
From XFamily - Children of God
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Also referred to as babe's status or partial excommunication. To be put on probation is to be temporarily demoted, usually for 6 months. This is often the result of breaking a Charter rule not deemed severe enough (at least on a first offense) for excommunication. An example of an offense warranting probation is smoking tobacco.

While on probation, a group member is required to go through the procedure for new disciples, which includes reading thousands of pages of Mo letters and other core Family literature, forgoing sex (aside from with one's own spouse) and avoiding "worldly distractions" / "system influences" including non-Family music, books, Web sites, computer games and television. Failure to complete the 6-month program successfully will typically result in excommunication or the restarting of the 6-month probationary period.

Before the Family's governing charter was instituted, it was not unusual for members to be given babe's status based on the whims of shepherds.