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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2401-2600]]

Latest revision as of 00:16, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

        "ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH!"         France, 10/79
--"The Truth Revolution", Pt.1         DO 2456

       1. (DON & LIZ HAD BEEN WITH US FOR ONE WEEK WHEN THEIR CHILDREN CAME DOWN WITH WHAT SEEMED TO BE A SERIOUS TYPE OF LARYNGITIS. They had been in bed all day for two days before this, when one night they called Sara upstairs to their room to check on the boy & see if she thought he should be sent to the hospital right away. His condition was serious & he could hardly breathe at all & was kept under a vaporiser tent in the bedroom. Sara called Dad & Maria for prayer. Dad prayed on the phone:)
       2. LORD, PLEASE TOUCH THIS CHILD! "When the Enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him!"--Isa.59:19. We resist you, Satan, in Jesus' name! Lord, deliver him & heal him of all his iniquities & all his diseases! You said, "I am the Lord that healeth thee!"--Exo.15:26. In Jesus' name!
       3. IT'S UP TO THEM & THEIR FAITH! If they want to rush to the hospital, it's up to their faith! (Sara explained that they had made a homemade vaporiser under a tent in the room & Dad said:) Ugh! No wonder the poor boy can't breathe! I hate those things! (Maria: Aren't they supposed to help you breathe better when you're all stuffed up like that?) Who knows? Who can tell? They must trust stuff like that. The Devil is really attacking!
       4. THAT MUST BE WHERE THEIR FAITH LIES, & IF SO, THEY SHOULD GO AHEAD! Tell them we've all agreed together, we've prayed, now we'll let the Lord handle it! The Lord must be waiting on their faith to see what they're going to do. They mustn't do what they think they're EXPECTED to do, they should do what THEY have the faith for!--But it doesn't sound like they have much faith for it! It's up to you there to judge.
       5. "THOU WILT KEEP HIM IN PERFECT PEACE WHOSE MIND IS STAYED ON THEE, BECAUSE HE TRUSTETH IN THEE!"--Isa.26:3. It says, "The Lord giveth his beloved REST."--Psa.127:2.--They don't weep & cry & worry about it! Well, they may weep sometimes, but not over such a thing as this! This is certainly an attack of the Enemy! I guess this is their weak spot. They've got terrific faith for finances & they seem to have faith in other areas & were tested in every other area except for this one!
       6. (MARIA EXPLAINS THAT LIZ SEEMED TO TALK ON & ON ABOUT HER IMMACULATE CLEANLINESS, how she disinfects everything to try & get rid of germs & sickness etc.)--The arm of flesh! They must be strong on that, & that's where they put their faith, in the physical. If they want to take him to the hospital, then they should go, but it's completely up to them. "According to your faith be it done unto you."--Mat.9:29. Let them do what they want to do. This must be their weak spot, & that's why the Devil hits them there. If they are talking about the hospital & considering it, that's probably where their faith lies.
       7. IF THE PARENTS FREAK OUT & WORRY, HOVERING OVER THEM CRYING & WORRYING, THE KIDS SEE THEM, & OF COURSE THE KIDS ARE GOING TO FREAK OUT TOO! Fear communicates! Tell them it's an attack & a test, that the Lord is dealing with them as parents & testing their faith! They should decide what to do. Ask them: "How much experience have you had with the Lord's healing? How much miraculous healing have you seen in direct answer to prayer?" Maybe they haven't had any!
       8. APPARENTLY THEY HAVEN'T BEEN TESTED ALONG THESE LINES VERY MUCH! Make sure they do what THEY have the faith for & tell them not to worry about what WE might think of their faith or their decision. The LORD lets the Devil attack & test their faith, & this is a real test! Do what you think you should do. And you, Sara, should do what you sense they want to do! Tell them we love them & are praying for them!
       9. (LATER ON DAD WAS ASKING THE LORD WHY THEY GOT THIS TERRIBLE SICKNESS. They had been isolated for three weeks before they came & we just couldn't figure how they got it. Right away in a flash he got:) The Fair!--The outdoor Commercial Fair that Alf had taken them all to a couple of days after their arrival. The whole reason was that dirty place & being in contact with other people. Of course, it's also the Lord dealing specifically with them, but it shows how prayerful & careful we must be about going out & praying things through before we decide to go.

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