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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

HOW TO WITNESS TO PAGANS!        12/87--Give'm Jesus!        DO 2389

       1. I think that should be our attack! We shouldn't beat around the bush with big theological questions about God & who God is. That's what Jesus came for, to show everybody Who God is. So we should just talk about Jesus, just preach Jesus, the Man who went about everywhere doing good & healing all that were oppressed of the Devil (Acts 10:38), of which there are millions upon millions! We shouldn't be ashamed of Jesus, He has a pretty good reputation!
       2. They know about Jesus. They've heard about Him & they like Him. So you shouldn't worry about hiding Jesus. Jesus is our biggest asset & we ought to talk about Jesus more & not hide Jesus. Just say frankly, flat-out, "We're Christians, we love Jesus, & He loves you!
       3. "God is our Heavenly Father, the great Heavenly Spirit of Love! His Son Jesus is God in the flesh, Who came to show us God's Love! Do you like Love? Jesus is Love! Jesus is God's Love & He wants to love you! Would you like for Jesus to love you? He wants to love you! He loves you & you should love Him! He's the good God, the God of Love!" See? They like that!
       4. The Easterners have lots of gods, & most of them aren't very good & they're not very loving, so they like the picture of Jesus, the God of Love & compassion Who goes about everywhere doing good & healing all who are oppressed of the Devil. They know they're oppressed of the Devil, they just want to know how to get out of it.--And you know!--Through Jesus!
       5. "Just take Jesus, it's just that simple! Just ask Jesus to come into your heart & He'll deliver you from all those devils that plague you night & day & cause you so much trouble! The devils & demons & bad gods are real, but they're bad, & you know they're bad because you've suffered many afflictions of them. But Jesus has come to deliver you & love you and take them all away!" PTL! TYJ!
       6. "You just need to ask Jesus into your heart! You don't have to understand it or reason it out or think it out, but just take Jesus! He's the good God of Love Who can chase away all the bad gods! He's the Light that chases away the Darkness! He's the Love that chases away the Hate! He's the Good that chases away the Evil!
       7. "You just need to take Jesus & ask Jesus to come into your heart! He's the good God of Love & Mercy & Forgiveness & everything that's good! He'll take away everything that's bad & evil & give you Light & Love, Mercy & Forgiveness, Joy & Happiness & everything good, & He'll take away all the bad.
       8. "Just ask Jesus to come in & let the Light in! It's just that simple, let the Light in to chase away the Darkness! Let the Love in to chase away the Hate! Jesus is the good God! You've heard about Him, you've read about Him, that He is so good & went about everywhere doing good & healing all who were oppressed of the Devil, & He wants to heal you!"
       9. You don't need to get into a big theological discussion about atonement & "Jesus died for your sins & you're a sinner & you need to ask Jesus to forgive you & you need to do this & that, believe this & that". They know they're having problems. They may not know it's sin, what sin is or anything, but they know that they have problems with evil & bad & bad problems. They know everything's not good & everything's not right & not well, & they have lots of problems. Just tell them,
       10. "You want to get rid of all your problems?--All that darkness? Just let Jesus the Light in! Jesus said, `I am the Way, the Truth & the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me!' No one can go to Heaven without Jesus! The Father is Love & nobody can have true Love without Jesus! You have some love maybe for your loved ones & family, but you don't have real Forever Love without Jesus! So you just have to ask Jesus to come in!"
       11. It's that simple! Don't get in big arguments or big theological discussions or big theological questions. Don't even tell them they're sinners! "You want to get rid of your problems? You want Love? You want Light? You want answers? Just take Jesus! Jesus is Love! He's Light! He loves you & He'll get rid of all your problems, just take Jesus! Just take Jesus, that's all!"
       12. They know they have problems, they know everything's not right! "You want to get everything straightened out in your life & make everything right & have everything go well & peaceful & good? Jesus is the Spirit of Goodness & Light & Love, & He'll solve all your problems, just ask Jesus to come into your heart! Jesus is the good Spirit of Love & Light!
       13. "Get rid of all those bad spirits, you don't have to worship them! You don't have to worship all those bad spirits, you don't have to ask the bad devils & demons to quit bothering you! Just take in the good Spirit, the Spirit of Love & Light, Jesus, & He will get rid of all those bad spirits & protect you from them & answer all your problems & make you feel good & happy!
       14. "Jesus is the Good Spirit of Love & of Light! You know about spirits. You know about bad spirits, evil spirits, devils & demons that give you trouble & problems. You go to their shrines & temples & you try to ask them to stop bothering you, you try to give them peace offerings to get'm to quit bothering you, right? You try to make peace with the Devil so he won't bother you & will leave you alone. Well, that won't do it!
       15. "You need to make peace with the Good Spirit of Love & Light, Jesus! He's the good God, the God of Love & Light & Goodness & Peace! If you let Jesus in, the Good God, the God of Love & Light, the Good Spirit, you'll get rid of all those evil spirits & all those bad gods! He's more powerful than any other god, because Love is more powerful than anything else on Earth!" It's that simple!--"Just ask Jesus into your life!
       16. "Yes, we proclaim a new God, a God you don't know. You've heard about Him, but we're here talking about Him. We know Him, we have Him, & you can have Him too if you'll just open your heart & ask Him to come in! He's Light & Love & He'll chase away all those bad evil spirits & He'll protect you from them, so you won't need to fear them! He'll be your good God, your Good Spirit of Love! He'll protect you from all those evil spirits of badness & trouble & worry & problems, if you just let Jesus in. He's the Good Spirit of Love to get rid of all those bad evil spirits!" That's all you need to know.
       17. Don't worry about theological doctrines & big heavy theological questions! Just say, "Do you want to get rid of all those evil spirits of problems & troubles & bad & fears & darkness? Just receive Jesus, the God of Love & Light & Peace & Joy & Happiness, & He'll chase'm all away!"--In Jesus' name! TYL! Hallelujah!
       18. You don't have to worry about proving He's God's Son or "He died for you & you're a sinner & you need Him to forgive you & save you" & all that stuff! They don't understand that! But they understand spirits! They understand mostly bad spirits that give them lots of trouble until they make peace offerings, until they pray to them to leave them alone, get away from them & stop bothering them!
       19. They just need to let Jesus prove to them that He's the Good Spirit of Love & Light & Power that can deliver them from all those evil spirits & bad spirits & can fill their life with Light, Love, Peace, Happiness & Joy & get rid of all the bad ones, deliver them from all the power of the evil ones!
       20. Just preach Jesus! Preach Jesus, "the God of Love, the Spirit of Light & Joy & Peace & Happiness Who can help you get rid of all the bad & evil & problems in your life!" Don't go into all kinds of Christian doctrine on faith & "you're evil, you're a sinner, you're bad & Jesus is God's Son" & Who God is & "God is this & God is that & Jesus is His Son & He died for you & your sins & you have to receive Him", blah blah! They don't understand it.
       21. But they know about spirits, they worship spirits!--Devils & demons & all kinds of things! They pray to them & ask them to leave them alone! So you just tell them you represent the Good Spirit, the Spirit of Love & Light, the most powerful Spirit of all!--Jesus! "All you need to do is just ask Jesus into your heart & get rid of all these other spirits & bad spirits & evil spirits & spirits of oppression & trouble & all the spirits of darkness & evil! He'll come into your heart & make it all light & bright & happy, the Spirit of Love--Jesus!"
       22. Don't get into any big questions about who's God & what God & all this stuff, just talk about Jesus! "And I, if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me!" "They went everywhere preaching Jesus & healing all that were oppressed of the Devil in the Name of Jesus!"
       23. Just talk about Jesus, the God of Love & Light & Power, a Spirit Who can get rid of all these other evil demons & spirits that oppress & cause trouble! "He can deliver you once & for all from all those bad, evil gods & spirits that you pray to & ask them to please stop bothering you!" Everywhere they worship the Devil & ask him to be good to them & please don't do them evil, everywhere throughout Paganism!
       24. They have gods! They know demons & evil spirits, they know all about the bad gods & they pray to them & ask them to deliver them & not do them harm or damage. They offer them sacrifices of food & everything & ask them to, "Please be good to me, please don't hurt me! Look, I recognise you. Look, I honour you. Look, I worship you. Look, I ask you to please not hurt me, please be good to me!" And so those devils & demons, they ease off a little bit as long as they get honoured & worshipped & appreciated & recognised, but then they come back to give them more trouble when they don't get enough honour, recognition & worship! They keep having to worship them to get them to leave them alone. It's ridiculous!
       25. Tell'm you have a new God, you have a more powerful God, the greater stronger Spirit of Good & Love & Light that can chase all the rest of them away! You have the greatest God of all, Jesus! "Just ask Jesus to come into your heart & He can get rid of all the rest of them, you see? We have Jesus, we have the new God, Jesus, the most powerful God of all, the God of Light & Love, the great & powerful Spirit of Love, Jesus! You can have Him, just ask Him to come into your heart & He'll chase away all these other evil gods, devils & demons that cause you trouble!" (Maria: "He'll help you through your problems, He'll give you solutions!")--Yes! "He'll deliver you from all these evil spirits & demons & bad gods!
       26. "You may have some battles, you still have to have some battles with these evil gods & evil spirits, but now you have a good God, a bright, happy God of Love to help you fight the Devil & all his demons! Just take Jesus into your heart & you've got a very great powerful good Spirit of Light & Love to help you fight the Devil & all his demons and all these bad gods!--In Jesus' name! Amen!
       27. "All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart & He'll take over! He'll bring in Light & Love & goodness & help you fight all the evil, in the Name of Jesus! PTL! That's something even a child can understand, a little child. You know sometimes you've been bad! You know sometimes you have a hard time fighting evil & evil spirits that make you be bad!
       28. "Just ask Jesus, the good God, to come in, the God of Love & Light! He will help you fight all those evil spirits, all that badness & all that darkness & all that evil! He'll help you! It won't be the end of the fight, but you'll have a great, powerful, much more wonderful good Spirit of Light & Love, a good God, to help you fight the bad gods!" Amen? PTL! TYJ! Hallelujah!
       29. There are a lot of people who are so good & so self-righteous that they don't consider themselves sinners. Forget about that! But they know they're having problems with evil spirits & bad things, & you just brought them the Solution, the Answer, the Good Spirit, the good powerful Spirit of Love & Light that chases away all the shades of Darkness! (Sings:)
"Jesus, God of Light Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       30. That's what you need to tell them! "Jesus is the good God of Light & Love, the good Spirit, the mighty Spirit, a mighty Power, more powerful than all the other gods!--More powerful than any demons or devils & evil gods, & He can drive them all away if you just take Him into your heart! You want the good Spirit? You want the good Spirit of Light & Love & Goodness & Power to conquer all the bad gods & evil gods & devils & demons that try to hurt you?
       31. "Just take Jesus! Jesus is the most powerful God of all! He's the powerful God of Love & Light who can chase away all your darkness, all the demons & devils of Hell that trouble you! You don't have to pray to them any more or sacrifice to them to leave you alone! Just ask Jesus to come in & fight them, & Jesus will help! See? It's that simple!
       32. "Do you want the biggest, most powerful God of all, the God of Love & Light that loves you, doesn't trouble you but tries to help you & help you fight all the other bad ones, the evil ones that give you trouble? PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! We represent the good God, the God of Love, Light, Strength & Power, more powerful than all the gods of Hell & Satan & the Devil, able to do battle with them all if you just let Him, if you just ask Him to `Please come help me, Jesus, to fight all these evil spirits of darkness & trouble!'
       33. "You don't have to worship them any more or pray to them or offer peace offerings to them, just ask Jesus to come into your heart & He'll help you to fight them! And He can overcome them! He said, `All power is given unto Me in Heaven & in Earth!' (Mat. 28:18) Hallelujah! TYJ! He is the good God, the powerful God of Love & Light, the Great Good Spirit that fights all evil spirits, & all you need to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart. Then you've got the greatest, best, most powerful God of all Who's your Friend, Who loves you & wants to help you & not hurt you like all these others." PYL! Hallelujah! TYJ! Amen, TYL!
       34. We need a new concept of sin & being a sinner, a new idea of what it is to be a sinner! What is it to be a sinner? It's to know that you need help! What is it to be a sinner? It's to know you can't save yourself! So you don't have to talk about sin & sinners, just talk about, "You need help, right? You found out you can't save yourself. You need help! You do!--And Jesus is the One you need to help you!"
       35. Quit talking about these old dogmatic dogmas & doctrines of sin & Salvation & blah blah blah! They know that they're in trouble & they need help, so we need to just preach "Jesus is your Helper, He's your Saviour, the One Who can help you & save you from all these troubles." They don't realise these troubles are sins, in a way, or caused by sin, but you just tell them,
       36. "You know you have a lot of troubles & you found out you cannot save yourself from all these troubles, right? You need some help, you need a Saviour to save you from your troubles, & Jesus is your Saviour, the good God of Love & Light & Mercy & Truth!
       37. "You just need to ask Jesus to help you! Do you want Jesus to help you?--The greatest God of all, the great Spirit of Goodness & Light & Love, you want Him to help you? You need help, you need to be saved, you need to have a Saviour? Okay, ask Jesus to come in & He'll save you & help you in your troubles. OK? Understand? PTL!"
       38. Now that's the kind of thing you can preach at clubs or schools or wherever! "You have a lot of troubles, you have problems." Of course they know they have troubles & problems. "You've found out you can't save yourself, you don't have the answers, you need help? Okay, Jesus is your Helper! He's the great, good God of Love & Light & Help! He wants to help you & save you from your troubles & your problems. Just ask Jesus for help! Ask Him to come into your life & help you & save you from all your problems & your troubles! See?"
       39. Isn't that recognising the need of a Saviour? You don't have to talk about sin or anything, just the acknowledgement that you need help is recognition of sin, that you can't save yourself. That's recognition of inadequacy. In other words, if you're inadequate, you're unable to help yourself, then you're a sinner! Savvy?
       40. Don't talk about sin & being a sinner, just talk about trouble, your troubles & your problems. They don't know it, but they're caused by sin of course. What's the greatest sin?--To think you can save yourself! That's the greatest sin. What's confession of sin?--To confess you need help, that you can't save yourself! That's what you need to stress:
       41. "You know you need help, you know you can't save yourself, you've tried & nothing helps, you need Jesus' help! He's the great good God of Love & Light & Power that can help you & save you from all your troubles & problems, help you fight them! Just let Him come into your life & ask Him to help you! Just ask Jesus to help you!"
       42. We'll have to change the Sinner's Prayer: "Dear Jesus, I need help! I've tried to save myself from all these troubles & problems, but I can't, I just haven't been able to do it! I've heard You're the good Spirit of Love & Light & Power & Blessing that can help me & save me from all my troubles & trials & problems & being unable to help myself. So please come into my heart & life & help me to fight all these troubles & problems & evil spirits & bad gods! Help me, Jesus! Save me, Jesus! Help me & save me & bless me & keep me! Help me fight all these evil spirits & be good, in Jesus' name, amen!" PTL! TYJ!
       43. "I need help! I have lots of problems & troubles & I'm harrassed by evil spirits! O Jesus, Spirit of Love & Light & Mercy & Truth, please help me! Come into my life & my heart & my mind, my spirit, & help me fight all of this evil. Deliver me, Lord, in Jesus' name! Help me, Jesus! Save me, Jesus, from all this darkness & evil, in Jesus' name, amen."
       44. Don't you think Jesus will answer a prayer like that? Of course He will! The greatest confession of all is that you need help! You don't have to confess, "I'm a sinner", they don't quite understand that. A confession of being a sinner is to confess you need help, you need to be saved from your troubles & problems & evil spirits! Amen?
       45. "Jesus, Lord, I have a lot of problems & troubles & evil spirits. Jesus, please help me, save me! I believe You're the God of Love & Light & Mercy, & if You are, Lord, save me! Show me!--In Jesus' name!" That's how my Mother got saved, she said, "Lord, if You are God, if there is a God, please help me!" "Jesus, if You are the God of Love & Light & Peace & Goodness, then please help me, save me, deliver me! I ask in Your name, in Jesus' name, amen!" Don't you think the Lord will answer that prayer? Of course He will! TYJ!
       46. Now Lord, I need help, please help me in Jesus' name, save me & help me to go to sleep! I've delivered Your Message, Lord, now please help me to fight the Devil's sleeplessness & worry & Evil, Lord! You're my God, I love You, Jesus, now deliver me, Lord! I need help! I can't save myself, I need Your help, please!--In Jesus' name, amen! TYJ! Amen. I've done my job. I need help to go to sleep now, please, in Jesus' name!
       47. "Help me, Lord, save me! If You're the God of Love & Peace & Light & Power & Good, then please save me, Jesus, from all these evil ones, bad ones that cause me so much trouble, in Jesus' name, amen! TYL! Help me, Jesus! PYL! Hallelujah! TYL! Save me, Jesus! I need You, Jesus, to help me fight the Devil, to fight all the Evil, Lord! In Jesus' name, help me, Lord!"
       48. That's the answer! We just have to portray Jesus as the Answer to all their problems & troubles! "He's the good God of Love & Mercy & help in time of need.--A Helper, a Saviour, a Friend, Lover, the One Who loves you, & the Spirit of Love & Light & Mercy Who wants to help you fight all these evil demons & the darkness & trouble & problems. You can fight them in Jesus' name! Just call on Jesus & He'll help you! Take Jesus, He'll save you! Just ask Jesus, He'll be more than happy to fight the devils & all the demons of Hell & false gods & evil spirits that trouble you! Amen?"
       49. I know, because I have to do it every night! I need help! I need a Saviour! And He has to save me every night from all the evil devils & demons & evil spirits that attack & cause me troubles & problems & worries & sleeplessness! I ask Jesus to help me & He helps me! He turns my darkness into day, chases the shade of night away! That's a real good song! (Sings:) "Holy Ghost with Light Divine, come into this heart of mine!" We could sing that as "Holy Jesus!" (Sings:)
"Holy Jesus, Light Divine!
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       50. "Holy Jesus", they'd understand that better, instead of Holy Ghost!
"Holy Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"
"Holy Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the devils of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       51. PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ! I think they would understand that song! "Holy Jesus, Light Divine, come into this heart of mine! Chase the shades..." Shades are devils, demons, ghosts!--Darkness! They know they're in darkness, they know they don't have the answers, they have problems, all seems dark, dismal & demonic, trouble, problems, darkness, sponsored by the shades of night, the demons of Hell! "Chase the shades of Hell away, turn my darkness into day!" PTL! TYJ! --In Jesus' name, amen!
       52. That's the solution, that's the answer! They know they have a lot of problems with troubles of demons & devils & evil gods that they worship & they try to appease & they pray to & they sacrifice to, to ask them to stop bothering them, & help them by stopping bothering them. "Go away & leave me alone", that's what they're praying! "Please go away & leave me alone! Here's my offering, here's my gift, here's my recognition, here's my worship, now go away & leave me alone!" But they don't, not permanently. So they need to pray now for Jesus, the great God of Goodness & Love & Mercy & Power, the good Spirit, more powerful than all of them Who can chase them all away forever, for good, so they'll never come back! And even if they do, He can help you fight'm! Amen? (Sings:)
"Precious Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the ghosts of Hell away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       53. PYJ! TYL! Amen! Whoever wrote that was inspired! He knew what it was to have trouble with shades & darkness & evil & he was asking the Lord to deliver him, help him, bring in the Light, chase away the darkness! Help me, Jesus, with Your Love, Lord, good God of Love & Mercy & Light & Truth & Power, in Jesus' name! Hallelujah! TYL! (Sings:)
"Holy Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       54. That's good to say "demons" instead of "shades": "Chase these devils of night away, turn my darkness into day!" PYJ! Hallelujah! TYJ! And we know He'll answer that prayer! Amen! They just need to know Jesus is the Deliverer, a Lover, Saviour, Helper, Who wants to help them, the good Spirit, Light & Love & Power & peace of mind & happiness, Who can chase all these devils of darkness away, all their problems & all their questions & all their troubles & give them all the answers to everything, the good God Who loves them & wants to help them & save them if they'll just ask Him to help them! We need to emphasise Healer too! He's their Helper, Healer, Saviour, King!
       55. They just need to ask for help! That's a confession, that you need help. They don't know it, but that's a confession that you're a sinner, you can't save yourself. You need help! What more can you say? "What more can He say than to you He hath said?--To you who to Jesus for refuge have fled!" They need to confess that they need help, that's all, that they can't save themselves! They need Jesus to save them, ask Jesus to save them. Amen?
       56. That's the Answer, that's It! PTL!--JESUS! They all know they need help, that they know! They need help. They may not know they're sinners & they may not know they need to confess sin, but they know & they confess that they need help, right? So just tell them, "Okay, here's Jesus, He wants to help you, He can help you! He's the great & most powerful Spirit of all, the Spirit of Goodness & Love & Light, the Helper, the Saviour Who wants to help you & save you from all these devils & demons & troubles & problems that beset you! Ask Jesus to come in, & His Light will chase away the Darkness, the Love will chase away the Evil!"
       57. They all know they need help, they're just trying to find it! Where can I find help, somebody to help me! Say, "Jesus is your Helper, Jesus wants to help you! Jesus wants to save you & help you. He's your Saviour, ask Him to help you, come into your heart & chase away the darkness & the devils & the demons & the problems & the troubles! Jesus is the God of Love & Light! He's the great Good Spirit Who wants to chase away all these evil spirits & evil gods, devils & demons! Just ask Jesus to come in! Sing this little song with me, pray this little prayer with me!" (Sings:)
"Jesus, Love & Light Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase these ghosts of Hell away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       58. --In Jesus' name, come into my heart, Lord Jesus! (Sings:) "Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus! Come in today, come in to stay, come into my heart, Lord Jesus!" But see, that doesn't really tell why or the problem--I think that other song is even better, because it really explains the problem. (Sings:)
"Holy Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase these devils of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"
"Jesus, God of Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase these devils of dark away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       59. PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ! I think they'll understand that, amen?
"Holy Jesus, Love Divine,
Come into this heart of mine!
Chase the shades of night away,
Turn my darkness into day!"

       60. PYL! Hallelujah! TYJ!--In Jesus' name! Do it, Lord, in Jesus' name! PTL! Amen.
       61. That's the approach, that's the appeal, that's the explanation! "What do I need Jesus for?" "You know what you need Jesus for! You've got all these troubles & problems & devil gods that attack you, & demons & trials & problems & no answers. Jesus is the Answer to it all! You just need Jesus! Ask Him to help you.
       62. "I'm here to tell you about Jesus, the Way, the Truth & the Life! Just ask Him to save you, ask Him to come into your heart & help you fight all these problems & troubles & trials & devils & evil forces & influences! He's the great, powerful God, the good God, the kind & loving God Who wants to help & save you! So ask Jesus to help you! You've asked all these other gods to help you & what have they done for you? You're in worse shape than ever! Now ask Jesus to help you, & watch what happens!" TYJ! Hallelujah!
       63. Advertise Jesus, promote your product! "He's something better than you've ever had before! He'll do it, just try Him!" What more can you ask than that? "What more can He say than to you He hath said? To You Who for refuge to Jesus have fled!" Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! Help them, Lord, to pray to You, Jesus! Help them to cry out to You, Jesus, & ask You to save them & redeem them from all their troubles!--In Jesus' name, amen.

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