. Grinding grain is a hard job! Do you know what the earlier method of grinding grain was? (David: It was either by horses or by people.) Yes, they used to have threshing mills, threshing floors that worked that way. But it was quite a while before they figured out how to use them to grind grain. That's true, they did use a treadmill or horses to turn the big millstone, they even used Samson once, didn't they? (Judges 16:21) (Techi: In the days of Samson, remember he was a prisoner and they used those two big round stones put together with handles on each side and you cranked them around.) Right!--Mill Power!--But there are lots of other kinds of power too! We see them in our next Chapter.--Don't miss it! God bless you! I love you!--Grandpa.

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