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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

BE PREPARED!--HOW TO PREPARE YOUR HOME FOR SURVIVAL!       DFO No.858       Compiled Jan. 1980

Practical tips by Ginnethon Kid; France.

A simple, point-by-point guide to help you survive any emergency!--It could save your life!

       I. FLEE BAGS
       II. WATER
       III. FOOD
       IV. FUEL
       V. HYGIENE &       SANITATION
       VI. FIRST AID
       VII. OTHER

       "Are you prepared for what's about to happen?--If not, you'd better get ready fast, as things are really movin'!" (274:85 by Father David.)

       "I think it's a good idea to have a few things ready, a little survival food and survival water and so on." (373:116 by Father David.)

       I. FLEE BAGS !
       "We should all have an escape case packed-a "Flee Bag"! Always keep a case packed in case of any emergency--fire, earthquake, war, persecution, etc." ("Gotcher Flee Bag?" No.386:6 by Father David.)

       DAD'S FLEEBAG CHECKLIST! (From Letter No.386)

       Essential Items:

       A. Important papers

       --1. Passports &/or Other I.D.'s
       --2. Visa or registration papers
       --3. Birth certificates
       --4. Marriage certificates
       --5. Bank book &/or check book
       --6. Diaries
       --7. Ownership papers
       --8. Irreplaceable papers essential to your ministry or work
       --9. Flee fund (in local currency)
       --10. Landing fund (traveller's checks or money order)

       B. Important books
       --1. Bible
       --2. MO Letters
       --3. Atlas
       --4. Local area map
       --5. Local language pocket dictionary

       C. Essential clothing


minimum !)
       --1. 1 heavy sweater
       --2. 1 top coat
       --3. cap & gloves
       --4. handkerchiefs
       --5. toilet articles
       --6. umbrella

       --1. 1 jacket
         --2. 2 slacks
       --3. 3 pair socks
       --4. 3 underwear
       --5. 3 shirts
       --1. 3 panty hose
       --2. 3 underwear
       --3. 2 socks
       --4. 3 dresses or skirts & blouses
       --5. 1 slacks

       Optional Items

       --1. Log books
       --2. Clock radio
       --3. Tape recorder & batteries
       --4. Transverter
       --5. Cassette tapes
       --6. Concordance
       --7. Encyclopedia
       --8. Home medical book
       --9. Water purification tablets


       --Assign major pieces of equipment to specific people for evacuation.
       --Have food Survival Kit ready and assigned to someone.
       --Become familiar with back routes and foot trails in your area.
       --Have evacuation drills.
       --Assign specific people to turn off electricity, gas & water and be sure they know how & where to!

       II. WATER !
       I HAVE READ THE NECESSARY AMOUNT OF WATER for each individual to be from 1 quart to 1 gallon a day. It's probably safest to store an amount somewhere in between. In Europe, they sell 1-1/2 liter plastic bottles, very practical, and a carton of 12 would easily last 2 weeks per person for drinking.

              WATER FROM YOUR TAP, IF CHLORINATED will store well without processing. You can "aerate" water by pouring it back & forth from one container to another to eliminate a flat taste. Water may also be purified by boiling for 10 minutes or using chlorine purification tablets or iodine, in the following amounts:

       Chlorine: 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons. 10 drops per gallon, or 3 drops per quart or liter. You must be able to detect the presence of chlorine by taste or smell for it to be safe & effective. Some household bleach solutions that contain "hypochlorite" may be used, such as Clorox.
       Purification Tablets: 1 per quart or liter, or 2 per quart or liter if the water is cloudy.

       Iodine: 2 or 3 drops per quart or liter, or 8 to 10 if water is cloudy.

       IN ALL CASES, allow water to stand 30-45 minutes after treatment before using. If you don't use commercially bottled water, make sure any containers you use are absolutely clean. Store water in glass or plastic containers (plastic is preferred).

              WATER THAT HAS BEEN CONTAMINATED BY RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL should not be used unless no alternate supply is available. Any danger from contaminated water is greatest immediately after fall-out deposition. Infants & children are more at risk from such water than adults. Water from springs & covered wells could be used.--Strain thru' a cloth & purify by boiling or chemicals. Wait days after fallout.

       III. FOOD !
       A STUDY MADE IN 1964 states that an average adult male can obtain all needed nutrients from a diet of grain, flour, cabbage, spinach, evaporated milk & dried navy beans--at a cost of less than $100 per year. Teenagers are likely to need more, younger children less. While somewhat bland, the diet in this study shows that you don't need much to survive and be healthy, in the way of food.

              THERE ARE A FEW DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES in types of food of survival. Which possibility you choose is entirely up to your own vision of what you expect to happen and what you have the faith for, as well as how much space you have to store it and how often you move. You may be preparing for a whole Home or perhaps only for your wife and children. The two main possibilities are canned goods & staples &/ or freeze-dried foods.

       FREEZE-DRIED FOODS: Food is first frozen, then put into a vacuum chamber & heat is applied. The frozen crystals of ice change immediately to vapour which escapes from the chamber. All the salts, sugars, proteins & food value is left intact while 98% of the water is removed. Bacteria cannot multiply or cause spoilage when this process is completed. You are most likely to find these foods at any good camping or outdoors store. (Provision!)

       1) Reduced bulk for those with limited storage space.
       2) Reduced weight, for easy removal in an emergency.
       3) They are generally packed in a variety of nutritionally balanced food programs for balanced meals & easier rationing.
       4) They virtually eliminate the need for rotation, so you can store 'em & forget 'em 'til you need 'em!

       1) More expensive, due to packaging & processing, than canned goods,
       2) need for extra water supply, although these foods can be eaten without being reconstituted. But there is still the need for the moisture obtained from canned foods. If your water supply is no problem, these foods are ideal.

       CANNED GOODS & STAPLES: obviously, they are heavy, take up lots of space, have to be rotated & are mostly for a stable Home or permanent situation. It is a good idea to have someone responsible for keeping an eye on rotation & maintenance of your supply.

              KEEP IN MIND THE NEEDS OF YOUR FAMILY, such a special foods for infants, toddlers, elderly people or those on special diets. Whenever possible, choose cans or jars in sizes that will fill your family's needs for only 1 meal. If you have provided a sufficient variety of canned foods in your reserve supply, it is possible to have reasonably well-balanced meals. The following staples have been selected because they are considered to be the easiest & best to store, giving adequate nutrition, long storage life & low cost:

              WHEAT: Hard winter or spring wheat that has been thoroughly cleaned is best for storage. It should contain less than 10% moisture & rated between 11-12% protein. Store in tightly-sealed metal or plastic containers. Clean & dry wheat, stored in good, dry & cool location, should keep indefinitely without special fumigation. Insects will not live in clean, dry wheat. 16 1/2 pounds or 8.5 kg. per person per month is a safe storage estimate-more if you use it as a main staple in the diet.

       HONEY: Pure crystalline honey that has no water added will keep indefinitely. About 4 lbs. or 2 kg. per person per month is sufficient. 1-gal. or 4-liter cans are most economical. Also, honey when applied repeatedly to burns or scalds, removes heat, soothes & generally prevents blistering.

       POWDERED MILK: Brands rated at less than 4% moisture content are best for storage (they are often labelled "extra grade"). Storage life is from 3-5 years unless stored in vacuum-sealed cans in which storage is indefinite. About 6 1/2 lbs. or 3.3 kg. per person per month is needed.

       BEANS:(Navy, chili, lima, soy & split pea, etc.) A variety can be stored as indicated for wheat. About 12 1/2 lb. or 6.25 kg. per person per month is sufficient. Stored properly, they will last 5-10 years. Soy beans are equal in protein to meat and may be eaten as a meat substitute. They may be cooked, eaten raw or sprouted for use as a vegetable.

       PEANUT BUTTER: It is high in protein & fat & is a flavourful item that can be used in many ways. Combined with milk powder & honey, it makes a high-protein energy bar. Any nut butter you get for survival should be of top quality & not a spread with a high content of vegetable oil or preservatives. It needs to be stirred or turned every 3 months to prevent settling or separating of the peanut oil. 4 lbs. or 2 kg. per person per month is adequate. It keeps 3-5 years in a cool place.

       SALT: Stores indefinitely & is a good item for barter.

       RICE: "Kokuho Rose" new white will store for 20 years. Brown rice, tho' more nutritious, stores poorly. White rice still provides starch in the diet, which is much needed in a survival situation. It is also useful as barter & as an item to stretch your canned food supply.

              THE PRESENT COST per person for a month's supply of the above items should not exceed $15. Waiting for the ideal time to start, fretting over minor differences & endless debating over pros & cons of different programs may only confuse, cause additional expense or delay your progress. Whether you choose cans, staples or freeze-dried foods--or a combination--start on some goal now and finish it!

              THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF FOODS & THEIR SHELF LIFE. Some will even store for past the date given. Some, tho', may not have been canned properly & will puff out before their time.--Beware! Contents can be deadly poison! (Check expiration dates. Store in dry cool place.)

       CANNED FOOD ITEM                 STORAGE LIFE

       Applesauce______________________________       6 years
       Beans, Lima, Soy, navy_____________________       5 years
       Bicarbonate of Soda_______________________       1 year
       Beans, string_____________________________       4 years
       Beef, corned_____________________________       5 years
       Beef, roast______________________________       5 years
       Beets__________________________________       4 years
       Carrots_________________________________       4 years
       Cheese, dry_____________________________       3 years
       Corn__________________________________       5 years
       Eggs, powdered__________________________       3 - 5 years
       Fish, canned (Tuna, etc.)___________________       5 years
       Fruits, canned___________________________       4 years
       Fruits, dehydrated________________________       7 years
       Honey (pure)____________________________       indefinitely
       Juice, apricot nectar_______________________       3 years
       grape ___________________________       2 years
         tomato ___________________________       4 years
       Margarine, canned _______________________       3 years
       Milk, canned____________________________       2 years
       Milk, powdered _________________________       5 years
       Oatmeal _______________________________       3 years
       Peanut butter ___________________________       5 years
       Peas __________________________________       5 years
       Potatoes, canned ________________________       5 years
       Potatoes, powdered ______________________       3 years
       Rice, white ____________________________       5 years
       Rice(Kokuho Rose) ______________________       20 years
       Salt __________________________________       indefinitely
       Shortening, canned ______________________       3 years
       Soup, canned ___________________________       3 years
       Spinach _______________________________       4 years
       Sugar, raw _____________________________       indefinitely
       Tomatoes, canned________________________       4 years
       Wheat________________________________       indefinitely
       Bouillon products _______________________       3 years
       Vegetable oil (processed) __________________       2 years
       Coffee, tea (instant)______________________       3 years
       Crackers ______________________________       1/2-1 year
       Pastas________________________________       1 year +

              STORAGE: In homes without basements or in apartments, your food stockpile would probably be stored in the kitchen or in a storage closet. To maintain the quality, keep canned foods in a dry place, where the temperature is fairly cool, preferably not above 70F. or 21C. and not below freezing, 32F. or OC.

              PROTECT FOOD IN BOXES FROM INSECTS and rodents by storing boxes in tightly closed cans or other plastic or metal containers, leaving the foods in their original boxes. Keeping these foods in sealed containers also extends the length of time they can be stored.

              LABEL CANS & CONTAINERS WITH KIND & DATE of purchase & approximate date when the particular item should be rotated.

       IV. FUEL !

              AGAIN, WHAT YOU PREPARE IS ACCORDING TO YOUR VISION or plans of what you intend to do. Basically, prepare yourself with as many candles & matches as you can. When electricity goes & your batteries run low, a lighted candle in the dark will be a comfort & security, as well as a source of light. In closed quarters, candles also provide small amounts of heat, and again, are an invaluable item for barter. It is a good idea to have candles on hand in each room of the house in the event of short-term power failures, to avoid dipping into your long-term supply.

              SOMETHING I HAVE FOUND TO SOLVE ALL THE NECESSARY FUEL NEEDS of heating, cooking & light is the "Camping Gaz" brand cookers & lights and adapters. Another brand, "Jet Gaz" is a little less expensive, possibly because it isn't as clean. However, it isn't hard to clean the adapters, and I personally prefer "Jet Gaz", as 1 size can works with all the adapters for stove, lantern or heater! In either case, you should have a supply of mantles, screens & pipe cleaners. Always use with proper ventilation! This type of fuel is good for all situations, especially apartments, small houses & caravans that don't have fireplaces.

              IF YOU'RE IN A HOUSE THAT HAS A FIREPLACE, have plenty of wood stored and even some charcoal for cooking purposes. If you are preparing a refuge or have a house that will belong to the Family for some time, you may want to look into a coal and wood-burning stove. If you set it up correctly with its stove pipes, you can sufficiently heat 2 or 3 rooms. The amount of coal & wood needed for a winter is relatively small & not too expensive. Try to keep it dry or at least covered. Figure out from counsel or experience how long a sack of coal or a cord of wood will burn or last in your fireplace or stove, and estimate how much you would need for at least one winter.

              AS WITH FOOD STORAGE YOU MAY WANT TO HAVE A COMBINATION of coal, wood & gas fuel, to be prepared for anything unexpected. Keep adapters, fire-place and stoves clean to save fuel.

       V. HYGIENE & SANITATION! "Cleanliness is not next to Godliness, but part of it!" (155:52 by Father David.)

              GOOD PHYSICAL HEALTH IS NECESSARY FOR SURVIVAL under any circumstances. Keep clean! Soap & water are a basic preventative medicine. Aside from that, you will need: Sanitary napkins, nail clippers (fingernails are full of germs), a razor (a clean shave is good for some), an aftershave or cologne that is high in alcohol (besides being refreshing, you can slap some under your arms or crotch or even your feet to keep down germs as well as smell good), shampoo, toothbrushes, home bleach, disinfectant all-purpose cleaner, water purification tablets, plastic bags, deodorant for body and air (preferably not the spray kinds), napkins, toilet paper & disposable diapers!

              A TOILET CAN BE ARRANGED by doubling 2 small plastic bags inside a plastic or metal pail that has a tight lid. Cut a hole in a piece of wood or an old chair for a seat. After each use, pour or sprinkle a small amount of household bleach or disinfectant to keep down odors and germs, then replace lid. When the bag is half-full, seal it and put it into a larger sealed bag which should hold several small used bags. Bury them in a safe place as far from the house as possible.

       VI. FIRST AID !
       DON'T ADD THESE ITEMS to the jumble of toothpaste, shampoo & mouthwash in your medicine cabinet. Instead, assemble them in a suitably labelled box, such as a fishing tackle box or a tool box with a hinged cover so that everything will be handy when needed. Label everything clearly & indicate what it is used for & enclose some kind of first aid booklet or guide. Don't lock the box; otherwise you may be hunting for the key when seconds count. Keep the box on a high shelf beyond the reach of children. Check it periodically to restock used items.

       Checklist of supplies

       --Sterile gauze dressing, individually wrapped, for cleaning & covering wounds
       --Roll of gauze bandage for bandaging sterile dressing on wound
       --Box of assorted band-aids
       --Roll of inch-wide adhesive tape
       --Roll of absorbent cotton
       --1st Aid Salve
       --Tube of petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
       --Iodine, Alcohol (mild antiseptic for minor wounds)
       --Calamine lotion for poison oak or ivy.
       --Aspirin for headaches & fevers.
       --Oil of cloves for toothaches.
       --Epsom salts or Castor Oil
       --Rubbing alcohol for disinfectant.
       --Muslin square for triangular bandage for sprains or breaks
       --Ace bandage (elastic bandage)
       --Wire or thin boards for splints
       --Box of baking soda or bicarbonate of soda for indigestion.
       --Container of powdered, activated charcoal to absorb swallowed poisons
       --Aromatic spirits of ammonia for fainting.
       --Sterile water bottle for wound wash.
       --Packet of needles
       --Sharp knife or packet of single-edge razorblades
       --Medicine eye-dropper
       --Measuring cup
       --Oral thermometer.
       --Hot water bottle
       --Flashlight with batteries.
       --Eye cup & Murine for eyewash.

       HERBS: Many herbs have medicinal uses including for asthma, migraine headaches, tension, fever, malaria, etc. You should obtain a book on herbs and their multiple uses in cooking & medicine. There are also many uses for household items, such as salt & baking soda. For instance a saline solution from a mixture of boiled water (1 glass) and half-teaspoon of salt is medically regarded as equal to commercial mouthwash. Baking soda on a wet toothbrush is as good as manufactured toothpaste. There are many uses for many items. Find out & familiarise yourself with them.

              VII. MISCELLANEOUS
TOOLS: A basic, mobile toolkit would be a hammer, set of screw-drivers (Phillips & flatheads of various sizes), pliers, adjustable wrench & saw. Also ax or hatchet & something to sharpen it with, esp. if camping out.

              A GOOD BICYCLE OR TWO would be a blessing and could be your only means to get to town or to the nearest Home, without fuel.

       SEEDS: If you are preparing for a long period, say one to 3 years, then you may want to stock a good amount of vegetable seeds to grow your own food. Seeds will also be a valuable bartering item. If you are expecting to grow your own "Victory Garden", you will also need tools such as hoe, pick, shovel rake, etc., and a guide on when & how to grow.

              OTHER POSSIBLE ITEMS: Fishing equipment, pens & papers, sewing supplies, shoelaces, blankets, boots, linens, nails, hand food grinder, glue, tape, weather-proofing, short-wave radio, rifle & ammunition for hunting or security, lightbulbs, Bibles, combs, brushes, etc.

              ON ANY ITEM YOU PURCHASE, QUALITY IS ESSENTIAL. This goes for food, tools or equipment. During wars, natural disasters and other crises such as blackouts & strikes, available supplies always run short--thru' panic-buying or looting. You can't eat gold, and things become more valuable than worthless money that can't buy things that are not even available!

              BEING PREPARED IN THE PRACTICAL things will be a source of security and panic saver, leaving you free from worry or fear. You will then be able to have a clear mind and calm spirit which will keep you from being overcome by mass panic and mob psychology. You will be in a better position to help others, too. "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him!" (Pr.16:7.)

              GOLD & SILVER: If you have done all these things and prepared yourself and yours as much as you can, the only other practical measure you might take is to buy small silver or gold coins for use after the disaster or emergency. Of course, the most important things are the Lord and your "real gold" faith! TJ!

              IT'S BETTER TO BE PREPARED YEARS TOO SOON that to be one day too late! It's better to have the warning and not need it, than need it and not have it! "Ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief!" (1Thes.5:4.) "Be ye not deceived, BE PREPARED!" (No.655.)


       1. Survival Evasion & Escape--U.S. Army Field Manual.

       2. Handbook of First Aid: Reader's Digest publication.

       3. In Time of Emergency; a citizen's handbook by the U.S. Department of Defence.

       4. How To Prepare for the Coming Crash; by Robert Preston; Hawkes Publishing.

       5. How To Be Prepared; Roland Page; Jefferson House.

       6. How To Stay Alive in the Woods; Branford Angier; Collier Books.

       7. Folk Medicine; Lelord Kordell.

       "So the Lord's able to keep you, children, no matter where you are! And what more could we have to live for than to help other people to live? God bless and keep you when the cities die!--And He will--if you love and obey Jesus!" (From "Death to the Cities!" No.373:114,125,126 by Father David.)

       Get the Letter of Father David & more copies of this pamphlet on how to survive the coming world crisis from the address below. Please enclose a donation to cover costs. Thanks! We love you!

       World Services
       Postfach 241
       8021 Zurich

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family