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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

AN APOLOGY FROM HO!       25/11/80       DO 952-6
--With Dad's Comments in Parentheses.

Greece, 9 November 1980

Dearest Dad, Maria, & Peter,

       GIJN! GBY! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR MERCY, LOVE, & PATIENCE WITH ME in letting me come to be with Faithy & MWM's camp. (TTL!) Since I arrived here three days ago it has been a tremendous blessing to have Faith & Juan's counsel, insight & through them their passing on to me direction & counsel from you. (GB'M!) They've been letting me listen to the cassettes you made to the MWM people here & they're also letting me read over the drafts of some of the new unpublished Letters. (Sorry you weren't more interested in'm.--You seem to follow afar off.)

       TODAY THEY LET ME READ "PORNO MOVIES." When reading this letter I was inspired how you stated so clearly what has always been your view on sex, & nude beauty the way God intended it to be & the difference between that & the devilish, perverted, junk sex portrayed in porno movies.

       MAY I PLEASE STATE CLEARLY THAT I AGREE 100% that the sick, perverted, junk sex of porno movies should have no place in our lives in any form, action or movies. You have always taught & I have believed that the Devil's perversion & distortion of sex into something dirty, debased & debauched is what God is against.

       THIS SICKENING JUNK SEX SHOULD NOT BE CONDONED OR TOLERATED & certainly not groveled in by watching porno movies, which is like a pig wallowing in the mire. (Amen.)

       THANK GOD FOR THE BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN, PURE, LOVING, FREE SEX THAT HE'S GIVEN US, & we have no need or attraction to the Devil's perverted, distorted portrayal of it. I certainly agree that those who like the Devil's perverted sex must be sick in head, heart, & spirit. You have always raised & taught us to have a free, positive, clean, beautiful, romantic outlook on sex as a wonderful gift from God. Your actions & example have always been to look at sex as godly, beautiful, clean fun, & given by God to enjoy, not pervert.

       ESTHER WAS CERTAINLY WRONG & off the beam to say that you or I would be the first to watch perverted porno movies. That was a bad testimony & misrepresentation that was certainly untrue, & I'd like to state that definitely. She was quite out of it & with a very wrong spirit about sex herself at that time. She had only been having sex with her fish in an unblessed System situation which had come to naught just before her trip to the Philippines. She had also been through a long period of out of fellowship sex with only her "special fish," & had stopped having sex with anyone in the Family for a long time. Certainly she was not living as an example of having clean, pure, free, loving sex within the Family, or FFing to sacrificially minister to others for Jesus.

       HER TRIP TO THE PHILIPPINES WAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESCAPING the Systemite influences of her fish & then recuperate in spirit, soul & body with the help of fellowship with the Lord & the Family, in a more pioneering & witnessing situation instead of living with a fish.

       SAM & KEZIA HELPED HER, along with the faithful spiritual Family members in the Philippines through their example of living the Words of David. During my visit there with them all, we never watched any porno movies & did not encourage anyone else to do so & did not state that you watched or liked porno movies. So it was certainly proven to be false "that the porno movies would be the first that you or I would watch." They are not.

       ESTHER HAS SINCE THIS TIME BEEN CORRECTED & RECEIVED THE CORRECTION. (We don't know! We have not heard from her for two years! She was in Europe & refused to even see us!) God is now working to cleanse, purge & restore her & I & our whole family to more faithful usefulness in God's service. (We hope so, but as yet have seen no such signs in Esther.)

       WE ASK FORGIVENESS FOR THE WAYS IN WHICH WE HAVE FAILED to live up to the example you've been & the truths you've taught us. You have certainly led us in the right Godly direction, & I pray that we can, will & do follow by God's grace & strength. (--If you'd only obey!--And "Follow God!")

       ONE THING I'M SURE OF, IS THAT THE WORD & EXAMPLE GOD HAS GIVEN US THROUGH YOU IS CORRECT, no matter what we do or how much we fail. I pray that our mistakes & failures can be a lesson to others not to do the same, & I thank God for His mercy that He's still willing to use us. May God continue to strengthen you as you correct us & lead us in the way that we should go.

       EVERYTHING YOU STATED IN THE LETTER "PORNO MOVIES" IS WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS BELIEVED & PRACTICED, & I'm with you whole-heartedly without any reservations. God is dealing with Esther, & I pray that she makes it for God's work's sake, souls & the Family, & the same goes for me, too. (--And for her sake & the kids!--And yours!)

       THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXAMPLE OF LOVE, PATIENCE & MERCY which is a sample of Jesus to us all. I pray to follow it in truth & obedience always, so that I may remain yours & His son, always abiding in your love, Ho. GBY. OXOXO ILY.

  • * *

       1. (DAD'S REPLY: PTL! GBY, SON! THANKS FOR TRYING TO HELP US UNDERSTAND YOUR PROBLEMS. Just sorry you didn't keep in better touch sooner. I'm sorry Esther has had such a bad influence on you, with her doubts, murmurs & rebellion against the Lord, us & His Word.

       2. (MAY GOD HELP HER TO REPENT & CHANGE--OR LEAVE! She needs to confess her deplorable spiritual condition & repent of her horrible doubts, murmurs & defiant disobediences & awful degrading influence on you that led you astray! May God have mercy on you both & your precious children!

       3. (WE'RE HOPING & PRAYING FOR YOU FOR BETTER THINGS IN THE FUTURE! God has opened unto you a "great & effectual door" (1Cor.16:9) there in China, & we surely hope you don't miss this "Golden Opportunity" (see Letter No.951). May the Lord restore you to renewed fellowship & obedience & usefulness in His Kingdom with a restored fruitful ministry for Him & lost souls! May you be a Spirit-led, wise & loving China Pioneer! They need you! PTL! GBY! WLY!--Dad.)

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