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[[Category:HomeARC ML 801-1000]]

Latest revision as of 07:53, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WHEN MORNING DAWNS!--Letter References       DFO852A       Sept. 1979

       THE LETTER "WHEN MORNING DAWNS!" HAS BEEN COMPILED TO BE A COMFORT AND HELP primarily to the elderly and those whose time to die has come--as well as all those "who through fear of death are all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb.2:15): To encourage and enlighten them that death does not need to be feared and to help them prepare for that journey.

       THEREFORE, SINCE THIS COMPILATION IS PRIMARILY A TOOL FOR THE GP, the MO Letter references indicating the specific Letters and paragraphs from which its contents have been taken are not included in the Letter itself. But for your benefit, in case you would like to look up any of the quotes or further study the Letters from which they have been taken, we've listed them below.

       EACH PARAGRAPH OF THE LETTER IS LISTED, FOLLOWED BY THE REFERENCES WHERE ITS CONTENTS MAY BE FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL LETTERS.--And although the paragraphs are not numbered in the "When Morning Dawns!" Letter, you can easily locate any specific paragraph by counting from the subtopics which appear throughout the Letter and are included in the following list. GBY!--We hope you'll find "When Morning Dawns!" a useful tool and blessing to many! PTL!

       1. 268:26; 262:80; 364:4
       2. 242:19
       3. 353:399; 679:37
       4. 679:37; 698:3; 353:399; 628:52,44

       The Longest Journey
       5. 680:45,36
       6. 576:25,26; 271B:23
       7. 802:26; 373:97
       8. 353:392; 802:29
       9-15. 680:37-44

       Our Homecoming
       16. 373:122; 680:65; 707:26,28-31
       17. 766:56; 324:17
       18. 324:17; 599:86
       19. 767:49
       20. 714:58; 680:23; 714:56; 46:22
       21. 767:53
       22. 255:105
       23. 399:130
       24. 232:32
       25,26. 395:48,49

       Life After Death
       29,30. 620:2,3
       31. 620:4; 332B:10; 714:39; 620:5
       32. 620:5; 311B:15; 651:68
       33. 680:71; 620:4
       34. 680:71, 72
       35. 622:49; 45:25
       36. 680:73; 713:65

       Pardon from Death
       37. 633:98; 584:4; 159:7; 258:70
       38. 584:7,8
       39. 527:8
       40. 594:111; 699:13; 526:17
       41. 599:84,85
       42,43. 714:44,61
       44. 584:9; 686:115
       45. 584:9; 524:23; 255:109
       46. 526:35,36
       47. 262:95; 527:54,55

       In Conclusion
       48. 628:56; 373:122; 182:22
       49. 767:62; 727:159
       50. 628:57,58
       51. 395:50
       52. 714:65; 802:36
       53. 767:52

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