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[[Category:HomeARC ML 1001-1200]]

Latest revision as of 08:41, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

PILGRIMS & STRANGERS!       DO 1020       20/8/79
--By Father David
--(A warning revelation inspired by the noisy neighbour next door!:)

       1. IT CAME TO ME TO WARN HER TWICE: "Then if she doesn't shut up, I'll shut her up!" I went to the door & gave two big "Shhhhh! Sssshhhh!" a minute or two apart. She laughed, but only a couple of minutes later, after she had slammed around a bit more, she went in & banged her door.

       2. THE LORD IS SO MERCIFUL! She listened to the warning of the Prophet of God. I had to warn her like a prophet. It came to me, "You're a prophet, & it's you job to warn her. Give her two warnings, & if she doesn't shut up, I'll shut her up!" But the Lord is being merciful to her because she obeyed. (We had prayed definitely together that the Lord would stop her loud incessant chattering that woke us up each morning.)

       3. ONLY THE LORD GAVE ME THE POWER. It's just Jesus! If I just obey, it always works. She knows the sound of authority. She knows that she should shut up. Her husband just didn't have the guts to tell her, but he's happy now, because he's sick of her prattling on every morning. (There is a long pause, then a prophecy:)

       4. "THINKEST THOU THAT THEY WERE WISE TO SHELTER THE IMAM KHOMEINI OF IRAN? Behold, a greater Imam is here than they have ever sheltered before, & I shall honour them for their shelter. Knowest thou that the Word is mightier than the Sword? And this is the power that I have given unto them the power to shield the Words of thy David for this moment.

       5. "FOR THE WORD IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, that I may spare the life & breath of thy father with My kisses. And I shall kiss them while they spare you. Thou hast greater treasure in the wells of thy Words than they have from the wells of the oil of their friends.

       6. "KISS THEREFORE THEM that I have anointed to spare thee & shield thee until the time appointed. Amen. They shelter now a greater than Khomeini that is here, though they know it not, for he is a representative of the Kingdom of God, more important than Iran or Khomeini, more than oil.

       7. "HE GIVES WORDS OF POWER & LIFE & LIGHT, the most important energy of all--& Love, the greatest of all power he gives, without which France cannot live! As long as they are good to him, I will be good to them. If they are bad to him, I will be bad to them more than all those that give them oil.

       8. "THESE WORDS I SEAL WITH THE SEVEN KISSES OF YOUR FATHER. For these Words are true & settled forever in Heaven with the seal I have given to your Father David. Amen. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world of Khomeini." Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! In Jesus' name, amen.

       9. "THOU KNOWEST NOT THE HONOUR THAT I GIVE TO YOUR FATHER, for he is greater & My Word more powerful energy than the energy of those which give them oil! If only thou canst know the power I have given unto the Words of thy father, which is greater than all the sources of all energy, & more powerful than all of that which they seek after!" Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord!

       10. "THEREFORE, WILL I HONOUR THEM WHILE THEY HONOUR THY FATHER, & bless them while they bless thee, & curse them if they curse thee. But thou must not make it more than they can bear & beyond that which they are able to hear. Keep thyself therefore unto Me, & I shall preserve thee in the hour of trouble." Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! Praise You Lord!

       11. (MARIA: WHAT IS "MORE THAN THEY CAN BEAR?") "Don't push beyond the limits of their pride. It is great. Be chaste, & be wise as serpents & harmless as doves, & force them not to evict thee. (Tongues:) Heed therefore the Words of thy father. (Tongues:)

       12. "GIVE KISSES TO THE THINGS WHICH I HAVE PROVIDED FOR THEE to escape from the wrath to come, that thou mayest be delivered in the time of trouble." Oh Jesus, have mercy on David! Jesus, have mercy on David! "Thus I have prepared a way of escape. Therefore, I have delivered David from their hand, if thou art faithful with these frail vessels that shall bear thee afar.

       13. "PREPARE! PREPARE! PREPARE! (Maria: Afar where?) From here with David unto the place of refuge that I shall show thee when the time comes, I bless you with seven kisses of David now, that he may rest in My arms of peace." In Jesus' name, amen.

       14. (MARIA: WHAT WOULD BE "PUSHING THEM TOO FAR"?) With too much. (Maria: Of what?) Of people in one place too long. (Maria: Our little group right here?) I think so. Alfred must go somewhere. (Maria: Out of the country?) He must go, to say he's been gone. (Maria: Why did it say "their pride is great"?--About what?) Their nation--against America.

       15. "THEY DON'T LIKE TO BE PUSHED & TOLD WHAT TO DO. So don't push them, Don't push them too far. (Maria: With what?) Too much--in one place. (Maria: Is the present place all right?) It is good for now. But never too far, too long in one place.

       16. "THAT'S WHY I GAVE YOU THESE TABERNACLES, TO MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE, & you must soon find other places to pitch your tents. (Maria: But not for you?)--Like Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, who lived in tents all their days, so I give them life to spare them when they move. Never, never too long & too much in one place.

       17. "IF YOU PUSH TOO HARD, IT MIGHT GET HARD FOR THEM TO PROTECT THEE, & you make it hard for the authorities to protect you when you stay too long. Hear now the Word of thy father, & give ear that I may bless thee! Help thou now, & bless them that bless thee. Keep them that keep thee from the wrath to come.

       18. (MARIA: WHAT IS THE WRATH TO COME?) "The judgments of God upon them that are guilty of iniquity, & who think they can defy the commandments of the Lord & persecute the poor, whose cry I shall honour. (Maria: But shall we be safe in the midst of the wrath?)

       19. "YE SHALL BE SAFE IN THE MIDST OF STORM, in the hollow of My hand in the place that I have prepared for thee, if thou shalt go & be obedient to the things that I shall show thee. (Maria: But do we need to live in trailers, too?) The time will come. The time will come when thou shalt all flee from this place--to the place that I shall show thee." Hallelujah!

       20. (MARIA: HOW LONG IS "TOO LONG" IN ONE PLACE?) Three months is enough--no more! (Maria: But that's not too much?) It is enough in one place. Be thankful that I give you three months in each place, & be no more. Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house, lest he be weary of thee & hate thee, & thou shalt be here no more!

       21. (MARIA: WHAT ABOUT STAYING IN THIS APARTMENT more than three months?) "It is the same any place. (Maria: But what if we move from apartment to apartment?) Yes, it is good. No more. Yes, ye must move continually. Ye are pilgrims & strangers. Different apartments is good. Keep moving. Maybe another name next time."

       22. I NEED SOME SPIRITS TO GIVE MY SPIRIT REST. I gave you, you give me. (Maria: Can S & G stay in the same house more than three months?) "No one should stay longer than the allotted time. You must keep moving, keep going. (Maria: If they go out & come back in, can they stay in the same house?) We'll see. Don't push, don't make it hard for the authorities to protect you. Try to keep & obey their rules, to make it easy for them to keep you." (Amen!--Do you?)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family