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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

BIBLE FOR YOU!--No.13!--Test on Genesis Chapter 2!       DFO 2706       10/90
--Classtime with Grandpa!

       1. Okay, you have your last chance now to look at the Chapter & try to remember the answers! Are you ready for your test? (Kids: Ready!) Most of these are going to be one-word answers.

       Genesis 2 Test!

       2. No. 1: According to the Bible, which day is the seventh day of the week? Name the day. And please say something when you're finished writing the answer so I'll know you're ready for the next question. (Kids: OK!)
       3. No. 2: What did God do on that day in the week of Creation?
       4. No. 3: According to the Mosaic Law in the Ten Commandments, what were the people supposed to do on the Sabbath Day of every week?
       5. No. 4: In the Ten Commandments, which Commandment was that?
       6. No. 5: Do we still have to keep that Commandment? Just answer "yes" or "no."
       7. No. 6: Why? Now that might take more words than a one-word answer. There are several different ways you could answer that, but answer it the best you can. It shouldn't take more than one line, but it could.
       8. No. 7: How was the Earth watered in those days before the Flood? By what?
       9. No. 8: A body plus the breath of life is a what? Body plus spirit equals what?
       10. No. 9: God placed the man in a Garden called, what?
       11. Nos. 10 & 11: Besides a lot of other fruit trees, what were the two most remarkable trees in that Garden? Those are two answers & they each get a number.
       12. Nos. 12 & 13: What two World-famous rivers flowed through the Garden that are still on the maps today? Two answers.
       13. No. 14: Because that country lay between these two rivers, & these two rivers flowed through it, it was called by the Greeks & Romans Mesopotamia; but what is it called today?--A country that's very much in the news today!
       14. No. 15: That country was also the location of what famous tower in the Bible?
       15. No. 16: It is also the location, or was, of what famous city?
       16. Nos. 17 & 18: Why did God put Man in this Garden? For what two reasons? Those are two different questions.
       17. No. 19: Which of those two famous trees in the Garden was Man forbidden to eat of? That'll take a few words because it's got a long name.
       18. No. 20: And what did God say the penalty would be for eating of that tree? One word. You could say it in more than one word, but you only need to give me one word.
       19. No. 21: "And the Lord God said it is not good that a man should be," what?
       20. No. 22: So then He said, "I will make him a," what? What did God say He was going to make for the man? Don't give me her name or tell me what kind of a creature she was, but what did the Lord say that the man needed? It takes two words.
       21. No. 23: I think I failed to review this particular question with you, but you may remember this from other classes I've given. Let's see how much you remember! You can just say "True" or "False," how's that? The fact that Adam could call all the animals to him & name each one proves that he was able to talk to them & they understood him, that Man & animals in those days could talk to each other. True or False?
       22. No. 24: So after God had created the help meet for Adam, what did Adam call her? He called her several things, but what is a proper name spelled with a capital letter, the final thing he called her. He said she was different things, but "she shall be called," what?
       23. No. 25: They both were in a certain state & yet were not ashamed of it because it was not a sin to be--what? Okay, exchange papers!

       Test Answers!

       24. No. 1: What is the seventh day of the week according to the Bible? (Techi: Saturday, not Sunday.) Right! (David: But it now seems like the seventh day is Sunday because we start off our work week on Monday.) But Sunday is not actually the seventh day of the week. It's the Christian rest day, the Christian holiday.
       25. No. 2: And what did God do on that day? (Kids: Rested.) Right!
       26. No. 3: And what were people supposed to do on the Sabbath day? (Kids: Rest.)
       27. No. 4: And which Commandment was that? (Kids: The Fourth.)
       28. No. 5: Do we still have to keep that Commandment? (David: I was a little confused on that question, because even though we obey it, we don't really have to; but we seem to.) (Techi: But we don't.) We don't. So the answer is "no." (David: We rest.) (Techi: We rest, but we don't rest on the seventh day. We rest on the first day.) Sorry about that!
       29. No. 6: Why don't we have to keep that Commandment? (David: Because Jesus freed us from the Mosaic Law.) Yes, or you could have said because we're living in the Day of Grace now. We don't have to keep the Mosaic Law, or some other answer like that. (Techi: Was what I said right?) What did you say? (David: She said, "Jesus freed us from the Law.") Yes! Anything that means that. I said you could express it in several different ways.
       30. No. 7: How was the Earth watered? (Kids: By a mist.)
       31. No. 8: A body & spirit combined is a what? (Kids: A soul!)
       32. No. 9: What was the name of the Garden God put Man in? (Kids: Eden!)
       33. Nos. 10 & 11: What were the two most famous trees in that Garden? (David: The Tree of Life & the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.) Right, those are each separate answers.
       34. Nos. 12 & 13: What two most famous rivers that are still on the maps flowed through the Garden of Eden? You might remember the other rivers too, but give me the two most famous. They're still called that on the maps. (Kids: Tigris & Euphrates.)
       35. No. 14: And the name of the land they flow through to this very day that used to be called Mesopotamia? (Kids: Iraq!)
       36. No. 15: What famous tower was in that country? And there's still the remains of it there, by the way. (Kids: Babel.)
       37. No. 16: What famous city was in that country? (Kids: Babylon.) And its remains have also been uncovered. By the way, that big wall around Babylon was broad enough that two chariots could ride side-by-side around the top of it! (David: That is amazing!)
       38. Nos. 17 & 18: Why did God put Man in the Garden? Two different answers. (David: To dress it & keep it.) (Techi: Or to tend it & keep it.) Either way is right!
       39. No. 19: What Tree was Man forbidden to eat from? (Kids: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.) Right!
       40. No. 20: What was the penalty for eating of that tree? (Kids: Death.) Right!
       41. No. 21: And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be...?" (Kids: "Alone!") Very good.
       No. 22: So He promised to make what for him? (Kids: Help meet.) Yes, or a wife or mate.
       42. No. 23: The fact that Adam called all the animals to him & named them one by one pretty well proves that he could talk to them, true or false? (Techi: True!)
       43. No. 24: What did Adam call his help meet? (Kids: Woman!)
       44. No. 25: And although they were both what, they were not ashamed. (Kids: Naked!) So it was not a sin, right? (Kids: Right!)

       Grading Papers!

       45. That made it neat, a nice 25 questions out of that one Chapter! Put an "X" in front of any that were completely wrong, & multiply the number of X's by 4. Subtract that much from 100 & put that grade on the paper. So what did you get as your grades on your test? (David: Techi got 100%!) Wow! That's A++. (Techi: A++, really?) Yes! And you, David? (David: I got 88%.) Good, that's a B+.
       46. All right, now turn to the page where you have your tests listed & add the name of that test, Genesis 2, & the grade. Put the grades in a column to the right of your Bible test, because one of these days you're going to have to add them all up, OK? All righty!


       47. Now, homework! What do you suppose the homework is going to be? (David: Maybe read Genesis 3, or study it?) Read Genesis 3 & study it, yes, by all means. And tomorrow I'll give you a review on it & see how well you studied it. OK? (David: An oral test, sort of?) Yes.
       48. I always used to say that I went over the answers for every test about five or six times, sometimes seven times. When I assign you the Chapter, that's the first time. When we discuss the Chapter & see if you really studied it & got anything out of it, that'll be the second time. Then we review the Chapter orally, that's the third time. When we give you the written test on it, that's the fourth time, right? And when you correct the papers, that's the fifth time. And when you go back & look at your paper again, when you have had it corrected & you check it out, that's the sixth time! And there must be a seventh time but I can't think of it right now.
       49. OK! Praise the Lord? We finished early tonight. (Techi: I didn't know there was an A++. Why do you do that?) That's just to indicate that you actually got'm all right. See, you can have an A+ even if you make from 95 to 100. So when anybody gets 100, I give'm A++. You guys are doing great! I don't think anybody has gotten below a B yet, have you? (Techi: I got a B- once.) Well, that's still in the B's! (Techi: That was on the Bible Chronology test.) You guys are doing great, really! I don't think I ever had a class that made such good grades. (Techi: Well, Grandpa, you're a wonderful teacher!) Well, you just study & you're wonderful students! God bless you! I'm proud of you!

       Closing Prayer

       50. Does anybody want to thank the Lord for the test? (Techi: Amen! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord so much for this good class & test. Please bless Grandpa, Jesus, for teaching us & for being such a good teacher. Thank You for giving him & us wisdom, Lord, to be able to do that. Help us to be able to study Genesis 3, in Jesus' name, amen. Thank You Lord!) Amen! God bless you!

       Picture captions & fact boxes:

       Page 1: Very good!

       Page 2: The Ten Commandments

       I -- Thou shalt have no other gods before Me

       II -- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

       III -- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

       IV -- Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy

       V -- Honour thy father & thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee

       VI -- Thou shalt not kill

       VII -- Thou shalt not commit adultery

       VIII -- Thou shalt not steal

       IX -- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

       X -- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's

       Page 6:
       The human body. Like all things--living and nonliving--the human body consists of atoms of chemical elements. The most common chemical elements in the body are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. The body also contains smaller amounts of many other elements, including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.
       Atoms of chemical elements combine and form microscopic structures called molecules. The most common molecule in the human body is water. Water makes up about 65 per cent of the body.
       As far as other common elements in the human body, in an adult there is:
       --enough fat to make two dozen big bars of soap
       --enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on a dog
       --enough lime to whitewash a chicken coop
       --enough carbon to make the lead for 9,000 pencils
       --enough iron to make a solid nail
       --enough water to fill a 2-gallon jug

       Page 8:
       Mesopotamia, pronounced MEHS uh poh TAY mee uh, was an ancient region in which the World's earliest civilization developed. Mesopotamia included the area that is now eastern Syria, southeastern Turkey, and most of Iraq. It extended from the Taurus Mountains in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south, and from the Zagros Mountains in the east to the Syrian Desert in the west. But the heart of the region was the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The name Mesopotamia comes from a Greek word meaning between rivers.
       The Euphrates River, pronounced yoo FRAY teez, is the longest river in southwestern Asia. It is about 1,700 miles (2,736 kilometers) long and forms part of the historic Tigris-Euphrates river system. The Euphrates rises in a mountainous area of eastern Turkey and flows southwest through the country into Syria. In Syria, it turns southeast and gradually descends until it reaches low, flat land. After leaving Syria, the Euphrates cuts across Iraq. At the town of Al Qurnah, Iraq, it joins the Tigris, forming a river called the Shatt al Arab, which flows into the Persian Gulf. The area near and between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in Iraq has the country's most fertile soil. Most of Iraq's people live there. In the Bible the Euphrates is referred to as "the River Euphrates," "the great river, the River Euphrates," or only as "the River." It is named as one of the four rivers in the area of the Garden of Eden.

       Page 9:
       Onyx, pronounced AHN ihks, is a term used loosely to apply to a rock with contrasting layers of colours arranged in parallel lines. Ordinary onyx of quartz is black and white, green and white, or red and white, and so on. Sardonyx is brown and white onyx. Onyx is hard and takes a high polish. The onyx was used for engraving seals and for various ornaments. It was included in the treasures from Havilah, in Arabia (Gen.2:12). David included the onyx in the material he gathered for the Temple (1Chr. 29:2). Job considered the wisdom from God a greater possession than even the precious onyx (Job 28:16).
       Bdellium. A substance found in Havilah in Arabia, a land noted for its precious stones and aromatic gum. With the same colour as manna, bdellium was considered to be a gum resin. In Numbers 11:7, the word for bdellium is rendered as gum resin by some translations. But in Genesis 2:12, bdellium was associated with gold and therefore it was considered a precious stone. Some scholars suggest that bdellium jewels were pearls from the Persian Gulf. The exact identification of this substance is not certain.

       Page 10: This will be called "Humming-bird"!

       Page 14: She shall be called "woman"!

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