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[[Category:HomeARC ML 2001-2200]]

Latest revision as of 22:04, 27 July 2006

DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


       1. IT'S ALWAYS EXCITING WHEN YOU KNOW THAT SOMEONE WHO LOVES YOU HAS A SPECIAL GIFT, SURPRISE OR REWARD TO GIVE YOU for your Birthday, Christmas or some other special day! Someone Who loves you very much--Jesus--has the best, most wonderful Heavenly surprises that you have ever imagined waiting for those who love Him!
       2. BUT BEFORE WE RECEIVE THOSE WONDERFUL REWARDS, JESUS IS GOING TO COME BACK HERE TO EARTH TO TAKE US ALL TO HEAVEN TO BE WITH HIM! He's going to return in the clouds of the sky, & with a mighty voice He's going to call all of His children from all around the World to come up & meet Him in the air! He will rescue all of us from this old World & all of its wars & troubles! (Mt.24:30,31)
       3. WHEN HE RETURNS, NEW BODIES OF ALL OF GOD'S PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY DIED WILL RISE UP OUT OF THEIR GRAVES, right out of the ground!--And all of those who are still alive will suddenly be changed! In one moment, the body you have now will suddenly become a new kind of super-body that will fly up into the sky to meet the Lord! (1Cor.15:51,52; 1Thes.4:16,17)
       4. THEN JESUS IS GOING TO TAKE US ALL TO A GREAT BIG PARTY!--The biggest, happiest, most fun & exciting party you've ever been to or even imagined! You'll see Jesus face-to-face & you'll get to meet all of the great Saints & Apostles of the Bible & all of the wonderful folks who love the Lord who have ever lived!
       5. THIS WONDERFUL PARTY, THE "MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB" (Rev.19:6-9), will be held in God's Heavenly Space City!--The greatest, most beautiful & wonderful place ever created!--Floating through space on its way to Earth right now! (Rev.21) There's going to be laughter & singing & music & dancing & loving & playing!
       6. IT'S AT THIS GREAT PARTY IN HEAVEN THAT JESUS IS GOING TO REWARD ALL OF HIS GOOD CHILDREN! We will all come & stand before the "Judgement Seat of Christ", as we see in this picture where the little boy is standing before the Lord, receiving his reward! (Rom.14:10) Those other children behind him are waiting for their turn to come & stand before Jesus too.
       7. JESUS SAID, "BE FAITHFUL UNTO THE END, & I WILL GIVE YOU A CROWN OF LIFE!" (Rev.2:10)--And that's what He's giving this boy! A Crown of Life is like a crown of light, or a halo, a shiny glowing crown!--How brightly your halo will glow then, will have a lot to do with how faithful you are to the Lord now!
       8. THE BIBLE SAYS THAT GOD'S CHILDREN WHO ARE FAITHFUL & who tell others about Jesus & lead them to the Lord, will "shine as the brightness of the stars for ever & ever!" (Dan.12:3) When they stand before Jesus, they'll receive a shiny sparkling crown & a great reward from the Lord! Through all Eternity, folks will see this little boy & they'll say, "Look at how bright that boy's crown is!--He must have really done his best for Jesus!"
       9. BUT SAD TO SAY, SOME ARE GOING TO BE ASHAMED when they see Jesus, when they see how much He loved them & how much He did for them, & they realise how little they did for Him in return! (Dan.12:2) He says that those who are ashamed of Him & His name before others, He will be ashamed of them before God & the angels of Heaven! (Mk.8:38)
       10. BUT TO THOSE WHO WERE NOT ASHAMED to live for Him & to tell others about Him, He's going to say, "Well done, thou good & faithful servant! Come on in, enter the joy of the Lord!" (Mt.25:21) And all Heaven will cheer & applaud & rejoice!--Like all those people on the balcony watching this faithful boy get his reward.
       11. THAT SPARKLING SHINING STONE ON THE NECKLACE THAT JESUS IS ALSO GIVING THE BOY IS A SPECIAL WHITE STONE that He promises to give all of His faithful servants. Do you like secrets? Well, in that stone there will be a new name written, which no man knows, except the one who receives it! (Rev.2:17)--A secret new name!
       12. DO YOU WANT A CROWN & REWARD FROM THE LORD?--Then just be faithful to Jesus!--"There's only one life, it will soon be past!--Only what's done for Jesus will last!" The only things that will last into Eternity, that you'll be able to keep with you in Heaven, are the things that you do for Him now! And the most important thing, Jesus said, is to love God & to love your neighbour as yourself! And if you really love your neighbour, you'll tell him about Jesus, & try to show him love by being kind & loving & helpful.--Right?
       13. ARE YOU LIVING YOUR LIFE FOR JESUS & OTHERS?--If so, He has a great reward for you! It says in the Bible that God will not forget the good things you do, the things you do out of love, & that He has a great big Book that He writes everything down in! (Heb.6:10; Mal.3:16,17) So even when you do nice or kind things for others & nobody seems to see or appreciate it, remember, Jesus sees it & He will remember it!
       14. AND THOUGH YOU CAN EARN & WORK FOR YOUR HEAVENLY REWARDS, YOU CAN'T EARN OR WORK YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN!--Because none of us can possibly be good enough or work hard enough to earn God's forgiveness for our sins! This is why God sent His Son Jesus into the World--to die & to take the punishment that we deserve for our sins! And if we'll just confess that we're sinners & ask Jesus to forgive & save us, He will!
       15. ARE YOU ONE OF HIS SAVED CHILDREN who will rise to meet Him in the air, & then go to that wonderful Party in Heaven? If you're not sure, simply pray this little prayer & Jesus will come into your heart to stay right now:
       16. "DEAR JESUS, I BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD & that You died for me. Please forgive me for all my sins. I now open the door of my heart & I ask You, Jesus, to please come in & give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life! Help me to love You & to love others by telling them about You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
       GOD BLESS YOU! We love you & would be happy to send you more information & beautiful Posters on a variety of subjects, if you'll write us at the address below.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family