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ANGELO OF ZOAGLI!        DO 2510        18/2/89
--Promises to Our Dear Friend in Italy!
--And the Glories of the Future!

       1. I had a vision of Zoagli, that we were there again. It was beautiful! Do you remember Angelo?--The little man at the coffee shop. He was blessed of the Lord because he received us & believed on us. My dream was in the Millennium, & he was rejoicing that we came to see him & we loved him.

       2. He always wanted to cook for us. Remember? And so he cooked for us. The Millennium is amazing, it's so much like things now, only everything is so good & so much better! He didn't get to join us because his wife & his mother or her mother resisted us. (Maria: Do you mean at that time when we were there before?) Yes. And now they're sorry. They are now underlings but he is one of the rulers, a ruler of Zoagli, & they are ashamed, ashamed & in contempt because they resisted, they refused & they didn't believe.

       3. They're still there, but now they are underlings & he rules. (Maria: Is she still his wife?) Yes! But now she has to obey. She is in shame & contempt, but now he is happy. Isn't that wonderful? Thank You Jesus! He finally got to cook for us. The Lord is going to bless him & his business & his faith & his love for me, & he will carry on far into the Golden Age of the wonders of God's Love! TYJ! Amen!

       4. People don't realise how real the Millennium is & how similar it is to now. We rule. That's really the only difference, that we rule. (Maria: They'll be learning the things we're learning now, right?) Yes. (Maria: And we'll be teaching them the things that we learned?) Yes. We have the authority, we have the power, & we can enforce it if they don't obey.

       5. But he hungered, he wanted to join us then. He wanted to go with me, but that evil mother & her daughter fought us. Now they're going to regret it. That will be their suffering & that will be their pain, for they shall suffer for their unbelief. They shall serve. They shall serve that they may learn. TYJ! PYL!

       6. Angelo is born again! He really received & loved & became a new creature in Christ Jesus. Angelo is saved, Honey! Don't worry about it. It's wonderful! TYJ! PYL!

       7. Oh, Honey! We have so many places to go!--So many old friends & converts, it will be such a day of rejoicing, such an hour of victory to glory in the defeat of the Enemy! Amen! In Jesus' name, amen!

       8. I can now drink for victory, wonderful wonderful victory in the Lord that we've had here tonight! Let's celebrate! This is a special occasion! (Maria: But in the morning it hurts you.) Why can't we suffer a little bit celebrating victory for the Lord? I'll feel fine! TYJ! This is only a little bit, special for celebration.

       9. Angelo would have come right then. He volunteered, Honey. He wanted to go with me. "Take me with you. I'll cook for you, do anything for you!" I mean he fell in love with me. He was receptive, responsive to the Spirit, you know that, Honey! It was a miracle! He's just one of God's Own, that's all. He was one of the Lord's. He wanted to drop everything & forsake all & follow me. But his evil mother & his selfish wife hindered him.

       10. Wherever he is now, bless & keep him, Lord! He's one of Your children. Help him to know that I love him & I have not forsaken him. No, I will not leave or forsake him, even unto the end of the World, & then again some day he will serve me, Lord.--Cook for me & make cappucino for me, & they will be ashamed, disgraced & ashamed!

       11. But Lord, You will have mercy on them, & when they repent & they're sorry & have suffered enough humiliation, if they really repent & are sorry, You will bring them back to serve. In Jesus' name.

       12. But glorify Angelo, Lord, because he received us! He believed in us, Lord, & he would have followed us if we could have taken him, Lord. In Jesus' name. TYL! He said, "Please take me with you. I want to go wherever you go! I want to cook for you." Wasn't that wonderful? (Maria: That's beautiful!) So sweet & so simple! Just like the disciples wanted to forsake all & follow the Lord. Lord, give him credit for that, Lord. His wife & mother-in-law fought him, & we really didn't have any place to take him then, Lord.

       13. So it wasn't all his fault, Lord, that he couldn't make it. But Lord, in the future, in the Millennium, I want You to bless Angelo & give him a place in Thy Kingdom that he may have fun & be happy & cook for me because he loved me, Lord. Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL!

       14. Oh my God! We have so many wonderful, wonderful things to look forward to, Honey! All of those wonderful people & friends that we loved! (Maria: We'll be able to communicate better, too.) Even those little kids & young people who slept in our room in Mama Sieben's. That little girl & that big girl, remember, that I loved & I kissed them good night & prayed for them?

       15. (Maria: And one of the most wonderful things is we'll be able to communicate with them better.) Oh yes, yes, yes! TYJ! In Jesus' name. (Maria: We'll be able to speak Angelo's language better then, huh?) Amen! Oh, we did pretty good. And he really loved us. He really was fascinated. He was sensitive in the Spirit, you know? He's the Lord's boy, Honey! I'm sure the Lord is taking care of him. (Maria: He loved Davidito too.) Oh, he was really spiritual! He really was sensitive in the spirit. It's just because he's a son of God, Honey. That's why. In Jesus' name, amen.

       16. The Lord has been so good to us & we've had so many wonderful days! I look back to the days of those cappucinos on Angelo's balcony looking out over Zoagli & the sea. Those were some of the days of Heaven on Earth! Isn't that wonderful? We're going to get to do that again in the Millennium, & Angelo is going to be so happy! And his wife & mother are going to be so ashamed! Isn't that pitiful? But then they have to be, & they're going to be sorry. They're going to be repentant, right? And then they're going to come & lie down at Jesus' feet. XXXXXXX!

       17. Hallelujah! TYL! I've had such a wonderful, wonderful evening! The Lord has been so good to encourage me, inspire me, even tell me we're going to go back & see Angelo!


       18. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord has called His special ones whom He loved through us. The policeman in Famagusta (Cyprus) & Mr. John at the hotel. He was another one, Honey. Oh, there are so many that the Lord really loved through us. And Tomas, too, the policeman. The Lord has so many chosen ones, you know, special ones that He loved & loved through us. And we're going to see them again soon. Isn't that wonderful?

       19. My God! We'll be able to travel around without passports, transportation or anything, to see all the precious precious ones that the Lord loves. TYJ! We can even dance again! That will be such a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful World of Magic, to meet all of our old friends whom we loved & who really loved us & who received us & our Spirit of Jesus! Isn't that wonderful?

       20. And Nana Maskouri, that singer, I know that she loves Jesus & I love her! And I'm going to show her my love. Isn't that wonderful? She wants love. She hungers for love! That's why she sings like that, & I am going to give her the love of her life that she wants! Isn't that wonderful? I love you! But you must learn to be strong in the Spirit even if you're weak in the flesh, otherwise you will miss a lot. PTL! TYJ!

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