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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

WHY HISTORY!--A Grandpa Lesson!       DO 2604       11/88

       (Prayer before a movie about World War 2:)

       1. PTL! TYL! Thank You Lord that we know You & we know Love, we know the Truth, we know history, what it really is, & we know about the lies that the ACs have told! We know that what really happened in the war is not what the ACs have twisted & contorted & lied about & used to their own propaganda advantage. So help us to learn what really happened & what didn't happen & who did it & who is trying to lie to whom, & who's trying to propagandise for their own ends in order to try to take over the World!

       2. We are learning history, & despite what is shown in the movie, some of which is true, help the kids to understand what really happened & why! It's like a dramatised history class, Lord, so may they be edified, educated & informed so that they won't be ignorant, in Jesus' name. TYL!


       3. I'll tell you, the enemies of the Truth are willing to stoop to anything!--And this is something you kids need to know & I'm drumming into you, how the ACs have rewritten history, & all the heroes are the villains & the villains are the heroes! You need it & I need to teach you, but it's pretty heavy & pretty depressing. Most of World history is pretty depressing but you still need to know about it. You can't just be dumb ignoramuses!


       4. The World would not have been taught a lesson if the ACs had not taken over! If Hitler had won & crushed the Communists, then there'd be no Communism today & there'd be no ACs running the World & there would be no Antichrist! But history has to be fulfilled! God has to let Man's cup of iniquity be filled to overflowing to show the World & all Heaven & the Angels how evil & how wicked Man is, & why He has to destroy them!

       5. Why does He have to have Armageddon & wipe out the wicked?--Because "though mercy is shown to the wicked, he will never learn righteousness!"--Isa.26:10. So even the wicked, like the ACs & their Antichrist government, have got to come into being to, number one, punish a wicked World. An evil people deserve an evil ruler, & the people who've gotten so wicked & evil deserve to have a monster for their king! And number two, in a way, the Antichrist arises to keep the World from going completely to pot!

       6. See, God has to let this come on the World because they won't learn any other way but by force! He's got to let the World go ahead & show the whole Universe how wicked they'll be if they have their own way! God let them choose between good & evil, & the vast majority of the people have chosen evil, so He has to punish them for it. And He has to punish them by letting them even have their own way & their own evil king, the Antichrist!


       7. God gave the World several chances to make the right choice to save themselves. He has given them chance after chance to choose the right leader, to do the right thing & to avoid some of these wars, etc., but they chose evil every single time! We don't want to go back too far, but I could give you a lot of examples all the way back through history.

       8. He gave the World a chance to save themselves from Communism by cooperating with Hitler. Hitler was trying to help Germany, because Germany was going [DELETED] Communist! If the Allies had cooperated with Hitler & wiped out Communism it would be a different World today! But what did they do? The [DELETED] ACs decided that they didn't want Communism wiped out because that was their own creation. They wanted Hitler wiped out, because otherwise he would crush Communism & they wouldn't have a chance to put up their Antichrist, the one they call their "Supreme Lord" or "Super Emperor" or something like that.

       9. So God gave them another chance, He gave America a chance to choose between the Communists & the Nazis. [DELETED]


       10. Are you getting the point of this, though? God gave them chance after chance to save themselves from Communism. Now I'll go further back than WW II. FDR (Roosevelt) was a pro-Communist, [DELETED] anti-Hitler [DELETED], but they had elected him to office on his promise that he would cancel Prohibition. (Prohibition prohibited the sale of any alcoholic beverages in the United States.) They chose liquor, they chose Communism & they chose FDR! They made nearly all the wrong choices.

       11. Everybody knew FDR was a pro-Communist & one of his promises if he got elected was that he would recognise Russia--Communism--at which nearly all Christians, of course, were horrified! The government of the United States had refused to recognise Russian Communism from the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917 until Roosevelt in 1932. FDR made all the wrong choices, but he promised to pull them out of the Depression. So in spite of the wrong choices that he promised, they voted for him to try to save their own necks, & led the World further over to Communism & led the World in making Russia & the Communists a great power!

       12. The people had a chance time & again to make the right choice, but they kept making the wrong choices! They chose FDR & Communism instead of choosing someone who would help to crush the Communists.


       13. God has given Man the majesty of choice, & if he's constantly going to make the wrong choices, then he has to be shown how wrong he is & the disastrous effects which we & the World are suffering right now because of how wicked Man is & how he keeps making the wrong choices.

       14. One of these days soon he's going to choose to serve the Antichrist! Wicked Man won't give a damn if he's anti-God, anti-Christ, [DELETED] & everything else! There's only one thing the average man wants to do, & that is to save his own neck! So he'll choose the Antichrist who promises prosperity, security, to end the wars & all the rest, "Just worship me!" Therefore the people will be willing to worship him just to get the so-called "benefits."--Economic security, a solution to the Depression, a stop to wars, "Just worship me!"--And they will worship him out of selfishness, to their own ends, etc.


       15. So that's why God has to let it all happen! [DELETED] [EDITED: "The people"] literally felt they were choosing the good, because they considered Hitler evil & horrible & made him out to be a monster, a beast!--And they thought Hirohito was another terrible monster & beast.

       16. The ACs had everything completely twisted around in their propaganda! See, when you control the media like the ACs do--the movies, the newspapers, television & all the sources of information--then you can make up people's minds, you influence them! You tell them what to think! That's what the ACs have been doing for the last hundred years, telling people what to think so they'll make all the wrong decisions in favour of the ACs!

       17. I'm teaching you a very important principle! That's why the World has gotten so rotten & so horrible, because these horrible people make the wrong choices for the wrong people & the wrong things! They made a choice for both World Wars. The U.S. didn't have to get into those World Wars, they did it for nothing in the World but to save the ACs!

       18. But the Lord allowed the U.S. to win the war because the World deserved the judgements that are soon to come. He allowed Hitler to be defeated, someone who could have defeated Communism, because the World deserved Communism because of its wickedness! Since Man has free choice, when he chooses evil, God's got to let him have his way--up to a point! One of these days, though, He's going to finally stop him forcibly because He can't let him go any further. But He has to let Man go his own way & make these wrong choices to show how horrible Man can get with freedom of choice.


       19. (Techi: What if they had made the [DELETED] decision & not bombed Japan, but had [EDITED: "stopped fighting"] with Japan & with Hitler?) Well, the World would probably go on a lot longer & a lot more peaceably, etc. But wouldn't you rather have Heaven come soon? The faster World history moves towards the End, the better I like it! The worse it gets, the sooner it's going to get better! It's kind of tough to have to suffer these End Days, but aren't you glad it's going to be over very soon? Aren't you willing to suffer the Endtime & the Tribulation in order that Heaven can come?

       20. Because no matter how good the World is, it'll never be that good! There will never be that many people who make the right choices & are good people. Because even with Heaven on Earth in the Millennium, look what happens!--The nations rebel against the Lord again!--Rev.20:7,8. It just shows that Man left to his own devices bringeth himself to shame.--Pro.29:15. The whole thing is to show the Universe, Heaven & Earth, Angels & everybody that if Man is left to his own devices & his own choices, the vast majority of men will choose evil! From the time of Adam & Eve when He left them to make their own choice, what did they choose? (Kids: Evil.)

       21. The vast majority are not the precious, loyal, faithful minority of believers, but the vast majority of the people always choose evil! The Lord also gives choices for this reason: To find out who really love Him & really will be loyal, the heroes of this war!--To show the World why some people deserve crowns & rewards, because they stood out against the evil.--Like we do!--Because they fought a battle against the forces of evil even when they knew they couldn't win, at least not in this present situation. We'll only win it in the long run.

       22. We're not conquering the forces of evil right now, are we? In a way, they really are conquering us. In the World today, who's really winning, good or evil? (Techi: Evil.) So that's why in the long run, to save us, the Lord has to take us out of the World so He can destroy them. Well, He couldn't do all that if He dragged this out further & further, & it would never be very good no matter if Hitler or Hirohito or whoever conquered the World! It would just drag it out, because eventually the vast majority will always choose evil. The majority are always wrong!


       23. Your question was: "Why didn't Hirohito win the war [DELETED]?" [DELETED]

       24. You say, "Well, why didn't God stop Hitler? Why didn't He stop the Japanese? Why didn't He stop the Communists? Why isn't He going to stop the Antichrist? Why does He let the Antichrist arise?" Why? (Techi: Because otherwise His promises couldn't be fulfilled, & also because their cup of iniquity wouldn't be full enough & all the bad people need to be punished! And even if the supposedly "good" people did win, they would still go right back to their iniquity, because the World is just evil & needs to be punished somehow.)--Right!--And the quicker the better! (David: Also because if He did interfere & stop Hitler, then He would have to mess up His whole plan of having free will & free choice!) Right!

       25. Grandmother's answer was, "He can't stop Hitler, because if He stopped Hitler, He'd have to stop you!" (See #1325, "Why Didn't God Stop Hitler?") (Techi: Stop me?) Yes! He would have to stop free choice! If He had to judge Hitler, He'd have to judge everybody & end the whole thing right here! Well, that's what a lot of people would like, of course, they would rather He'd done that, but He's testing a lot of people & He has to keep testing them to the very End!

       IT'S A TEST!

       26. He's testing you & me to see what we'll do, & He's also testing the wicked to see what they'll do! This whole Earthly creation of Man & everything is a demonstration & test to see what we will do if given free will & free choice, whether we will choose good or whether we choose evil. And if He doesn't let it go on to the End, He will not have tested everybody!

       27. He has to let it go to the End, just like school! If you drop out of school & quit school or they just stop the school & end it all, you're never going to know who passed the test & you'll never know who flunked! So He's got to let the pupils go to the very end of the test & the end of the course & the end of the exams to find out who passed & who failed! If He stops it before that, then they'll never know.

       28. You say, "Well, the Lord knows everything!"--Yes, He does, but the rest of the World won't know! But by letting it go to the end of school & everybody having to take the exams--which they're taking every day by the choices they make--then when we get to the End we'll know who really passed! We'll know all the good Christians who were loyal & faithful & fought a good fight, finished the course & won, & we'll know how many wicked people failed, including a lot of church people & so-called Christians! When a lot of people land in Hell they're going to know why, & not be able to say, like the Jews, "Why me?"

       29. So now, simplify the answer for me: Why does God let it go on? (Techi: Because otherwise their cup of iniquity wouldn't be full & He couldn't punish them & evil would come through anyway.) And also to do what for us? (Techi: To help us get to Heaven soon.) To test us! He says in Daniel exactly why He allows the Antichrist to take over & why He allows all the persecution & tribulation. What does He say? (Techi: To test the people.) To purge us & to make us white!--Dan.11:35. See, suffering purges us. Suffering brings out the best or the worst in us, whichever way we react to it.

       30. I think it's important that I teach you these lessons & explain to you why history is the way it is! You kids are getting an interpretation of history that you probably would never get anywhere else! Our Family kids are probably the smartest kids in the whole World, the only kids in the World who really understand what's going on!

       Quiz questions:

       1) Why did God give us the power to choose between good & evil? (6,13,20b,21,26-28)
       2) How might the World have been different had Hitler won WW2? (4,8,15) Why doesn't God stop evil rulers like the Antichrist? (6b,24,25,29) Why will people want the Antichrist? (14)

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Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family