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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

ANOTHER SIGN OF THE END!--Clinton's Election!       11/92       DFO 2827

       Clinton's Election--the End Is Here!

       1. The World is one Hell of a mess and is getting to be Hell on Earth! What have I said to you about this year's U.S. presidential election? (Fam: You said that if Bush gets in, it's the mercy of God and the Lord is having more patience with America. But if Clinton gets in, it shows that the End is here!) Right! And I said that I believed the judgements of God on America would follow the election of Bill Clinton, but that the execution could be stayed by giving the country a little more time under Bush.--Then traditional Christian values would have won the election. But with the election of Bill Clinton, the anti-Christ values will take over.
       2. As far as I'm concerned, beloved, the End is here, the Endtime is now, and this is one of the worst signs yet! With Clinton winning the presidency, the U.S. is in for real big trouble, because he's the ACs' own man, and they will have at last captured the presidency of the United States! They've run the country and the businesses for years, but they've never been able to elect a president so sympathetic to their policies.
       3. The Catholics had hoped to do that for years, and they finally did in Kennedy. But at least the Catholics are Christians, or at least are supposed to be, and stand for Christian morality, etc. Well, I must admit, Kennedy was a very poor sample of Catholics, and Clinton reminds me a lot of him.--Although Clinton's not a Catholic, he's a Southern Baptist, or claims to be.

       We're Not Anti-Church!

       4. By the way, our folks shouldn't be so antagonistic towards churches and church people, because not all churches are so bad, there are lots of good Christians and good Christian churches. Much of the World thinks the churches are pretty good and Christians are good people, and they don't really hate the churches.--Except of course the anti-Christs of every ilk, and they're out to fight them and are starting to pick them off one by one. They started off picking on the cults, like us, the little people who couldn't fight back much.--Although we are fighting back now, and we're winning cases, because the Lord wants to get our Message publicised!
       5. But then they went from the cults to criticising Fundamentalists. In fact, "Fundamentalist" is now a dirty word in a lot of places!--Just like "discrimination" has now become a dirty word. It used to be a compliment if you were a "discriminating" personality. It meant that you knew what was good and you knew what was bad, and you could discriminate or choose between the two. Now they're trying to erase that discrimination to where there's nothing good, nothing bad, everything's just what you think it is, anti-absolute-ism! Because if you believe in absolutes, then you have to believe in the Absoluter, the One Who made'm--God! So they want to destroy faith in absolutes.
       6. And now they're destroying faith in heroes, the good guys! This is the Devil's own wicked propaganda, that the heroes of history are really the villains, whereas the villains were really the heroes. They've completely changed their whole outlook on things, a real switcheroo of moral values. Columbus, who was once a hero, has now become a villain, and so on down the line. They've done this for years, but it's just coming out now and bearing its evil fruit, becoming more known in public.
       7. Anyhow, don't be so total in your condemnation and criticism of churches! Thank God for the Christians there are, or we would really be in Hell now on this Earth! Thank God for the "salt of the Earth" (Mat.5:13), the churches and Christians that have kept things from going from bad to much worse! But as far as I'm concerned, and as far as the whole World is concerned, this U.S. election was crucial, critical, to see which way the World is going to go under the leadership of the United States.

       Hillary Clinton

       8. During Clinton's campaign they tried to hide his wife Hillary, because she already had such a bad reputation as a radical, fanatical, leftist liberal and was so influential and obvious. She's been exposed in various publications that her beliefs are very strong, and she's on the wrong side of everything! She's for abortion, she's for Gay rights, she's against home schooling and she's for children's rights against their parents, children suing their parents, and on down the line. You can just go down the line and everything we stand for, she's against; and everything we're against, she stands for! And she's made no bones about it. Even in interviews, she said, "If you elect Bill, you get me too!" (See WND 401, page 4.) She's like a witch, a vixen! She's really evil!
       9. Before William Branham died, that great and humble prophet, one of the last revelations and visions he had was that the final ruler of the United States who was going to bring the U.S.A. to its doom and would be the worst ruler they ever had, would be a very beautiful, but very cruel woman. You say, "But she's not elected president, she's not even vice president! Even if Clinton got shot, she wouldn't take over." How do you know she wouldn't take over?--She might if she had enough power by that time and the people worshipped her enough like they're worshipping Clinton. She's already taking over! If anything happened to Clinton, I think she could rule the roost over vice president Gore!--Or if anything didn't happen to her husband, she'd still obviously rule the roost! She obviously does rule the roost! Branham said, "A beautiful but very cruel woman will rule the United States in its last days." Some people thought maybe it was Jackie Kennedy when she and John came along, and I think she was kind of a prototype.

       Bush's Wars!

       10. Anyway, Clinton has won the election, and I've told you folks that it would be very dangerous for Clinton to win, because he and she are the leaders of the Antichrist forces. They are backed by the Antichrist forces. They are for everything we're against, and against everything we're for! The evil forces are behind Clinton, that's for sure, and the more Godly forces are behind Bush--despite all the mistakes he's made, and as much as I dislike Bush and his hypocrisy and self-righteousness, his wars and all the rest!
       11. Bush brags about how he spared American lives in that last war, as though the 200,000 Iraqis who were killed were nothing, they didn't count!--Women, children and innocent civilians! "Oh, that doesn't matter, after all, that's that wicked nation Iraq!" But there are more Christians in Iraq than there were in the two countries he was protecting, Kuwait or Saudi Arabia! There are hardly any Christians in Kuwait, and no open Christians at all in Saudi Arabia. Any manifestation of Christianity is against the law, and they're apt to toss you in jail or chop off your head! They forbid Christian literature, forbid Bibles, forbid Christian services. They even tried to keep the U.S. military from having chapel, so they had to have it secretly while they were there. And the Christian boys couldn't witness, they couldn't have Gospel literature. They had to sneak in Bibles for the chaplains. While Iraq has lots of Christian churches and as many as 10% of Iraqis are Christians. What do you think about that?
       12. In the past, the U.S.A., including Bush and Reagan and all the rest of them, thought Saddam Hussein was so good and so great that they backed him to the hilt with everything they could in his war against the worse devil, Iran, and the Ayatollah Khomeini. And he (Khomeini) was a devil, that's for sure! I'm sure God took him to save the World from going to its destruction too fast, because the Iranians would have been worse than Hussein! They were more anti-Christ and more anti-American than Saddam. Saddam was not anti-American until the Americans became anti-Saddam.
       13. In fact, he thought he had American permission to take that territory away from Kuwait. That's a known scandal. The U.S. ambassador to Iraq at the time, April Glaspie, practically said, "We're not interested in your border disputes." And Saddam took that to mean that the Americans wouldn't do anything about his invasion. Of course, the trouble was, he went a little further than the border. (See WND 375.)
       14. So Saddam thought he had U.S. permission and he went ahead, and then it backfired. And because Bush knew how much the Americans needed oil, he figured that was worth fighting for.--To back two totally anti-Christ, anti-Christian nations in that war, along with a lot of their cohorts, against at least one Middle Eastern nation that was more Christian than most of them! Think of it! Bush killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, including thousands of Christians, and destroyed many churches with his war!
       15. Of course, he'd already had a little practice in doing that sort of thing on poor little Panama and poor Noriega, with whom they had cooperated before and had a great time as buddies in the war on drugs.--Until Noriega got a little too hot to handle and began doing his own thing. It had evidently gone to his head and he figured, "Well, I can cooperate with the U.S. fighting drugs, but I can make money on it at the same time." And he began to thumb his nose at the U.S. and embarrass them publicly, defying them on television. Well, Bush just couldn't stand that. The American people couldn't stand it; their pride, the flag, had been defied! So Bush went in there and conquered that "vicious country with its vicious leader."--The excuse being that one U.S. serviceman was killed. That was the straw that broke his back and he decided to go in there and invade, saying, "He finally attacked a U.S. serviceman!" A bunch of drunken servicemen had driven accidentally--or maybe defiantly--right into a military roadblock near Noriega's headquarters, and one got shot.
       16. In every war there's always some incident that provokes it and that they use for an excuse. In World War I it was the assassination of the Austrian Emperor's nephew and heir, and the Austrians made that an excuse for attacking all of Serbia. Then France, Great Britain and Russia backed Serbia, and Germany backed Austria. It all builds up. But they always have to have some excuse. Of course, with all the horrible things that are going on in Yugoslavia right now, they've got every excuse under the sun for attacking the Serbs, to stop them from all the atrocities they're committing!--But the World does nothing!
       17. The whole World and the U.N. and everybody has virtually condemned the Serbs as being wrong and the ones responsible for all the trouble, who started the war and are perpetuating the war and supplying the arms for the war--because under Tito, Yugoslavia had been so well-armed by the United States before the war. They've got stocks and stocks and stockpiles of armaments and guns and planes and tanks and everything that is necessary to fight a war! So when Tito was out of the way and the way was clear, the Serbs got a dictator, Milosevic, a lot like Hitler was.
       18. They want to make their great dream come true of "Greater Serbia." They'd been subjugated by one power after another, mostly the Turks, and finally they saw their chance, they were going to take over all of Yugoslavia themselves. So they began this horrible war that's killing women, children and old people, innocent civilians, murdering them every day! And people all over the World are watching it on television and seeing the horrors and wondering why Bush will do nothing about it! He says, "I don't want to get stuck in some kind of a little hiccup over there in Europe!" Of course, he was ready to send half-a-million men to Kuwait to get the oil, but the trouble with the Bosnians and Croatians is, unlike the Kuwaitis, they don't have any oil, and neither do the Serbs.
       19. When the U.S. was a righteous nation and Christian, they didn't say such things as that! Just for righteousness' sake and to rescue a poor little country they would send forth their forces. Reagan and Bush did that in Latin America, got involved in all kinds of wars in Grenada, Nicaragua, Panama, etc., against supposed tyrants, or in support of some tyrants and dictators, etc. But Bush doesn't want to get involved in a "little hiccup" where there are only a few thousand people getting killed. (Editor: Now many thousands!) It doesn't matter if they're innocent civilians, babies, children, women and old people. It doesn't matter if it's a tyrant that's warring against them when they don't have much of anything, much less enough weapons, food or shelter. No no, that's not worth going to war for to save these poor people!
       20. Well, I've said enough against Bush, and you've heard it, and I didn't like him. I thought he was a hypocrite, a liar, self-righteous, and going into all these wars, slaughtering all these people! The U.S. government said, "Oh, there were only a few Americans killed in Panama. We took Kuwait with even a smaller loss of American life than in Panama." Think of that. But they don't seem to think anything about killing the natives! They said, "Only a few hundred Panamanians were killed." When actually, the Panamanians claim that it was a few thousand!
       21. So you know who gets their propaganda across!--Certainly not the poor Panamanians who are trying to get indemnities and trying to get what Bush promised them. He said that if he had to go to war to liberate them from this evil tyrant Noriega--who had been a hero to them before that--then he was going to reimburse them and he was going to take care of Panama and pull'm out of debt and revive their economy. He made all these promises, and you haven't heard about the U.S. doing anything for Panama since then! And they never will unless they have to for some reason.
       22. So I didn't like Bush. I didn't like his hypocrisy and his untruths and his callous behaviour when it came to killing thousands.--And in the Iraq war, hundreds of thousands! The Iraqis estimate that two or three hundred thousand people were killed. Of course, the U.S. says it was only about ten, 15 or 20,000, that's all. "After all, they were only Iraqis. So what if some of them were Christians!" Well, you can see who's running things.
       23. Look what the U.S. did to Japan in World War II. The two most Christian cities in Japan were the ones which were bombed--Nagasaki and Hiroshima! When they were first thinking about bombing one of the other big cities, the seat of Buddhism, etc., people said, "No, no, you mustn't bomb the seat of Buddhism." No, the U.S. government decided to bomb the two Christian cities. Of course, it's never been publicised much, until lately it's begun to come out that they were the two major Christian centers of Japan that had more Christian churches and more Christians than any place else in Japan.

       Clinton--The Devil's Own Choice!

       24. After seven presidents that have been veterans of World War II and whose lives were shaped by that era, now with Clinton the U.S. will have a president who is a product of the Vietnam era and whose life and values were shaped by that war and the '60s and the younger generation.--America's first rock 'n roll president!
       25. Who was backing Bush?--Mostly the older generation and the Christians. Who was backing Clinton?--Largely the ungodly, wild, unchristian younger generation, as well as the out and out anti-Christs, all the people who are for the wrong things. The majority of Americans today are young, a modern generation of wicked! I do not believe Christians are in the majority in America any more. I believe the younger wicked generation are now in the majority. (Fam: And the homosexuals are backing him, too.) Oh, yes, homosexuals. Apparently he spoke to a homosexual convention and promised them everything.--And the abortionists too, he's all for them, and has made promises to them.
       26. These politicians are so slick! "Slick Willy" was Clinton's nickname before he ever ran for president, because he was known to be such a slick worker, like a snake. When confronted with the question, "We understand that you're for abortion," he answered, "No, I don't believe in killing babies, but I'm for freedom of choice." In other words, "I wouldn't do it myself, but if you want to kill babies, well, that's all right. It should be legal." Boy oh boy!
       27. I don't like Bush and he's done a lot of bad things, but at least he's supposedly standing up for the right things, except war. He stands for that, but that's the wrong thing.
       28. And Quayle is especially standing up for the right things, he's almost a radical Fundamentalist!--Even though Quayle seems a little odd and has made some ridiculous mistakes. Everybody's still wondering, nobody's ever explained yet why Bush chose him for vice president, because he's caused him nothing but trouble. But he is a Christian, a Fundamentalist Christian, and he really believes in Christ and the Bible and Salvation. He's a fanatic in the eyes of the World and this generation, so he has only been made fun of and ridiculed and sneered at ever since Bush brought him in.
       29. So beloved, the U.S. is in serious trouble, and it's later than you think! You could almost say to the Americans, "The buck stops here!" because there's going to be nobody to blame but the Americans themselves. They'll have nobody to blame now but Clinton. I think I've said several times lately that the End is now, the End is near, the End is here, and I'm more convinced than ever now. This could possibly be the last president the United States will ever know. They may yet be ruled by the beautiful, cruel woman--his wife--because that's what the Americans deserve. That is now what they have asked for. They could have chosen Bush, a fairly good man who stood for the right things, but they chose Clinton instead. Of course, Bush did many bad things, too, and those bad mistakes have obviously cost him the presidency. If Bush had followed the Lord he'd have been a little wiser, but I think he was almost a fool.
       30. Well, it was a "choice between thieves," as the old saying goes. Not that they're actually thieves, but it was a choice between two poor choices--not much choice! Despite his many faults and failures, I would say Bush was certainly better than Clinton. I don't know what it is about Clinton, but he just gives me a feeling of insincerity, just pure politics. Clinton is a smart-alecky playboy with a smart-alecky wife and too young to have had enough experience to be president. As far as wisdom or knowledge or experience, I think Clinton is far inferior to Bush. But maybe he's smarter than we give him credit for. Maybe he's no fool. He managed to get himself elected. I would have said Gore was much more presidential material than Clinton.--That's why Clinton chose him!
       31. So, beloved, it's here! As far as I'm concerned, it's just the beginning of the End. This is it! The Crash is here, and now the wicked president is here. I think he's a wicked man, frankly, in spite of all his good promises and words.
       32. I believe he was the Devil's own choice, obviously! People like to say that they voted for the winner. That's the American nature, they don't like to be losers, they want to be winners. If they see that somebody is supposedly winning, then they vote for the winner so they can be on the winning side.
       33. Anyhow, there you have it! As far as I'm concerned, it's another major sign of the End! The U.S. has taken the wrong path, totally, has chosen the wrong leader, and has voted in favour of all the horrible things Clinton and his wife stand for!--All the wrong things. And they're all the things we are against! So the U.S. now has a president who, as far as I'm concerned, is a wicked man, and has proven himself to be a wicked man.

       "He Knoweth that His Time Is Short!"

       34. So anyway, praise God! Hallelujah! The End is near, nearer than ever before, and though the times are going to be very bad, the time is short. "For he [EDITED: "the Devil"] knoweth that he hath but a short time" (Rev.12:12), and this is it! The "short time" has come. I consider Clinton a bad man. I agree with Bush, I don't like Clinton's character or the things he stands for, I think he's unreliable. He's only reliable for one thing--and that's cooperating with the ACs! So, praise the Lord, it's later than you think, it's coming faster and faster, and it's snowballing!

       Closing Prayer

       35. Well, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to get into all this tonight. But I'm not that sorry, because I think this was more important. (Fam: Amen!) David, would you like to close in prayer?
       36. (David: Thank You Lord for this very very interesting classtime we've had with Grandpa. Thank You so much for revealing these things to Grandpa, that otherwise we'd miss. Thank You so much for using Grandpa to warn the Family and the whole World of these things that are going on behind the scenes that we wouldn't see. Thank You that even though things are getting worse, we know that before it gets better it's got to get worse so that it can get better. So in some respects, even though it's getting really bad, we thank You that You're going to come and save us, and we don't have a lot longer left. We know that You're going to protect us and keep us and our Family and all of Your wonderful children all around the World through these hard times. Thank You for making us aware of these things. Thank You Lord! Praise You Jesus!) Amen! Praise the Lord!

       Korean Church and Dumb Sheep!

       37. So I think this election of Bill Clinton is just another sign of the End! It's possible that the U.S. will not have another president, the End is that near. Now don't go out from here and say, "Dad said that the End is going to happen, that Jesus is going to come within four years." Don't make me sound like that Korean pastor! He made a fool of himself by saying that Jesus was coming on a certain date--and it didn't happen! They say he made himself rich by collecting all those people's worldly goods and bank accounts and hundreds of thousands of Dollars! Well, if Jesus was coming back, then what was the pastor planning on doing with all that money!
       38. It's funny how dumb some sheep can be! I think a lot of those people were real Christians. They believed in the Rapture, obviously believed the Bible and were probably saved, but it's amazing how dumb some Christians can be. We oughta know, look at the way they fight us, when we're really one of'm, we're just not in their same church system. We stand for many of the same things that a lot of the Fundamentalists stand for who're fighting us!

       We'll Keep Going Till the Lord Comes!

       39. The Devil attacks all the time, but he didn't stop me from giving you this lesson tonight after all! In spite of his annoyance around the fringes, he really can't do much, thank the Lord! He hasn't been able to stop us yet, in spite of everything his forces try to do, and we're doing better all the time!
       40. We've had our times of plenty and we've had our times of less than plenty. Just as Saint Paul said, "I've learned how to abound and how to be in want. I've learned also how to be content in whatsoever state I'm in."--Phil.4:11-12. When I was a little boy, I used to think that meant one of the states in the U.S., ha! Well, now we've learned how to be content in whatever country we're in. Wherever we've gone, the Lord has kept us and saved us and never let us be stopped or destroyed, never let us go broke yet, and we've always had enough of what we needed wherever we were. He's always kept us secure and in peace and quiet so we could continue to receive His Words and pass them on and publish them to the World!
       41. So is the Lord taking care of us? (Fam: Amen!) Has He ever failed us? (Fam: No, not at all!) Will He fail us now? (Fam: No!) Will He keep us going? (Fam: Yes, Sir!) I believe we're going to keep going until the Lord comes! If we're not going to keep going, why should He delay His Coming? When it gets to the point where they can stop us and stop the Message from being proclaimed and people from being witnessed to and getting saved, there wouldn't be any sense in prolonging His return any longer! So when it gets that bad, He's going to come.--Or even almost that bad. But according to the Bible, apparently there are going to be witnesses right up to the very End, so praise the Lord! And not just two either, there are going to be hundreds of thousands! Amen? (Rev.7:9-17.)
       42. So, praise the Lord! Don't worry about it! Just trust the Lord, live one day at a time and thank God that He is still keeping you and using you. Amen. Lord bless and keep us all and continue to make us a blessing, in Jesus' name! Amen!--Now go!


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