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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.
Poster - Peace In The Midst Of Storm.jpg


HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A BIG STORM, A POWERFUL HURRICANE, EARTHQUAKE OR TYPHOON? Were you afraid or scared or worried? Well, most people are when caught in such storms because they never know if they're going to get blown away or if the lightning is going to strike them or the wind will rip the roof off their house or somehow hurt or even kill them!

BUT THIS LITTLE FAMILY IS PEACEFUL & UNAFRAID, even though all around them a terrible storm is raging!--The wind is howling, big trees are being uprooted & blown down, lightning is flashing & thunder is crashing! But they don't look worried at all! They're perfectly at peace & at rest!

DO YOU KNOW WHAT A MOTHER HEN DOES WITH HER LITTLE CHICKS WHENEVER DANGER IS NEAR? She gathers them under her wings & covers & protects them there. Well, the Bible says that the Lord does the same thing with His children.--"He shall cover you, & under His wings you can trust. There you need not fear the terror by night, nor the destruction by day, for the Lord is your refuge & place of protection." (Psalm 91)

IF WE BELONG TO THE LORD & STAY CLOSE TO HIM, HE WILL TAKE CARE OF US.--ALWAYS! So that even if we're in the middle of a terrible storm like we see in this picture, His strong & loving Heavenly hands will be there to keep, protect & take care of us. Even when all is dark & stormy outside, we can have the sunshine of His love & rainbow of His blessings & peace inside!

DID YOU EVER HEAR THE BIBLE STORY OF RAHAB?--A long time ago, there was a city called Jericho which was so wicked that God was going to punish & destroy it. But within the city was a dear little woman named Rahab who was kind & helpful to God's children. And because she was good to God's people, God was good to her!

THE HUGE PROTECTIVE WALLS THAT RAN AROUND JERICHO WERE VERY HIGH & VERY THICK--so thick that many people actually had their houses on the walls, as did Rahab. When the day of God's judgements came, He shook the city & caused the entire wall to collapse to the ground!--Except for one tiny little part of it that remained standing all alone--& that was the house of Rahab! Because she had faith & because she had received & been good to God's children, when He destroyed the entire city & everybody else in it, her little house didn't fall & she & her family were spared & protected! (Josh.2 & 6)

SO WHY WORRY?--IF YOU'RE THE LORD'S CHILD, HE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU! His children who stay close to Him live in a charmed circle of His protection! It's like a special force-field that nothing can get through without His permission! Of course this doesn't mean that the Lord will never allow us to be harmed or tested, but He'll never allow us to have any insufferable harm or any unbearable damage, & He promises to always save us out of our troubles. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all!" (Ps.34:19)

IF HE DOESN'T DELIVER US SO THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU BELONG TO HIM.--Then you'll know that everything will be all right & that whatever happens to you will be for your good. He says that "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord." (Rom.8:28) If you are His child, you'll know that everything that happens in your life comes from Him & is somehow for your good!

THEN EVEN IF THERE'S A TERRIBLE STORM & GREAT DESTRUCTION ALL AROUND YOU, you won't need to fear! The Lord says, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, I am thy God!--You shall be safe in the midst of storm, in the hollow of My hand, for underneath you are My Everlasting Arms." (Isa.41:10; Deut.33:27)--He is always there, He'll never ever leave you, for He promises, "I am with you always, even to the End of the World!" (Mt.28:20)

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SUCH PEACE & ASSURANCE & HEAVENLY PROTECTION, all you need to do is receive & love God's Son, Jesus! Then, no matter what difficulties or hardships arise in your life, He will help you to brave the storms & face the winds & not be swept away! No matter how dark the clouds become that may sometimes overshadow you, the Light of His Love will always come bursting through to encourage you & to give you hope & strength to pull through!

HE & HIS LOVE ARE JUST THAT WONDERFUL! He will brighten your life & give you peace that the Bible says even "passes your own understanding--perfect peace, because you trust in Him!" (Phil.4:7; Isa.26:3) No matter how dark or stormy or difficult the outward conditions may be, in your heart the sun can always be shining, the birds can always be singing, the flowers can always be blossoming, & all can be well & happy in Him!

SO MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH HIS PEACE & HIS LOVE THROUGH THE ONE & ONLY "PRINCE OF PEACE", JESUS CHRIST!--He loves you & will come into your life right now if you'll just ask Him into your heart! He says, "Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart) & knock. If any man hear My voice & open the door, I will come into him." (Rev.3:20)

SIMPLY PRAY: "Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God & that You died for me. Please forgive me for all my sins. I ask You, Jesus, to please come into my heart & give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life! Help me to love You & to love others by telling them about You & Your Love.--In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

Copyright © 1997 by The Family