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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

BIBLE FOR YOU!--No.24!--Test on Genesis 8!       DFO 2754       11/90
--Bible Classtime with Grandpa!

       1. (Techi: TYJ! Please bless our class, Lord. Help us to do well on the test & to learn everything that we need to, in Jesus' name!--And bless Grandpa as he teaches us. TYL!) Praise the Lord! Okay, this is your last chance to look at your Chapter before the test! Remember to always put your name, date & subject at the top of your test paper. Are you ready? (Kids: Yes!) Lord bless them, in Jesus' name.

       Test on Chapter 8!

       2. No. 1: How did the Lord help the waters to dry up from the face of the Earth? With a what?

       3. No. 2: Where did the Ark land?

       4. No. 3: What was the first bird that Noah sent forth to find out if it was dry enough to come out of the Ark?

       5. No. 4: What happened to it? Just put it in your own words. It shows that ravens or crows are much stronger than doves, doesn't it?

       6. No. 5: The first time Noah sent forth a dove, it couldn't find any place to land, so what did she do? You can just put it in your own words.

       7. No. 6: Seven days later he sent the dove again & she came back with what in her mouth? Pretty smart dove!

       8. No. 7: So they waited another seven days & he sent the dove out again. What happened to it?

       9. No. 8: So how many times did he send the dove out?

       10. No. 9: Just before he sent forth the raven, what did he open?

       11. No. 10: And just after the dove didn't come back any more, what did he open?

       12. No. 11: "And he looked, & behold, the face of the ground was..."--what?

       13. No. 12: And what was the date? According to Noah's age, it was the 601st year--but what month & what day? In other words, it was a whole year later. You aren't going to look at it now, but it is found in the 14th verse of Genesis 8. It already said in the 13th verse, "And it came to pass in the 601st year."

       14. No. 13: So Noah & all of his people & animals had been in the Ark for how long?

       15. No. 14: How did we figure out how long this was? This is very important because a lot of people don't know this! What verse in Chapter 7 tells us that in the 600th year, second month, 17th day of the month Noah was already in the Ark & it started to rain? You need to remember the number of those two verses, because they're very important. In the 7th Chapter it's the 11th verse. Oh, I went & told you!

       16. No. 15: Well, since I already said which verse it was, can you give me the date--according to Chapter 7, verse 11--of when Noah was in the Ark & the Flood began? The six hundredth year--what month & what day of the month?

       17. No. 16: Now God told him to get out of the Ark, the Earth was dry enough, & to bring all of the creatures out. And then what did he build?

       18. No. 17: And which kind of creatures did he use to sacrifice?

       19. No. 18: And then God saw that Man was pretty hopeless, so He said He wouldn't curse the what any more, for Man's sake?

       20. No. 19: And we assume from the next thing He said that He would never send another flood of water to wipe everybody out. True or false?

       21. Nos. 20-25: Name six out of the eight things that God said would continue as long as the Earth remains. All of these things are going to be found in the last verse of the Chapter. Each one is an answer & I think that'll bring us up to No. 25! (Techi: Isn't that neat? I just read that verse on Thursday night in the "Creation" category of the MOP.) Good! You can exchange your papers, if you've finished.

       Test Answers!

       22. No. 1: The Lord helped the waters to dry up with a what? (Kids: Wind.)

       23. No. 2: Where did the Ark land? (Kids: Ararat.)

       24. No. 3: The first bird Noah sent out was what? (Kids: A raven.)

       25. No. 4: And what happened to it? (Kids: It went out & didn't return.) Right!

       26. No. 5: So next he sent forth a dove, & what did she do? (Kids: Came back, returned.) Right!

       27. No. 6: And he sent out the dove again & this time she came back with what? (Kids: An olive leaf!)

       28. No. 7: And the next time he sent out the dove, what happened? (Techi: She didn't come back.)

       29. No. 8: How many times did he send out the dove? (Kids: Three times.)

       30. No. 9: What did he open just before sending out the raven? (Kids: The window.)

       31. No. 10: And when the dove didn't come back any more, what did he open? (Kids: The door.) Very good! I never had such bright kids in my class before. (Techi: Well, Grandpa, you make it super easy!)

       32. No. 11: And he looked, & the face of the ground was... (Kids: Dry.)

       33. No. 12: And what date was that according to Noah's age? (Techi: The second month.) And what day? (David: The 27th day.)

       34. No. 13: So Noah had been in the Ark how long? (Techi: A year & 17 days.)

       35. No. 14: What verse in Chapter 7 helped us to figure out how long it was? (David: Chapter 7, Verse 11.)

       36. No. 15: And what was the date according to that verse? (Techi: Second month, the 17th day.) Right!

       37. No. 16: What did Noah build? (Kids: An altar.) Right!

       38. No. 17: What kind of animals did he offer on the altar? (Techi: Just clean animals.) How many pair of each type of clean animals were on the Ark? (David: Seven.) Right, seven pair. I asked you that question on our last test.

       39. No. 18: And God said He wouldn't do what any more? (David: He wouldn't curse the ground.) Right!

       40. No. 19: True or False: God said He would never send another flood like that to wipe everybody out. (Kids: True!)

       41. Nos. 20-25: What are six of the eight different things that God said would continue as long as the Earth remained? (David: Harvest, cold, heat, Summer, Winter.) (Techi: Also day & night!) You just needed to get six of those, but the eight things were: Seedtime & harvest, cold & heat, Summer & Winter, day & night.

       42. There are 25 questions so each one is worth four points. (Techi: That was really good!)

       Homework--Genesis Chapter 9!

       43. So what Chapter are you going to study for our next class? (Kids: Genesis 9!) Right! Tomorrow night, which is Tuesday night, we'll read Genesis Chapter 9 & review it in class, bringing out the important points, & then I will expect you to know those points for our test on Wednesday night! OK? (Techi: Yes! We've had 13 tests so far!)

       44. You haven't told me your grades yet. (Kids: 100%!) Both of you? (Kids: Yes!) You guys are really whizzes! You really study! Praise the Lord! (David: You're a good teacher!) (Techi: Yes, Grandpa, you really are!) Shall we pray a closing prayer?

       45. (David: Amen! Thank You Lord! Thank You Jesus for the test we had, & thank You that we did well on it! Thank You, Jesus, for helping us in our study of Genesis, & thank You for how we've been learning so much! Thank You for Grandpa teaching us. We pray that You'll bless the rest of this night, Lord, in Jesus' name, amen. Thank You Lord!) Amen! Praise the Lord! God bless you!

       Picture captions & text boxes:

       Page 2:
       GEYSER (pronounced GY zuhr), is a spring that spurts up hot water with explosive force from time to time. Often, the water shoots up from a geyser in great columns, cloudy with steam. Geysers attract many tourists.
       "Old Faithful" in Yellowstone National Park in the U.S. is probably the World's most famous geyser. On the average, it erupts once every 73 minutes. The eruptions are usually 120 to 150 feet (37 to 46 meters) high. People have observed "Old Faithful" for over 80 years, & this geyser has not missed an eruption. Most other geysers erupt at irregular intervals & no one knows when they will go off. Some geysers erupt several times during an hour. Other geysers do not go off for hours, days, weeks, or even months. In some, the water only bubbles above the ground. In others, water soars in fountains more than 100 feet (30 meters) high.

       Page 3:
       MOUNT EVEREST is the highest mountain in the World. It rises about 5 miles (8.9 kilometers) above sea level. It is one of the mountains that make up the Himalayas, on the frontiers of Tibet & Nepal, north of India. Surveyors disagree on the exact height of Mount Everest. A British government survey in the middle 1800's set the height at 29,002 feet (8,840 meters). The 1954 Indian government survey set the present official height at 29,028 feet (8,848 meters), but a widely used unofficial figure is 29,141 feet (8,882 meters).
       Mount Everest was named for Sir George Everest (1790-1866), a British surveyor-general of India. Tibetans call Mount Everest Chomolungma. Nepalese call the mountain Sagarmatha. Some Sherpa tribesmen claim a creature they call the Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, lives around Mount Everest. But climbers have not seen it.

       Page 7:
       Flood Stories, from Halley's Bible Handbook:

       Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Hindus, Greeks, Chinese, Phrygians, Fiji Islanders, Eskimos, Aboriginal Americans, Indians, Brazilians, Peruvians, & indeed every branch of the whole human race, have traditions of a Great Deluge that destroyed all Mankind, except one family, & which impressed itself indelibly on the memory of the ancestors of all these races.

       Babylonian Tradition of the Flood: Archives of the Temple of Marduk, in Babylon, as related by Berosus, 300 B.C., contained this story: Xisuthros, a king, was warned by one of the gods to build a ship, & take into it his friends & relatives & all different kinds of animals, with all necessary food. Whereupon he built an immense ship, which was stranded in Armenia. Upon subsidence of the Flood, he sent out birds; the third time, they returned not. He came out, built an altar & sacrificed.
       Egyptians had a legend that the gods at one time purified the Earth by a great Flood, from which only a few shepherds escaped.
       Greek Tradition: Deucalion was warned that the gods were going to bring a flood upon the Earth for its great wickedness & built an Ark, which rested on Mt. Parnassus. A dove was sent out twice.
       Hindu Tradition: Manu was warned & built a ship, in which he alone escaped from a Deluge which destroyed all creatures.
       Chinese Traditions: Fa-He, founder of Chinese civilisation, is represented as having escaped from a Floodsent because Man had rebelled against Heavenalong with his wife, 3 sons & 3 daughters.
       England: Druids had a legend that the World had been repeopled from a righteous patriarch who had been saved in a strong ship from a Flood sent to destroy Man for his wickedness.
       Polynesians have stories of a Flood from which 8 escaped.
       Mexicans: One man, his wife & children were saved in a ship from a Flood which overwhelmed the Earth.
       Peruvians: One man & one woman were saved in a box that floated on the flood waters.
       American Indians have various legends in which 1, 3 or 8 persons were saved in a boat above the waters on a high mountain.
       Greenland: Legend says that the Earth once tilted over, & all men were drowned, except one man & one woman, who repeopled the Earth.

       Page 8:
       The World-famous Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the World. This giant gorge, 217 miles (349 kilometers) long & 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) or more deep, cuts through the rock of northwestern Arizona in the U.S.A. Every year, more than two million visitors gaze at its splendour.

       Page 9:
       Black Sea
       Asia Minor
       Mediterranean Sea
       Caspian Sea
       Persian Gulf
       Red Sea

       ARARAT (pronounced AR uh rat), is the mountainous region between the Black Sea & the Caspian Sea where Noah's Ark rested when the Flood subsided. (Gen.8:4.) From this region streams converge to form the Tigris & the Euphrates Rivers. Originally, Ararat referred to the whole mountainous area; its use, however has gradually come to be restricted to the huge volcanic mountain at the borders of Turkey, Iran, & the Soviet Union. This volcanic mountain, known as Mount Ararat, includes two peaks. The tallest is 17,000 feet (5,182 meters), & the other is 13,000 feet (3,962 meters) above sea level.
       Occasional expeditions have been launched to find Noah's Ark. However, shifting glaciers, avalanches, hidden crevices, & sudden storms make the mountain so difficult to climb that it is referred to by the native inhabitants of that region as "the Painful Mountain." At the foot of Mount Ararat is a city called Naxuana, or Nakhhichevan, which claims the tomb of Noah. The name means, "Here Noah settled."

       RAVEN. In the Bible, "raven" is a catch-all term for crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, magpies & jays. All were considered unclean by the Jewish people (Lev.11:15). With a wingspread of about 1 meter (three feet), the raven is the largest member of this family.
       Ravens are scavenger birds that will eat almost anything. Their harsh cry has probably contributed to their reputation as birds of ill omen (foretelling evil to come). Since they have keen eyes & strong wings, this may explain why the first bird Noah sent from the Ark was a raven (Gen.8:7).
       The Bible indicates that God feeds even young ravens (Job 38:41). Jesus used a similar example to illustrate God's care (Luke 12:24). Because God sent ravens to feed the Prophet Elijah, ravens are also associated with God's protective care (1Kings 17:4,6). Solomon brought the expression, "black as a raven," into common use (SoS. 5:11).

       Page 10:
       THE OLIVE TREE is a fruit-bearing tree about six meters (20 feet) tall with a gnarled, twisted trunk, white flowers, & berries that ripen to a black colour. The olive tree grows slowly & continues to bear fruit after reaching a great age. Before it dies, new branches sprout from its roots. Olive trees live longer than most other fruit trees. Some of the olive trees brought by the Spaniards to California are still alive. There are olive trees in Palestine which probably date back to the beginning of the Christian Era. The most famous olive garden mentioned in the Bible is Gethsemane, meaning "oil press" (Mat.26:36).

       DOVES & PIGEONS belong to the same family. They are often mentioned in the Bible as if they are the same bird. The rock dove found in Palestine is the wild ancestor of our common street pigeon. Turtledoves are migrants. They spend the months of April to October in Israel filling the air with soft cooing when they arrive each Spring (SoS.2:11-12).
       Doves come in several colours, from pure white to the chestnut-colored palm turtledove. Even the plain grey pigeon has a silver sheen. Solomon waxed (became) poetic over doves' eyes. David longed for "wings like a dove" (Psa.55:6), so he could fly away from his enemies.
       Pigeons were probably the first domesticated bird. When people realised doves could travel long distances and always find their way home, they used them to carry messages. Homing pigeons have keen eyes with which they spot landmarks to help them stay on the right route.

       Page 11:
       * Noah sending out the dove.

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