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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2401-2600]]

Latest revision as of 00:27, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


       (After watching videos of a Morton Downey & Phil Donahue TV talk show obtained by Family members in the U.S., regarding unjustified accusations of child abuse &, as a result, criminal acts by authorities against System parents:)

       1. I don't want to stay here in this nightmare World any more! I just stay here for your sake & the Family's sake. My God, this kind of World has gone completely insane! The System has become a monster!

       2. It's a nightmare World with these people taking away parents' little kids! Lord, [DELETED] devour them, these monsters! You gave those kids to those parents, Lord. Nobody else has a right to them. Rebuke & devour those evil monsters!--Like that woman lawyer, Anne, that pervert, that fiend! She's a devil! She's demon-possessed! Rebuke her! [DELETED] Devour her, Lord, in Jesus' name. Fill her full of cancer! May she die an agonising death for all the agony she's caused those parents!

       3. Bless those poor parents, Lord. Deliver their children, Lord, in Jesus' name. Restore them, Lord, to their rightful parents, in Jesus' name. Rebuke the monster System of the Devil that's destroying families & devouring children!

       4. God bless Morton Downey & Phil Donahue & these other crusaders, Lord, fighting against these monstrous fiends of the Devil that are destroying families & stealing children, breaking the hearts of their parents. Bless & keep those poor little kids, Lord. Get them back to their parents, Lord, to their rightful families, in Jesus' name.

       5. Lord, it would be better if we were taken out of this World unless we can fight & help some of these poor kids & their parents, in Jesus' name. It makes me so angry, Lord[DELETED]! [DELETED] [EDITED: "T"]hat little weasly witch, Anne! I can't reach her, but You can, Lord! May she [DELETED] suffer all the pain that she's caused all those parents! In Jesus' name! Amen! Hallelujah! TYL!

       6. The time has come when it's better to die than live in a horrendous demonic World like this! It's better to die than live. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! My God, help us! Help those poor parents, Lord. Help their pitiful children, Lord! Curse those monsters that are doing all of this depraved damage, in Jesus' name. Rebuke & destroy the System that's doing it, Lord, in Jesus' name! Have mercy, Lord, on those poor little kids, in Jesus' name.

       7. Help Barz, Lord! Help him to get in there & show those kids that he loves them, that we love them! [DELETED] [EDITED: "T"]hat monster, Vivian, Lord! [DELETED] Give her pain, Lord, real pain for all the pain she's caused all of us! In Jesus' name! Rebuke her! [DELETED] And give the father back his children. In Jesus' name!

       8. Lord, he loves You & he serves You & he helps others, Lord. He's sacrificed a lot, forsaken all to a faraway land, Lord, to help the poor, & his help is appreciated & even recognised by their government.

       9. What a horrible, horrible sample of the selfishness of rich countries! My God! [DELETED] Take those children away from her [EDITED: "Vivian"], Lord, in Jesus' name. Take her away from the children, Lord, give them back to Barz! In Jesus' precious name, we ask for Thy glory. For Thy Name, Lord! You promised to answer our prayers in Thy name.

       10. Do it, Lord! [DELETED] [EDITED: "P"]rotect the children, Lord. Keep them from getting contaminated by this horrible World! Give them back, Lord, in Jesus' name. Give them back to their rightful parent. Give them back to Barz, Lord, & help him to take them back to the mission field & not make such a horrible mistake again. In Jesus' name. TYL!

       11. May God protect our parents! Protect our children, Lord, in Jesus' name. Rebuke & destroy the God-damned System that robs parents of their children! In the Name of Jesus we ask You, Lord, to destroy the vicious, Satanic, demonic, diabolical System that destroys families & turns kids over to the Devil! In the Name of Jesus we ask Thee!

       12. God bless Morton Downey & Phil Donahue. Protect them & keep them & help them to wake the nation to the evils of the System. In Jesus' name, thank You Lord. Hallelujah!

       13. Lord, please help us now to go back to sleep, if it be Thy Will. If You don't answer prayer, Lord, I want to die, I just want to die. I don't want to live in this nightmare World, Lord, unless You're going to protect us & keep us & answer prayer for these poor children, Lord! In Jesus' name we ask.

       14. Amen, Lord, if You don't answer prayer, I don't want to live. You answer prayer, Lord, for those kids, for their parents, for their rightful parents, their lawful, legal, Godly Christian parents! Rebuke the evil, diabolical, devilish, fiendish parents who try to take them out of Thy Family & Thy Work, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, I command Thee to do it! Keep Thy Word, Lord! Do it! You promised, Lord! Now do it! I want to see You keep Your promises, in the Name of Jesus. TYL! Amen! In Jesus' name. I want to see it, Lord, do it! God damn'm, in Jesus' name!

       15. Help Barz right now, wherever he is, in Jesus' name! At least let those kids know that he loves them & is willing to lay down his life for his sheep. In Jesus' name. [DELETED] Vindicate Barz, Lord! Deliver Thy children! In Jesus' name. My God!

       16. Rebuke those monsters! Bless Phil Donahue. Bless & strengthen Morton Downey. God bless them for fighting for the right, Lord, & fighting for those poor children, & those pitiful parents against those demons, those evil monsters!

       17. Thank You Lord for raising up defenders, crusaders against the evil, advocates of the right, Lord, in Jesus' name! Bless Thy people! Bless even those who aren't yet Thy people who are fighting for what's right, trying to correct things. God damn the evil vicious anti-Christ System that robs Thy children, Lord, of their parents & their children, in Jesus' name. Help us, Lord! Help us, in the Name of Jesus!

       18. Raise up defenders, Lord! Raise up lawyers like those, Lord, that were there defending the children & the parents against a diabolical, fiendish, devilish, evil System represented by that witch! In Jesus' name! Do it, Lord! Protect Thy children, Lord! Have mercy on Thy parents, Lord. Please help us, Lord, in Jesus' name.

       19. Eat them up, Lord! Eat the enemies up! [DELETED] [EDITED: "C"]urse them, Lord! May they [EDITED: "have"] pain for all the pain they've caused Thy children, in Jesus' name. Do it, Lord! Do it, Lord! In Jesus' name! TYL! Help us to help them, Lord, in some way.

       20. Lord, we'd rather just go if we can't be a help. It's such a nightmare World! My God, help us to help some way, in Jesus' name. Lord, end it soon. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!--Rev.22:20. Lord, have mercy & end it[DELETED]!


       23. Let's go to sleep now, Honey. Let's let the Lord take care of it.

       24. P.S. And the Lord will take care of it, soon!--With our help!--At Armageddon! "It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; & to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty Angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, & that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, & from the glory of His power; when He shall come to be glorified in His saints in that day!"--2Thes.1:6-10.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family