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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WORLD CURRENTS!--No. 50       Comp.5/90       DO 2619


       1. Gorbachev can't do anything about the Soviet economic system--it was wrecked by 70 years of Communism! It's just an absolute hopeless case! The Russian people don't know how to do anything else! They don't know anything about initiative or entrepreneurial ideas or having to start from scratch. They've been just like children, just doing what they've been told to do all these years.--For two generations! How are you going to undo that? Well, if Yeltsin gets inspired enough by the Devil, I think he could probably do it. He'll offer them something, anyhow. You know politicians, they can promise anything, but sometimes give nothing.

       2. So I think it's real close, I don't think the people are going to take it any more. Instead of having more to eat & more on the shelves, there's even less now, & prices are about to double! How do you think they're going to take that? I wouldn't! Somebody's going to have to save the situation! I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Yeltsin will offer to keep the freedom & glasnost & a more democratic system, but go back to the only economic system they know, the old Communist style of doing business. At least it worked better than what's happening now. It was bad enough, but since they don't know any other system or how to make it work, I don't see what else they can do.

       3. With dictatorial powers & being full of the Devil, I'm sure he's going to be able to make something work! The people, of course, like the freedom--the freedom of information & the political freedom--but they don't like even less food on the shelves at twice the price! I don't think they're going to take it!

       4. Well, I'll tell you, Gorbachev has probably been the greatest leader of Russia since Peter the Great, & has been just as revolutionary, trying to drag Russia out of Communism! Well, he claims he isn't, he's still supposedly loyal to Communism. But I think that was just a smokescreen to try to please the hard-line Communists. But he sure did it! He brought them out into the light of day with communication, freedom of speech & information, & partially democratising their political system.

       5. But what he hasn't been able to solve is the economic situation! It's absolutely impossible, & it's going to take a miracle of the Antichrist to save them. And I think he's going to so miraculously & marvellously solve those situations that the whole World is going to wonder after the Beast!--Rev.13:3. By that time the rest of the World is going to be in a similar mess economically, & he's the only one who can save them, or at least they'll think so.

       6. So I think we're real close, because Gorbachev is just about reaching his nemesis. I think this vote for the presidency of the Russian Republic, the most powerful of the Soviet Republics, is going to practically vote him out, & that would be an ideal time for Yeltsin--or whoever's going to be the Antichrist--to take his place. That old Russian legend about Gorbachev says he's the last Czar, so he will possibly be assassinated or killed. It even names him, Michael the Marked!--And he sure is marked! I'll tell you, if he can't get this vote across, he's going to be a marked man for sure! (Editor's note: Yeltsin won!) I don't think Gorbachev's necessarily going to have to be assassinated, but he's going to fall somehow & the Antichrist is going to have to take over to try to solve the situation.

       7. Even the Bible confirms it: "One head is wounded unto death"--and this could be the Communist system, not just a certain man. It doesn't say it dies, but it gets a deadly wound, a fatal wound that it should have died from, like what's happening in Russia & those East Bloc countries right now--"and yet did live."--Rev.13:3. Obviously it's under the Antichrist that it survives & is revived, & I think we're real close to it now!

       8. The U.S. has just about had it, & the Common Market, which is supposed to come into its glory in two years, in 1992, may never even get there! But then again, it might get together, & with a united Germany, that's going to be one powerful state! All it would take is for them to turn to the Antichrist to survive, & they'd become really powerful, joining in with Russia. Just think, if the Russian Empire--the whole Russian group of the U.S.S.R.--under an Antichrist man would decide to join the European Community, that would make a super Superpower & the U.S. couldn't even begin to think about opposing it! With all those missiles of Europe turned around & aimed at the States instead, there's not much the U.S. could do about it. And of course Revelation says clearly that they're eventually going to be wiped out.--Rev.17:16.

       9. Things are getting worse, & I hope we're prepared! Let's be ready, amen? I've been predicting the Crash for 20 years, & it will come! God help us to be prepared!--In Jesus' name, amen!


       10. I was thinking, "Lord, is it right for a Prophet to be rather sad & depressed, the Prophet of the End?" And right away I thought about Jeremiah. He was a Prophet of the End, a very sad Prophet. He was so sad & his prophecies were so sad that he was even called the "Weeping Prophet."

       11. One thing that makes me a little depressed sometimes is when I think of the days that are going to come. Lord forgive me. But Jeremiah was a man who really knew & loved the Lord & had faith, & apparently even he couldn't keep from being sad & weeping over what was coming. (Maria: Hardly any of the other Prophets were exactly bubbling over with joy all of the time. Many of the Psalms are more depressing than joyful.) Amen, Lord, encourage my heart & strengthen it, & strengthen me. (Maria: And help him to encourage himself in You, Lord, like King David said he did. He encouraged himself in the Lord.--1Sam.30:6.)

       12. Sometimes I think it's almost better not to know the future. Lord forgive me, that's a murmur. I'm sorry, Lord. I have to know the Future, I need to know it to prepare the people. (Maria: Well, Honey, even if you didn't know the Future, you could legitimately be sad about the present. The present is bad enough!)

       13. The World is just full of horrors! The World is full of devils! They used to burden the kids & the young people about the atom bomb. Now they're adding to that the doom of the environment. Everything is pessimistic, everything is bad, everything is coming to an end, everything is doomed! "If the right one don't get you, the left one will!" If it's not the greenhouse effect, the warming of the Earth's atmosphere from pollution, acid rain, then it'll be something else, etc., etc., etc.!

       14. (Maria: Finally some of the scientists are becoming honest enough to admit that it's Man's own fault that these things are happening. It's not just some natural disaster or an "act of God." They used to blame everything like that on God, at least by inference. But now some are being honest & saying that all these calamities are befalling us because of what Man has done.)

       15. Mankind is getting buried in his own waste & garbage, & smothered by his polluted air! They're destroying the rain forests, & with it their supply of oxygen. The whole thing is doom, doom, doom! (Maria: Well, we have a glorious Future to look forward to, that most of the rest of the World doesn't yet know about. So we can look beyond the present & see the beautiful future!) The problem is getting beyond that! But I'm sure the Lord will take care of it!

       16. They used to sing a song, "There has got to be a morning after!" Well, it's a lot like the calm after a terrible storm. At first you may see nothing but gloom & dark grey clouds.--But then a little light breaks through, beautiful light, Heavenly light, & the gloom & darkness flee & everything is bright & sunny again! PTL!

       SIN OF GREED!

       17. They say that greed is the biggest sin of big nations today!


       18. This World is so filthy & vile under its nice beautiful cover! This generation is so perverted.--Like their perverted appetites, they're so used to eating junk food, that's all they want, more junk!


       19. I'm sure the hot dry spells that we're having all over the World mark the beginning of the great drought & famine!


       20. God bless Mother Theresa, she's a real saint! She's got something that causes the whole World to admire her, the fact that she's willing to sacrifice & suffer to help the poor. She also fights abortion & birth control, which is no doubt why God has honoured her and blessed her.


       21. Godahfi's going to abolish prisons in Libya, how about that, that's really smart! The U.S. is building more & more prisons to the point where they are incapable of administrating them, so they are letting non-government agencies & commercial corporations build & run them.--And these private corporations are making money on it!

       22. There were no prisons in the Mosaic Law at all, none! If someone committed a violent criminal act, they just killed him, stoned him to death, they wouldn't trust him any more at all. But if he just stole somebody's cow or damaged somebody's sheep or something, he'd have to go to work for that guy until he'd paid off the cost, & it was a good system! The Bible's not against slavery!


       23. Terrorism is the worst, most horrible kind of attack on innocent victims, just to call attention to the terrorist's cause.


       24. (Techi: What does partisan & non-partisan mean?) Partisan means to be one-sided, for one political party, or point of view. So non-partisan means you're independent or not looking at the matter from the party's viewpoint, but you're trying to decide what's best.


       25. Christina Onassis, daughter of one of the biggest billionaires of the World, probably died of too many diet pills. She had a weight problem, she weighed 200 pounds, & ate too much. She died of a heart attack, as was proved by the fluid in her lungs. Diet pills were found beside her bed, & they're very hard on your heart & addicting. (See also WND 254, pg.4.)


       26. The Northern and extreme Southern countries have become the most vigorous, energetic and industrialised in the World, while the people of the Tropics have generally grown lazy, indolent, lethargic, poverty-stricken, slow and weak. It is all of the Northern, and the Southern-most climates where it's also cold, like Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand and all, which are the most vigorous and the most developed, the healthiest and the richest.


       27. A lot of North African & Middle East countries, such as Algeria & Egypt, have been abandoning government subsidies of basic foodstuffs. These supports were originally developed to make food & basic necessities cheaper, but they've gotten to where the government can't afford to pay them now, so they're withdrawing them, & the price of food has shot up. That's why the people have been rioting. All of a sudden they have to pay twice as much for food, so they're getting angry. But the only reason they had such cheap food in the first place, is because of the massive government subsidies which kept prices artificially low all these years.


       28. These modern-day peace movements & international agreements for the purpose of promoting peace sound like the kind of thing that used to go on before WW2, which obviously did not bring peace.


       29. About spying: "To do evil that good may come."--Exactly what the Lord said not to do.--Rom.3:8. (Maria: But the Lord had spies.) Well, they didn't do evil that good may come!


       30. That to me is one of the most significant things about the '80s! It used to be that nobody cared, or nobody paid any attention to it, but the '80s brought a real awakening to the threat of Man to his planet & the environment, & I think that's been one of the great things of the '80s! That is one of the favourable developments, the consciousness of the danger to our environment, that people have been made conscious of the fact that the environment is being threatened by Man himself. And of course the political changes & the crumbling of Communism is also another favourable change.

       31. And of course, one of the biggest changes is that the financial & technological superiority is shifting from the U.S. and Europe to Japan and the East. Japan is now literally a financial superpower, and all the five Little Tigers are right there behind them!--Which is the reason for the decline of the U.S. economically. Of course, that's really not going to show until the Crash comes.



       32. The World Council of Churches became corrupted with unbelief & modernism & that threw it wide open to Communism. Many of their projects involve using WCC funds to buy arms for Communist terrorist organisations, such as the African National Congress of South Africa!

       33. That kind of religion is so deceptive! The World Council of Churches has convinced all their members that they should sympathise with Black terrorists in South Africa because it's their Christian duty to sympathise with freedom fighters fighting for freedom.--And you see how much freedom they get, how much freedom they give the White man when they take over!

       34. The mainstream churches have been so infiltrated by Communism & atheist doctrine! They're told, "Don't be prejudiced racially. Show your Christian kindness & unselfishness & let [EDITED: "these"] Blacks have their way & let them in." Boy, how the ACs have screwed things up!


       35. The Jehovah's Witnesses have a lot of persecution, their members have been in jail & everything else, but they're growing stronger all the time. It's considered one of the fastest growing religious organisations in the World!


       36. In the U.S., the Northern Baptist church is as different from the Southern Baptist church as night is from day! The Southern Baptist Church is very Bible-believing, evangelical & really on the ball. However, the Northern Baptist church is just as unbelieving & modernistic as it can be & completely involved in politics. Churches such as Rockefeller's Riverside Baptist Church in New York preach a "social," practically Communist, Gospel!


       37. In his Inaugural Address, Bush said that the day of the dictator is over, just before the World's greatest dictator goes into position! They're just about to get the worst one they ever had in the whole World! He said, "The totalitarian era is passing & the day of the dictator is over. Freedom's breezes are blowing."--But the real dictator hasn't even taken power yet!

       38. They don't realise how near the terrible cataclysm they are! It reminds me of how the Games continued in Rome until its actual fall.
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       39. The U.S. is certainly a nation that has refused to believe the Truth, so He sent them strong delusion that they might believe a lie, that they might all be judged.--2Thes.2:10-12. Because they stood there at Bush's inauguration believing a lie, that "freedom's breezes are blowing." I think Bush really believes what he is saying. But it's a lie! It can't possibly happen! I think politicians make speeches so much that they actually start believing them!
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       40. Bush said he wants a "kinder & gentler America," but kindness & gentleness are not qualities that the Americans are famous for! Violence is as American as apple pie, somebody said. The U.S. has fought & led some of the biggest wars the World has ever known.


       41. Bush stood by Quayle in the election campaign with firm determination, even though most of his party heads deserted him & wanted him to throw Quayle out. I really had to admire him for sticking to a guy who was so unpopular. He never backed down or weakened at all. So it shows that Bush has got some real guts & gumption.

       42. Reagan was used to playing to the fans, so if he found something was unpopular, he'd change it right away. He flip-flopped back & forth all the time. There was only about one thing that he really stuck to, in spite of tremendous opposition, & that was his anti-abortion policy. I had to admire Reagan for his guts for that, because that was not a very popular stand.

       43. You have to admire Quayle for sticking it out through all the torture and not resigning! He just happens to be too young and too inexperienced.


       44. For leadership, youth doesn't want youth. For really serious leadership they look to age, they don't look to youth. Look at how they took to me! I think Bush made a mistake in picking Quayle, thinking it was going to get him the youth vote, but he was mistaken. Youth, when they come down to really being serious about it, look to age for leadership. And Quayle looks like a kid. I'd hate to have him for President!

       45. Where did Bush get this young sprout? He came out of nowhere. At least Bush would have pacified a lot of Republicans if he had chosen one of the other popular candidates to be his running mate. It seems that would've helped to unite the Republicans together. He could've chosen a wise old man like Dole, or others who've been in Congress for many years & know more about it than this kid could ever expect to know! He hasn't lived long enough!

       46. Why in the World he ever chose Quayle is still a mystery! Bush has never explained why he chose this guy. He might have been an insignificant Congressman for a few years, but nobody ever heard of him. I think that choosing Quayle was a poor move, sad to say.


       47. The media is trying to make it as tough as they can on Bush! It's one of the cleverest things the ACs ever did, to get a stranglehold on the media so they could control exactly what people read & hear & think, & literally brainwash them to think the way they want them to think! Even the President can't get through to the people & communicate, unless they let him!

       48. The ACs have got control of the information media, & therefore they've got control of what people know about what's going on. They can make people think what they want them to think, by twisting words, smearing, innuendoes & all kinds of techniques.

       49. The media couldn't stop Bush from being elected, so now they're trying to stymie his every move, trying to make a fool of him & proclaiming that he's already a failure & picking at every little flaw. It's so obvious & so evident that the AC media is completely arrayed against him. Even the President of the United States has to suffer bad publicity & AC media smears!

       U.S. ECONOMY


       50. You know what keeps the stock market going?--The gamblers' obsession with gambling! That's exactly the same compulsion as gamblers have--no matter how many times they lose they're ready to go back & gamble again!


       51. The Depression begins with the poor, in the lowest income groups. They're the ones who feel it first.


       52. Since 1780 the U.S. has suffered a great Depression every 60 years, & a minor Depression every 30 years. The last major Depression was guess when?--1929, a little over 60 years ago!

       53. This book predicts that the cities will be hit the hardest. I think that was true in the U.S. in the last Depression. Out in the boonies & farms & villages they didn't feel it nearly as bad as they did in the cities where there were huge armies of the unemployed & homeless! In the country, the people who had farms etc. could still at least live, they had a place to live & food to eat.

       54. He predicts in this book that farm prices will nosedive & so will food production. He says the worst hit industries will be trade, financial services, durable goods--that's homes, autos, etc.--& that's already happening! Defense-related industries will be next.

       55. Industries which thrived during the Depression were repair shops, educational services, health care services, bicycle shops & bus transportation, amongst others. You can see what happened, since people had to go without, they had to fix things instead of buying something new.

       56. He says, "The key to surviving a financial crisis is being able to cut your overhead & operating expenses rapidly." In other words, wind down quickly--good advice for us!

       57. From 1776 to 1985, the American economy had produced only 14 billionaires, but from 1985 to 1987 it generated 35 more! It only generated 14 in over 200 years, but it generated 35 more in the next two years, while thousands of families slipped below the official poverty level.



       58. Maybe the churches are getting better now that they're having more opposition & more causes to fight for, such as the anti-abortion cause. That's the thing that seems to have finally gotten them stirred up. They just almost ignored all the other deviltry in the World & even let their children go to public school, which is a Hell on Earth!--Absolutely throwing them to the Devil!--Casting them right into the Devil's own Pit!

       59. Public school has been the absolute ruin of America! It's bad enough that they teach Evolution & Godlessness, but even worse to throw your kids in with all those Godless children--absolute devils & savages! How my Mother could've ever sent me to public school even in that day, I don't know! I often think about it & wonder. It's hard to understand how she could've done that with all those horrible Godless kids. Even in those days they were bad!

       60. When I was in school, there was a bad group that were always the leaders, the fighters & the devils! And of course, I was supposed to be the goody-goody preacher's son, so they really attacked me! I was really persecuted! They would blame me for starting the fight when they were the ones who started it! They'd start a fight with me, & I hadn't yet learned to turn the other cheek. I don't think I have yet! I'd really fight back & sock it to them & then they'd yell for help. Somebody would report us & the teacher would come & then they'd blame it all on me!

       61. I was minding my own business & wasn't doing a thing to them, but they were just little devils! I suppose they learned that from their parents. We lived in a part of town where there were a lot of poor kids from very poor homes, migrant workers & that kind of thing. How my parents could've let the church build us a home out in a neighbourhood like that, I don't know!

       62. On our one block there were some fairly nice little homes & nice people, but in the neighbouring areas there were horrible people with horrible bad-spirited children, living in little shacks. Of course, they weren't anything like today, they didn't know anything about drugs. They mainly smoked & drank & there was some stealing, but violent crime wasn't a problem yet.

       63. But public schools today are absolute Hell! It's almost like murdering your kids to send them to public school! If they don't get'm physically, they'll get'm spiritually! Whew! How any Christians could possibly send their kids there, I don't know! Apparently many Christians have finally awakened & started a lot of private Christian schools where they send their kids. (Maria: I wonder if they're almost as bad!) Yes, I'm sure those kids are already polluted. It's like locking the gate after the horse is gone. The kids know all about the evils of public school already.

       64. Schools were bad enough 20 years ago when our first Family Members were in school, you know? But when I was in school, they didn't push Evolution until we got to high school. It still wasn't popular & most of the teachers in those days were church people, supposed Christians. The text books were still pretty good, commending good men & good people & movements etc. But things took a very big change for the worse right about the time the Family was starting.

       65. Of course, in those schools in California it was even worse than the rest of the country! The kids there were all on drugs & they said that it was in all the schools. At that time, of course it was mainly pot, not so much hard drugs. They were smoking pot & popping their parents' pills out of the medicine cabinet.

       66. Nowadays kids are even playing a game called "Fruit Salad." They all bring pills from their parents' medicine chest to their party & they pour them all in this great big bowl & mix them up & then they each take a handful & pop them! There must've been cases where people got awful sick & even probably died, because they had no idea what they were taking, just a mixture of pills! Isn't it horrible?

       67. I guess they figure that life is so horrible at school, why not die? I guess they think it's exciting, the danger, that tempts them. "Them that love death."--Pro.8:36. The same thing that makes them want to ride motorcycles & do a lot of other crazy things, play "chicken" & stuff like that. It was bad even 20 years ago. Now imagine, another generation later when their children are now teenagers, how much worse it must be! It's just Hell on Earth, including the music, the drugs, the bullying & the Satanism! Satanism is what they get! They didn't want their children to hear the Gospel, so Satan's getting them!

       68. Thank You Lord for saving us from it all! We just got a touch of it in the early beginnings. It was bad enough then, it was Hell for me even in those days because I was a good Christian kid in a World of devils who persecuted me, beat me up for it & were constantly teasing & tormenting me for being good. Thank You Lord for bringing me through all that. I saw how bad schools were then & they weren't even near as bad as they are today! They're horrible!--Hell!


       69. They kicked God & the Bible out of American education, so whatever they do to try to improve things is going to fail. Progressive education doesn't teach anybody anything. In the U.S., children are becoming more ignorant all the time. According to recent World news reports, 13% of the 17-year-olds in the U.S. can't read, write or count, & 20% of 12-year-olds couldn't find the U.S.A., their own country, on a World map!

       70. Money, resources, nothing will do a bit of good! They chucked God out, so nothing's going to help them! They're going to be cursed! Although the U.S. spends more on education per student than any other country, the results have been among the worst in the developed World. They come in last in math, geography, science etc.


       71. There are 3 million violent incidents a year in the public schools in the U.S.!


       72. When I used to visit television stations promoting Fred's shows, guess who they said spends the most money on television ads? Right away you thought, "Oh, cigarette companies or beer companies," because you'd see so many of those ads. But guess who?--Pharmaceuticals, medicine companies! They spend the most on advertising their drugs! And why do you suppose the Food & Drug Administration stalled for ten years after the law was passed before they began really examining over-the-counter drugs, etc.? Well, money talks! If the pharmaceutical companies spend millions on advertising, they're certainly going to spend more millions on keeping the FDA from examining their drugs & proving that their claims are false!

       73. It shows you how crooked the government & these agencies really are! There are millions to be had just by keeping your mouth shut, or by not investigating. When the FDA finally did start investigating, they found that two-thirds of the drugs were of questionable value. Two-thirds of the ingredients were questionable in that there was insufficient evidence to say whether they were safe or effective!


       74. A lot of those so-called charity drives & organisations against pornography & child abuse are nothing but hypocritical, con-man operations to relieve you of your money, making you think you're fighting a good cause, when they're probably pocketing it! I don't trust the World at all, especially evil unregenerate Man. There are con-artists who are experts at this sort of thing!

       75. Like that radio station manager used to tell me when I was on the road for Fred. He wouldn't allow any Cancer Society drives or March of Dimes, which were very popular back then, on his radio station. He said they were all nothing but con-artists & crooks, just taking advantage of the popular sentiment in favour of these various causes. He always insisted that they tell him how much actually went into research, & how much went into their fund-raising, administration etc. And apparently with most of them, over half of the funds they raised did not go to helping cancer research or polio or anything like that, it went to the fund-raisers themselves!

       76. He said that when they would write him, appealing for a free spot on his station, he'd ask them exactly who were the officers & how much of the money actually went into cancer research, or whatever it was they were promoting, & how much went for promotion & administration etc. He said that those few who even bothered to answer at all, it was just absolutely disgusting how much they spent on "administration"--meaning themselves!

       77. They're rackets!--Fund-raising rackets prospering on the sentiments of the public & their willingness to give to what they think is a worthy cause. He had plenty of enemies because he wouldn't take their ads & appeals & propaganda for free. Most of them were running their ads & their appeals on radio & television free of charge as a "public service," but in reality, many of them were nothing but crooked money-raisers raising money for other crooks!

       78. So you just can't trust the World! When they get into a big media campaign against pornography or child abuse, or whatever it is, it's often just some con-men taking advantage of public opinion & anger to skim off some cash for themselves.

       79. They are often nothing but great big con deals to bilk the public of money! So I've been disillusioned with all that junk ever since. Whether it's a Cancer Society drive, or a polio drive, or a pornography drive, it's all the same thing. The World is absolutely as crooked & as deceitful as ever, & I have no faith in any of them!

       80. If even some TV Evangelists are greedy & money-hungry, my God, how much more are these other types of fund-raisers complete crooks, supposedly raising money for "social causes"! They're simply taking advantage of the public sentiment & raising money for themselves! Well, they can't arouse my sympathy or approval at all!


       81. When I was a teenager in Miami, teachers were still bragging about how in the U.S.A. you were innocent until proven guilty. Now, under many of the laws, especially those of the IRS, you are guilty unless you can prove you're innocent! The U.S. prided itself that people could not be condemned until they were proven guilty. Now you're guilty until you prove yourself innocent, & their laws are going to get more & more like that.

       82. Another thing they prided themselves on was that they were no longer like England or some of the European countries, where they had debtor's prisons. They could not hold you in prison for a debt. But now the prisons are packed with people who are thrown in there for their debts to the IRS! The U.S. is no longer a free country, it's one of the worst of all dictatorships!


       83. In the U.S. there are probably a lot of religious devotees in psychiatric hospitals. It was common in the early days of the Pentecostal revival movement. Anybody who got the Holy Spirit & spoke in tongues was considered crazy. It was often the children of older folks who put them away. They only have to have the attestation of one relative to put anybody away in the U.S.!

       84. It was usually to get their money. Children put their parents or grandparents away & said that they were incapable of handling their own affairs any more, because they were filled with the Spirit & talked in tongues & acted "strangely."

       85. My Mother visited an institution & met a woman who had been in there about 20 years. The woman said, "I did nothing but receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit & talk in tongues, & then my children put me away here." There's probably more abuse of that type in the U.S. than in the Soviet Union, with all their political & religious detainees.--Today, however, it's usually the parents who put the children away!


       86. Incarceration & imprisonment without trial already exists for people that the System doesn't like! Thousands are put in mental institutions each year just for so-called "rebellious & defiant" behaviour. The rich are able to put their kids away to help save their reputation so they won't be an embarrassment any longer or cause the parents a lot of trouble. (See WND 259, pg.5.)

       87. So while they let out thousands of really kooky cases on the street, they put away teens who are rebellious & don't do what their parents want. Hospital costs can run several hundred Dollars a day. So it costs these rich parents thousands of Dollars to keep their kids in there for even a month!

       88. Private psychiatric beds for teenagers is the fastest growing segment of the hospital industry! What the parents can't do--discipline them--the hospitals are now permitted to do. A lot of them are apparently from rich families who did not discipline their kids, so now they're reaping the fruits of it & are having to go back to disciplining them like little children.

       89. The AC government is operating right now, only on a smaller scale. This privilege of being able to incarcerate your children etc. without it being considered parental abuse is perfectly legal, if you have enough money to pay for it!


       90. The U.S. used to pride themselves on not jailing debtors, but that's one of the biggest deals in the U.S. today, jailing debtors for not paying child support, or income tax, or just about any debt.

       91. It's usually the women who apply for child support the most. They think they're going to get everything: The kids, the house, the car, the furniture & an income! No wonder the kids are getting so wild, a single mother can't usually be a good disciplinarian. The kids think, "Oh, now we're going to have a ball with Dad gone. Mom can't do anything with us." They're probably right!

       92. That's how women get back at the men, by keeping the fathers from seeing their children. The men get back by withholding the child support payments. Women were better off when they knew they had to submit to the man & work hard in the house!


       93. The general attitude towards pornography in the U.S. today seems to be "oppose pornography but don't oppose public nudity & parental liberalism." Obscenity has to do with speech, but pornography has to do with visual pictures.

       94. The only so-called pornography I ever went for was just pictures of beautiful women! They didn't even have anything as vile as child pornography when I was young.

       95. My brother said that there was a lot of this "pornographic propaganda" years ago when he was an educational administrator. He said, "You know, Dave, they're blaming sex crimes on pornography." There was a big drive on in Los Angeles against it, especially against the pornographic theatres along Main Street in the red light district of Los Angeles.

       96. The cops decided that they'd try to stop it, & they closed down all the porno movies, porno shops & all the girly stuff. They tried it for one month to see if it helped any. Apparently the sex crime rate during that month rose phenomenally, rapes & all the rest!

       97. The police then came to the conclusion that in shutting off the flow of pornography, they had closed the safety valve on sex offenders who had been getting their kicks at the various nudie shows, sex shops & all that sort of thing, & that these guys were then taking it out on actual girls instead, because they couldn't get their normal "fix" of pornography.

       98. (Maria: In other words, although there may be a few that are encouraged & influenced to do the actual acts because of pornography, there are many more who don't do it because they have the pornography.) Exactly, it's like a safety valve. The vast majority of potential sex offenders were getting relief from their desires by using pornography & sex movies & nudie shows, etc., & were being satisfied with the pornography without committing criminal acts. It was a way to relieve their desires without actually committing crimes against women.

       99. Now just what kind of pornography they're crusading against nowadays, we don't know, we haven't seen any porno for years! The last time I visited any porno shops & read girly magazines was about 30 years ago when I was on the road for Fred. At that time the girlie mags simply consisted of pictures of beautiful nude women. There was no child pornography, or bestiality, or violent sex, nothing like that. I guess it's gotten a lot worse today. So it's possible that that kind of stuff now inspires crime instead of contains it.

       100. (Maria: But the danger is that in trying to get rid of the really bad stuff they get rid of it all! They make such tight restrictions that they don't allow any nudity or sex!) Yes, so therefore there's no release, no safety valve, nothing to satisfy their addiction or their desires, so they commit actual sex crimes instead.

       101. So who's right & who is going to win public opinion? The smartest con men today have raised God knows how much money to fight so-called pornography, & many are just taking advantage of the present flood of opinion against sex crimes & abuses & pornography, etc., to make money!


       102. Women's Lib is another movement of the Devil, totally contrary to the Word! It's divide & conquer!--They're trying to divide women from the men. Women's Lib is an anti-Christ onslaught against the basic Truth of the Bible, trying to get women to conquer the men!


       103. They finally got it, & all those God-damned Sodomites really deserved it all! Shake'm up, Lord! Shake'm up! It was the fires in the 1906 quake that caused so much damage. That's what they've got to really watch out for, the fires. Too bad it wasn't Washington, D.C.! Help Thy children there, Lord!--But sock it to those devils & all those God-damned Sodomites!


       104. In a lot of poor Third World countries, street vendors & tape shops dupe the old classic music tapes of famous singers, etc., & sell them for a Dollar apiece, tapes that would normally cost $10-$15. But the big music companies in the U.S. don't want people copying the tapes & selling them cheaply. They're really getting tough about it & sending in teams of their own investigators to find tape shops that are using what they call "counterfeit" tapes. They don't even trust the local police, so they're sending their own investigators, & when they catch some tape shop pirating their tapes, then they call in the police, & the police have to cooperate because it's the law. Isn't that dirty? It's a sad day for the poor man!

       105. Boy, that must make the little countries furious that Big Brother America is pushing them around like that, going in & grabbing their people's tapes that they copied, that cost them thousands of Dollars!

       106. [DELETED] They're counterfeits, but they're cheap & good enough for us! In poor countries the people can't afford tapes at the high prices they sell for in Europe & North America, they're not as rich. So these little tape dupers make money just by making copies & selling them to the poor for only a Dollar apiece.

       107. That picture in the paper showed the great big bulldozer crushing thousands of those confiscated counterfeit tapes. It's so stupid! They could have given them away or reused the cassettes or something! It just shows you how rich & wasteful the U.S. is!

       108. Imagine how furious that makes the poor of the Third World when they see the Americans just smashing up stuff like that! (Maria: Yes, like the Europeans do with their food, their oranges.) They just destroy them & burn them in order to keep the prices high. California used to do that too. Well, the rich countries are going to pay for it one of these days, whether it's here or in Hell. I wouldn't be surprised it's going to be here. They are paying for it already!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family