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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2401-2600]]

Latest revision as of 00:28, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


       1. The whole inference, the whole insinuation in this recent flood of anti-cult propaganda is that all cults are devilish & child abusive. They are taking the worst cults & the worst cases where children were even killed, & they're making the insinuation that all of the other cults are just as dangerous. On this one video of a program that the Family sent to us, they didn't take time to name all of the other cults, but their idea was to insinuate & infer that all of the cults are this bad already, or will get this bad, that they're all dangerous.

       2. (Maria: Yes, they're even warning the public about Bible studies! They reported, "This one started out as a Bible study group, but then grew into a full-blown cult!")

       3. The Devil is really attacking. He's even warning against the ministry we're planning for our people who have to go back to their home fields, even warning against Bible studies. Boy oh boy!

       4. They are making people suspicious of everything & everybody!--Everything that's good! It's the Devil's own "Ministry of Truth," rewriting history, rewriting the truth & making it all appear as lies! And the lies have now become their "truth"! The Devil's own lies have now become the truth; whereas all the genuine truth is being ballyhooed & propagandised as being lies.

       5. (Maria: We heard about a well-known media personality who recently said, "If a person seems too good to be true, he probably is!"--In other words, he's probably a phoney if he seems good & righteous.) It's because so many of the cases of villains who are making notoriety now are people who had been very highly respected preachers or teachers or Boy Scout troop masters, etc. They use one case from the Baptist Church to cast a stigma & a suspicion on the entire Baptist Church & every Baptist! They take one or two cases of Boy Scout masters to now cast a stigma & a suspicion on all Scoutmasters & the Scout organisation as whole.

       6. They're leading you to believe that all television evangelists are crooked & sex maniacs because they had one or two crooked examples. It is an absolute propaganda blast, a huge propaganda blast, a propaganda front!

       7. There's a huge concerted, concentrated & well-organised attack on every single thing that is good, that is Christian, everything the [EDITED: "ACs"] can think of that they don't like!--Everything the Antichrist can think of, I'm sure. I'm sure he is mounting this vast frontal attack on all of these Christian organisations & Christians, etc. It's amazing, just amazing!

       8. It is a tremendous worldwide highly organised attack for which apparently the signal has been given, "Now!--Go on the attack! Attack'm all! Belittle them all! Discredit them all! Cast suspicion on them all! Let's go on our worldwide anti-Christ attack against everything good & promote everything evil!"

       9. We've never ever lived in such a day! It's the beginning!--The beginning of the End, thank God, that's going to lead to our victorious End! The worse it gets near the End, the sooner it's going to be good, thank the Lord!

       10. It's a worldwide propaganda front that's attacking everything that's good, & demeaning everything that's right & saying that everything true is a lie & every lie is the truth. I'm sure it's the Antichrist front preparing for the Tribulation. I think it's the beginning.--And it may be the End!

       11. One of the cleverest, most diabolical tricks the Devil ever played was to get the church to back Communism & to back the [EDITED: "ACs"] & [EDITED: "their helpers"] who are taking over the World. They're now making a god out of Martin Luther King. Imagine, in the name of religion, leading a movement that is going to destroy Christianity. The church is destroying itself!

       12. In the name of God & Christianity they're helping the Antichrist to take over the World[DELETED]! And the Christians are helping the [EDITED: "ACs"]!--And the [EDITED: "ACs"] are helping the Antichrist!


       14. The church has become true Christianity's biggest enemy! [DELETED] [EDITED: "T"]ogether they're [EDITED: "the ACs and their helpers"] corrupting the whole Earth!--In the Name of Jesus & Christ & the Church. And they're backing Communism, backing the [EDITED: "AC"] conspiracy. They're backing the Antichrist!
       --GOD HELP US!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family