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Latest revision as of 01:05, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

"FEAR THOU NOT, FOR I AM WITH THEE!"--Isa.41:10        DO 2591        Comp.3/90

       --Encouragement from the Lord regarding our feeble foes & their futile machinations!
--"The fear of Man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe."--Pro.29:25.
--"Face the fear of Man in the power of His Spirit on the promises of His Word, & you cannot fail!"
(Compiled from the Lord's Letters by Apollos)

       1. We're pretty aware of who our enemies are, & some of them are very powerful.--But the Lord's a lot more powerful, amen? So you don't have to worry about the forces of the Devil & our enemies. God can be a much greater Enemy to them than they are to us! "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World!"--1Jn.4:4.

       2. I was recently thinking, "Lord, things are getting so bad now in most countries, is there anywhere that's really safe for the Family?" And thank the Lord, He spoke this beautiful little song to my heart right then to remind me of His wonderful care & protection: (Sings:)

       "Precious hiding place,
       Blessed hiding place,
       In the shelter of His Love!
       Not a doubt nor fear,
       When my Lord is near,
       For I'm sheltered in His Love!"

       --The Lord is our refuge!

       3. Another beautiful hymn that brings this out is Fanny Crosby's "Safe in the Arms of Jesus":

       "Safe in the arms of Jesus,
       Safe on His gentle breast,
       There by His Love o'er shaded,
       Sweetly my soul shall rest.

       Safe in the arms of Jesus,
       Safe from all worry & care,
       Safe from the World's tribulations,
       Nothing can harm me there.

       Jesus, my heart's dear Refuge,
       Jesus has died for me;
       Firm on the Rock of Ages,
       Ever my trust shall be!"

       4. His Word tells us, "God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear though the Earth be removed & though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea! Though the waters thereof roar & be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof."--Psa.46:1-3.

       5. That's His promise, amen? He is our refuge & strength, & through the trying days that now are & shall yet come, He is "a very present help in trouble." If we love Him & if we're obeying Him & keeping His commandments, doing His Will, the Lord is very concerned about helping & preserving & protecting us.

       6. Just read the Bible & you'll see story after story of how marvellously the Lord protects & keeps His children. Once in a while they got in trouble & they suffered some, but He always delivered them! He doesn't say that you're never going to have any trials or afflictions, but He promises He'll deliver you out of them all! Amen? (Psa.34:19)

       7. As long as we are obeying God & trusting Him & having the faith & trust in His Word that we should, I don't believe God's going to let too much happen to us except maybe a little test now & then just to see how much faith we've got, how determined we are, how much patience we have, & how convinced we are that we're right. He sometimes allows troubles as a testing & trial to see how much knowledge of the Word we have, & how much we'll stand on the Word!

       8. Once, when I was concerned & burdened about our children & asking the Lord how our little ones would survive these rapidly darkening Last Days, He answered me with a question: He said, "Will I not care for My Own?" Praise the Lord!--What an encouragement from the Lord! "Will I not care for My Own?" The Lord is able to keep us through anything & everything, & I'm certain that He wants to spare us & our children to minister to others, to help & encourage & inspire faith & glorify Him.

       9. He reminded me of a Scripture verse & said, "And if I fail to care for My Own"--for you--"I am worse than an infidel!"--1Tim.5:8. In other words, He will care for us, amen? In fact, He won't let a hair of your head be touched without His permission! "He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of Mine eye!" (Mat.10:30; Zech.2:8)

       10. God is our defense, not the System! The Systems were put here by God to defend the weak from the wicked, but frequently they become corrupt & wicked themselves so we can't trust them. We have no security except in the Lord, & we dare not trust in Man, whose breath is in his nostrils! "Let every man be found a liar but God be found true!" (Isa.2:22; Rom.3:4.)

       11. (Prayer:) Thou art our Deliverer, our Strong Fortress in Whom we hide, our Strong Tower in which the righteous hide & are delivered from the Enemy! We fly to Thee, Lord!--Thou art a shadow in the time of trouble. Thou art our strength! We're nothing. We're weak, but Thou art our strength! We're Thy little children--Thy little sheep who run to Thee & hide from the Enemy--hide from the wolves who would try to devour us. We need You, Jesus!

       12. You promised, Lord, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psa.91:1), & we know that's the best protection there could possibly be, Lord. So we put our faith & trust in You, in Jesus' name, amen.


       13. Don't ever forget, we are surrounded by the Angels of God. The Devil doesn't dare attack us unless the Lord lets him for some reason. We are hedged in, as the Devil himself said about Job. The Devil complained to God about Job, "How can I touch him? You've got him fenced in! You've got him so hedged in, I can't even reach him, I can't even touch him!"--Job 1:10. Well, God has placed a hedge of Angels around us also, a fence of Angels, a wall of Angels, & the Enemy cannot touch us without the Lord's specific permission!

       14. "The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, & delivereth them!"--Psa.34:7.--Else we would have been destroyed by our anti-Christ enemies long ago! So thank God for the great company of Angels He's given us! Hallelujah! TYJ! (Tongues:) "Ye lie protected by My Angels, & I have kept thee through lo these many years!" Hallelujah! TYJ! PTL!

       15. When it looked like the Prophet Elisha was cornered & surrounded by an entire army of his enemies, his servant became very worried & upset, as it looked like a truly impossible situation: "And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, & gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses & chariots. And his servant said unto him, `Alas, my master! How shall we do?'"--2Ki.6:15.

       16. But the Prophet answered, "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them! And Elisha prayed, & said, `Lord, I pray Thee, open his eyes, that he may see.' And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; & he saw: &, behold, the mountain was full of horses & chariots of fire round about Elisha!"-2Ki.6:16,17.

       17. So that's something that we need to remember & constantly thank the Lord for--His marvellous, miraculous, supernatural protection! Thank God for His Angels that encamp round about us! He must have whole legions assigned to keep us! He's got seven of them just around me, so think how many He must have around the whole bunch of us! PTL!

       18. Did you know that that was one of the last messages that my Mother ever gave to us? She said, "The Lord told me today, `Thank Me for My Angels. Why don't you thank Me for My Angels who guard you continually?'"

       19. (Prays:) So thank You for Your Angels, Lord, that You've given charge over us, to keep us in all of our ways, to compass our camp 'round about, Lord, to keep the Enemy from touching us. Thank You, Lord, for all Thy children who do Thy Will & stay in the charmed circle of Thy protection, in Thy Will, in Thy Work, so that the Devil can't touch them with his dirty deeds & dangers & all the rest! Thank You, Lord for how marvellously You've kept & protected us, for Thy protecting Angels! TYJ!

       20. Thank You for Thy great mighty Army, Lord, that surrounds us, that resists all the powers of Hell, though they be let loose against us. Even one Angel is enough to deal with them all! (See 2Kings 19:35!) Thank You Lord for all Thy goodness & mercy! Help us all to stay close to Thee in the charmed circle of Thy protection, in Jesus' name.


       21. When people get upset & worried about things, we often say, "Don't worry about it!" Well, if anybody could say that to us, it's the Lord!--"Don't worry about it! You're My child & I'm going to take care of you no matter what happens!"

       22. Don't worry about your enemies.--Just trust the Lord, & I'm sure He'll take care of you! He never fails, no matter what the conditions. He says, "Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust & respecteth not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies."--Psa.40:4. That means that we're to trust the Lord & not to heed our enemies' lies nor worry about them. We're not to give too much respect to our proud enemies who try to trouble & persecute us. They don't deserve our respect! We're not supposed to fear Man! It's the Devil that tries to make you fearful & afraid!

       23. Once, when it looked like some of our enemies were getting a little too close to us for comfort, I was burdened about the seemingly imminent danger & I just cried out, "Lord, what should we do?" And instead of telling me what to do, He told me what not to do. I wasn't asking the Lord for a Scripture, I wanted to know what to do. But He simply told me, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness!"--Isaiah 41:10. That's a verse I've gotten before, but it was certainly an encouragement from the Lord at that time.

       24. So whatever you are & whatever you do, don't be afraid! Be like King David, who exclaimed, "In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what Man can do unto me!"--Psa.56:11. Keep your faith in the Lord & trust the Lord & know the Lord is in control, & nothing's going to happen but what the Lord allows. The Lord's going to take care of us, whatever happens, & He's going to do what He wants to do.

       25. Don't worry about our enemies, these little nothings that move at His behest! God is in control & they can do nothing without His permission, & all things that He lets them do will eventually work together for our good, so they are only hurting themselves & helping us! PTL!

       26. (Prays:) Lord, we know in spite of our enemies & the dangers & evils of this wicked, anti-Christ World, that Thou shalt keep us in Thy way, whatever it may be. So just help us not to fear, Lord, not to be afraid of what Man can do to us, but only to fear Thee & love Thee & follow Thee & obey Thee! You said, "In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: & His children shall have a place of refuge."--Pro.14:26. PTL!

       27. Help us to remain at peace in Thee, Lord! "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee."--Isa.26:3. Help us not to worry about any of the waves & winds & billows that the Enemy tries to stir up against us. Help us just to look to Thee, Lord, & keep our eyes on You, Jesus, & trust You. We know You work everything out for the best somehow. All things, Lord, shall work together for good to us who love You. In some way it's all good for us, Lord, & it's all going to work together for our good, in Jesus' name. Amen.

       28. (Prophecy:) "Fear not, for I am thy God & thy testimony & thy peace & thy great Fortress round about thee which is in the Heavenlies, which no human power can touch, which is above all earthly powers! None can stand against thee, for I am thy God & thou art My children, & they are but specks & shall be blown away!

       29. "Be not afraid, for I am thy God!--I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My Righteousness! Therefore, heed not the devices which come of that little punk Satan!--But rather, listen unto Me, & I will lead thee & I will guide thee.

       30. "Fear not the things which rise against thee, for all the forces of the Devil shall be as chaff which the wind driveth away, & all the ridiculous little pieces of trash which rise against thee shall be blown away by the Spirit of God! For I am with thee, & none shall stand against the power I have given thee!

       31. "Fear not therefore, that which shall come upon thee! For I shall turn it unto thy good! Every device of Man shall be turned back upon his own head." PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ!


       32. The 'ol Boogie Man is after you, & you need to watch out & watch your step. But you don't need to be afraid. Don't get paranoid, don't worry. You can plan & prepare & face the facts & just be sensible & try to avoid his snares & traps, but keep your eyes on the Lord, don't get too concerned or worried about things, Amen?

       33. The Lord protects us pretty well, thank the Lord. But we need to do our part & use a little common sense. Do what you can to get the situation under control, & whatever you can't get under control, the Lord has to get under control. That's where you have to trust the Lord, that He'll take care of His Own. But He expects you to do what you can towards trying to take care of yourself. He doesn't always do everything for us.

       34. You have to give Him your cooperation & do what you can. For example, you can "walk in wisdom toward them that are without."--Col.4:5. He'll do what He can to protect & keep you, but you can tighten up your own family's security, tighten up your personal family, your legal relationship, & make sure you have your legal paperwork in order for yourself & your children, etc.

       35. There are a lot of little catches & snags & thorns & hooks on which you might get hung if you don't watch your step with the System & make sure you've done what you can to see that your personal situation is as secure as possible. You should at least make sure that your children are safe & your family set-up is as legal & safe & protected from harm & from the dangers of the Enemy's attacks as you can get it.

"WATCH & PRAY!"--Mat.26:41

       36. One of the best ways to avoid or prevent any kind of serious problems & troubles is to pray without ceasing. Keep close to the Lord & constantly claiming the protection of the Lord, always asking the Lord to keep you, & bless & protect you, because lots of things can happen that are totally beyond your control, but not the Lord's!

       37. So the main thing to do is live close to the Lord and trust Him and avoid the conditions under which such things can happen as much as you possibly can. Avoid taking any unnecessary chances and avoid dangerous conditions and encounters whenever possible. The Devil will take advantage of any situation that he can, especially if you're not real prayerful, watchful and cautious, so don't let him have the chance! Stay close to the Lord and in His Will and obey His Word.--And use your head and a little common sense!

       38. "Men ought always to pray & not to faint" (Luk.18:1), God's Word says. And He says, "Pray without ceasing!"--1Th.5:17. Jesus said "Watch & pray!" (Mat.26:41), He didn't say that for no reason. He not only knew you would need it, but it's one way the Lord has of trying to keep you close to Him, in His presence continually, & constantly dependent upon Him & His protection & provision.

       39. We need to "Be sober, be vigilant, because our adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."--1Pet.5:8. You've really gotta watch out for the Devil and his outfit! They've got all kinds of ideas, and as I used to say, as many different tactics as a dog has fleas! But what can we do to try to prevent them? We can't always prevent their attacks, but in order to try to prevent their accusations and charges from sticking or our getting caught in their clutches or our children getting taken away from us, we should certainly do all that we can to avoid their snares and traps.

       40. Of course, your best protection is to stay strong in the Lord & the Word & in prayer & the Spirit & don't allow the Enemy any openings or opportunities to annoy you or cause you trouble. Jesus Himself said, "A strong man armed keepeth his goods in peace!"--Luk. 11:21. What did Jesus mean by that? To be strong is to be watchful & to be wise.--Not just strong physically & able to beat him up or shoot him, but to be strong in spirit, strong in prayer, strong in security, strong in watchfulness!--"Armed!"--Are you?

       41. The Lord is merciful, & you usually get a little warning of some kind, the Lord gives you a check of His Spirit to warn you that something is happening or about to happen or may happen. The Lord always gives a warning, always! (Amos 3:7) So make sure you're watching & praying & staying in tune with the Lord so you'll be able to receive & heed His checks!

       42. "Watch & pray!"--Those are two cardinal rules of taking care of children & shepherding the Lord's sheep! You've got to really watch'm & watch out for everything, & really pray! PTL? God bless & keep you & help you to watch & pray!

       43. (Prays:) Lord, help us to always be wise & watchful & prayerful, that we may never be caught napping or sleeping. You've said time & again that we should watch & pray that these things don't come upon us, Lord, unawares without notice or without any preparation. (See Mat.26:41; Mk.13:33; 14:38; Luk.21:36; Eph.6:18; Col.4:2; 1Pet.4:7!)

       44. Many times in Your Word, Lord, You said, "Watch & pray, watch & pray." We're not only to pray for security, for Thy protection, for safety, Lord, but we are to watch out ourselves. We're to be cautious & watchful & beware or You wouldn't have said, "Watch"! You said for us to be as wise as serpents & as harmless as doves, & to watch out because You were sending us out like sheep in the midst of wolves. (Mat.10:16) So You expect us to use a great deal of wisdom & to be very watchful regarding our own personal security & the security of Thy Work & Thy children. So we ask Thee to help us to be more conscious of it. TYJ!

       45. So help us now, Lord, to be constantly on our guard for the Enemy & his wiles & darts & dirty tricks. Guide us by Thy Spirit, warn us, strengthen us, & help us to be aware of his devices. Help us not to allow ourselves to get unnecessarily caught in his traps.

       46. We know the Enemy is always ready to take advantage of every unguarded moment when we're not watching or looking or praying or being as cautious & careful & prayerful as we should be, Lord. So help us not to have any unguarded moments, Lord, but to guard every moment in prayer & watching, being cautious & avoiding any conditions that the Enemy could take advantage of, in Jesus' name.


       47. The Lord spoke to us once & said the reason that certain people were having so much sickness & trouble was because they were running around outside the tower of the Lord's protection & that they were not hiding in the secret place or staying under the Lord's wings. If you really want God's blessing & protection, you've got to stay close to the Lord, like a little chick under the wings of the mother hen; in tune with God & in touch with Him in prayer--really touching God!

       48. God cannot protect you, prosper or bless you when you are out of His Will and running around outside of the secret place and from under His shadow, His wings, and the Fortress of perfect fellowship with Him! When you do this, you can no longer claim the protection and defenses of Psalm 91, and He may even let you fall prey to the Enemy, because you're playing around with fire and living so close to Enemy territory!

       49. As long as you keep trying to please the Lord & obey & stay in His Will & are doing your best to serve Him, He'll do His best to take care of you. But if you go running off your own way, doing your own thing, He's no longer responsible. It's only when you abide within the tower of His Will under His wings, that you can expect His protection.

       50. We are engaged in a spiritual warfare with Satan himself, & if you want to win the battles & stay free to serve the Lord, you'd better keep in tune & in touch with the Holy Spirit & on God's territory all the time & close to His Word & in the right spirit & constantly in prayer, seeking the Lord & praying for His protection & His help & thanking Him constantly for His blessings, & staying mighty close to the Lord!--Or you're going to be singed by that old fire-breathing Dragon! If you go running around outside of the tower of God's protection & the holy place of His Will, that old Devil's going to be on your trail & try to give you all kinds of trouble!

       51. If you get rebellious & disobedient & out of touch with the Lord, watch out, because that's when the Devil gets in touch with you or some member of your family! That's his privilege if you run outside the Lord's protection.

       52. (Prays:) Thank You for Thy protection, Lord!--Protecting us in spite of all the Enemy may try to do. "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain."--Psa.127:1. We know You'll continue to keep us if we continue to do what's right & we obey.

       53. Thank You that You're always watching us, You never take Your eye off of us lest we get in trouble! TYJ! You keep us out of all kinds of trouble. TYL! The only trouble You ever let us get into, Lord, is usually what we deserve. If after several warnings we insist on going our own way & not obeying, being careless or prayerless, You let something happen just to teach us a lesson. But Lord, help this not to happen too often.

       54. Help each one of us to stay close to You, Jesus, in the center of Thy Will. Then we know we're in the center of Thy protection & provision & blessing & usefulness, & we have no problems, nothing to worry about. We can trust You utterly by faith because we know we're being obedient & doing Thy Will. And that's all we can do, Lord, the rest is up to You.

       55. We have to trust You a great deal to do what we can't do. We can't do everything, but You can. But we can do our part, Lord, & our best, & cooperate with Thee & not be careless or unmindful, unwatchful, unprayerful. So help us, Lord, to do what we can, in Jesus' name.


       56. If, despite your obedience to the Lord, vigilance in prayer & faithfulness to do all you can to avoid provoking the System, you meet with serious opposition or persecution such as detainment, court trials, separation of children etc., remember, God's in control, & He's allowed it for a purpose. Nothing happens to His children but by His Will & with His permission.

       57. The Lord can turn cursing into blessing, & even cause the wrath of Man to praise Him. (Psa.76:10) "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord."--Rom.8:28. God is not going to let anything happen to you, His child who loves Him, except what is for your good.

       58. Just read the Bible & you'll see that God's children almost always encountered such problems with the System. "For all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. For it must needs be that offences will come; but woe unto that man by whom the offense cometh!"--2Tim.3:12; Mat.18:7. Sometimes they were even carried away captive, like Daniel & Ezekiel & Nehemiah. But even then, they often wound up dwelling in the king's palace, eating at his table & enjoying his protection & promotion while they carried on the Lord's Work, received their revelations, preached their Message, & carried out their jobs!

       59. Of course, it wasn't always easy--this ticklish & precarious position of living in the house of your enemy whom God was using to protect & provide for you while you did the Lord's Work. There are always plenty of other enemies who are ready to make things hot for you. But somehow, the Lord will always bring you through, in spite of everything & everybody, even causing the wrath of Man to praise Him--as with the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, or Daniel in the lion's den or Nehemiah on the wall! In spite of everything the Enemy can do, God will always bring you through somehow, & will simply use your enemies to glorify Himself!

       60. (Prays:) No matter what happens, it's all in Your hands, Lord, & "all things work together for good to them that love Thee!" We are Thy children, Lord, & we know that You are going to care for Your Own & that it's all going to somehow work out for the best in the end. PTL!


       61. We thank You, Lord, that most of our troubles & worries never happen. But the Devil tries to make us afraid, to fear & to worry. So bless & keep us, Lord, & we know You will, as long as we stay close to You & in Thy Will. Help us all not to do anything foolish, help us not to get out of the charmed circle of Thy Will & Thy guidance. Help us to have great wisdom in protecting Thy Work, & help us, Lord, to give You all the cooperation we can in security & watchfulness & obedience.

       62. We know You'll continue to protect us, Lord, as long as we're useful to Thee & obedient, serving Thee faithfully, & loyally delivering Thy Word to Thy children & preaching Thy Gospel! TYJ! So we don't have to worry about ourselves, Lord, You'll take care of us. You've continued to protect us & provide for us for all these years in spite of literally many millions of enemies, including the Devil & all his demons! You have kept us, & kept us beautifully, Lord, & at peace & rest most of the time, in tranquil places where we can continue Thy Work. We know You'll continue to take care of us & protect us & provide for us!

       63. Protect Thy precious children around the World, Lord! Keep them from the vicious, fiendish, devilish Enemy that hounds & persecutes them, accuses them night & day! (Rev.12:10) And, Lord, when the Enemy comes in like a flood, raise up Thy standard against him by Thy Spirit! You said, "Resist the Enemy & he shall flee from thee," so help us, Lord, to resist & defeat him utterly, in Jesus' name. PTL! (Isa.59:19; Jam.4:7)

       64. Keep us safely not only from our enemies, but even from our own selves, Lord, & our own mistakes! Bless & keep us all close to You, obedient, wise as serpents & harmless as doves, constantly in prayer, Lord, & close to You in obedience & in Thy Will, the hallowed protected center of Thy Will, Lord, doing what we know is right & what You want us to do, knowing therefore that You will take care of us & protect us! PYL! Hallelujah! TYJ!

       65. Help us to continue to trust Thee, & not fear or worry. Like You said Lord, "Will I not care for My Own?" We know You will care for Your Own, for us & ours, for Yours! We can have perfect peace of mind & peace of heart, Lord, because we know that You love us & You are guiding us & caring for us, protecting us, & You will not let them touch a hair of our heads unless it somehow fulfills Thy plan.

       66. Lord, the Devil is always threatening & breathing out slaughters (Acts 9:1), but seldom if ever accomplishing them, so we thank You for that! He tries to scare & frighten us, Lord, he threatens, but You seldom if ever let him accomplish or fulfil his threats.

       67. We thank You Lord for how wonderfully You care for us all! You're the Great Shepherd Who never fails us, & we know that it's nothing but miraculous & supernatural, Lord, by Thy divine power that our Family has been kept & been able to keep going like they have in spite of all the Enemy can do.--And we know it's because they're obeying You, Lord, & pleasing You, & carrying out Your Message & winning souls & going into all the World & preaching the Gospel to every creature!

       68. Continue to bless & keep us all in safety from our enemies, those horrible wolves that are worse than dogs!--More rapacious, more ravenous, more cruel, more terrible, more merciless than dogs! Lord, keep Thy precious sheep from those wolves! And You said the way to do it was by our being "wise as serpents & harmless as doves," so help all Thy children to learn to be wise & to be harmless, Lord.--Wise enough to stay out of our enemies' way & harmless enough for them to know that we're harmless so they won't be afraid of us! TYJ!

       69. Rebuke the old Devil & his crowd, Lord, & bless & keep & help us all to keep on going for You, until the day we die, Lord, & You promote us to our reward. Help us to not be afraid, Lord, but to put our trust in You. "I will trust, & not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength & my song & My Salvation!"--Isa.12:2. PTL!

       70. Rebuke the Devourer & the Enemy!--Silence the lying tongues & the accusers of Thy Saints, in the Name of Jesus, we ask Thee! They are fighting against You & Your Truth & Your children, Lord! You said, "He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of Mine eye!"--Zech.2:8. So we know You are going to fight for us & defend us, keep us & protect us! Hallelujah!

       71. These enemies are nothing!--Little creatures You have allowed to afflict us to drive us to Thee! "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all!" Thank You for delivering & keeping us so many times!

       72. "How can they expect to overcome the children of David & the followers of Moses, for they have not the power to do this thing! For Jesus is with His children, & He will go with them against all their enemies & overcome all evil, & there is none that can stand against Him! He is with His people & He is with His children & He will overcome the gates of Hell & all opposition! And all the enemies are as nothing to the children of God, the children of Jesus, & the children of Moses & of David! They shall overcome all the enemies & none can stand against them or stop them! Hallelujah!" PTL!

       73. Give us strength, O Lord, & defend us & protect us from them that would slay us! Show Thy mighty arm, O God, show Thy strength, O Lord, Thy Love, Thy concern, Thy care for Thy little ones! Raise up Thy arm & manifest Thy strong right hand to deliver & vindicate Thy servants, to save Thy children, to deliver Thy sheep from the hand of the Enemy & from the wolves that would destroy them & the wild dogs that beset them! O Jesus, deliver them, Lord!

       74. Deliver these Thy little ones who feed from Thy hand, who look unto Thee with faith for succour! Deliver Thy children from the hand of the Enemy. Raise now Thy mighty sword! Raise now Thy mighty arm, Lord! We cannot deliver ourselves! We are hopeless & helpless without Thee!--Lest Israel say that mine own arm hath saved me! (Judg.7:2)

       75. God damn all the enemies of your father, & all the enemies of the Lord & all those that oppose the Lord's Anointed & all those that oppose the will of your father! I hate them with a perfect hatred! (Psa.139:21,22.) Destroy them, Lord! (Tongues:) Rid me of my enemies, O God! Destroy them that rise up against Thy father! O Lord Jesus! In the Name of Jesus, amen. (Laughs long & loudly:)

       76. Oh, to think they could try to raise their hand against the forces of God & the forces of Heaven that side with thy father! So foolish the forces who rise up against Thy Name & Thine Anointed! So ridiculous of those nincompoops who fight Thy children! Destroy those that oppose Thy children, Lord!

       77. (Tongues:) "Hear ye the Words of thy Father David & know what I shall do unto them that fight against thee!" Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord! Amen! Thank You Jesus! Why should we ever worry about what they might do to us?

       78. "Fear not therefore, that which shall come upon thee! For I shall turn it unto thy good! Every device of Man shall be turned back upon his own head. And all those that do lift even a finger against one of the hairs of thy head shall perish, for I am the Lord thy God!

       79. "Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed & confounded: They shall be as nothing; & they that strive with thee shall perish! Thou shalt seek them, & shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: They that war against thee shall be as nothing, & as a thing of nought. For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee!--Isa.40:5,10-11; 41:10-13.

       80. "I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, & I will save thy children. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; & great shall be the peace of thy children. In righteousness shalt thou be established: Thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear, & from terror; for it shall not come near thee. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; & every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, & their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord!"--Isa. 49:25; 54:13,14,17. PTL! TYJ!

       81. Thank You Lord that we're in the palm of Thy great hand, where no man can remove us. We're safe under the shelter of Thy wings, hiding in Thee as a strong Tower, Lord. We don't have to worry what Man can do to us because You are in control & You are taking care of us as You always have & always will. Thank You for Your provision of our every need, Thy marvellous protection, & for helping us to get so much done for Thy Heavenly Kingdom, prospering us & making us a blessing to millions upon millions of souls who are seeking & finding Thee & Thy great Love! PTL! TYJ! Amen? Hallelujah!


       Deut.4:30-31 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto His voice; (for the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them.
       Deut.20:3-4 Ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them; For the Lord your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.
       Deut.33:12 The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long.
       Deut.33:27 The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and He shall thrust out the enemy from before thee.
       2Kings 17:39b He shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies.
       1Chr.28:20 Be strong and of a good courage and do it. Fear not, nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God will be with thee. He will not fail thee nor forsake thee until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the House of the Lord.
       Psa.37:28 The Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not His saints; they are preserved forever.
       Psa.37:40 And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.
       Psa.66:12b We went through fire and water: but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.
       Psa.97:10b He preserveth the souls of His saints; He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.
       Psa.105:14,15 He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, He reproved kings for their sakes; saying, "Touch not Mine anointed, and do My Prophets no harm!"
       Psa.106:10 And He saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.
       Psa.124:6-8 Blessed be the Lord, Who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
       Psa.125:2 As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even for ever.
       Psa.145:18-20 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them. The Lord preserveth all them that love Him: but the wicked He will destroy.
       Pro.1:33 Whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
       Pro.3:26 For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
       Isa.35:3b-4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you.
       Jer.39:17-18 I will deliver thee in that day, saith the Lord: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid. For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in Me, saith the Lord.
       Dan.6:16 Thy God, whom thou servest continually, He will deliver you.
       2Cor.4:8-9 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed.
       Phil.1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
       2Thes.3:3 But the Lord is faithful, Who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
       2Tim.1:2b For I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.
       2Tim.4:18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His Heavenly Kingdom.

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