From XFamily - Children of God
Revision as of 03:36, 13 April 2005 by Thorwald (talk | contribs) ("Michael Andrew Darley" + misc.)

Abbreviation for European Central Reporting Office. Manages Europe, Africa, and most of Russia and is administered in the town of Flüelen, Switzerland (located near Altdorf, which is near Zürich and Zug).

See Leaders > Regional Offices for additional information.


- Senior CO and runs office in Switzerland
- American
- location: Fluelen, Switzerland
- aliases: Gallio/Gallieo
- Continental Officer
- location: Leányfalu, Hungary
- aliases: Lois
  • Lisa (not her legal name)
- Continental Officer
- Norwegian
- location: Africa
  • Magda (not her legal name)
- Junior Continental Officer
- Polish
- location: Russia/Poland

External links