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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

HOMEGOING '89!       DO 2492       12/88
--Solutions for Our Families Returning to Their Home Fields!
--Church in the Home!

       1. You who go back to your Home Fields, why not start a little Bible study group in your home--or someone else's home?--Church in the Home! This is the way that we really got started, something which we're accustomed to having & which, if you get enough converts, they'll want to come & fellowship with you & even give you support! Just don't expect too much of them, only that they get saved & attend your meetings & help support you. If you follow the Lord & know how to live by faith, you can do it.

       2. Their gifts to you won't be tax deductible, at least not in the U.S. You can't be officially authorised to be exempt from IRS taxes there because you're an independent church. Any group that is unaffiliated with an organised & recognised denomination is not a legal church in their eyes. Perhaps in other countries the situation may be different.

       3. And of course, you shouldn't [DELETED] talk about any unusual doctrines--like sex, church buildings, David, the [EDITED: "ACs"] or the Holy Spirit being female! Preach Christ & Him crucified! (Maria: Yes, & use your Bible mostly.) "If I be lifted up," Jesus said, "I will draw all men unto Me!"--John 12:32. Always sit there with your Bible on your lap showing you're preaching the Word, the Bible. You could preach all our basic doctrines right out of the Bible. Stick with the basics & don't get too involved with the added details that are more difficult to prove from the Scriptures.

       4. There's hardly anything more interesting for people to start on right now than Bible prophecy. That's what I did at the Light Club, I started off with Bible prophecy & they were just fascinated! All the kids then were worried about the atom bomb & the Vietnam War & all kinds of things. There's nothing you can preach to encourage people more in this uncertain day & age than Bible prophecy & its fulfillment. Most people are pretty ignorant of it. I would dare say that our Family knows more about true Bible prophecy & the true interpretation of it than any church on Earth, except the Angels themselves!

       5. So why not have a Church in the Home ministry? You can go straight home to your home country &, with others, rent a house for such a ministry. If they can do so [EDITED: "legally,"] without getting too entangled with the System, some of our large families could go straight onto welfare--then they'd have enough money to pay the rent & buy their food or get food stamps & everything else for their support while they're starting their little church in the home. (See "Word of Caution" footnote below.)

       6. People in the Christian countries are accustomed to the church concept & they're accustomed to the church idea. (Maria: Bible studies in the home are very popular right now.) Oh yes, they call them home study groups. You don't need to rent an extra building or build one or anything. You don't have to broadcast to everyone that you don't believe in churches, just let'm know that your home is the only place you can afford to meet, therefore that's what you do.

       7. It's a funny thing about people who are church-geared & meeting-oriented like most of those from Christian countries, they like to have some place to go to church. You win them to the Lord & they decide, "Well, let's see, being a Christian is going to church.--Where am I going to go to church now?" Just tell'm, "Well, come over to our Church in the Home & fellowship with other Christians like yourselves!"

       8. Keep up a fascinating study of Bible prophecy & other needed subjects right out of the Bible there on your lap! I was never so happy as when we began having informal meetings in homes & places where I could sit down while I talked & not have to stand up behind a pulpit for an hour or two! (Maria: This is a tremendous answer for all of our returning missionaries!) Well, it's one of the most natural things for you to do if you go back to your home field.

       9. You don't have to quit serving the Lord, you go right on serving the Lord. But make it a little more along the churchy line, Bible studies, etc. It's perfectly natural, just come home & rent a house & get the welfare to pay for it & for your rent & food until you can get something going.

       10. You'll be more credible with your members if you say, "I'm a pastor, I've had theological training."--You all certainly have! And you can get a certificate of graduation in theology & in pastoral training to prove it, just as bona fide as any other Bible College in the World.--Even more so! (Editor: Many stationery stores in the U.S. sell blank ordination certificates. Also, certificates & wallet-sized cards for those in N.A. can be obtained via the want ads in the {\ul \i National Enquirer} & other such newspapers.) You're an ordained minister (Jn.15:16), well qualified to preach the Gospel & teach the Bible! That's what most people are geared for & can understand & can receive & accept without thinking you're some kind of a real strange weird oddity of some kind.


       11. (Maria: You might have to start off with unsaved people because if they're Christians already, undoubtedly they'll already have a church.) Oh, that's what I'm talking about, & this was dear Fred's original idea as well. There's nothing new about it. He said you'd be better off to go out & win your own congregation instead of working over the Christians who are already hopeless cases!--This is what he was preaching!: "Go out & win souls right out of the raw heathen & then they'll love you & be so happy they'll receive anything you've got to say." They're so ignorant anyhow, they won't argue about doctrine, they don't have any!

       12. They don't know anything about the Bible, & they'd love to know something about it. They don't know anything about church, they don't go to church & they don't care for churches. He said just go out & win souls & invite them to your house for fellowship. (Maria: A lot of the home Bible studies advise even getting the unsaved people to come to your home & start them studying the Bible, which will then lead them to wanting to be saved. In other words, you don't even have to get them saved first, just invite them as friends to come to your house & study the Bible. A lot of people will go to church without being saved.)

       13. That's exactly what the Jehovah's Witnesses do. They will offer to start a Bible study in your home if you're even the least bit interested. (Maria: And then they tell you, "Well, why don't you get your neighbours to come," they suggest, "Why don't you invite your neighbours yourself, since you know them better than we do.")

       14. And everybody, even the sinners, know that it is a custom to pass the hat. I don't know why they have this custom of passing it just before the sermon, unless the preacher's afraid that after they hear the sermon they won't want to give him anything if it makes them mad! Personally, I like the idea of having a little gift box by the door. That's what I used to have & it worked pretty well. It caught people who came even when there wasn't any service on.

       15. In Christian countries this is an accepted custom, the whole idea of coming to a home for a prayer circle or a Bible study & that sort of thing, & having a gift box or even passing the offering plate & asking them to please donate, etc. (Maria: Our people are all beautifully prepared for this sort of thing, they've had so much training.) And think of how they can talk about their experiences on the mission field!--Almost all people, even Worldly people, respect missionaries.

       16. You could tell them you're a returned missionary, that your field was closed & you had to come home, so you thought you'd do a little evangelistic work at home & get a group together to study the Bible & have fellowship & prayer & even sing a few songs, have a home study group. You can also go out in the daytime & go house-to-house witnessing. That's pretty well accepted in Christian countries. You can take down names & addresses & you can follow-up & revisit, etc.--Especially the people who are very receptive. And if they've got a better home than yours, you can suggest to them, "Maybe you'd like to have a Bible study in your home & invite your friends & neighbours!"

       17. That's exactly what the Jehovah's Witnesses do, & they're the fastest growing denomination in the World! They're really going! The Jehovah's Witnesses are smart about avoiding church people. They have their strongest witnessing time Sunday morning when all the church people are in church! That way they're only reaching the people who are unchurched & the unsaved, etc., & they've found that much more profitable & fruitful than visiting at other times. They do that too of course, but they've found that Sunday morning hour is the most profitable of all because they're reaching the lost & the unsaved & the unchurched & they're not nearly as prejudiced as church people.

       18. I've known church people & preachers who even advocated that when you go to your door & you find a Mormon or a Jehovah's Witness or a Seventh-day Adventist standing there, just slam it in their face! I've heard preachers preach that from the pulpit!--Slam the door in their face! And I've had it happen to me! So church people are the most intolerant, prejudiced, narrow-minded, biased people in the World, & they're virtually a hopeless case! Besides, they've already got their church & they've already got their religion & you might as well leave them alone!--Mat.15:14.

       19. Go out & find the lost, the unsaved, the unchurched people who really have problems & need help & need prayer. And if you go house-to-house it's a method that has proven to be extremely fruitful. The Jehovah's Witnesses have proven it, the Mormons have proven it, the Seventh-day Adventists have proven it. They've virtually built their denominations on witnessing--witnessing on the street corners & witnessing house-to-house. The Jehovah's Witnesses won't even call their places churches, they call them Kingdom Halls. I'm sure they got the idea from the Brethren, they called theirs Gospel Halls. They didn't want to call them churches either, it sounded too churchy because most of the people they won were not church people, they were outsiders.


       20. Our people shouldn't go home feeling defeated, like they now have nothing to do for the Lord. They can go right back to doing what they were doing on the mission field, there's no difference! You don't have to tell them your denomination or anything like that. Just say, "Well, we just have a little independent Bible study group" or prayer circle or, "We have a little Gospel fellowship, would you like to come over to our house?"

       21. People are much more inclined to come to your house than your church. They're scared of churches. But they'll come to your house if you invite them like that. (Maria: Our Family certainly knows how to do it, they've had a Church of Love so many times, our kids know how to do skits & sing.) Just do it! Don't be afraid.

       22. But I would suggest you don't use any of our standard literature that's recognisable, as once you get recognised you might as well forget it!--Except possibly with some exceptional people you've won who don't care who or what you are. But the church people will probably drive you out of town once they find out! So you're going to have to use some new kind of literature, possibly the DFs if they've not already been identified.

       23. (Maria: I would also suggest that when you go door-to-door nowadays that you just have a man & a woman & maybe one child at the most, because that is also something we're really known for, going around door-to-door with a big bunch of kids.) Right, that's out because it's too identifying. For them to have one child, or at the most, maybe two, would probably be all right. (Maria: Kids can also be a distraction.) Yes, & actually the people often wonder why the kids are there & why they aren't in school.

       24. I've always said forget about having a program in which there are little kids if you want any attention at all. Kids are just natural attention-getters & everybody's watching the kid & his funny antics & what he's doing instead of watching or listening to you! (Maria: There'll be time enough for that when you have your Bible study & you can give the kids some time on the program.) Yes, & you don't have to get a baby sitter for your kids, just bring'm along. Or if you're having it in their home just tell'm they don't have to worry about their kids interrupting because we'll have something special for the children.

       25. Then give something that's good for kids, have a special nursery for the children or something. We even used to try to get the kids out of church, that's why they have those nurseries, because the little kids will really disturb the service. We used to have children's church for the older children, & a nursery for babies & toddlers. (See "Open the Door for the Children," No.588.)

       26. Good night, all I had was my little home when I first went to Valley Farms. Of course, Sunday School is the ideal time for reaching kids, & we were using our porch there because it was the biggest room in the house. Our big long porch was our church auditorium & we used that for the adult Bible class & the Sunday morning service, Sunday night & all the other adult meetings.

       27. But we had Sunday School going on in every single room of the house, bedrooms, kitchen, everything but the bathroom! The adult class used the livingroom & then the Sunday School had the various ages in the bedrooms!--In the bedrooms! You don't have to be ashamed of that. In fact, the kids kind of liked it. It was much less formal than church, you know. In fact, when we later moved into the church building it lacked that personal close, intimate touch. I didn't even like it as much. Well, that was the last church I ever had!

       28. Even if you've got ten of our families in the same city, each can have their own little group in their own particular neighborhood as long as they're not right next door to each other. You should scatter out as much as you can, each in a different part of the city, each in a totally different section or neighbourhood so each one can draw on as many people as possible.

       29. (Maria: They can still have their DAFs & LAFs & different Family meetings in the week so that the Family themselves can get the fellowship they need, but they don't have to get their Bible study members all mixed up.) Oh, of course, they should still have Family fellowships!--Everything that has worked on the field will work at home as long as you each call your Bible groups a different name & you don't use the same lit & you avoid being identified every way you possibly can. (Maria: That'll take a lot of wisdom & they'll have to re-educate their children on some things.)--Yes, characteristic phrases & expressions & all kinds of things. Well, if they're wise about it, it can be done.

       30. That's what Brother Ware did.--He'd been on the mission field in Spain & Cuba for years, & he finally came home. He went where there were still lots of people who spoke Spanish in Tucson. He was in Florida awhile & then finally Tucson, where for awhile he had his own little churches in the home. Finally he wound up with that church in Tucson, I think it was called the Gospel Lighthouse, where we stayed for awhile.


       31. There are Chinatowns, Japanese towns, Indian towns, there are different ethnic sections in almost every big city. You who speak those languages could move right into those sections. This is the way we used to try to train people before they even went to the field. We'd tell them, "You want to go to Africa?--Go down to Coloured town & win souls!" "You want to go to India? Go down to Southhall!"--That section in South London where we started a Home so our folks could work with the Indian people there.

       32. Why don't you do the same sort of thing? There are not too many missionaries who can speak those languages who come home & start a church for those people in their own section of town. I believe it would be very fruitful, I'm sure it would be! And because you're a citizen of your home country, you have more freedom, you speak the language & you have every right to do that sort of thing, to have a church in your home or Bible study group. Then you can do all your marriage counselling or childcare counselling or whatever.

       33. Long before the days of psychiatry, people went to their pastors for counselling & advice according to the Bible & the Scriptures & the Lord! Psychiatry was established by some demon-possessed men, Freud & Nietzsche & some of those guys. It's a whole new profession. People now go to their shrink, their psychiatrist instead of their pastor. He's their pastor, he's their counsellor with all his devilish counsel!--Jam.3:15.

       34. You've already had your most difficult job, coming home should be easy! --Very easy compared to what you had on the field, where you had visa problems, immigration problems, language problems, support problems & everything! And if you speak a foreign language, try to find a section where they speak it, so you can minister to those people in their own language. There're very likely not too many other pastors or preachers who can reach them.

       35. You've almost got an exclusive franchise! (Maria: And those churchy preachers don't even know how to reach them, they don't have the right approach.) No, & they don't know their customs, they don't know the ways of those people, they don't know their beliefs or understand them.

       36. I remember when we were pastors, evangelists, we wouldn't have thought of going to anybody foreign at all. "Chinatown? --How can I go to Chinatown, I don't speak Chinese!" "The Japanese area? Impossible! I don't even speak their language!" (Maria: Even if you did speak their language, you wouldn't know how you could possibly win those "strange Easterners" to the Lord.)

       37. There were very few of Fred's students who were qualified to go to the Jews, but I had a great knowledge of the Jews & had been interested in them for years, lived with them & everything else, & later found out even my Grandfather was a Jew. Now I'm pretty sure that both my Grandfathers were & therefore my parents were Jewish!

       38. But I'd developed a tremendous interest in the Jews, so when I went to Fred's witnessing school, they sent me to the Jews because that's where I wanted to go. They said, "Okay, you want to go to Israel, win some in Israel?--Go down here in Boyle Heights where there's nothing but Jews, & you can win friends & influence people & win souls there! If you can do it there, you can do it in Israel!" Well, I found out about the Jews of Boyle Heights just about what I later found out about the Jews of Israel, winning them was pretty nigh impossible!


       39. Our kids should be relieved & thankful that they are now tremendously better qualified than any of these graduates from these Bible Colleges with degrees & ordinations & all that stuff. They're far better qualified to start a church & to get out & witness & win souls & win a congregation & to minister to them! They're far better qualified than all these Bible school graduates put together!

       40. They've had better training on the field, better training in the languages & customs, working with foreigners, etc. Just like Brother Ware did: He went to the parts of the States that had Spanish speakers, large concentrations of Spanish speakers, & he ministered to them. And he finally got residency in the U.S. Just think, he & his family were all British so he was going to a foreign country! How much easier it'd be for our people to go back to their own country.

       41. The minute you really do intensive witnessing you're going to have some souls saved & they're going to want to fellowship with you & come to your home to visit & have Bible studies.--Especially prophecy classes.

       42. A ministry like this has got every kind of advantage.--I ought to know, I've done it! (Maria: Sometimes you can reach them first on the basis of some need they have in their marriage or with their children. If you help them in any way with their marriage or their children, which are the two most important things to them, they'll be so thankful. They'll want to repay you in some way.) Amen.


       43. Another possibility is schools, Christian schools. I know from experience because I taught in one for three years. Even in a state as strict as California, almost anybody could start a private school, a Christian school. Your teachers didn't even have to be accredited, they didn't even have to have degrees. You could even start it in your home. (See FSMs 122 & 123.) Of course, most of them were started in their churches.

       44. The only requirements the State of California had at that time were that you keep the same schedule, the same hours & follow the same curriculum, which meant that you used the same text books as in the public school & you kept the same school hours & also that you had suitable quarters that were sanitary with restrooms & all that sort of thing. That was also important. And of course you had to have some kind of teachers, & if you had any that did have credentials or had degrees or anything, that was always helpful.

       45. If you can start a school, then you could explain why you have so many children. Churches & schools are well thought of, respected, accepted & customary, & people won't think it's strange at all. In all the years I pastored I never had anybody come around & ask to see my ordination certificate except once, & that's when I caused trouble in somebody else's church & they called the cops & the police asked to see my ordination. They said, "If you'll show us that you really are an ordained minister, we won't take you to jail. --Otherwise, we're going to book you! We'll let you go if you really are an ordained minister."--That's the only time anybody ever asked to see my credentials.


       46. In almost every Christian country you have a right to practice your religion, "freedom of religion & speech, press," etc. And therefore, you can go home & start Bible groups, Churches in the Home, as well as get out & witness, publish literature, etc. Just don't have any reference to You Know Who & make sure that things are different enough that they can't identify you. Okay?

       47. I've been waiting on the Lord to give me something to encourage our folks who are going home, that they're not finished, nothing's changed, just the name. Nothing's changed except they're probably going to be even freer now & more legal & living in a more affluent country that can afford to support them.--And they're supposed to be Christian countries that are more geared to doing things like that, where their religion is the most popular religion in the country, Christianity.--And most people are supposed to be Christians or ex-Christians or nominal Christians, at least they're used to Christianity. That's their culture at least, they're used to churches & used to Christianity & used to religion & used to Home Bible studies & all kinds of stuff.

       48. So get with it! Start a Church in the Home today! GBY! WLY!
+ + +


       "We've been counselling the Homes in North America to depend more on the Lord to supply the funds through outreach rather than through System jobs or welfare. It's true that although welfare can be a help, most Homes in the USA & Canada who have taken advantage of it 'just temporarily' end up sucked into dependence on it. Most of the Homes who receive welfare are those who are doing the least as far as outreach or supporting missionaries on the field. We don't feel that no Home should take advantage of it, as Dad has said in past Letters that we should take advantage of what we can get from the System. But we'd like to emphasise to the Homes the importance of using it as an opportunity to witness more & do more for the Lord, otherwise it's not so good.
       "There's also the other side of the coin, 'Caesar's Pound of Flesh,' & when people start depending on the System welfare benefits for their main support, they start to compromise in so many areas. They're afraid to witness very much because the welfare authorities might [DELETED] cut their allotments. They have to either put their kids in public school or hide them inside all day, because apparently to be eligible for welfare your kids need to be in a public school, or at least in a private school. Little by little the compromises can grow until it practically annuls their witness & usefulness to the Lord. So it seems to us that although it has its advantages if used wisely, it can also be a real trap of the Enemy for those who are weaker."

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