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Latest revision as of 00:23, 28 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

HOW TO ANSWER OUR ENEMIES!--Preach Sex!       9/88       DO 2475

       (In response to reports about an anti-"sex cult" media campaign brewing in Japan:)

       1. We used to be called the Children of God, but we no longer go by that name because of all these lies our enemies have published against us. We changed our name. Our enemies have been lying against us for years.
       2. (Maria: The next thing they want to know is why do you have enemies?) Because "they that live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution!"--2Tim.3:12. Because the Devil's people hate us, that's why! Because we're doing good.
       3. Why did they hate Jesus?--That's one of the best answers you can ever give! Why did they persecute Jesus? Why did they kill Him? Why did they hang Him on a cruel cross?--Why, when He did nothing wrong at all, did nothing but good all the time! The Devil's people hated Him with a bitter hatred because He exposed them & their wickedness, their self-righteous hypocrisy & all the rest!
       4. They ask us why do we have enemies--why did Jesus have enemies? You can even say, why did Buddha have enemies? Why did Confucius have enemies? Why did Mohammed have enemies? Why did Moses have enemies? They all had enemies, bitter enemies! Why does Japan have enemies? They're so good & so self-righteous, they think they're so good, how come you guys have enemies? Don't you have any enemies? Don't you ever have anybody lie about you? They never tell why they really hate you. They always lie & give excuses for hating you, because they don't want to really confess the truth of why they really hate you. Don't you ever have any enemies? Why do your enemies hate you? Why do they lie about you? It's just that simple!
       5. Why have there been religious wars all down through history?--Because one religion hates another & is jealous of each other. Why did the Scribes & Pharisees hate Jesus & string Him up? It says in the Bible plain as day, for envy, that they were filled with envy, jealousy!--Mat.27:18.
       6. We just thought it was better to change our name than have all these lies constantly following us. They've never been able to prove one of them on us, not one, never!
       7. "But how about all these sexy pictures & all this sexy stuff in your books?" What's wrong with sex? What about all the sexy pictures you've got in your own magazines! What's wrong with that?
       8. "Yes, but you're religious people, you're Christians, you shouldn't have things like that!"--Why not? We believe in sex, we like it & we practice it!--Legitimate sex.
       9. "Why are you called the sex cult?"--Because we are a sexy cult, that's why! What's the matter with sex, don't you like sex? What's wrong with being sexy? What's wrong with having a sexy religion?
       10. How come these goody-goody self-righteous hypocrites of other religions hide the fact that they like sex? If they don't like sex, how come they have so many kids? They're just so damn hypocritically self-righteous, they think sex is evil, they want to hide the fact that they're sexy too!-- Plenty sexy! The Catholics have more kids than anybody in the whole World!
       11. That's what it all comes down to, is this religious propaganda against sex & nudity! "We think sex & nudity are beautiful creations of God, made for us to legitimately enjoy. We like sex & we like lots of it & so do you, don't kid us! So what's wrong with it? The most artistic cultures the World's ever known liked sex! The most beautiful art the World has ever known is nude! Somebody must think the nude body is beautiful, don't you? Don't you like pretty naked girls?" Just sock it to'm head-on!
       12. That's where the whole crunch comes, that sex is supposed to be evil & nudity is supposed to be bad! Just hit'm on it! Let's come out strong on our message! "God made us, God made sex! God made it all! He wasn't ashamed of it! Why are you ashamed of it? Why are the church people ashamed of it? It's a creation of God! He made the nerves that feel good!" All the stuff we've always taught, just sock it to'm head on! Of course they like sex!
       13. It's such a stupid idiotic controversy over sex! And all this other junk [DELETED], that's just an exaggeration & lies, that's all! Our enemies just carry it to the extreme & lie about us. They just figure that since we're sexy, then they can get people to believe that we're also illegitimately sexy. It's all lies, just lies of our enemies who hate us! They hate us for our freedom, they hate us for our sexiness, they hate us because they wish they could do it, they wish they could have such freedom, such liberation from all this bondage of these ridiculous taboos & traditions & no-no's!
       14. Let's not be a bit ashamed of sex at all & to admit that we're sexy! We're not ashamed of it! They say, "Then why do you hide it?" "Because you're ashamed of it, that's why! Because that's your custom, that's your traditions, your mores, your habits, & we don't want to offend them. There's not a sexier people on Earth than you Japanese! You've got sex in your comics, sex on television, sex in your clubs, sex in your love hotels. You've got it everywhere! So why are you accusing us of sex? What's wrong with sex? You like it & we like it! So what's bad about that? God made it for us to enjoy, so why shouldn't we? Why are you so ashamed of it? Why do you pretend you don't like it? Why do you accuse us of being sexy? So what? Why not?"
       15. (Maria: Okay, they'll say, "Well, we believe in legitimate sex too, but you guys go around with everybody else other than your mate & fucking everybody & thinking that that's all right.") Yeah? "Who in their right mind indiscriminantly makes love with just anyone, especially in this day & age!" (Maria: Well, they'll bring in the Bible on you to condemn you for ever fucking anyone besides your mate.)
       16. Oh, forget about the Mosaic Law! It's done & over with! You throw the Bible right back at them.--What Jesus said!: "God only has One Law now & that's Love, & we like love & we do plenty of it, & so do you! Why are you such a hypocrite? Why do you hide it? Why do you pretend not to like it? Why do your religions hide it? Why do other religions hide it or are ashamed of it & are hypocritical about it? Huh? We're just honest about it! God made it & we like it! He made us to enjoy & like it, so we do!" "But what about what Paul said about adultery?" "Who are you going to believe, Paul or Jesus?"
       17. I think we need to go on the attack! Quit conforming to their ways! "Be not conformed to this World, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, new creatures in Christ Jesus!"--Rom.12:2; 2Cor.5:17. We don't have to be ashamed of sex, we don't have to be ashamed of nudity! God has freed us, liberated us to enjoy His creation! Let's just come out openly & preach it, let the newspapers hear it, let the people hear it! Let's just attack it full force, full frontal! Give'm a full frontal attack!--Ha!
       18. "You mean to tell me you're encouraging pornography?"--Pornography? What's pornography? Is Michelangelo pornography? Is all the great classical art of the World pornography? Is the beauty of the human body pornography? What's pornography? Nudity? The natural beauty of a naked body? That's pornography?
       19. They say, "It's indecent, it's obscene, it's obscenity!" Yeah? Who said so? God made it! God made Adam & Eve stark naked, what was wrong with that? (Maria: Yes, & "He saw that it was good"!--Gen.1:31.) Yes! What's wrong with sex, anyhow? What's evil about it? Why do you have such a guilty conscience about sex? You must be the one that's doing wrong! You must be the one that's practicing evil sex!
       20. The only kind of sex that God ever really condemned was Sodomy!--Homosexuality! My God, the World is just full of it today, even the churches! Many of the priests in the Catholic Church are Sodomites. They'd rather have illegal sex or illegitimate sex, evil sex, "men with men working that which is unseemly" (Rom.1:27), rather than decent marriage! It's horrible!
       21. And they ask us, "What about adultery, blah blah?" There is no more adultery! The Mosaic Law has been done away with. "Whatsoever is in Love, against such there is no law." See what Paul himself said in Gal.5:22,23 & Rom.13:8. Let's preach it! Let's shout it from the housetops! I've been telling you guys for years, now you're going to have to challenge the World with it, come out & openly preach it!
       22. What's evil about what God made, anyhow? What's wrong with it? Your attitude, the religious doctrine that sex is evil & nudity is bad, is a reflection on God Himself! You're saying God's bad, His creation is bad! That's the Devil's own doctrine! This maligning of sex & nudity is a doctrine of the Devil! Sure, the Devil hates sex because God made it & intended for us to enjoy it, or He wouldn't have made all those nerves that feel so good! Why did He do that if sex is so evil?
       23. The fact of the matter is, the Devil hates sex because it makes people love each other & have children, which God also loves, to bring beauty & love into the World! Without sex there wouldn't be any mothers or fathers or children or loved ones or sweethearts or love! All the greatest stories in the World are love stories, & you can't have love stories without sex, or very little. Take sex out of the World & what have you got left? It's a lie of the Devil to malign sex & nudity! The Devil wishes he could take sex out of the World, then there'd be no more love, no more babies, no more mothers & fathers, no more anybody or anything!
       24. What have you got against sex? Why do you accuse us of evil just because we love sex? We like it, we love it, we do it! What's wrong with that? Why do you hide it? Why are you ashamed of it?--Just hit'm head on!--What's the matter with sex? What's the matter with love? What's love without sex? You wouldn't have any lovers, any husbands or wives, any babies, any mothers or fathers or grandparents for that matter! So what have you got against sex? Huh? What's so bad about it? What's so evil about sex? The only thing bad about sex is your evil attitude toward it, that's all!--And toward us because we're honest about it & open about it & tell the truth about it!
       25. Every false religion in the World forbids sex, limits sex, restricts sex, condemns sex as being something evil! You don't find the Bible condemning sex anywhere, only the wrong kind of sex. So what's the wrong kind of sex? Well, the Bible makes it very clear the wrong kind of sex is "men with men doing that which is evil," homosexuality, Sodomy, the misuse of women, the misuse of sexual organs, evil sex, perversion, masochism, unloving sex, sex that hurts somebody, sex without love, the kind of sex you practice!--That's evil sex! Because you don't love your wife, because you don't love your sex partner, you even try to hurt'm! Sex without love, that's evil sex! Sex in the wrong way, perverted sex, sex that hurts & damages & destroys the body, selfish sex!
       26. "Yeah, but we hear that you condone & promote masturbation!" What's wrong with masturbation? [DELETED] God made it to feel good! Why shouldn't they feel good? Why not masturbate? Doctors & psychologists even advise it! Show me in the Bible where it says you shouldn't masturbate. The Bible never said you shouldn't masturbate, it's only some of these damn religions that say it's a sin!
       27. God made you to need sex! If you can't find somebody else to give it to you, then why can't you give it to yourself? Why not? Get relief without having to go out & rape somebody, kill somebody, hurt somebody! All you have to do, God made a very simple little way to relieve yourself, satisfy yourself! Let's face it, everybody does it! You do it! You've done it all your life. Why are you ashamed of it? You're simply satisfying your sexual desire, what's wrong with that? It's a physical need just like eating! God made it so you can do it & satisfy it, so what's wrong with that? What's wrong with masturbation? You only think it's wrong because somebody told you it was wrong, that's all! These false religions tell you it's wrong!
       28. It makes me so angry, all these lies that these religions tell & teach that sex is evil & wrong & make it a virtue of doing without sex! Of all the stupid, idiotic things! It's no virtue to go without sex, except maybe for a few days to fast & pray as the Bible says, & then it orders you to come together again & not to withhold yourselves from each other.--1Cor.7:3-5. That's the sin, withholding yourself from each other. There's where there's a sin. If your wife withholds herself from you, that's sexual sin. Fucking's not a sin, masturbating's not a sin, but refusing to do it for your sex partner, denying sex to someone that you're supposed to be giving it to, that's a sin! Even denying sex to yourself is a sin! You need it! God made you to need it, He made you to want to satisfy it. To deny yourself sex is a sin, to deny your needs is a sin, to deny satisfying your needs is a sin--it's abusing your body!--Except perhaps for a short time while you pray or have something more important to do than sex.--Then the Bible explicitly commands you to go at it again afterwards! So what's wrong with sex? There's no place in the Bible that God ever forbade sex for long!
       29. What about adultery? Well, that was against the Mosaic Law. But now if it hurts no one, the Mosaic Law is done away with by the Love of God, God's Law of Love.--Rom.13:8 And as long as whatever you're doing is not hurting anybody else & not hurting yourself, then it's perfectly legitimate. Any kind of sex that hurts somebody else can be adultery. If you're fucking somebody's else's wife & her husband doesn't like it, that's adultery. Any kind of sex that hurts someone, hurts you or someone else, that's evil, that's bad. But perfectly natural normal sex that is legitimate & hurts no one, but satisfies people & makes them feel better & that they need, what's wrong with that?
       30. Just hit'm head on! Forget all this pussyfooting around! Sock it to'm! Tell'm the facts, tell'm the truth & be honest! Preach it! We're a sex cult? Okay, let's preach sex! God did, He made it! If sex is so evil, why did God make it? Why did He make you sexy if it's so bad? Why do you condemn us for sex? It's one of the most wonderful creations of God! Why do you condemn us for nude pictures? The World is full of nude art masterpieces!--Even in the churches! None of our nude pictures are evil, none of them are bad.
       31. (Maria: They have nude statues all over many cities & countries of the World.) Good night, yes! So what's wrong with that? Italy's full of them, & nearly all the other countries of the World are full of them! Somebody must like sex! Somebody must like nudity! Why are your magazines so full of pictures of pretty naked girls if you don't like sex & you don't believe in sex & something's wrong with sex?
       32. So, what's wrong with us being sexy? God is sexy! There's sex in Heaven! He made it for us to enjoy & we do!--Don't you? So why do you condemn us for it? If you don't like sex, go to Hell! They don't have any down there!--May God set you free!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family