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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2201-2400]]

Latest revision as of 00:43, 28 July 2006

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PRAYER FOR MAMA ON HER BIRTHDAY!        31/7/87        DO 2331

       1. (DAD PRAYS:) THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS BIRTHDAY! THANK YOU LORD FOR MAMA! Thank You, Lord, for sending me this little girl at the time of my life when I was going to start out doing what really is my life's work. You sent me a real little warrior, a real little fighter, Lord, a real little warrior of the faith, a soldier of the faith to stand by me through thick & thin & to help me do the work that You have called me to do, & who has constantly held me up & held up my hands & strengthened me & never lost the faith, never gets discouraged, never gets down, is always cheerful, always looking on the bright side, never ever ever loses faith, Lord!
       2. SHE SURELY HAS THE GIFT OF FAITH, AS WELL AS A REAL GIFT OF WISDOM IN ALL OF HER MANAGEMENT OF THE WORK OF THE FAMILY & all of this literature, Lord, & the various ministries--the DFing Ministry & all the other ministries that she has been inspired to begin, particularly in the literature, Lord, & how she has managed all of this & the personnel & the various fields etc. She has turned out to be a marvellous administrator, an expert manager with great wisdom, Lord, in handling people & projects etc. (Maria: It's all You, Lord! TYJ!) PTL!--To particularly especially complement my ministry, Lord, because she does many things that I can't do & things that I don't do. She fills it all out, Lord, & puts real flesh on the bones to make it a full & complete ministry. Thank You for all of her hard work, Lord!
       3. WE ASK THEE RIGHT NOW TO BLESS RIGHT NOW HER HEAD & HER EYES, IN JESUS' NAME! (Family gathers around to lay hands on Mama's head.) Strengthen these eyes, Lord, for Thy glory & Thy use, & heal these headaches, Lord! She reads so much & so long, Lord, & strains her eyes, really sacrifices them for You & Thy Work, Lord. We ask Thee to rebuke these headaches, Lord, & we resist the Enemy & his lies to try to discourage her with these sore eyes, Lord! We thank Thee she's not gotten discouraged or lost faith but is still trusting Thee for complete total deliverance, in the Name of Jesus! TYJ! PYL! Hallelujah! (Tongues) Amen, amen, amen, amen! TYJ! PTL!
       4. HAS ANYONE GOT A WORD FROM THE LORD FOR HER? PYJ! TYL! LET THE LORD SPEAK, BELOVED! He can speak through you. All the Gifts of the Church should be here. TYJ! Don't be bashful, don't be ashamed, don't be proud! Let the Lord speak, in Jesus' name! Give her messages of encouragement, Beloved! Give her Scriptures! If you get something from the Lord for her, give it out!
       5. (FAM: "LIFT UP THE HANDS WHICH HANG DOWN & strengthen the feeble knees, & rather let it be healed!"--Heb.12:12,13) (Fam: "Submit yourself therefore to God, resist the Devil & he will flee from you! I will instruct thee & teach thee in the way which thou shalt go, I will guide thee with Mine eye."--Jam.4:7, Psa.32:8)
       6. (TECHI: "I AM THE LORD THY GOD, IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME?"--Jer.32:27) (Fam: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it & are safe. I am the Lord that healeth thee!"--Pro.18:10, Exo.15:26b) (Fam: "For thus saith the Lord God of David thy Father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears, behold, I will heal thee!"--2Kg.20:5)
       7. (FAM: "FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called & hast professed a good profession among many witnesses. The Lord's ear is not heavy that it cannot hear, nor His arm shortened that it cannot save. Jesus Christ maketh thee whole!"--1Tim.6:12, Isa.59:1, Acts 9:34)
       8. (FAM: "THIS WOMAN CRIED & THE LORD HEARD HER & DELIVERED HER OUT OF ALL HER TROUBLES! Neither hath this woman sinned nor her parents, but that the glory of God might be revealed."--Psa.34:6, Jn.9:3) (Fam: "Many are the afflictions of this righteous woman, but she shall be delivered out of them all!" --Psa.34:19)
       9. (FAM: "MIGHTY & POWERFUL & ANOINTED IS MY HANDMAIDEN WHICH I HAVE ORDAINED, & no good thing will I withhold from her!") (David: "Unto you that fear My Name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings!"--Mal.4:2) (Techi: "Thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace!"--Mark 5:34) (Fam: "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, & the Lord shall cover her all the day long."--Deut.33:12)
       10. (FAM: "THEY SHALL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK & THEY SHALL RECOVER!"--Mark 16:18) Amen! We've done it, Lord, we have done it! TYJ! (Fam: "For it is God that worketh in you both to will & to do of His good pleasure. For He that hath begun a good work in you, shall perform it to the day of Jesus Christ. Who hath delivered, Who doth deliver & Who will yet deliver!"--Phi.2:13, 1:6; 2Cor.1:10)
       11. (FAM: "MY EAR IS NOT HEAVY THAT I CANNOT HEAR, NEITHER IS MY ARM SHORTENED THAT IT CANNOT SAVE. Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them. If two of you shall agree on Earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in Heaven."--Isa.59:1, Mat. 18:19,20)
       12. (FAM: "WE HAVE THIS TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSELS, THAT THE EXCELLENCY OF THE POWER MAY BE OF GOD & NOT OF US!"--2Cor.4:7. Although you may seem rather weak with this eye trouble & headaches etc., the Lord is glorified even in this, "For My strength is made perfect in weakness!"--2Cor.12.9. "For the path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth more & more unto the Perfect Day!"--Pro.4:18.) (Fam: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh in us a far more exceeding & eternal weight of glory!"--2Cor.4:17.)
       13. (FAM: "BE NOT WEARY IN FIGHTING, FOR IN DUE SEASON YE SHALL REAP IF YE FAINT NOT! For the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in you!"--Gal. 6:9, Rom.8:18) (Fam: "He sent His Word & healed them & delivered them from their destructions!" "I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake!"--Psa.107:20, Mal.3:11.)
       14. (FAM: I HAD A VISION OF MAMA DRESSED LIKE HEAVEN'S GIRL WITNESSING TO SOMEONE and he was bowed before her, kind of like "Lord Byron's Surrender", & the verse came: "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, & ordained you, that ye should go & bring forth fruit, & that your fruit should remain: That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you."--Jn.15:16) (Dad:) It's such a beautiful sight seeing you laying hands on Mama. Thank Him now! (Family praises the Lord for the victory!) Amen! TYL!
       15. "THE EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS ONE AVAILETH MUCH!"--Jam.5:16. Lord, there are many righteous ones here praying now for her, so we know You have to answer, Lord, & we know You have answered! "Whatsoever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive it & ye shall have it!"--Mark 11:24. TYL! PTL! Amen! So just keep thanking the Lord for her! Thank the Lord for the victory, amen? (Family praises!) Amen! PTL! Count it done! PTL! Hallelujah! What's that little song my Father wrote? (Sings:)
       "I take the stand, I count it done,
       God answers through His precious Son!

       It is His Word, it cannot fail,
       Though all the powers of Hell assail!

       So come what may, the promise mine,
       I'll hold it till the end of time!"
       16. PTL! HALLELUJAH! TYJ! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, IT'S DONE! PTL! It's done! I wish you could see your faces! Well, you look around & see them!--Beautiful, happy & victorious! PTL! God bless you all, thanks a lot! TTL! TYJ! You're all so beautiful & I love you!

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