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Latest revision as of 08:58, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

PRAYER FOR A SICK LOVED ONE!--By Father David       DFO1139       Grasse, France       25/4/80

       1. (MARIA: THIS IS APRIL 25TH, EARLY MORNING FRIDAY, & DAVID WOKE WITH A SEVERE BURNING PAIN IN HIS STOMACH & asked me to pray for him. We prayed together for his healing, then he began praying for a woman that we'd met the day before who is the guardian or custodian of a house we went to see, who had very graciously gone to all the trouble to take us to this house & wait around for us while we looked at it, even though unknown to us at the time she was in fact very ill with cancer! Even though up & around now, she told us she would have to go to the hospital in June for most of the month to have an operation.

       2. (DAVID'S HEART WAS TOUCHED FOR HER & HE REALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH HER & her sweet spirit, & the Lord laid a burden on his heart for her. Therefore he prays:) You could heal that lady before she goes to the hospital, Lord! That's Your body, Lord! Heal her so they don't have to cut her & mutilate her. I think I know how she feels--almost like you could cut it out yourself! The only thing that doesn't cause me pain is my morning coffee the way Sue fixes it. And I can go all day on just a cup of coffee, so why should I eat when it hurts me so?

       3. LORD BLESS HER, IN JESUS' NAME! HAVE MERCY, LORD! Hallelujah! You have blessed her--with a good husband & sweet children & lots of love! Oh, I love her so much! I wanted to take her in my arms & love her & kiss her & kiss the pain away, & I did a little bit. I think she was almost crying. And she knows I love her. She knows I'm a man of God & I believe & will pray for her. I wanted to take her in my arms & kiss her, & I did in the spirit--& she knew it.

       4. YOU SENT YOUR WORD & HEALED THEM, IN JESUS' NAME! (Ps.107:20.) I lay my hand on her stomach, in Jesus' name. (Tongues.) "These signs shall follow them which believe, they shall lay hands on the sick & they shall be healed, & if they have committed sins they shall be forgiven them. For many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth them out of them all because of the love of thy father David. The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Hallelujah! TYJ! "The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (Mk.16:17,18; Ja.5:15; Ps.34:19; Ja.5:16.)

       5.IT'S YOUR WORD, LORD, YOU'VE PROMISED! I WANT YOU TO HEAL HER, IN JESUS' NAME! Lord, we don't come in contact with everybody that needs You & needs healing. These are dear sweet people that love You, Lord. They have pictures & Madonnas & crucifixes everywhere all through that house, Lord. That house is dedicated to You for Thy house & they're trying to be a testimony by putting up all those crucifixes & Madonnas, trying to be a witness to all who come there. So sweet! I felt such a sweet spirit when I met them.

       6. "IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH TAKE UP THY BED & WALK! For I am the Lord that healeth thee! For no disease hath taken you but what is common to man & I will not lay any affliction upon you that I have laid upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord that healeth thee! With every temptation I'll make a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it." (Ac.3:6; Ex.15:26; 1Cor.10:13; Deut.7:15.)

       7. YOU SAID, COMMAND THOU ME! (ISA.45:11.) ANSWER OUR PRAYER! TOUCH HER! Heal her & strengthen her & correct the cause, whatever caused it. Whether it is the Devil or bad habits of eating or whatever, in Jesus' name. You promised, Lord: "Who healeth all thy diseases, who forgiveth all thy sins." (Ps.103:3.) PYL! Isn't that wonderful? PYL! TYJ! TYL! "We comfort others with the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted." (2Cor.1:4.) Isn't that amazing?

       8. THE MORE I PRAYED FOR HER THE BETTER I FELT! IT'S A MIRACLE! My stomach was just on fire, it was burning up, & then I got such a burden to pray for her & the more I prayed for her the better I felt! Bless & heal me too, Lord. The Lord's going to heal me too. There's some Scripture about that. "He saved others, Himself He could not save." (Mt.27:42.) Jesus, I had to suffer so I could pray for her. I had to feel her pain so I could love her & pray for her. The Lord made me feel her pain so I could sympathize & feel her pain & love her.

       9. LORD, REBUKE THE DEVIL! You promised, "If any two of you shall agree touching anything it shall be done." I want to agree with You right now for her: "That if two of you shall agree on Earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven." (Mt.18:19.) So we agree right now, Lord.

       10. WE ASK THEE FATHER IN YOUR SON'S NAME, IN JESUS' NAME, TO HEAL HER, & ME TOO, LORD! If You can't do that, it's not true, & I don't believe it's not true. You always do it, Lord, You never fail, Lord, not one of all your good promises, Lord. You've never failed, Jesus, in one of all your good promises. Hallelujah! Oh God, TYL! "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord, who are called according to His purpose" that good may come. (Ro.8:28.)

       11. THE LORD DOES EVERYTHING FOR A GOOD REASON, even for us to go there to that house & see those people. I felt so drawn to go there I didn't even want to look for that other house, but because James wanted to see it, we did. I knew it was going to be of no avail looking for that other house.

       12. "ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE THE LORD."--MAYBE EVEN MY COUGH. Maybe I have to pray for someone who coughs. Sometimes I think maybe coughing is going to put me in my coffin! I don't think I'm going to eat anymore. It hurts me too much. (Maria: But the Lord's going to heal you. We've prayed.) Well, maybe that's how, by my stopping eating. I don't need to eat all that stuff. Lord, you made her--rebuke that evil & all the bad food or whatever it is, in Jesus' name!

       13. IT'S SO WONDERFUL!--SO BEAUTIFUL! THY HEALING HAND ON HER STOMACH! My hands are Your hands. You promised Lord, "Whose soever sins ye shall remit, shall be remitted, & whose soever sins shall be retained, that ye shall retain, shall be retained." (Jn.20:23.)

       14. LORD, I FORGIVE HER SINS IN YOUR NAME AS YOUR PRIEST. I love her, Lord, & I forgive her sins because she loves You & she's sorry. Now You deliver her Lord from this curse, in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name, do it, Lord, before we move in there, in Jesus' name. For love, Lord, for Thy love, for Thy mercy, O God, in Jesus' name. Bless her Lord, comfort her, protect her from those sharp knives, Lord. O God! O Jesus! You can do it. She doesn't have to have knives!--You could cut it out, in Jesus' name!

       15. LORD, SHOW HER HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HER. May this be a token unto her, may this be a sign that we came, Lord. God sent a man from Heaven to touch her, a man of God to heal her because You love me & I love her & she loves me. Hallelujah! TYJ! We fell in love with each other. Isn't that beautiful? It was love at first sight because it was Jesus!

       16. SHE'S DEVOUT, SHE LOVES THE LORD THE BEST SHE KNOWS HOW with all those pictures & crucifixes, she's trying her best to witness, you know? (Maria: But I thought those crucifixes & religious symbols in that house belonged to the owner & were put there by her?) Yes, but she's there & they love each other & work together. That's why they love each other, & the Lord's going to bless her with us if she is faithful. The Lord will bless her with us. She's trying. (Maria: The owner?) Yes, she's trying in her way to witness, & that's why she likes them because they're sweet & they love Jesus too. PYL!

       17. REBUKE THE ENEMY IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! DELIVER HER, LORD, IN JESUS' NAME! I just put her in the Lord's hands, the Great Physician. TYL! She can't have anybody better than Jesus to deliver her, Honey. Lord right now lay Your hands on her, work on her, take that out & make it pass in the name of Jesus, as a testimony of Your power & love & mercy, & for me, Lord. I'm Your servant. You helped me, please help her, & thank You for fixing me too & making me feel so much better. TYL! TYJ!

       18. I THINK WE CAN GO TO SLEEP NOW, BABY. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! I had to suffer pain for her, we suffer vicariously like He took our sins, our sicknesses & our pains & bore them in His own body on the tree (1Pe.2:24), so we must suffer for others & help to bear the burdens & their pains & their sufferings in His love. TYJ! PYL! I'm better! I feel better! But I need a little bit more wine so I can go to sleep now.

       19. I DID MY JOB, I BORE SOMEONE ELSE'S PAIN & I FELT THEIR SUFFERING. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Do it, Lord, in Jesus' name! Do it, O God! O God, if Thou art God, Jesus, if Thou art Jesus & Thy Word is true, You can do it, O God, for Thy Own Holy Names' sake or for Thy Word, Lord. You've promised, & for me, Lord, Your servant, & for her, Your humble handmaiden who has so much love.

       20. JESUS, FOR YOU & FOR ME TOUCH HER, O GOD, & DELIVER HER IN JESUS' NAME! And for my sake & for her sake & for her dear husband's sake & even the landlady's sake. The landlady's a believer. She's trying, you know? She's got those pictures all over. Hallelujah! TYJ! In Jesus' name. Thank You Lord.

       21. (TONGUES:) "I SEND HER SEVEN KISSES IN THE SWEET LOVING NAME OF YOUR FATHER!" Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! Do I have a sweet loving name? Why? David means gift of God! I'm a gift of God! I was a gift of God to my mother & I am a gift of God to the whole World. I'm God's gift of Love--David. She's so sweet! So precious, she's beautiful too! She's so generous, she didn't have to come up & do that for us, you know? She could have said, "Tell them to go away, I'm sick." She has a good little niece too.

       22. YOU KNOW, THE HUMBLE POOR PEOPLE KNOW BABIES ARE A BLESSING OF GOD & THEY'RE THANKFUL. It's a blessing of God! TYJ! Isn't that wonderful? All you have to do is ask Jesus & pray & reach out in faith & touch the Lord & touch her in love, & Jesus does it for love & for your father. He answers! TYJ!

       23. AND HELP THE DEAR AGENT LADY WHO WAS SO SICK & WAS KIND TO JAMES, LORD. She tried to help, Lord, She's been sick, Lord, You touch her mind, Lord, & help her to stop worrying. Help her not to be so worried. Help her to put her eyes on You, Lord, on You, Jesus, just trust You & not worry. Bless & strengthen her, Lord. Touch & heal her by Thy mercy, Thy grace & Thy love. She tried to help us, Lord, & she did.

       24. LORD, IF YOU DON'T HEAL LUCETTE, I AM GOING TO BE VERY ANGRY & DISAPPOINTED. You've just got to, that's all. If the Lord doesn't heal her, then He doesn't answer prayer & His Words are not true & it is no use praying for people. If He doesn't answer & keep His Word.

       25. I WANT TO SEE SOME RESULTS! I want to know He touched her with His loving touch like I touched her. I wanted to take her in my arms & kiss her. The Lord gave me so much love for her I wanted to take her in my arms & tell her Jesus loves her & cares for her & wants to heal her.

       26. OH, LORD, YOU MADE ME FEEL HER PAIN & HER SUFFERING TONIGHT, so I pray & sympathize & feel her pain & my bowels were moved with compassion for her & my heart will be moved with prayer & love for her. Hallelujah! TYJ! So I'll be moved to pray for her. It happened so I would be moved to pray for her, & I had that terrible burning fire in my stomach like she has, so I would be moved to pray for her. And when I finished praying for her, you know what happened? My pain is all gone! Isn't that amazing?

       27. ISN'T THAT AMAZING HOW THE LORD WORKS? Amen, Lord, do it for her right now tonight & help her to know You sent me there & I'm a man of God & I touched her & blessed her & laid hands on her & loved her & You answered my prayers & took the pain away so she won't even have to have that operation, in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name take it away as a testimony to Thy glory for Thy sake.

       28. EVEN IF SHE KNOWS I'M A MAN OF GOD IT IS BETTER. She's worth dying for, Lord. You died for her, I could die for her. Thank You Lord! In Jesus' name. Help her, Lord, to protect my security, & Jesus help her not to tell the wrong people that I healed her, that You healed her, Lord, through my prayers. She's going to love me, Lord, she's going to know it was You & our prayers & that healed her. It has to be.

       29. I HAVEN'T HAD A BURDEN LIKE THIS FOR ANYBODY ELSE AROUND HERE. She was the first one in all this time I was here. You didn't give me a burden for anybody else like this to love & pray for & ask You to answer & deliver, so help her to love me enough to know she shouldn't tell too many people, in Jesus' name. Lord Jesus help her to know that You love her & comfort her heart so she won't worry anymore.

       30. SHE ALREADY KNOWS I LOVE HER THROUGH DAVID YOUR FATHER. Isn't that amazing? She knows the Lord sent me there. She knows already the Lord loves her through me. Even that sweet little dog knows it. Even the other one does. He calmed down & wagged his tail & he smiled & the dear old dog felt the Spirit of God & came for our blessing & we blessed him. TYJ! Isn't that wonderful?

       31. JUST THINK, WE CAN FEEL PAIN FOR OTHERS & WE CAN SUFFER FOR THEM LIKE JESUS DID, YOU KNOW? Lord, You can touch her too. We know You've said Lord, "He saved others, Himself He couldn't save", but You could save her, Your handmaiden, Your dear handmaiden, the one You made for Your glory to use for my helpmeet, Lord. Thank You Lord for touching her already. You're already healing her. Rebuke this affliction & deliver her for Thy glory. In the name of Jesus touch her & heal her for Thy glory just like You did the dear woman at the well. (John 4.) If You could forgive her sins & heal her, we know You're going to deliver Lucette.

       32. IT'S A LIKE A LITTLE LIGHT! She's not a very big light, but she's a little light & she holds her candle the best she can. In Jesus' name. "To him that believeth all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mk.9:23.) I believe You can do it & You're doing it & it's already done by faith according to Your Word. This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine! I just can't hide it under a bushel even if I try! I just have to love, & the Lord will have to take care of me & you. I just have to love them.

       33. SHE UNDERSTOOD ME EVEN WHEN I TALKED. She nodded & smiled & understood the things I was saying. Several times I said things in Spanish & in English & she understood me. We had communication of the Spirit of love & the heart. She just looked in my eyes & understood. We had the communication of love. She knew I loved her. Hallelujah! For this reason came I into the World!--Praise You Lord!--To love!

       34. IT IS DONE, HONEY. DONE! Now you can lie down & go to sleep & rest, Love. Lay aside your sword & lay aside your shield, Sweet Baby, & rest in Jesus' name & watch the Lord work. You're going to see many mighty miracles of love. If the Lord doesn't heal her & doesn't care & doesn't love her & answer my prayers, I want to die too. I do. I mean it! If He doesn't love me enough to answer my prayers & her prayers I want to die too. O Jesus! In Jesus' name.

       35. I LOVE HER, I REALLY REALLY LOVE HER! I think she felt it. TYJ! Hallelujah! It was so little. I could give her a lot more. But we'll work up to that. Help her husband not to be jealous, Lord. We only gave him 20 but we gave her 550 because she is sick--or was sick.

       36. LORD, IF YOUR WORD IS TRUE YOU'VE GOT TO DO IT FOR MY SAKE BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME. Lord, You promised "whose soever sins ye shall remit they shall be remitted, & whosoever's sins--whosoever hath committed sins they shall be forgiven", & whatsoever sins she's committed I forgive her because she's suffered long enough & been punished long enough. Have mercy upon her & deliver her according to Your Word. You promised, Lord. Amen. We put her in Your hands & me too.

       37. THANK YOU FOR TOUCHING & HEALING ME WHILE I PRAYED FOR HER. You know, that's how R.G. Weston got saved & healed even though someone deceived him later & he was bad to my mother later. At first he was really wonderful. He got so wonderfully saved & then that night the whole building was so packed & my mother said, "I can't come around & lay hands on all of you, but if you'll just lay hands on each other, on the one beside you, & ask God to heal them & if you really mean it, God will heal you too."

       38. WESTON WAS SITTING THERE DYING OF HEART TROUBLE WITH NOT VERY LONG TO LIVE & he'd come to Miami for a vacation & a rest & there he'd heard about this woman evangelist who healed people & he was one of the 5,000 that night who sat there to eat the loaves & the fishes. And when she said, "If you need healing pray for somebody else, lay hands on the one next to you & pray for them & love them & the Lord will heal you & them."

       39. SO HE TURNED TO THIS POOR OLD SICK MAN WHO WAS BESIDE HIM IN A WHEELCHAIR & HE SAID A SIMPLE PRAYER FOR HIM. And all of a sudden while he was doing it he just felt like a wave or shock going over him! He felt the Lord had healed him while he was praying for this other man! That's what the Lord did for me while I was laying hands on her & praying for her & loving & kissing her & asking Jesus to heal her, the Lord took my pain away & it is all gone. Isn't that amazing?

       40. O JESUS, HELP HER! AMEN.--YOU'VE ALREADY HELPED HER. From the moment we touched her with Thy love You've helped her & she's going to know it. In Jesus' name. You can tell her I prayed for her all night long until dawn when I heard the birds sing a pretty little song like a period.--Like a punto. He's singing a period to my song of love for her. How much more love can anybody have than this, that I lay down my life for my friend. (Jn.15:13.) It doesn't have to be a man. It can be a woman.

       41. I'M RISKING MY LIFE FOR HER, YOU KNOW THAT? Because when she's healed she'll know that I'm a man of God & that I did it. And he'll know too. He knew it when he saw me & she did too because they're His children. Jesus sent us there not just to bless us with the house, but to bless us with love for His children & to bless His children, all His children. There's a lot of children there. I felt such a sweet spirit from the niece & from the daughter Sandra. All had such a sweet spirit. It's so wonderful to be amongst the poor & to help them!

       42. IT IS DONE. I TOLD THE LORD & I ASKED HIM & I INSISTED: "Lord, if You can't do that, if You can't forgive her & love her & heal her, then blot me out of Thy Book! If You don't love her I don't want to have any more to do with You. Like Moses, * if You don't answer prayer for Your own children, then I don't want to even live anymore. I'd rather die & forget it all if You don't love her & me enough to heal her for Thy glory." (* Ex.32:32.)

       43. SO MANY PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT HER BEING SICK, BUT SHE WILL KNOW WHO TOUCHED HER.--A man of God that loved her & touched her & prayed for her, that Jesus sent in answer to her prayers. Hallelujah! "Daughter, behold thy sins are forgiven thee. Go & sin no more." (Jn.8:11.) TYJ!

       44. ISN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL? LOOK AT THAT! LOOK! YOU SEE? Can't you see that written on her face, her smile! The light, the dawn, the beauty, the joy! It is so beautiful, it's so pretty! She shines! She shines & she is so happy, Sweet Baby! She knows Jesus loves her. You just can't disappoint me & Your dear little child, the dear little handmaiden that loves You. You have to do it in Jesus' name! Show her & the World & be a testimony.

       45. YOU THINK THE LORD'S GOING TO DO IT? Hallelujah! Thank You Lord for a believing handmaiden, in Jesus' name! The Lord's going to do it! I prayed all night for her until the birds sang & said, "Period, time to quit! It is enough!" If the Lord doesn't heal her & answer my prayers I really don't want to live anymore. I'd just really rather die there & go to be with Jesus with her if He won't answer prayer. But if He's not going to, why did He heal me? Because He touched me. Maybe at the same time He took my pain away He took hers away. In the still of the night when she knew I was praying for her because I promised to pray for her.

       46. (SINGS:)
       He keeps me singing everyday.
       I am so glad He took my pain away.
       He took my pain away."

       (Next chorus:)
       "I'm so glad he took her pain away
       And He'll give her victories every day.
       I'm so glad He took her pain away,
       He took her pain away!
       She's so glad He took her pain away,
       He took her pain away
       And gives her victories everyday!"

       47. HELP HER TO SERVE YOU & TESTIFY TO YOUR WONDER WORKING HEALING POWER! "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (Jam.5:16.) Just one old righteous man. Help her not to tell too many people but at least her husband & daughter & niece, Lord. I felt such a sweet spirit from her niece. She looked at me like a man of God, with reverence & respect. Lord, right now while You're taking mine away, I want You to take hers away, so next time I hear of her I want to hear she's better.

       48. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT ANY MORE PAIN, MARIA. Otherwise I just want to die & forget it. I'm just tired of pain. It's so wonderful how He took my pain away, but if He can't take hers away, I just want to die. I'm tired of living & tired of pain, and if He can't take her pain away & show her love & forgiveness & healing, then I just want to quit. I know He still lives, but if He hasn't got that much love I just don't want to live, I really don't. So in Jesus' name, Thy will be done.

       49. IF YOU CAN'T HEAL HER, I DON'T WANT YOU TO HEAL ME EITHER. I can die with her in pain & we'll just suffer for our own sins instead of You suffering for us, if that's the way You want it, Lord. Forgive us, but we just can't take any more. You've either got to heal us or kill us. We just can't stand it! I love You, Jesus! I love you, Sweet Baby!

       50. EITHER GOD IS GOD OR HE ISN'T, & JESUS IS JESUS OR HE ISN'T, & He's either going to answer our prayer or He isn't. If He can't love her & heal her & make her glorify Him, I really mean I don't want to live. If He doesn't heal her I don't want to live, because I asked Him to & staked everything on it, my faith & my love for her. In Jesus' name.

       51. I LOVE HER, I REALLY REALLY LOVE HER & I WANT JESUS TO HEAL HER. If He doesn't heal her I'm through.--If He doesn't even love her as much as I do. But He does, even more, & He will! But if He doesn't, I want to die. I laid my life on the line for her. I want God to spare her for me because I love her. She just looked in my eyes & she knew it & I knew she knew it.

       52. IT REALLY COSTS SOMETHING TO PRAY! It's wonderful! In all the deep dark places of the Earth, Jesus is there. I really want the Lord to heal her. I want it more than anything. I'd lots rather He'd heal her than even have us get the house, but I think that's one way He's going to do it, & when she's well she's going to minister to us. Lord, help her husband not to be jealous because she loves me a lot because she knows I healed her. God used me to heal her.

       53. THE LORD'S SO WONDERFUL & LOVING & MERCIFUL & PATIENT & HE'S GOING TO HEAL ME TOO! Because how can I be a testimony if He doesn't heal me when He heals her? It would be a poor testimony & discourage her faith. It was hurting so bad I felt like punching a knife into me & killing me to stop it! Then the Devil couldn't hurt me any more. "My life is hid with Christ in God." (Col.3:3.) I'm dead. It is done. After that he has no more he can do. All he can do is kill the body. (Mt.10:28.)

       54. (1982: AND IT'S TRUE, we didn't take that house, but I'm sure He healed Lucette, because He healed me too!--He only brought us there to look at it so we could heal her! Isn't that wonderful? God's love is so wonderful! Like the old song:

       He helps me in trouble,
       He heeds when I cry,
       This wonderful Saviour of mine!"

Hallelujah! TYJ! PTL! He never fails!--Have you tried Jesus? Pray right now & ask Him into your heart & to heal you of your broken heart & broken body, & He will! He can't fail! He's promised! GBY! ILY!)

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