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Latest revision as of 00:00, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


       1. Do you know what these rebellious backsliders & teens need who are choosing the World & who think they don't like the Family?--They need to be put to the test! They need to have to suffer the World awhile! If they're ever going to come back, that will bring them back! They need to suffer the chastisements of God, they need to know real suffering & real trouble!

       2. Let me tell you, when I landed in the Army I knew right off the bat that I was in the wrong place! Up until that time the Devil lied to me about how nice it would be to be free, to do as I please & not have my Mother telling me what to do, & not have church people telling me what to do.

       3. I was tempted just like they're tempted! They'd like to get out & away from Mom & Dad & the Family & having their Shepherds tell them what to do, they'd like to be free & try the World! That's what I did, & let me tell you, the minute I landed there I knew that I was in the wrong place, I'd made the wrong choice!

       4. But the Lord let me spend months there to suffer it & finally nearly die! He let me get such a spanking that by the time I got out I never did it again! I didn't want that kind of spanking again because I knew the next time I would die! God gave me a second chance but I didn't deserve to have a third chance.

       5. He may let some of our teens go out in the World to get a good spanking & see how bad it really is, & maybe even go almost to the point of death so that they'll repent & come back! We've had some teens leave & come back because they knew they were wrong & they knew it was bad & they saw that the World wasn't so hot after all! It wasn't so "cool" either, & they came back!

       6. But then there are also those like Deborah who went so far back on the Lord, & I think she's going to die backslidden. I prayed that God would kill her to save her soul to keep her from doing any more damage. Paul said the Lord sometimes allows the Devil to kill the body that He might save the soul.--1Cor.5:5. The more she lives, the more evil & damage she's doing to God's Work, so it would be better for her to be dead, right?


       7. You see, all of this tests us & shows whether we have it or we don't have it!--Whether we're willing to be faithful to the Lord & to the Family & to the Truth & stick to God and stick up for Him the way I did in school and have all my life, in spite of trials and tribulations and people trying to kill me and everything else!

       8. I could just quit fighting & go into retirement & say, "Well, I've done enough, it's too late & blah, blah!"--But you know I never will! I'll always keep speaking the Truth & telling the people the facts & exposing the evil & the ACs & their dirtywork, probably either till the day the Lord takes me or they kill me! But the harder you fight & the tougher you find it & the more you have to even suffer, you'll have an even greater reward!

       9. "Great is your reward in Heaven!"--Isn't that what Jesus says? When they do all these things to you, He says you're going to receive an hundredfold in Heaven of better things!--Mat.5:11,12; 19:29. Of course that's not what we're doing it for, I don't really do it because of the reward. I'm not even thinking about rewards! But it's encouraging to know that we will be rewarded some day!

       10. I'm doing it because I love the Lord & I like to stick up for the Truth & I can't stand the evil & the lies & the wicked people!


       11. Why doesn't God stop this evil World & all its evil people right now? (Techi: Because He wants to test the wicked people & the Christians.) Yes, He needs to test the wicked & the Christians too. He needs to try us & prove us & see if we'll stay loyal & true & fight, & therefore we'll be rewarded accordingly.

       12. Do you know what He's really proving right now? He said it in His Word! He's proving who's got the real leadership ability to run the World in the Millennium! To the one servant He said, "I'll make you ruler over five cities." To the other servant He said what? (David: Ten cities.)--Luk.19:12-27. Did the man get it then? (David: No.) There's no record of him getting it then.

       13. What God was really doing in that passage is giving you a picture of the coming Kingdom of Christ & the Millennium! To the one servant he gave one talent, to the second servant two talents, & to another he gave five talents.--And the servants who went out & invested those talents & gained more talents were pretty smart! They put their master's money to work & made more money for him, so he saw that they were smart enough to run whole cities. The servant who gained five talents, he gave him five cities!--Mat.25:14-30.

       14. God is testing you right now to see what you can be trusted with in the Next World!--You! He's testing you to find out just what you're made of & what you can do & what you can be trusted with in the Next World: What kind of a ministry? How many children? How much of the educational system? Do you understand? It's real! In the Millennium He'll be trusting you to help supervise the building of cities, David, not just doing handyman projects!

       15. What do you think He can trust you with in the Next World? What do you want Him to trust you with? He'll give you your heart's desires!--Psa.37:4. Do you want to run the huge Nurseries of the Millennium, Techi, with all the poor little orphans whom their parents slaughtered by abortion? Do you want to be their mother & take care of them & teach them & help them & encourage them & cheer them up & bring them up? (See "Surrogate Mothers!", ML #2036) What do you want to do in the Next World? You ought to be preparing now & thinking about what you would like to do in the Millennium!

       16. (Techi: Well, I might want to take care of babies, but I'm not really getting much practice now, so I don't know if I can be trusted with it.) Well, you'll get practice in the Millennium then. But Honey, you've gotten more practice than most people & you're wise enough. And you're not dead yet! The Lord hasn't come yet, you don't know what's going to happen--you may get a lot more practice! (Maria: You've been reading about it too, Honey, & learning from our childcare pubs. You can read like I do! I haven't had a lot of experience, but I've learned from others' experience & the wisdom the Lord gives me.)

       17. Your mother was never any great leader or teacher before she came to the Family. Thank God she didn't get stuck with some System job in the World, or even some church job in church! She had to learn a whole new culture, a whole new life, our revolutionary Family life, & to have a different concept of everything. But she's learning, & I don't doubt that your mother is going to be doing the very same thing in the Millennium that she's doing right now, only on a much bigger scale.

       18. You're probably going to be doing whatever you want to do most, whatever you'd like to do most, whatever you think you could do most! You've already manifested a real talent for taking care of & teaching small children. If you went to Heaven right now you'd be capable of teaching tiny tots because you've already done it! (Techi: Maybe not by myself.) Well, of course the Lord's not going to have you do it all by yourself without any help. If David went to Heaven right now, he knows enough about building etc. that he could be a builder's helper in constructing things that we're going to need, & as he learned, he could teach others.


       19. I believe you're both going to be teachers--teaching others, to teach others, to teach others! Don't you? (Techi: Yes!) You kids know more about the Lord & His Word & the Future than most preachers & teachers & church people! Think of all those Christians who are like little babies compared to you! They know literally little or nothing about what's going on! Think of all you're going to have to teach them! I don't doubt that you're going to be teachers almost immediately!


       20. (Techi: But will the Lord actually let us choose what we want to do? I always thought that He was going to pick it out for us.) What does He say right now? If you delight yourself in the Lord He will give you what? (Techi: The desires of your heart!)--Psa.37:4. All right, don't you delight yourself in the Lord? Aren't we all delighting ourselves in the Lord? Don't we all love Him and prefer to serve Him more than anything else? Isn't that delighting ourselves in Him? (Kids: Yes!) Well, is giving you the desires of your heart confined to this World and this age only, now only? Don't you think that promise holds true in the Millennium too? (Techi: Yes, I never thought about that before!)


       21. Things are not going to be a whole lot different in the Heavenly Kingdom in the Millennium, except that we'll be very different! It's going to be the same World & a lot of the same people--only the better ones, the best ones--& we're going to be the same people in a way, only we're going to have a lot different bodies!--Not too different, but much more powerful & indestructible!

       22. We will have such power over the heathen & over the World that there's not going to be anything they can do to us, but we can do everything to them! Won't it be easier to do the job then when you can point your finger & just vaporise them with a bolt of lightning if they're stubborn & they won't obey?


       23. So think about what you want to do during the Millennium, & try to learn everything you can about it right here & now by observing other people & reading the Letters or whatever. You say, "Well, I'm pretty dumb, I don't know too much." Well, you have no idea how much more you know than most people! You're two of the smartest kids on Earth! You & the other Family children probably know more about the World & God & God's plans & God's ways & the Future than almost any other kids on Earth!

       24. So aren't you capable of teaching church people? (David: Yes.) They may think they know more than you, but they don't! You know a whole lot more than they do! (Techi: Is that what we're going to do?--Teach church people?) Don't you think you're capable of teaching church people what they don't know? Aren't you capable of teaching the World & telling them what the score is, what's right & wrong & what they should do? (Kids: Yes!) Well, you'll be even more capable then because you'll have greater wisdom & greater knowledge! You'll be super-human!

       25. So see, you're already capable of teaching millions! You could teach idolaters & Devil-worshippers & Buddha-worshippers about the Lord right now! Don't you have anything to tell them? (Kids: Yes!) Couldn't you witness to them? Will you educate them?--Tell them the Truth & have the power to convince them? You could! You could do it right now! You could certainly teach all those poor ignorant people that have been led astray & deceived! I'm showing you that you're capable right now of teaching others who don't know near as much as you do! That's what our whole Family is doing! All of our Family children are doing that in their witnessing & their teaching!

       26. Kids, there are millions of people in this World right now that you could teach!--Millions of adults, older people, young people, children! You have enough knowledge right now to teach them things they don't know! Of course, I'm a teacher, so I think teaching is one of the greatest jobs & that's what I want to do! I'll probably be yelling my head off while Mama's organising the Educational System! I also believe you kids will be teaching because of all your wisdom & all your knowledge. (Maria: Whatever you do, you'll be teaching!)

       27. (Techi: Remember, Grandpa, how you & I made a plan that we would work on the words & change them to more sensible spelling?) Yes sireee, we'll revolutionise the languages! We're going to simplify the language, & we're going to simplify all the spelling! I think we're going to have to chuck out Japanese & Chinese lettering & start all over, because the Devil really made those languages complicated! I really believe the Devil made them so complicated to make it difficult to get the Gospel to them! (Techi: Maybe we could teach everybody English!) All right, or maybe the Heavenly language, who knows? I think it would be easier to teach the Japanese & Chinese English than it would be to try to learn their language & teach them in their language.

       28. Now be thinking about that, kids: What would you like to do in the Millennium? What do you think you're fitted for? You just go think about it & pray about it & the Lord will show you. Okay? (Techi: I'd like to be a cook!) Well, Honey, I think the Lord may have something else in mind for you, where you'll be better able to use the spiritual gifts & wisdom that He's given you.


       29. (Techi: Maybe I'd better choose something else than taking care of babies, because I don't have the teaching materials right now & I don't have any babies to teach!) Well, you're preparing! You're reading your books & you're reading stories so you'll have things to teach them & stories to tell them! Like my Grandfather said, you've got to stock up your mind so you'll have something to deliver! I asked him, "How can you say all this & give these lectures without notes & a written speech?" He said, "I just fill up my heart! I read, I fill up my heart with the information, & then out of the fullness of my heart, my mouth speaketh!"--Mat.12:34b.

       30. You're filling your heart right now, & when the time comes for you to speak, it's going to pour out your mouth! Just think, I didn't have much chance to teach or preach either for about 50 years, but finally the Lord pressed the button & it's been pouring out ever since!

       31. Okay, now don't complain about not having the babies or teaching or whatever! This is a part of your preparation. Soak up all you can right now, read all our pubs & GNs & read, read, read! You're getting input! Remember that poor robot in the movie "Short Circuit"? He kept saying, "Give me input!" (Techi: Give me input!) Right!

       32. I would rather teach you children right here tonight than teach a whole congregation of church people! I tried teaching the church people for 50 years & it didn't do much good, but once I decided to start on the kids & the Hippies, we changed the World! PTL! David, would you like to close in prayer?

       33. (David: Thank You Jesus for tonight & for this good lesson Grandpa taught us. Thank You Jesus for how much we learned about how the Millennium is going to be, how it's going to be a lot like this life but a lot better! We thank You that we're going to have a chance to teach a lot of people & tell them all that we know & that we have learned. We really pray, Jesus, that we'll be able to keep the vision & learn all we can now in this life, so we'll be able to teach people all that we know in the Next One! Thank You for giving us all our lessons & opportunities to teach us things & grow us up for the big job we have ahead in the Millennium in educating other people! We really pray we can learn all we can now, in Jesus' name, amen! TYL!)

       34. Amen!--Are you preparing to rule & reign with Jesus, teaching others to teach others? GBY! ILY!

       Quiz questions:

       1) What things do you want to do in the Millennium? (28)
       2) What is one job even our children will have in the Millennium? (19,24-26)

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