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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.
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Visions of Paradise

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO WATCH A 3-DIMENSIONAL VIDEO OF ADAM & EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN? --Not just a movie with actors playing roles, but Adam & Eve themselves, just the way they were, living & loving in the original Paradise of God! Well, such Visions of Paradise will soon be possible!

THAT HUGE CRYSTAL BALL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM ON THIS POSTER IS A HEAVENLY 3-DIMENSIONAL TV! It can be viewed from all angles & in it you can watch the events & mysteries of the past as they actually happened! Imagine being able to tune into any period of history, any characters, & watch what really happened, the real thing!--The history of Creation, Adam meeting Eve for the first time, whatever you wanted to see!

OF COURSE, THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU COULD SEE SUCH WONDERS AS THIS IS IN HEAVEN! --Which, according to the Bible, isnot just a fantasy dreamland way off in outer space somewhere, but an even more amazing Dream City that's going to come down from God, out of space, to a beautiful renewed Earth ! And God is going to come down & live with us, & we with Him, in that Heavenly City! (Rev.21:1-3)

THE GREAT HEAVENLY SPACE CITY, THE WONDERFUL HOME THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR ALL OF HIS CHILDREN, is on its way down from outer space to Earth right now ! The Bible gives us a detailed description of this great pyramid-shaped City of God, telling us that its base will stand upon the Earth a gigantic 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide, & its peak will reach way into space, 1500 miles high !--With plenty of room for billions ! (Rev.21:16)

BUT I DON'T THINK YOU CAN REALLY APPRECIATE JUST HOW WONDERFUL HEAVEN WILL BE UNLESS YOU FIRST KNOW HOW WONDERFUL YOU WILL BE WHEN YOU GET THERE! According to the Bible, God's Son, Jesus, is going to return very soon, "in the clouds with power & great glory" (Matthew 24:30), to save the World from total destruction!--And at this time, all of God's saved children will be instantly changed ! They will receive new super-bodies that will fly up from off the Earth to meet Jesus in the air! (1Th.4:16,17)

WE WHO KNOW & LOVE THE LORD WILL THEN BE LIKE JESUS WAS WHEN HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! It says that we are going to have bodies just like His ! (Phil.3:21; 1Jn.3:2) After He came back from the grave, He was able to appear or disappear, walk right through solid walls or locked doors, & fly from one place to another with the speed of thought! (Lk.24:30,31,51; Jn.20:26)--And we will be able to do the same !--Just like that happy couple flying in to visit & watch Adam & Eve on 3-D TV!

BUT EVEN THOUGH OUR NEW SUPER-BODIES WILL IN SOME WAYS BE MUCH DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WE NOW HAVE, in many ways they will be very much the same, as was Jesus'. (Lk.24:36-44; Jn.21:9-13) Our new bodies are going to be able to enjoy all the fun things & pleasures that our Earthly bodies enjoy now !

AFTER ALL, IT WAS GOD WHO CREATED ALL THE GOOD FEELINGS & SENSES & PLEASURES OF LIFE THAT WE ENJOY EVEN NOW! So in our new, powerful, wonderful super-bodies we'll still be able to eat & drink & be merry, have fun, make love & enjoy all the pleasures of this present life! And in our Heavenly bodies we will be able to enjoy all of these things to the full !--Even more than we do now!

AND IF WE'RE GOING TO BE ENJOYING SEX & LOVE-MAKING IN HEAVEN --just like the angels did with the beautiful young women on Earth before the Flood (Gen.6:2,4)--why shouldn't we have children there too?-- Born right in Heaven ! I was thinking about it one day, wondering why the Lord made so much extra room in that gigantic Heavenly City, so I asked, "Lord, what do You need so much room for ?" And He said, "Who said there weren't going to be more people born there?"--The perfect place to be born & grow up, where all is safe & beautiful, with no dangers & no strangers!

EVERYBODY LIVING THERE IN THE HEAVENLY CITY IS GOING TO BE SO GOOD & HONEST, LOVING & KIND, really loving the Lord & caring for each other. It will be the perfect society, the perfect community!--With everyone working & living & loving together in beautiful peace & harmony, just like all the happy people in this picture, enjoying the " Visions of Paradise " on their 3-D TV!

AND THE HOUSING THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THIS WORLD!--HEAVENLY! --The Bible says that the entire City is made of a beautiful kind of "pure gold that is clear as glass "! (Rev.21:18) And Jesus promised, "In My Father's House are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also!" (Jn.14:2,3)

JESUS HIMSELF HAS PREPARED A BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL-GOLD MANSION FOR EACH OF HIS SAVED CHILDREN! --Where you & all of your friends & family & loves & loved ones can live & love & enjoy the Lord & each other & His wonderful Gift of Eternal Life forever !--With no more pain, sickness, sorrows, tears, evil, sin or death!--Only love & laughter & peace ever after! And it's all rent-free!--Built & already-paid-for by Jesus !

IS THERE A MANSION, & ALL OF ITS MARVELS, WAITING FOR YOU IN GOD'S GREAT GOLDEN CITY? Reserve one now by receiving Jesus today ! All you have to do is to ask Jesus into your heart, then you'll know that that Heavenly City is your eternal Home!--"The Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ, our Lord!" (Rom.6:23)

JUST PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER & JESUS WILL COME INTO YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW: "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins. I believe that You are the Son of God & that You died for me. I now open the door of my heart & I ask You, Jesus, to please come in & give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life. Help me to love You & to love others by telling them about You & Your love. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."


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