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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

LOVING JESUS!--Part 6--By Maria       DO 3032       12/95
Maria #313

For Voting Members Only

              1. So far in this series we've dealt quite specifically with saying words of love to the Lord, and with the possibility of masturbating while doing so. One other facet of this revelation is loving Jesus with your mate or sexual partner. For some of those who have already read this revelation, loving Jesus with a partner comes very easy; for others it's very difficult. I want to again emphasize that this is a personal matter between you, your partner and the Lord. No one is forcing you to do this; it's completely voluntary.
       2. In paragraph 143 of "Loving Jesus!--Part 5," Dad said: "Each person must go according to his own faith, whether he wants to say the words or whether he wants to masturbate or whether he wants to have sex with Jesus and another. The Lord will reward each person according to how they follow Him, according to the leadings He puts in their heart, according to the way He speaks to their heart, and according to the way they feel led by Him as an individual." As with the other parts of this revelation, it is my duty to you and the Lord to pass on to you what He has told us. How you use what the Lord has revealed is between you and the Lord.
       3. In "Loving Jesus!--Part 3," paragraph 65, the Lord said, "Be not ashamed to even love Me together in this way, because when you are loving one another, you are loving Me. So do not be afraid to say, `I want You, Jesus! Come into me, Jesus! Make me go, Jesus!' For in loving Me in this way, you are proving to one another your love for Me, and we are then altogether one."
       4. As I explained earlier in the series, Peter and I have had many such love-ups with the Lord. We greatly enjoy these precious times together with the Lord as we feel it draws us very close to Him. There is something very special about it. It took us awhile to get used to saying love words out loud to each other and the Lord, but as we went ahead by faith it became much easier, to where now it is very natural and pleasurable. It has even enhanced our sexual relationship, as saying erotic words to either the Lord or to each other can make the sexual activity even more exciting.
       5. Some people, of course, haven't learned yet to voice sexy things to each other while having sex, so verbally expressing their love for the Lord may seem very awkward. Others might feel that because they are not close to the one they are making love to, it would be too embarrassing to say love words together to the Lord, as well as voicing them to each other. Some married couples may feel that they are so used to each other and have lost all passion for each other that it might hurt their partner if they were to say sexy things to the Lord, but didn't say them to him or her.
       6. In the next prophecy, the Lord gives you counsel that will help you overcome these difficulties. He speaks to you married couples; He speaks to you who are in, or beginning, a relationship; and He also speaks to you who are single and not involved in a relationship. I guess that covers just about everyone, doesn't it? Throughout this series I haven't commented on the prophecies until we came to the end of it, but let's do something different this time. As it's a longer prophecy and the Lord is speaking to different groups of people, I'll comment after each section, God willing.
       7. The Lord gave this prophecy right after Peter and I had made love, which is why it starts out the way it does.

       Married to Jesus!
       8. ({\ul \i Prophecy:) }So do I love you and so do I fill you with the seeds of My Words. So do I wish to fill all My children with the seeds of My Words. For lo, I pour forth My Spirit upon all My children, and I pour forth My Love upon all of My children, if they will just receive by faith and believe that I am able to do these things unto them. So deep is My Love for My children, for those that love Me and those that obey Me and those that serve Me and have given their lives for Me.
       9. I have given My life for them, and they do give their lives for Me, for they lay down their lives day by day by day in service unto Me, in obedience unto Me, and in yieldedness unto Me. And I wish to reward them with the lovemaking of My Spirit that they may feel a touch of My Love in this way, that they may be empowered by the Spirit of My Love and the strength of My Love.
       10. For there are many places that we shall go, My Bride and I. For I am as a rich man who can go here and there and not worry about the cost, and who can treat his love, his bride to anything that she needs and wants. I know that My Bride loves Me, and so do I love her, and so will I pour forth My Love in abundance upon her, and so shall she receive of My Love.
       11. What do I ask in return? Simply that she love Me and that she obey Me and that she serve Me and that she yield unto Me. In the doing of these things there is great reward, for in the doing of these things you prove your love for Me. I will pour forth My Love upon you in great abundance and in great power, and you shall see My Love manifested in a greater anointing upon My children, and a greater supply of your needs.
       12. For if you give love unto Me, and if you remain faithful in your obedience of preaching My Word, so will I pour forth unto you in great supply to fill your great needs.--That your children shall have what they need, and that your young people shall have what they need, and that your older people will have what they need. For you are all My Bride and I will pour forth in great abundance. For you shall no longer be the beggar woman, but you shall be the Queen, for you have bestowed great love unto your King, unto your Lover, unto your Husband.
       13. Therefore, love Me and honor Me with the praise of your lips, and lay yourself down before Me inviting Me to come, and, lo, I will fill you. I will fill you with inspiration. I will fill you with seeds. I will fill you with words. I will fill you with love. I will fill you with supply. I will fill you with renewed strength. (End of section of prophecy.)

              14. ({\ul \i Mama:) }Isn't this beautiful? The Lord says that His Love for us is so deep and that He is rewarding us with His lovemaking because we lay down our lives day by day in service, obedience and yieldedness. What a precious reward right here on Earth, a special touch and empowerment of His Love.
       15. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord gives so many word pictures? This time He likens Himself to a rich man who can give his bride anything she wants, as He promises to give His Love in abundance. To receive of Him, He simply states that we must love, yield to, obey and serve Him. Since He just got finished saying that we already do yield, obey and serve Him, all there is to add is loving Him in the way He has told us to, in order to receive the blessings He is promising.
       16. He goes on to say that, besides the things mentioned above, if we also continue to preach His Word, He will pour out great supply, so that everyone's needs are met--our children, our young people and our adults. From the sounds of it, He is talking about our physical and financial needs. He also lists a number of spiritual blessings that He will fill us with: inspiration, seeds, words, love and renewed strength. All this because we love Him, our King and Lover, the way He wants us to.
       17. Let's go on to the next part of the prophecy in which the Lord addresses those who are married:

       Precious Promises to Our Married Couples!
       18. ({\ul \i Prophecy continued:) }Unto you who are married one to another, if you will but follow the example of love of your king and queen and the way that they love Me together, the way that they sing unto Me and praise Me and worship Me, the way that they make love to Me, and the way they put Me first and seek My face together and seek to hear My voice and seek to praise Me, and seek to lift one another up in praise unto Me, and the way they pray one for another, you shall have a new marriage and a new strengthening and a new spirit of love. The fires that have dwindled can be rekindled as you worship Me together, as you seek Me for a renewal.
       19. But to do this thing, you must lay aside the old--the old weights, the old ways--and you must become renewed in your relationship with Me. And as you together renew your relationship with Me, so will I renew your relationship. You must humble yourself and lay aside the ruts and the familiarity. You must humble yourselves before one another and look not with scorn one upon the other when you do these things and when you seek Me together, and when you love Me together.
       20. You both must make a commitment to change your ways and to seek Me together, and truly become one with Me together. I will bless this, and I will renew you and I will strengthen you. I will return unto you the love that you once had, that fresh new love. For you will be focusing on Me, your eyes turned unto Me. And, yea, I am Love.
       21. As you pour forth your love unto Me, so shall I pour forth My Love unto you, and so shall My Love renew you and rekindle your love one for another. You shall see new things about each other, things that you knew not. As you deepen your love together unto Me, so shall I deepen your love together.
       22. For I have put you together, but through familiarity and through day-to-day living, you have set aside that deep communion together and that deep communion with Me. But I say unto you, renew the communion with Me together, and set aside the old ways and preconceived ideas. Set aside all that you think about one another, and instead focus on Me together. Love Me together. Praise Me together. Sing unto Me together. Worship Me together. Adore Me together. Seek My face together. Cry out to Me together. Make love to Me together. Yea, fuck Me together. And I will fill you together, and I will be one with you together, and we shall be a three-fold cord together.
       23. Your children shall see this renewed love and this renewed connection, and this renewed presence of My Spirit, and they shall say, "Behold, God lives, for I see a great miracle. I see a renewed love, and I see the Spirit of the Lord moving." They shall rejoice, for they love you, and they feel so assured when they know that you love one another. They find great, great peace when they know that you love Me, and this inspires them to draw close to Me. For they know that I have inspired your love together and have given unto them this great security and this great feeling of being loved. For as you love one another and as you love Me, then we together can love them, and they will rejoice. For there is so much fruit in loving Me together. I will do things for you that you cannot even imagine. (End of section of prophecy.)

              24. ({\ul \i Mama:) }I am overwhelmed at all the Lord has said in this section of the prophecy! What precious promises to our married couples!--Promises of a renewed relationship, a rekindling of the love that in some cases has grown cold, a closer communion with one another.
       25. He not only gives the promises but tells clearly how to obtain them.--By praising, worshipping, praying and making love to the Lord together. By laying aside the old weights, old ways, your preconceived ideas about each other, and having a renewed relationship with Jesus. By laying aside the ruts of familiarity, especially in your prayer life and communion with the Lord together. By humbling yourselves in front of each other as you love Jesus together. By making a commitment together to change, to seek the Lord and to become one with Him together.
       26. He says if you do these things He will return the love you once had, probably meaning the more passionate love that couples have when they first get together, but which often cools down somewhat as the years pass. He points out that He is Love, inferring that if you have more of Him, you will have more love because He is Love, and you will therefore be able to love one another more.
       27. Isn't it neat how He says that as you together pour out your love to Him and He pours His Love unto you, that you will see new things about each other, things you didn't know before? Then on top of everything else, He explains the wonderful benefit your renewed connection together will have on your children and how it will affect their lives. They will see it as a miracle, as a proof of God's Spirit moving upon you. It will give them great assurance, peace and security, a great feeling of being loved, and because of this, it will draw them closer to the Lord. What an incentive! Praise the Lord!
       28. So do what He says and renew your communion with Him, focus on Him, love Him, praise Him, sing to Him, worship Him, adore Him, cry out unto Him, make love to Him! Do all these things together with your mate in order to be a three-fold cord together with Him. Praise the Lord!

       For Those in Relationships: Focus on Me and Love Me Together!
       29. In this next section of the prophecy, the Lord gives invaluable counsel and direction to those in non-married relationships, those who are considering getting mated to one another. The Lord also speaks a great deal to you senior teens and YAs.

              30. ({\ul \i Prophecy continued:) }For you who are thinking about becoming one with another, set your affection together on things above, even before you are married. Come unto Me together, set that foundation, for no other foundation can be laid than that which is laid on Me. For if you build on any other foundation, the marriage will crumble, for I will not bless it.
       31. In the days of your courtship and in the days of your wooing, woo with My Spirit. Together woo with My Spirit, and together woo My Spirit. Humble yourselves one before another. Come together to Me in love. For I put that love in your hearts to begin with, that you may become a union.
       32. But for that love to remain, you must focus on Me, for I am the supply of oil that keeps the warmth of the fire burning, and you must tap into My source together, lest the fire die. But if you do not begin in this manner, loving Me together, praising Me together, making love to Me together, and focusing your love and affection and attention upon Me together, the love shall grow cold and you will be building on a foundation that is not sure.
       33. You must learn to look at these relationships with one another in a new way; no longer in the carnal way, no longer in the selfish way, no longer in the immature and gossipy way. But you must look at these relationships as an amplification of the relationship that I wish for you to have with Me.
       34. When you look deep into the eyes of the one that you love, the one that I have poured a love into your heart for, you must see Me and My Love for you, and this should cause you to praise Me and to thank Me. And together, when you are wrapped in each other's arms and you feel so close and so warm and so one, this should cause you to praise Me.
       35. You must understand that it is I that do these things. I even give this love unto those who don't love Me, as a token of My Love for them. But unto you who know that it comes from Me, there is no excuse for not praising and worshipping and thanking and glorifying Me in this thing. For you know and you are responsible.
       36. But you young ones have not fully understood this. You look at love in such a shallow, frothy and worldly way. But now I open unto you the things of the Spirit and I show you how you must look at these matters, that they are blessings from Me--blessings, I say, blessings unto you. I am willing to pour forth these things unto you, but you must be willing to look unto Me and say, "We thank You and we glorify You because we know that You are pouring forth Your Love upon us. And I look upon this one that You have given me to love and I say, `Thank You, for this one is Your love unto me.'"
       37. You should worship Me in this love that I have given unto you. And when you become one with one another and in the throes of your lovemaking, and in the throes of your passion, you should say, "Thank You. Thank You for this, Your Love unto me." For so great is My Love for you that I would give you this great joy and this great happiness, but I wish for you to share it with Me, that we three can be one together.
       38. It is humbling. It is very humbling, especially for you young ones who are so full of pride and self. When you are with one another you feel you have to uphold your image, and you're afraid that the other will talk about you when you part. But care not what man thinks, care what God thinks, and love Me together. Love Me together and I will bestow upon you great love and great joy. (End of section of prophecy.)

              39. ({\ul \i Mama:) }It's so precious that the Lord would give those of you considering marriage or that have feelings of love for each other such wonderful counsel. Counsel which shows you how to have enduring love and how to build your relationship on the proper foundation--Jesus. If any relationship in the Family is built on any other foundation, it will not last.
       40. The detailed way in which the Lord speaks just amazes me! He says that in the days of your courtship, the time when two of you have budding romantic feelings towards each other and you are exploring those feelings, you should woo one another in the Spirit.--Meaning that you should really show God's Love to one another, that you should read His Word and pray together, to see if you are compatible in the Spirit. You should also woo His Spirit together.
       41. He says you should begin your relationship together by focusing your love, affections and attention on Him together, by praising and loving Him together. If you don't, your love will grow cold, as you will be building on the wrong foundation.
       42. The Lord also makes it plain that you should show Him great thankfulness for His placing such feelings of love in your heart and for allowing you to love each other. He gives a number of tips on what to say, like praising Him when you are wrapped in each other's arms, thanking Him for the love He's given you; that you should thank and glorify Him for this wonderful and great blessing He's given, acknowledging that it comes from Him; that when you look at the one you love you should thank the Lord that he or she is Jesus' Love for you; that when you are in the heat of passion together you should again thank Jesus.
       43. The Lord points out that He also puts love into the hearts of those who don't know Him, but He doesn't expect them to thank Him, because they don't know Him. But for us who do, who know that He is Love and that all love comes from Him, there is no excuse for not praising, worshipping, glorifying and thanking Him for it. In fact, He says we are responsible to do so. He calls the love He puts in our hearts great joy and great happiness and says He puts it there because of His great love for us. Isn't that beautiful?
       44. The Lord makes a special mention that He knows it will be hard for you younger ones, our senior teens and YAs, to be that way together, because of your pride. He says it's very humbling, but nevertheless, He expects you to do it. The Lord chides you a bit, saying that the way some of you have looked at relationships has been somewhat shallow, frothy and worldly. He says you need to look at relationships in a new way, no longer in a carnal, selfish, immature or gossipy way, but instead as an amplification of, or part of, your relationship with Him. Just think of what you want your relationship with Him to be, and then act accordingly in your relationship with your loved one.
       45. The Lord a second time refers to gossip, pointing out that some of you will be afraid that others will talk about you if you love Him the way He says He wants to be loved; that when you're with someone and you love the Lord together, you may fear the other person will go and tell others about it. Well, I certainly hope no one will do that! You wouldn't want to be guilty of causing someone to stop having intimate communion and love with the Lord because you foolishly gossiped about what you did together with that person, would you? You wouldn't be so unloving, would you? You wouldn't be so unkind, would you? I pray you wouldn't.
       46. Won't you follow Him closely by loving Him, thanking Him, praising Him and giving Him the spiritual sex that He's asking you for? Will you try? Will you young ones accept and believe what the Lord is saying? Will you lay down your pride and humble yourselves and love Him so that He can bless you beyond all measure?
       47. For some of you this might be a big battle, and you might wonder how the Lord could ask so much of you, to be so humble as to actually talk to Jesus when you're making love with someone, to tell Jesus that you love Him and want Him, to thank Him for His Love being manifested in the man or woman that you love. But just stop and think for a minute what the Lord asked of your parents years ago. He asked them to be the Love of God for those that they didn't even know, to outsiders, the unsaved!
       48. If you think this is a bomb, think about what a bomb it was for your parents when FFing first came out! They had to take a stand; they had to believe God's Word and act on it! Will you believe what God is saying to you today?--That He wants you to manifest your love for Him in this way so that He can receive the love that He wants and He needs, and that others can receive His Love as well? Isn't this the least you can do for all He has done for you? And this isn't just a message for our senior teens and YAs, it's for all of us!
       49. He has given us His all--can't we give Him what He's asking of us, our unconditional love, no matter how He wants us to show it to Him? He's probably had to tell us over and over about the multitudes of blessings He will pour out upon us if we love Him like this, to motivate us enough to do so. He wants you, just you! He loves you, just you! He needs you, just you! Will you love Him? Please do.

       For Singles: A Special Calling of Love!
       50. Lastly, the Lord speaks to you who are single and aren't in a love relationship with anyone. The good news is that now you can be! You can have one with the greatest Lover in the universe, Jesus. Praise the Lord!

              51. ({\ul \i Prophecy continued:)} For you who have no loved one, I say unto you, I am your Lover. I am your Husband. It is I that love you. For I have given you a special calling, that you may be married to Me and that you will love Me, and that you will be single-minded unto Me. In your loneliness I will be with you and I will wrap My arms around you, and I will kiss you. I will caress you. I will fill you. Make love to Me, love Me, and I will fill your every need. I will be the love that you need so that you will not need another.
       52. But I supply for you in the love of your brethren, in the sharing of love one with another. When you love these and you do not have these great deep feelings of love, think of Me. In those times think of Me. So together with these, love Me and praise Me. Praise Me for supplying your needs. Praise Me for the love that I bestow upon you. Praise Me for this special calling of Love that I have given unto you, that you may be virgins unto Me. For you are Mine, you are My Bride, you are My loves.
       53. In loneliness seek Me and I will relieve your loneliness, for I will be as a husband unto you and you shall be married unto Me. For great is My love for you. Do not pine away and think on those things that you have not. Think on that which you have. You have Me fully.
       54. When you wake, you will not be distracted, for your eyes will be upon Me. And when you sleep you will not be distracted, for your eyes will be upon Me. Great is your reward in Heaven. For I know your sacrifice, and I know your loneliness and I know the desires of your heart. But look not on that which others have.
       55. Turn your eyes upon Me, for I am your True Love. As you deepen your relationship with Me, I will pour forth all the love that you could need, for you are special unto Me and I hold you in My arms and I say, "I understand. I understand your need, but I have reserved you unto Me. I will be your Husband, I will be your Lover, I will be your Child, and I will be all of these things that give love unto you. For I am Love and I love you." (End of section of prophecy.)

              56. ({\ul \i Mama:) }Isn't it wonderful how the Lord says that He will be to us all the things that give us love? What a comfort these Words should be to any of you who are alone or lonely, that He will wrap His arms around you, will kiss and caress you and will fill you; that as you make love to Him, He will fill your every need.
       57. If you are desperately lonely for some arms to be wrapped around you, craving a warm body next to yours as you go to bed at night, it may be difficult for you to see how the Lord's Love, as wonderful as it is, could ever take the place of a human being's love. It's another one of these things that requires faith to believe and faith to act upon. You can't just say, "Well, it doesn't work that way. I've been lonely for years! My heart has ached, my body has ached to have someone there when I need them, someone who I can feel, someone who can say comforting and encouraging words." I can't tell you how it works, but I know it does.
       58. After Dad went to be with the Lord, I didn't have any idea that I was going to be together with Peter. Oddly enough, the thought never entered my mind at that time. After those beautiful, exceptional, marvelous, warm 25 years with the most wonderful man in the world, when I would have had every reason to be devastated, to feel extremely alone, to feel like my life was over, God in His great love gave me such peace, such warmth, such a feeling of His presence, such an assurance of His Love, just like I was enveloped in warmth and security. He really did fill the big emptiness. I knew without a doubt it was a miracle, such a great gift of His Love!
       59. Then several months later after I had started living with Peter, when he had to go on a two-month trip, the Lord did it again! He miraculously filled my need by being there for me, by holding me and telling me He loved me! I don't know how it works!--All I know is that it does! If you don't think it will work for you, He says to just give Him a chance. Try loving Him in this new way that He has shown us, and patiently wait for His promise. He says that as you draw closer to Him, you can know that He will meet your need. He says, "I will be the love that you need so that you will not need another!" Here He is talking about a permanent relationship and having someone with you fulltime.
       60. He goes on to say that He will also supply a human touch for you as you share with others. Knowing that you don't have feelings of love for these you sacrifice to be with, He encourages you to think of Him during these times. If you ever wondered what the Lord thinks about "fantasizing," now you know! The Lord certainly is putting His stamp of approval on it--at least fantasizing about Him!
       61. He says, when you are lonely, seek Him and He will relieve your loneliness. He would like you to concentrate on the positive things, as He knows that that will make it easier for you. He points out some of the advantages of being single, which, believe it or not, married couples often wish they had. In addition, you also will reap a great reward for your sacrifice in being His, and His alone!
       62. I know it's hard not to compare--He acknowledges this!--Especially if all around you are cozy couples who laugh and talk together, hold hands, can go to bed at night with each other, can pray together and praise together! It looks so wonderful and you feel so left out! But the Lord says this is one thing you really must fight: You must not look at what others have and what you don't have. Instead of looking at your loneliness and what you don't have that others do have, He wants you to look at Him and at what you have that others don't have!--That special love relationship with Him that causes Him to want you for Himself without the distraction of others. He says you are special to Him, and He holds you and says He understands, but that He has reserved you unto Himself. What a precious, special calling, and one which He says you should praise Him for, for this special calling of love, for having the priceless opportunity to be a "virgin unto Him."
       63. Of course, this doesn't mean that you will never be married or have a love relationship, but when you are without one, you should recognize that it is His will. And not only His will, but a special privilege and calling, which you should be praising Him for. Remember, He is your Husband, He is your Lover, so love Him!

       Loving Jesus Brings Forth Fruit!
       64. The last part of this prophecy tells more of the magnificent blessings and fruitfulness resulting from our obedience to love Jesus completely. Listen to what the Lord says here!

              65. ({\ul \i Prophecy continued:) }So whether you are single, or whether you are married, or whether you are considering being married, I will bless all of you--all of you--if you will give your love unto Me. If you are together with one, worship Me. If you are alone, worship Me. In all that you do, love Me, worship Me, give your love unto Me, and I will pour forth a blessing. I will pour forth abundantly, far beyond that which you can comprehend. For I will bless you in Spirit. I will bless you in flesh. I will bless you in supply and in abundance. My Love for you is so great!
       66. As you love Me, it unclogs the wellsprings of My Love and it allows My blessings and My Love to pour forth unto you in such great measure and such great anointing, in a flood of My Love upon you! I will fill you and fill you and fill you to overflowing, and you will overflow upon others!
       67. So shall the abundance of My Love pour forth and fill your cups. And the abundance of your love will pour forth and fill the cups one of another. And the abundance of all of your love shall pour forth and fill the needs of your friends and of your close ones. And the abundance of My Love will give you all that you need to pour forth My Word and My Message and My Love upon the dry and dusty and needy world. All because you turned and gave your love unto Me.
       68. Just as the pleasurable act of lovemaking brings forth fruit in a new life, a child, so does your lovemaking with Me bring forth fruit, the fruit of My Love. The fruit of My Love brings forth great joy and great responsibility, as you must care for the fruit of My Love, whether it be the fruit of relationships with one another, or the fruit of the close friend that you must care for, or the fruit of the lost souls that come unto you and hunger and thirst for feeding. For as the fruit of your lovemaking brings forth a child that requires much work, so does the fruit of our lovemaking together. But, oh, the joy that this fruit brings! Oh, the joy that it will bring unto you for eternity!
       69. So, come! Come, let us love together! Let us be passionate lovers together, that we may bring forth fruit, and that this fruit shall remain, and it shall remain with us together forever! (End of prophecy.)

              70. ({\ul \i Mama:) }See, the Lord's ultimate goal in our loving Him so passionately is the fruit it brings. It fills us with His Love, which then pours out from each of us onto one another. It then overflows on our friends and those close to us and to the needy world.
       71. All of this love that is pouring out brings forth fruit of different kinds, and each kind of fruit must be cared for. His Love will bring about new and fruitful relationships, and these relationships must be nurtured, cared for and kept alive. In many cases such relationships will bring forth children which will need to be cared for.
       72. Another kind of fruit will be bringing our friends and contacts in closer, feeding them the Word and helping them to grow spiritually. This, in a sense, is like having children, who also need much feeding and care. Another fruit will be the souls won who will need feeding and follow-up. All of this fruit needs care, just as the Lord says the fruit of lovemaking, children, need care. But what joy He says this fruit will bring to us, both now and for eternity.
       73. Jesus again promises that as we love Him, He will pour out abundantly, more than we can comprehend. He will bless us in every way! Everything He can do for us that He knows we need or want, He will be doing, because we have given ourselves to Him fully, in the way that He desires. There is a spiritual principle at work here that goes into effect when we love Him in this way. When we do, somehow in the Spirit it causes an "unclogging of the wellsprings of His Love," the result of it being that it brings His blessings in whatever way we need them, and most of all in the great love that will overflow on us and fill both us and others.
       74. So if you're married, or single, or may be considering marriage, or you're in love with someone but not considering marriage, or you're just friends, it doesn't matter, He will bless you if you will love Him! If you're together with your mate, your lover or your friend, you should love and worship Him. If you're alone you should love and worship Him. He wants you, He loves you, He's yours, you're His, so love Him.
       75. Even if you find it difficult at first to say love words to the Lord when you're together with someone, you can still love Him together through praising Him, singing to Him, reading His Word, praying, adoring, worshipping and thanking Him together. If you still have a hard time telling Jesus out loud that you want to love Him, and Him you, when you're with someone, you can at least say it to Him in your heart.

       " Be Jesus! "
       76. In the following prophecy the Lord again speaks about our loving Him and one another. After an introduction where He talks to everyone, He then talks to you senior teens, then He speaks to you YAs and you second generation adults (those over 21 who were born in the Family); and lastly, He speaks to you first generation folks and gives specific counsel and words for each group. Isn't it something when He gets so specifically involved with the details? Don't you feel like He really cares personally and is trying to do everything possible to help us and make it easy for us? He explains things so clearly and so beautifully.

              77. ({\ul \i Prophecy:) }Oh how My children can love one another with My Love, if they would but receive My Love for one another. If they would but understand that it is My Love that they are pouring forth to one another, then they would not hold back but they would give. They would give and they would give some more, for they would understand that they can be vessels of My Love. They can be Me loving one another!
       78. Why would they hold back? It would no longer be a matter of the flesh, but it would be a matter of the Spirit. They would no longer look with eyes of the flesh and say, "This one does not appeal to me." But they would say, "I can be Jesus and His Love to this one." Handsome or homely, it makes no difference. They could say, "This one will be Jesus loving me."
       79. It gives a whole new outlook on that special gift that I have given unto you, that gift of love, My precious Law of Love. For I have delivered this unto you and I have given your David the understanding of this precious love and this precious law. And he, through the Words that I have given him, has freed you from the bondage of the flesh into the freedom of the Spirit!
       80. This is the freedom that I give unto you, and this is the knowledge that I give unto you, that you can be My Love to each other. When you hold each other you can think, "This is Jesus holding me." When you kiss each other, you can think, "This is Jesus kissing me. I am kissing Jesus." When you caress one another, you can say, "Jesus is caressing me. Thank You! Thank You!" And will you not show great gratitude unto him or her that is the vessel and vehicle of My Love unto you?
       81. Can you see how wonderful My Love is?--How I can enhance your lovemaking? For I am Spirit, but you are only flesh. But as you praise Me and as you thank Me, and as you love Me, and as you call for Me, and as you love one another in Me, so do I come and so do I empower you, and so do I give special love unto you. It is yours if you will but humble yourselves. Humble yourselves before Me and humble yourselves before one another, for in humility is great love. In this humility is My Love and the rewards of My Love and the passion of My Love, and the Spirit of My Love. For I am Love.
       82. The love of the flesh is only a small part, for the love of My Spirit is so much greater, and you benefit so much more! For you are given golden seeds! You are given seeds of the Spirit, and these seeds bring forth fruit.
       83. So hold not back. Hold not back one from another, but look at the gift that I have given you in a new light. No longer feel, "Oh, I must just share with this one or that one." But look at it and say, "This is the Love of Jesus for me." Or, "I can be the Love of Jesus for him."
       84. And you young ones (senior teens), you inexperienced ones, it will take great humility, but I am calling unto you in this matter too. Humble yourself. Be not proud, be not afraid. Sing unto Me and worship Me and adore Me together, and you will find that I will help you to overcome your shyness and your pride, and I will teach you to love, and to love Me. For you, too, need the power and the strength and the love of My Spirit. You are young, but there are many things that you must do; yet you cannot do them in your own flesh and in your own strength, nor with your own love, nor with your own power, for it is not enough.
       85. And you older ones (YAs and second generation adults), you must set aside your carnal attitudes towards love and towards sex, and your pride and these System hang-ups that have encumbered you these years. You, too, must lay down your garments of pride with one another. Humble yourself, for you have more to overcome, for you have already built up walls--walls of pride and walls of peer pressure and gossip. But I will bless you as you humble yourself in each other's sight.
       86. It is already humbling enough to be in a bed of love with another, being naked, but if you will humble yourself but a bit more and seek Me and praise Me and love Me and call unto Me one with another, I will bless your lovemaking in a new way, and I will rip down these walls, I will cast them down as rubble! I shall sweep them away and I shall free you in the spirit of David. You shall know the love of David and the spirit of David!--And this spirit shall free you.
       87. I will free you from the bondage and from the chains that have bound you--bound you in pride and bound you in peer pressure and bound you in System influence. I will set you free! Free as the birds! Free as the children of David! But you must humble yourself. It costs, yes, it costs your pride.
       88. I know it's going to be hard for you! I know your reactions. I know how you are going to feel! I know how you are going to cringe when you hear these words and when you hear that I want you to call out to Me as a lover in the bed of love with one another. It will be difficult, I know this, but I will reward you if you will do this. I promise you, I will reward you with power and with love. I will draw you nigh unto Me, for you will be drawing nigh and I will draw nigh unto you.
       89. I will greatly empower you, for you (YAs) and the young ones (senior teens), you are they which I will empower with the embodiment and spirit of David that you may reach the world with My Love and with My Message. You shall do great exploits, and you shall be great witnesses unto Me!
       90. But you must learn now to be empowered by My Spirit, empowered through My Word. You must be empowered through My Word and humbled through this love. With the empowerment of My Word and the humility of My Love, you shall be an irresistible force. For with this Love and with these Words, you shall win many, and you shall fulfill My will.
       91. And you older ones (first generation), you married ones, you older soldiers who have fought valiantly through the years, you too must humble yourselves. But for you it will be easier, for you have undergone a great deal of humbling throughout your lives and you have given up much and you have sacrificed much. This shall be a humbling, but it will not be the same as for those who are young and proud and haughty, and who are fearful and who think they must keep up appearances. You will have an easier time shedding these appearances and your pride and your worries, for you have husbands and you have wives and you can more easily humble yourselves in front of one another.
       92. I ask you to do this thing, for it will renew you. It will renew your love for Me and it will renew your love for one another. And it will empower you, too, with love and with might, and it will give you love to do the task that you have at hand. It will give you love for your children. It will give you love to care for them and to teach them. It will give you love for the teens, to encourage and to strengthen them. It will give you love in your witness--in your witness to the older generation and your witness to the younger generation. It will give you great love. So humble yourselves as well.
       93. I call unto all of you and I say, Come! Come! Come! Be My Love one to another. Come, come! Come and love Me! Love Me together! Come! Come! Come! Humble yourselves. Humble yourselves before the mighty hand of God. Come, come, come! Let Me empower you with My Love. Come, come, come! Let Me empower you with My Words and the power of the Words of David, the power of the Words of God, that you may be empowered with the power of My Word and empowered with the wonderment of My Love.
       94. So give, give, give unto one another! Love one another! See Me in one another! Treat one another as if you are speaking to and treating and talking and touching and loving and kissing and interacting and feeding and encouraging and strengthening Me. For I dwell in each of you, and My abode is there, My Spirit lives within the tabernacle of your body. Therefore I am in each of you, and that which you do to the least of these your brethren you do unto Me, whether for good or whether for evil.
       95. Thus look at one another as My Love and look at one another as Me. Therefore love one another, for by this shall all men know that you are My chosen ones, My called-out Church. For you are the Children of David! (End of prophecy.)

       A New Outlook on Sharing!
       96. ({\ul \i Mama:) }Isn't it wonderful that we can be Jesus' Love for each other? It's very much the same as the Lord said in "I Love You!--Just You!" (ML #2985, GN 627), where He says that the greatest love He can give us is the love of another person. That's because He has put a desire in our heart for human love, as well as for His Love. By receiving love from each other, we are at the same time receiving His Love! No wonder it's such a powerful gift! It's an unbeatable combination!
       97. Over the years there has been quite a decline in sexual sharing between Family members for various reasons. Within this prophecy the Lord brings out the point that used to be understood so well in the past when FFing was going on, a point which is much less emphasized today.--The point that when we show love, including sexual love to others, that it is His Love we are giving. In the FFing days we women made it clear to the men that the love being shared with them was God's Love, that we were the Love of God for them.
       98. This kind of expression in your lovemaking with each other seems quite rare, as evidenced by the following letter I received from a woman who was attending the last Summit Meeting:

                99. "I had a sweet date with one of the men here, and throughout the date he was praising Jesus over and over again. In addition, he repeatedly told me, `Thank you for loving me so sweetly. You are truly God's Love for me.' It was like a flashback to the past. It had been so long since I'd had anyone refer to me as God's Love for them. Yet in years past, I was very much aware of being an expression of God's Love, that my love represented His Love and that it had power to change lives. When we were in the throes of FFing and sharing more, it was looked upon almost matter-of-factly that our love for someone was the very embodiment of God's Love for them."

              100. Apparently the Lord wants to make us vividly aware that we are His Love for those we are making love with, and that they are His Love for us as well. Often when Peter and I are making love, besides thanking the Lord for His Love and for loving us, we will thank each other for being His Love and for showing His Love. Sometimes while we're holding and loving each other, one of us will say to the other, "I'm Jesus' Love for you, I'm Jesus holding you and loving you." And the other one will respond, "Thank You Jesus for loving me and holding me." We often thank the Lord for showing His Love to us through each other's lovemaking.
       101. Let's look at what the Lord has said, shall we? He says we need to receive His Love from one another and understand that the love He gives us for each other is His Love, so when we share it with someone it is His Love that is being shared. If we understand that we are vessels of His Love, then we will not hold back but will give. If you are asked for a date by someone in need, and you are looking at things the way the Lord is, you will most likely be willing to help this person, since it will be Jesus giving love to them. You will "be Jesus" for them.
       102. He says it's a matter of the Spirit, because we will be a vehicle for His Spirit, a vehicle of His Love to others. Even if the person doesn't appeal to you in the flesh, you can still show them Jesus' Love. In fact, if you are seeing in the Spirit, it will be easier for you because you will know that you are a tool of the Lord's Love.
       103. Seeing it this way, and remembering that you are being the Lord's Love, gives a whole new outlook to the sexual sharing portion of the Law of Love. With all the Lord has said lately about the Law of Love, it is evident that He does expect us as a Family to continue to share His Love with each other. In the "Go for the Gold" GN, the Lord made it clear that He is trying to take away the excuses people have used for not sharing. He's trying to make it easier, first by saying that if you are unmarried you can decide to make love without actual intercourse, and now by saying that we should see it in its proper light, that you are a vehicle of His Love to the other person, and they to you.
       104. Perhaps if we do as the Lord says by thanking Him for holding us, kissing us, caressing us, it will also help us to show more appreciation and thankfulness not only to the Lord, but also to those who are being His vessels of love. This is quite a need, as apparently some of you aren't showing enough gratitude for the love that is being shown you. The following is a portion of a letter that I received from a single mom that expresses the point quite well.

                105. "Someone told me about how she shared with a brother out of love and sacrifice and tried to do her best, but afterwards he didn't thank her or anything. This has happened to me too, where the men don't thank you.--In fact, I've had one man in the last five years thank me, and actually in that situation, he didn't even come, he just helped me out.--But he thanked me! I almost fell in love with him just because he said thank you to me. (I asked to share with him.)"

              106. Please, dear ones, try to realize how vitally important it is that you be thankful and express gratitude to one another when you share love together, or for that matter, whenever others help you or serve you in some way. Dad was known for his appreciation and thankfulness, and in his lovemaking never neglected to vocally and profusely praise the Lord, as well as repeatedly express his thanks to the woman who was with him. Likewise, Peter and I always thank both the Lord and each other for the sweet lovemaking times we have. I find it very sweet when he thanks me. It makes me want to do it more because he is very appreciative, just as Dad always was. Dad constantly thanked both me and the Lord for our love and lovemaking. Sometimes when masturbating me, he would tell me that Jesus was fucking me. He was an example of all that the Lord is trying to get us to do and be.
       107. In the prophecy the Lord says that He will enhance our lovemaking if we will see that He is loving us through the one we are making love to. So if you are looking for enhancement of your lovemaking, that's how to do it! The Lord really covers it all, doesn't He?
       108. The Lord calls the freedom to share sexually with one another a gift, and says we should look at it in a new light.--That now we should look at the one we are going to share love with and say, "This is the Love of Jesus for me" or "I can be the Love of Jesus for this one."

       Love Him and He Will Be Your Strength!
       109. To you senior teens, who He calls "younger ones," He says that loving Him while with one of your peers will take great humility, but He's asking you to do it. If you do, He promises to help you overcome your shyness and pride. Even if you don't feel that you can yet do this, you can take the beginning steps of praying, praising and thanking the Lord together. He points out that there are many things you must do in your life, but that you can't do them in the arm of the flesh or your own strength. But if you are filled with His power and strength and the Love of His Spirit which will come through loving Him together, He will reward you with whatever you need for your job. So love Him and He will be your strength!

       Rip Down the Walls and Be Set Free with the Spirit of David!
       110. The Lord then speaks to you YAs, and those of you who are over 21 and thus adults, but who are not of the first generation of Family adults. I guess I could just call you all YAs, but I don't like to since once you reach 21 you are full-fledged adults. In your case the Lord hits harder regarding various attitudes towards love and sex. Perhaps the reason He made a differentiation between you and the senior teens is because for quite some time you have been able to engage in sexual activities, whereas they haven't. That's probably why He referred to them as "inexperienced ones."
       111. He says you must lay aside the carnal attitudes, pride and System hang-ups which have encumbered you. Apparently you have more to overcome in this area than do the younger ones, though I'm sure those things the Lord says to you He intends the senior teens to listen to as well. The Lord brings out the need for you to overcome the walls that have been built up between you--the walls of pride, negative peer pressure and gossip.
       112. The Lord goes as far as to say that many of you will cringe when you hear that He wants you to call out to Him in this manner. He says it's already humbling enough for you to be in the bed of love with another, but if you will do what He says, He promises to rip down the walls, cast them away as rubble, and He will free you with the spirit of David. But it costs. It costs your pride. But isn't that what you should always be trying to get rid of anyway?
       113. Pride is a great enemy of love, and the Lord sounds quite concerned about your pride and haughtiness and System attitudes. They have stumbled many of your brethren and your younger brothers and sisters, and you must go on an active campaign to get rid of these things that hinder you from loving Jesus and loving others. He says, "In humility is great love. ... In humility are the rewards of My Love." He says the love of the flesh is only a small part of life; but the love of the Spirit is so much more. He says, "You must be humbled with this love." So when you have a chance to choose between the humble and the proud thing, please desperately pray for the Lord's grace to choose the humble thing!
       114. As you take one step for Him, He will take two for you. And, as you continue to try to break these habits, which are very difficult to overcome, He will give you the strength and victories that you need, and little by little it will become easier, until it will bring you great happiness and freedom! Just don't give up, though, because it will be hard!--But anything that is worthwhile always takes some effort!
       115. If you obey, if you humble yourselves, He will reward you with His power and Love. Then He makes quite a statement, which should help you to see why He is asking you to be so close to Him. He says, "I will greatly empower you, for you and the younger ones (the senior teens) are they which I will empower with the embodiment and spirit of David that you may reach the world with My Love and with My Message. You shall do great exploits, and you shall be great witnesses unto Me!" He's saying that you, our younger generation, are going to do the job. You are going to have His power and you will do exploits, reaching the world! But to do this you must learn to be empowered by His Spirit through His Words and His Love. This is true for all, young and old! So love Him, won't you, so that He can use you to the full?

       Love Him Together and Be Renewed and Empowered!
       116. Next He talks to the older generation of the Family. He says we have to humble ourselves as well, but that it will be a bit easier for us, since through the years we have gone through a lot of humbling and sacrifice. It's wonderful how He's saying that you are humble, not proud and haughty nor fearfully trying to keep up appearances. Now you can see more the reason for all those difficult things you've been through over the years. Now you can be more thankful for them, and you can see better some of the good that has come out of these great humblings.
       117. He promises you that if you love Him together it will renew you and your love for Jesus. Also that it will empower you with love and might, so that you will be able to love and care for your children and for the teens. It will also help you in your witness to both the older people and the youth. Of course this is added to all the other many blessings He promised in the last prophecy about renewing your marriage, etc.

       Be Jesus for Others in All You Do!
       118. The Lord then so lovingly and wisely tells us that we are to treat each other as if we are talking to, touching, loving, kissing, feeding, encouraging, strengthening and interacting with Him.--Because you are, since He dwells in each of us. That which we do to one another, we do to Him. So we're not only supposed to be Jesus for each other when we are in the bed of love together, but in our everyday interactions with each other.
       119. So the next time you come across a brother or sister who needs help, help them, be the Lord's Love for them. The next time a single mom needs assistance with the children, help her, be Jesus' Love for her. The next time someone in your Home is down and discouraged and needs companionship and prayer, help them, be God's Love for them. The next time you have a love-up with your mate, your lover, or another Family member, love them, "be Jesus" for them. And in doing so you are doing it to Him, your Husband, your King, your Savior, the Lover of your soul--Jesus.
       120. Even if it's a little awkward or rough loving Jesus during your lovemaking, just tell Jesus that you love Him and you want Him, and thank your partner for being Jesus' Love for you. If you have a hard time getting free and uninhibited in your lovemaking, at least don't let it stop you from freely applying what He has said in this prophecy to all the other areas of your life. You can be Jesus to others in all you do. Just love your brothers and sisters, every day in every way.
       121. I am so proud of you for your willingness to receive all the Lord has said throughout this series of GNs. It has been some very "strong meat," yet you have taken it by faith. There are a few more prophecies that I want to share which I believe will encourage you and will help you understand more about this precious gift of love the Lord has given to us, His Bride.

       Strong Meat Belongs to Them that Are of Full Age!
       122. The Lord has given many spiritual gifts to Christians throughout the ages, gifts of healing, miracles, prophecy, tongues, etc. Many of the charismatic or Spirit-filled churches that I've heard about recently have various manifestations of the Spirit. Besides speaking in tongues, some are "slain in the Spirit," others have "holy laughter" and other such manifestations. In the following prophecy the Lord explains a bit about these particular manifestations and the special gift He is giving us.

              123. ({\ul \i Prophecy:) }For verily I give unto My children the gifts that they need, that they deserve and that they want, those gifts that help them to grow in their spiritual lives. I give them gifts that they can receive, and I base these gifts on their maturity in Spirit and what I know they will do with them. For unto some I give this holy laughter, and unto others other manifestations of the Spirit, being slain in the Spirit, running and jumping and leaping for joy, tongues and other gifts.
       124. But unto you I am giving the greatest gift of all, the gift of love, the gift of love that you can love Me as a lover, as I desire to be loved. For you will not use this gift as a vain show and only for fun and only for the edification of yourselves, but you will use this gift to bear Me children. As a wife receives the gift of orgasms in lovemaking, but also produces fruit from their lovemaking, so shall you from My lovemaking with you.
       125. And they (the churches) who receive these gifts from Me, they use them, and it edifies their spirit and helps them to feel a touch of the Heavenlies, of things that they can see and feel and touch in the Spirit so that they can have a measure of understanding of the things Above.--Even as I am giving unto you this special gift of love that you too can feel and hear and see things from Above.
       126. But the things that I am showing you are the deep things from Above, and these are the gifts that will bring you into a deeper relationship with Me, into a deeper love with Me, and into a deeper understanding of My Truth. For, yea, these are the deep things of God.
       127. They are all manifestations of My Spirit, for I give unto all My children those good gifts--gifts that edify them, gifts that make them feel love, gifts that are a tangible proof of My existence, My Love for My children. Yea, these are as children and they play with the toys that I give them and the manifestations of My Love that I pour upon them, and they joy in them and it makes them feel loved by Me.
       128. But because your David sought the deeper things and was willing to pour forth by faith the truths that I gave him, and you were willing to put these things into action--the love of God, the FFing, the witnessing, the living together, the loving together, the sacrificial spirit--you have proven to Me over the years your love and your desire for the deeper things. So now I give unto you a new and deeper love for Me.
       129. For they are as little children who learn to kiss a little and to pet a little, and they find enjoyment and pleasure in these little manifestations of love. But with you I deep kiss. With you I send My tongue into your mouth. With you I hold and I kiss and I caress your breasts and I suck on them. And with you I have deep lovemaking and deep penetration. As I love you, as I fuck you, as I bring forth orgasms of My Spirit, we are united as one, as the husband and the wife are united, even as the husband thrusts his penis slowly deep, deep into your caverns and you two are made one. So these are the gifts, these are the loves that I have given unto you.
       130. Rejoice and be exceeding glad in the gifts that I have given unto you, in this, My precious gift of love! For it is more than just My kisses, it is more than just My caresses, it is more than just these small gifts that I have given unto others. For you are My Bride, you are My lovers. I do love these others with a sincere and deep love, but they do not know how to return that sincere and deep love unto Me. They do love Me and they are happy in their loving unto Me, and I am happy with their loving, for this is all they know and this is all they can understand.
       131. But you understand Me better because of the Words of David and the depth of his Words and the width of his Words and the breadth of his Words. For I have revealed unto My David secrets that I have revealed unto no one else. And they are there, there in My Words, and I will continue to open them up unto you that you can know the deeper things of God. For you have let Me into the deepness of your caverns and I will fill you there with My golden seeds of love. (End of prophecy.)

              132. ({\ul \i Mama:) }Can you imagine? The Lord says that He is giving us the greatest gift of all, the gift of loving Him as a lover, as He desires to be loved. And do you see why He's giving it to us?--Because Dad sought the deeper things of God and was willing to pour forth the truths that the Lord gave him, and because all of us, the Family, were willing to put them in to action. Praise the Lord! The wonderful fruits of obedience, faithfulness and yieldedness!
       133. The Lord says He has a very deep love for those in the churches as well, and that they do sincerely love Him, so He gives them spiritual manifestations, thus allowing them to be touched with things from Above. That's so precious, isn't it? He says that these gifts edify them, give them a tangible proof of the Lord's existence and make them feel loved. He likens these things to affectionate kissing and petting. He would like to do more and He would give it to them, but they can't accept it.
       134. By contrast, He likens the special gift He's given us to deep kissing, heavy petting, deep lovemaking and having orgasms. While one is very sweet and very loving, the other is much more passionate, more fulfilling and results in more fruit. Now that we know what He wants, I pray that we each will give it to Him.
       135. One of the major things the Lord brought out was that we understand Him better because of the Words of David. The churches may have more money, more members, more acceptance, and may offer an "easier" religion, but we have a better understanding of God, of Jesus and of His will, due to Dad and all he has poured into us. Isn't that wonderful? Doesn't that make you thankful to be part of the Family? And isn't any sacrifice that you have to make for this special privilege worth it?
       136. In some of the prophecies in this series the Lord indicated that the churches would scoff at us and say that we aren't wives but prostitutes, but the Lord said we would be queens unto Him. I'm sure that as news of this gift the Lord has given us gets out, we will be mocked and thought of as crazy, nasty, sinful, sacrilegious, blasphemous, etc. But remember, Jesus Himself was called similar things. He was willing to be made of no reputation, to be humble (Phil.2:7-8).
       137. I'm sure that when the Lord told Isaiah to walk around naked or Ezekiel to eat dung sandwiches or Hosea to marry a whore, they all had a few battles about it. We know that Ezekiel did because the Lord first told him to use human dung, but Ezekiel couldn't handle it, so the Lord let him use cow dung instead. (Eze.4:9-15). But in spite of their battles, they obeyed anyway and they fulfilled God's will. I don't suppose that now, in Heaven, they feel too bad about having obeyed and pleased God. I'm sure the Lord greatly honored and rewarded them.
       138. If people mock you, tell them you're thankful that you don't have to walk on hot coals or lie on beds of nails, or be celibate, or live in a cloister and not talk to anyone for the rest of your lives. You don't have to shave your head or wear funny clothes. You don't have to refrain from drinking, dancing or sex. You don't have to sit in front of a picture of Dad or me and chant the same thing over and over again for hours, or drink the urine or bath water of your leadership, or any of the other torturous, odd or even repulsive things that many other religions have to do! Actually, most religions have something within them that seems a bit odd to others who are not of that faith, so for us to participate in spiritual sex with Jesus isn't really so odd after all!
       139. Though it sounds like the churches will ridicule us, in the next prophecy the Lord says that some individual Christians will believe it and will benefit from it. The Lord indicates that no other group will receive this gift, but some individuals will. The Lord also adds more reasons why He's giving this precious gift of love.
       140. This prophecy was received as Peter and I were loving up together and praying and speaking in tongues. The first part was a little song that came in tongues, verse by verse, followed by the words in English.

       Dropping the Veil!
       141. ({\ul \i Prophecy:) }Oh, for the precious love, precious love, precious love,
       Oh, for the precious love,
         for our dear Lord!
       Oh, for the precious love,
         precious love, precious love,
       Oh, for the precious love of our dear Lord!
       So sing our song of love, song of love,
         song of love,
       So we'll sing our song of love,
         for our dear Lord!
       So we'll sing our song of praise,
         song of praise, song of praise.
       So we'll sing our song of praise,
         to our dear Lord!
       So we'll sing our song of love,
         song of love, song of love.
       So we'll sing our song of love,
         to our dear Lord!
       142. And so sing the songs of praise and songs of love and songs of rejoicing that you sing in your heart as you love Me! It is a joy unto My ears to hear your song, to hear your singing, to feel your love and your desire for Me. And so is My love great for you, My children.
       143. And does not this bring great joy unto you? Lo, I say unto you it will bring great joy unto My children and they shall rejoice greatly in that they can learn to love Me and to be with Me and to sing unto Me and to praise Me and love Me. For so shall they rejoice!
       144. I will give them grace and power and understanding. For they do seek to be closer to Me, to draw nigh unto Me that I may draw nigh unto them. And they have found it not, for I have concealed this from them. But now I reveal it unto them that they may find new power and new love and new strength for the task that is at hand. For as the Evil One strengthens his forces, so do I strengthen Mine!
       145. But who will listen? Who will receive this new power? Yea, I say unto you, only the children of David! For there are none other that are open and ready and willing to receive these seeds of life and this Truth! So I reveal it unto you, for I shall give you great strength and great power.
       146. As you preach this message and share this news, some others will listen and understand and will know and will learn and will grow and be strengthened because of it. But they are few, few in number.
       147. As the darkness comes, I will empower them too, but not with the great power that I will give unto the children of David for their obedience, but mostly for their love unto Me that they will show, and yea, they have shown. For the children of David have proven themselves faithful and loyal unto Me and willing to sacrifice and to die daily for Me, that I can pour forth upon them in great abundance this great measure of power and love that I have for them, that they may use it greatly in the times to come.
       148. So rejoice! Rejoice, I say, rejoice in this wonderful gift that I give unto you! A wonderful gift! A gift that I have given unto you!
       149. I am revealing this unto you alone and I am pulling back the veil of My Word on that which was written by My servant David, to give you a greater understanding and a fuller knowledge of what I meant. For the time was not then, but the time is now, for we enter into the dark days, the days coming when there shall be gross darkness upon the people and upon the Earth. But you shall be a gleaming light, a light of love!--A light of strength and power and of My Words. As the darkness grows, the light shall shine brighter, yea, brighter I say!
       150. There will be those who will listen unto you that are not of you, and they will have faith and it will draw them closer unto Me. But because of the great obedience of the children of David, and their great love for Me, and their great sacrifice, and their years, yea, years of faithfulness, so will I pour forth upon them in greater measure!--Greater than I have ever poured forth upon this Earth and upon My children in any times past. For now is the time that the power is needed and the strength is needed and the light is needed.
       151. And as My children learn to love Me, to draw upon My strength, to put Me first, to call unto Me and to desire Me, so shall I pour forth unto them in great abundance all that they need, for I shall care for them as a king cares for his bride, his queen. I will pour forth great love and great anointing and great provision and great protection, for you shall need all of these things. And you shall know that you are the delight of your King and your Savior and your Lover and your Strength. And for this delight that you bestow upon Me, so shall I delight to give you all the desires of your heart, all the power that you need and all the strength that you seek.
       152. I will bestow much, much love upon you for your humility, for your willingness and your yieldedness, for your faith and for your love, for I know that you truly love Me, and I am well pleased in you.
       153. So sing a song! Sing a song of love unto Me! Sing a song of rejoicing! Sing a song of praise! And I will sing a song for you, a song of the showers of My blessing. (End of prophecy.)

              154. ({\ul \i Mama:) }The Lord once again brings out His pleasure in our singing and praising and loving Him. He then tells us He will give us grace, power and understanding as we draw closer to Him. We will receive new love and strength for the task at hand. It's so obvious when you look around at the confusion of this world that the Enemy is strengthening his forces, so it's wonderful to know the Lord is strengthening His, isn't it?
       155. The Lord then asks who will listen and who will receive this power. Apparently only we, as a group, will receive, believe and put into practice this special love for Him. Because of it we will receive the blessings of His great strength and power. However, eventually the public will probably hear about this through various sources, and some others, though few, will also apparently receive and believe it, and He will empower them as well, but not as much as us.
       156. The reason the Lord says we will receive the full blessings and power is because of our obedience, our great love for the Lord, our great sacrifices and our years of faithfulness. So if you've ever wondered if it's been worth it for you to "shtick," to be faithful and yielded, there's your answer! It's because of your faithfulness, obedience and yieldedness, your sacrifice and love, that the Lord can bless you to the full. As we enter into the dark days, He will bestow upon us all that we need to carry on and do His will.
       157. As we love Him, He says He will care for us as the King caring for His Bride, His queen, because we will be His delight. Wow! I just can't get over how much the Lord wants to be loved by us. I guess if you desperately wanted love and you finally found someone to love you deeply, the way you wanted to be loved, you would love and cherish them, care for them, provide for them and do all you could for them because of their love for you. That's just what the Lord has been saying about Himself, that He very much wants our loving and that He will bless us abundantly for giving it to Him. I hope you will.

       As the Shepherdess Seeks, the Lord Gives the Answers!
       158. Receiving and explaining this series of prophecies, which all together make up the revelation the Lord has given us, has been a monumental job. It has required a great deal of prayer and faith. I wanted to make sure I was getting it right and understanding all the Lord was saying, so I'd come before Him desperately seeking His wisdom. I often had questions that needed answers, and when I did, He was faithful to answer them. Initially I thought He might get fed up with me asking Him so many things, but He never did.
       159. This next prophecy was a real blessing to me, especially as He encouraged me with, "She is My true shepherdess and she leads My sheep in a clear path, in a safe path. Therefore fear not, for I will not lead this one astray." Thank you, dear ones, for your willingness to follow. I love you dearly.

              160. ({\ul \i Prophecy:)} Behold this My faithful shepherdess, My queen, My faithful keeper of the Words!--This My flame, My prophetess, My great and precious lover, My wild and passionate bride! Behold how she seeks after righteousness. Behold how she has been faithful and continues to be faithful in that which is least. As she seeks and as she questions and asks, it is My great joy and pleasure to give her the answers, to fill every need, to satisfy every longing, that she might have peace, that she might have blessed assurance that she leads her children aright.
       161. For she is My faithful shepherdess. She overlooks not one detail, and in her great love and her great desire to feed the sheep, she seeks Me at every turn and at every move. This brings Me great joy! For I have promised that she has but to open her mouth and I will fill it; and I will pour forth to this one My Words of Love and My kisses of Love and My caresses of Love, to fill her heart's desire, to give her peace of mind. Then she can say with complete assurance, "This is the way, walk ye in it." For she is My good shepherdess, faithful and wise.
       162. She is My true shepherdess and she leads My sheep in a clear path, in a safe path. Therefore, fear not, for I will not lead this one astray and I will not cause her to stumble. For she seeks Me diligently with her whole heart and does not lean to her own understanding and does not make assumptions, but in humility and desperation she calls out to Me. This is a great thing in My eyes, and because of this, I can bestow upon her these precious truths. I can shine a light upon her that the world has never seen before, because of this faithfulness and this desperation, and because I know that she will faithfully pass these Words on to My children.
       163. What love I bestow upon this, My queen, for her faithfulness, for her love, for her diligence. What a shepherdess! What a lover! What a wife! What an ardent love relationship we have! How precious she is! How I long to take her into My arms! How I treasure the wonderful, passionate love times that we have together! Oh, how she loves Me and desires Me!
       164. This is how I would that all My children would love and desire Me. I would that they too would read My Words and with eagerness would jump to obey, would be happy to obey, would have the same desire and desperation to obey, to please Me, to make Me happy, to fill My need, to show their love, to humble themselves, to reach out to Me, to receive all that I have to give! For, behold, it is a step of faith, yes, but the gift of love that I have to give is so great by comparison! (End of prophecy.)

       The Volcano of My Love!
       165. This last prophecy points out how just because I had yielded to Him and loved Him the way He wanted to be loved, it would bring about such a blessing for the whole Family. This prophecy was received after one of the first times Peter and I loved up the Lord together, and though the first part is speaking to me specifically, it applies to all.

              166. ({\ul \i Prophecy:) }Do you understand better now? Have you not now felt My Love and the ecstasies of My Love and the power of My Love and the intimacy of My Love? Yet this is only a touch of the Love that I have in store for you, if you will follow Me faithfully day by day, one step at a time, holding My hand and going where I guide and where I lead and where I direct you. For you should have no thoughts but Mine, no desires but Mine, and you should seek only to go where I would lead and not in your own way in anything.
       167. For if you will follow Me hand in hand, footstep by footstep, I will lead you to new heights and new places. I will lead you to new horizons that you have not even dreamed of. For there is so much that I have yet to pour forth unto you and to My children! I will use you as My vessel to pour it forth unto these that seek and hunger, that love Me and want to go where I lead.
       168. For you are the shepherdess, you are the one that I have chosen, and I have poured forth unto you My Love in great measure, in greater measure than I have poured before. For these are the End times, and these must know that you love them, so that they will follow you wherever you go. The place that you go will be the place where I lead you, for you will follow Me closely, because you love Me dearly. I will pour forth My Love upon you in great abundance, yea, great abundance! You will be satisfied and happy, for I will fill you to overflowing.
       169. You shall rejoice in Me, your Lover! You shall rejoice and rejoice in Me, your Husband! You shall rejoice, for the angels of Heaven will be at your beck and call, and they shall come and do the things that I have said unto them that they should do. A host of Heaven encamps about you and rejoices with you, that you have learned this touch of Heaven, that you have learned to love Me in this way. For this has been a mystery, for so few love Me in this way.
       170. But through you, and through your love, and through your words, and through your honesty and openness, many shall love Me in this way. Yea, many, I say many, will love Me in a new way and a greater way and a more fulfilling way. They shall be filled and they, too, shall know the ecstasies of My Love, and the power of My Spirit, and the power that I will pour forth into them through My seeds of Love.
       171. They shall shine brightly with My Love and many shall see them, and they shall be beacons in all the land, beacons of My Love in the time of darkness when the world is so dark. Yet My beacons shall be a shining bright light that many shall see. Many shall come unto them, and they shall be enlightened and they shall be filled with the warmth of the light. And they shall put forth their candles unto the light and they too shall be lightened, and they shall go forth with their light.
       172. And though their light may not be as strong as the beacons of light, yet it shall lighten the hearts of many, and many shall rejoice! But My beacons shall be deep wells of love, and deep wells of light, and deep wells of encouragement, for they shall be filled with Me because they have loved Me and they have lain in the bed of love and they have been empowered by My seeds.
       173. This world shall see a new thing. They shall see the Christians that I have made, the Christians that have the Love of God, the true Love of God, that share My Love and that give My Love unto one another. And by this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another, and if you have love for Me. For how can you love one another unless you love Me above all? For it is My Love that I will pour forth unto you for one another. It is My Love that will enable you to caress one another. It is My Love that will cause you to have great communication with one another. For it is Me.
       174. It is My Love that will do this thing in this new day, and people shall see it and shall rejoice! They shall see that you are unlearned and ignorant men, but they will know that you love Me. For you shall glow! Your eyes shall be enlightened. Your hands shall hold the Elixir of My Love to heal their broken hearts.
       175. And all of this shall spring forth from this one who loves Me. For this is a great thing and a great mystery that I show unto her, how I want My people to love Me. All because she said yes, and all because she laid down in the bed of love and said, "Come, come unto me, my Love! Come unto me, for I want You! I need You and I love You!"
       176. From this seemingly small thing, in love for Me, I shall bring forth love in tremendous proportion which shall burst forth abundantly upon the face of the Earth! As a volcano that is just an ugly mountain until it explodes from the heart of the Earth, so shall My Love explode from this one, from these words of Love, these caresses of Love, this lovemaking that she has done with Me. So shall the volcano of My Love explode into all the world! So shall the heat of the volcano and the globs of heat that shall fall everywhere enlighten the land. My children shall rejoice in a new day and rejoice in the love that I have given unto them through My sweet queen, through her love for Me and through My love for her. (End of prophecy.)

              177. ({\ul \i Mama:) }These are great, great promises that our natural minds cannot even comprehend right now. It boggles my mind to think that things of such great proportion could come out of this little step of obedience, this act of trying to love Jesus in this closer way. I don't understand how doing this thing that He told me to do could have such worldwide repercussions, like a volcano of love pouring out everywhere, but because He said it, I believe it.
       178. In this last prophecy we are able to see more vividly than ever the ultimate purpose for this whole Loving Jesus revelation. If you have been reading through this series thinking that all of this love-up with Jesus was nice for some people, but you felt just fine, and you didn't need any more "blessings," and that you were just doing great without them, well, now you know! The blessings are not just for you alone! While they are very much for you personally, their effects go far beyond you!
       179. The personal benefits are very great: To make you happy and to make you feel loved and to draw you closer to Jesus and to give you strength and anointing and power and to prepare you for the days ahead! But don't you see that by giving you all these blessings, He is making you into His beacon of light that will shine on many others to enlighten their darkness and to help them to find the Truth? He is not only making you happy, but He is making others happy at the same time!
       180. Everything the Lord does for us--all the love He showers upon us, all the happiness He gives us, all the blessings He bestows upon us, and all the supply He provides--these things are not only a sign of His Love for us, to make us happy, but are for the purpose of our sharing that love and happiness with others, especially the lost and dying world, His hungry, needy, starving sheep!
       181. The Lord is very efficient in what He does, and He gets everything possible out of a situation. True, He wants us to be happy, and He wants to shower us with many gifts! He loves us so much, that even if there weren't any lost souls in the world to reach, He would still be total Love to us and heap the richest of blessings upon us. But because there are lost souls and because He wants us to reach them so they can know His Love, as we have known His Love, He can use the fact that we are happy and satisfied "customers" to be a powerful testimony of His light and Love.
       182. Maybe if you are still having battles over this whole thing, it will make it easier for you to know that in learning to love Jesus this way and in letting Him love you more deeply and more intimately, you will be a much more powerful and more effective witness. That doesn't mean you should go out and tell everybody you witness to that they too can love Jesus like this!--I don't think it would go over very well! Ha! This is your private, intimate relationship with Jesus that doesn't need to be noised abroad. However, from what the Lord says, He is going to empower you and anoint you through this new relationship with Him, to shine more brightly than ever with His Love and to have a greater impact and influence on the needy world than ever before!
       183. Someone once told me, "Even though accepting FFing and having my wife practice it was extremely difficult, I was able to take it because I knew that it was something that was winning souls!" Well, now you know that you can say the same about this!: The Lord has promised that this new, more intimate relationship with Him will result in many souls, because of the love they will see in you! In addition, you will reap many personal benefits from it, and be showered with great blessings, as a result. What a way to go!
       184. So if you have been wondering why there's all this big fuss and what's the whole purpose for this, when you would just as soon have kept things the way they were, now you know! The ultimate and probably the greatest reason for your lying in the bed of love with Jesus and being filled with His Love and being empowered by His seeds is so you can have love to pour forth upon each other and upon the world. He says, "How can you love one another unless you love Me above all?" So your getting filled up with Jesus' Love will result in it overflowing on others so that they can receive Him into their heart to live and love with Him eternally.
       185. What better reason could there be?--And how could there be anything more important to sacrifice for? What a thrilling, exciting, wonderful way to get the job done! It's like He is giving us priceless treasures and the richest rewards, knowing that it will naturally make us want to reach His lost sheep with the Gospel in a greater way than ever before!
       186. It's like what you do with your children!: You want to make them happy, so you do all you can for them, because you love them! But at the same time, you know that if they feel happy and secure and fulfilled, these attitudes will be conveyed to others and will rub off on them too. They will be better able to interact lovingly with others. They will spend less time thinking about themselves, and more time trying to do what is good for others. They will have fewer problems. It's not that your main purpose in making them happy and showing them love is to help make others happy, but this is one of the results. It is a natural outgrowth, and one which is extremely important!
       187. So as we get filled to overflowing with Jesus' Love, and as we become His beacons of love and light throughout the whole world, Jesus will be happy, we will be happy, and together--we and He--will make His sad sheep happy! Our sample of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment will be a testimony that they can't ignore!--And they will know that we have been with Jesus! All of these rewards, all of these great blessings, all of His Love will spread throughout the world, because His brides are saying "yes" to Him in humility and love!

         Please be sure to read part 7 of this series, "Question and Answers on the Loving Jesus Series" (GN 665), which addresses many of the most frequently asked questions. Some questions in that GN serve as a summary of the main points of this revelation, and others provide important new information that is not included in parts 3 through 6. So please take time to read part 7 of the "Loving Jesus" series carefully and thoroughly. Thanks!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family