Berg on Homosexuality

From XFamily - Children of God

Incongruous with his sexually charged doctrines, David Berg spoke strongly against male homosexuality, condemning it harshly as ungodly while saying that female homosexuality was not necessarily proscribed.

Berg's literature demonstrated literal homophobia, for example in his instructions to female caretakers of Ricky Rodriguez he insisted that male caretakers not be involved in the more sexually charged practices for fear of his son becoming a "homo".

Berg preferred to call male homosexuality by its Biblical name, "Sodomy". The Mo Letter "Warning To All Sodomites!"[1] is dedicated to the subject of male homosexuality.

Berg on male homosexuality

Excerpt from The Devil Hates Sex!—But God Loves It

35 AS FAR AS GOD'S CONCERNED THERE ARE NO MORE SEXUAL PROHIBITIONS HARDLY OF ANY KIND, EXCEPT HE SURE SEEMED TO HATE SODOMY & I don't see where He withdrew that.—But whatever it is, there might be exceptions as long as it's in love. [...]

36 (MARIA: THE CASES OF SODOMY THAT THINK THEY ARE EXCEPTIONS DON'T USUALLY SEEM TO BEAR VERY GOOD FRUIT.) Yes, that's another thing, some people are always looking for a loophole. (Maria: Even if it's because of guilt that they don't bear good fruit.) It shows they didn't have the faith for it. "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23).—Even if it's wrong in God's sight, & a sin to God or His way of looking at things.

Excerpts from Women In Love

33 ... I find plenty in the Bible that says that you cannot have homosexual man-with-man sexual relationships.--That is an abomination to God! He destroyed whole cities and whole civilisations for it and He slew men for it! Apparently it is a complete abhorrence to Him for some reason.

34 (MARIA: BUT HE PUT A GREAT LOVE OF MEN FOR OTHER MEN IN THEIR HEARTS, DIDN'T HE?) Well there are many men who had a great love for each other: David and Jonathan had a tremendous love for each other, friendship for each other. There are people who always are claiming, "Well, that was probably a homosexual relation."--Hell no! I don't believe it had to be a homosexual relationship at all! No.

37 BUT DOCTORS WILL TELL YOU THAT MALE SODOMY IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU, and that it's apt to result in all kinds of tissue injuries and infections and damages, and it's just plain downright God-damn dirty! I don't see why any men in the world want to do it, except that it's demonic and a perversion because it's unscriptural and it's a sin and against the commandments of God, therefore the demons must inspire them to do it!

39 EVEN THEN I DON'T THINK THEY COULD CAUSE THE DAMAGE TO THE TISSUE THAT MEN CAN CAUSE, "men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in their own bodies the recompense of their error which is meet," that which they justly deserve, their own punishment. But I don't see what's so strange about a little female-to-female masturbation!

55 SODOMY DOESN'T APPEAL TO ME in any way, shape or form and never has! It just disgusts me and sickens me to even think about it! I'm not blaming the poor boys who have some kind of satanic perversion or demonic impulse that tries to drive them into that kind of a relationship. It's really sad! I feel sorry for them and they've got to pray and ask God to get them out of it and deliver them from that kind of a spirit--it's anti-Christ, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Nature!

57 BUT TO IMPLY THERE WAS A HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP IN THESE BIBLE CASES JUST MAKES ME FIGHTING MAD! It makes me sick! Maybe John had that inclination, but I'm sure that Jesus never would have tolerated it. But they could love one another. I'm sure it was more like a brotherly love by far than anything else.

Excerpts from Sex Jewels

26 WE WERE SITTING IN A RESTAURANT NEXT TO A TABLE OF HOMOSEXUAL MEN DRESSED AS WOMEN, & Abrahim spoke quite violently in tongues & interpretation: "These have not the kisses of your father! These are they for which Sodom was destroyed." What these guys don't understand is that an evil spirit gets into them. I am sure they are female devils who get into these guys. They don't realise they are playing with something more powerful than they are, the spirit world!

27 I'M CONVINCED THEY BECOME DEMON-POSSESSED BY FEMALE DEVILS which makes them more female even than they expected to be, a total perversion that God has hated even from the beginning! This is why [EDITED: "Canaan, see "The Un-Cursed Sons of Ham!", ML #2928"] was cursed. [DELETED] May God deliver us from this sort of sickening delusion! Poor boys, I guess I should feel sorry for them, but it is a perversion. But God can help us. He's proved with even some of our boys who are in the Family today, He can completely deliver them of this kind of thing. So that's the way I feel about it.



16. OF COURSE, MANY OF THESE LIBERATIONISTS ARE GOING TO THE OPPOSITE EXTREME OF TOTAL PROMISCUITY and permissiveness in any form whatsoever, with anybody, any time, any place, and any how, in any way, or everywhere, with everybody!--This is not only in defiance of the cultural mores of moralistic Western society and its sexual laws, but also in open defiance of even some of the few ordinances of God Himself against a few limited types of sex such as fornication, adultery, incest and sodomy. These last are really the only four forms of sex which God prohibits or limits or frowns upon, and He even makes a few exceptions to some of these under certain circumstances! The words "fornication" and "adultery" are often used interchangeably in the Bible, but when there is actually any distinction between the two, fornication often refers to such God-prohibited, overindulgent and excessive sexual activities as whoremongering, harlotry, promiscuity, extramarital sex, etc. Whereas adultery, in the more strict sense of the word, usually means illicit sex with another's husband or wife or another's mate, one who is already legally married to somebody else. Incest, or certain forms of sex with certain specified close relatives was not made illegal until the Mosaic Law 2600 years after Creation. Sodomy is male homosexuality, or "men with men doing that which is unseemly," and which God strictly forbids and severely judged as the most evil and abominable sexual sin of all, and for which as far as we can see He never made any exceptions, although there were many exceptions, allowances and tolerations regarding the other three!


14. I'LL TELL YOU RIGHT NOW THAT WE ARE AT THE MOMENT VISITING IN A COUNTRY WHICH PERMITS ALMOST NO CONTACT BETWEEN THE SEXES before marriage--and I mean, hardly even a conversation, hardly even a look, and where the marriages are all arranged by the parents, and the children given almost no choice whatsoever, and sometimes hardly see each other before they're married! But from what we can personally observe here, this has resulted in many miserable and unhappy marriages, because they did not learn to know each other, love each other, or work together, much less live together, before marriage! It would amaze you!--You rarely even see a girl on the streets here, not many work, and they virtually never date unless some relative is along--and how many boys wanna take a girl out with her grandmother? Result: the streets, cafes, and theatres are filled with an almost 100 percent totally male society, so that it's almost unbelievable. We hardly know what a Greek girl looks like, much less a Turkish girl, who are even more Oriental in this practice!

15. BUT AS WE HAVE SAID, WE HAVE NOT FOUND THAT THIS MAKES FOR A WHOLESOME RELATIONSHIP between the sexes, much less happy marriages, and even worse, it has resulted in some of these countries being notorious for their homosexuality amongst men! If you wanna prevent this kind of a disaster, give our boys their women, and NOW!

"WOMEN IN LOVE" December 20, 1973

1. HERE IT SEEMS TO ME WE'RE BACK AGAIN TO THE SCRIPTURES GOD GAVE US ON "ALL THINGS." If those Scriptures apply to heterosexual relationship, male and female, why can't they apply to the relationships of two women?--Why not, if the same rules are applied? When He's speaking of love, He says if you do it in love, against such there is no law, right?--If it's real love. So if it is real love, why not?

2. IT IS NOT EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN, SUCH AS IT IS WITH MEN WITH MEN. Male homosexuality is expressly, definitely and specifically forbidden and cursed and called sodomy. In that case it is absolutely forbidden--it's a sin. But I don't see and I've never been able to find any place in the Bible where it is forbidden to women.

33. WELL, I DON'T FIND ANYTHING IN THE BIBLE THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T! I find plenty in the Bible that says that you cannot have homosexual man-with-man sexual relationships.--That is an abomination to God! He destroyed whole cities and whole civilisations for it and He slew men for it! Apparently it is a complete abhorrence to Him for some reason.

34. (MARIA: BUT HE PUT A GREAT LOVE OF MEN FOR OTHER MEN IN THEIR HEARTS, DIDN'T HE?) Well there are many men who had a great love for each other: David and Jonathan had a tremendous love for each other, friendship for each other. There are people who always are claiming, "Well, that was probably a homosexual relation."--Hell no! I don't believe it had to be a homosexual relationship at all! No.

35. "FILEO" OR BROTHERLY (OR SISTERLY) LOVE DOES NOT HAVE TO ALWAYS WIND UP IN SEX! Brotherly love, Godly love--these do not have to necessarily always wind up in each other's arms sexually. They're inclined to, but let's face it, if God's forbidden that between men, then they better lay off! But, if He hasn't forbidden it between women, I don't see why not!

36. I DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH FEMALE LESBIANISM, AND I THINK THE REASONS ARE OBVIOUS: Women cannot have the same kind of relationship that men can have with each other, and it cannot do their bodies the damage that men can do to their bodies, especially in the form that most sodomy takes.

37. BUT DOCTORS WILL TELL YOU THAT MALE SODOMY IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU, and that it's apt to result in all kinds of tissue injuries and infections and damages, and it's just plain downright God-damn dirty! I don't see why any men in the world want to do it, except that it's demonic and a perversion because it's unscriptural and it's a sin and against the commandments of God, therefore the demons must inspire them to do it!

38. BUT AS FAR AS I CAN SEE, I DON'T SEE WHAT DAMAGE ANY TWO WOMEN CAN DO TO EACH OTHER unless they use some mechanical devices, I've never read in any book, any scientific book on the subject where normal lesbianism could actually cause any physical injury or harmfulness, unless of course they use some stupid idiotic devices of some kind which are ridiculous.

39. EVEN THEN I DON'T THINK THEY COULD CAUSE THE DAMAGE TO THE TISSUE THAT MEN CAN CAUSE, "men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in their own bodies the recompense of their error which is meet," that which they justly deserve, their own punishment. But I don't see what's so strange about a little female-to-female masturbation!

55. SODOMY DOESN'T APPEAL TO ME in any way, shape or form and never has! It just disgusts me and sickens me to even think about it! I'm not blaming the poor boys who have some kind of satanic perversion or demonic impulse that tries to drive them into that kind of a relationship. It's really sad! I feel sorry for them and they've got to pray and ask God to get them out of it and deliver them from that kind of a spirit--it's anti-Christ, anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-Nature!

56. BUT TWO BOYS COULD BE VERY, VERY GOOD FRIENDS. They don't have to have sex with each other! They can love each other very much like David and Jonathan did, and like Jesus and John the Beloved. He was called the beloved disciple because he was always laying his head on Jesus' bosom he loved Him so much. He was apparently a very young disciple. Jesus was about thirty, but John they say was only in his teens.

57. BUT TO IMPLY THERE WAS A HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP IN THESE BIBLE CASES JUST MAKES ME FIGHTING MAD! It makes me sick! Maybe John had that inclination, but I'm sure that Jesus never would have tolerated it. But they could love one another. I'm sure it was more like a brotherly love by far than anything else.

"SAHARA" October 28, 1975

4. THOSE EVIL MOROCCAN LEADERS have always been evil beasts, thieves, murderers, cutthroats, pirates and Mafia. I can't remember one single good thing about them, can you? The word most closely associated in my memory with Moroccans is those "Moroccan pirates." They've always been a bunch of the worst and cruelest kind of people!

5. WE RECENTLY RECEIVED A LETTER FROM ONE OF OUR BOYS WHO WAS IMPRISONED THERE: Joseph of Bradford, England: "Believe me, I've got plenty to kick about! I was imprisoned six months in Morocco and do you know what the charge was? Are you ready for this? Plotting to overthrow the government through the use of ... the MO Letters! How about that? The Moroccans are so God damned anti-Christ and anti-God, the filthiest, morbid, degenerate, most disgusting and downright lowlife disease-ridden people I have ever come in contact with! Almost all the Moroccans are homosexuals, perverted, etc. I love the Lord and His Word and that means you and the Letters too! I've always been fanatical about the Letters and it's gotten me into trouble a couple of times. ... However, I'd rather die for something than live for nothing!"

OUR DAY IN COURT--Don't Give Up Too Soon! 22/5/77

7. OUR BITTEREST ENEMIES TODAY ARE BOTH! Just take a look at the front cover of Christianity Today. The Family members ought to have seen that. I finally made the front cover of a magazine! Thank God it doesn't look like me, it's a horrible monster! It was an interview with two of our backsliders. The one guy was never really one of us--a preacher boy from Bible College & only with us a few months, the husband of one of our colossal backsliders, Gracie! The other guy we had to finally kick out of South America for persistent homosexuality. So what do they do?

8. THEY GO STRAIGHT TO OUR ENEMIES for consolation & to attack us! So that's what that article is about. But in spite of that there's a lot of truth in the article--it publicised the doctrine just the same.


8. GOD FAVOURS THE TURKS MORE THAN THE GREEKS. He has big sympathy for the Turks more than the Greeks. The Greeks are famous for homosexuality. All over the world it's known as "the Greek way"--from the rear.

HOMOS! A Question of Sodomy? June 9, 1978

Editor's note: As the title to this letter indicates, it is entirely concerned with male homosexuality, with Berg variously characterizing it as a sin, a weakness, a frailty, a handicap, or an abnormality.

QUESTIONS FROM THE FIELD--Part 1 December 16, 1978

48. (TIMOTHY: IN THE CASE OF "HOMOS," I THINK A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN IT & TAKEN OFF on it.) I think they take it the way they want to take it! (Timothy: Exactly.) I couldn't have made it any plainer in that Letter.

49. WE ARE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY, THE BIBLE IS AGAINST IT, THE LORD IS AGAINST IT & you ought to fast & pray for deliverance! (Maria: Some people did & they got a big victory!) Others took it as an excuse because we couldn't take a flat four-footed stand & condemn everybody & every single case. If you leave one little loophole, there will always be some people who try to squeeze through it.

50. (MARIA: SOME OF THE THINGS WE CAN'T HOLD BACK IN THE LETTERS, SO WE JUST HAVE TO BE CAREFUL & PRESENT ALL SIDES & factors for them. I think you did that very well in "Homos," so some people got a victory & some people got worse.) I think they did what they wanted, just like people do what they want with the Bible. They wrest the Scriptures & interpret it to suit themselves & to fit their own case.

51. JETHRO USED TO GET UP & APOLOGISE & EXPLAIN AWAY MY LETTERS EVERYTIME before he would read them! "Well now, you know Dad, now you know what Dad means. Now you know he doesn't always say what he means or mean what he says" & he'd explain the whole thing away before he would even read it, or while he was reading it. People will just do what they want to do & believe what they want to believe, no matter what you say. They'll try to twist the Letters & twist the Bible to fit.

52. ALL I KNOW IS THE WHOLE BIBLE IS ABSOLUTELY DEAD SET AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY! God wiped out whole cities & civilisations! [DELETED] (John: Sometimes when a new Letter comes out with new ideas, some people think it automatically negates the old Letters that have been written on the subject. They need to balance Scripture with Scripture & realise that they have to get the balance.)

53. IN SOME OF THOSE OLDEST LETTERS I STATED THE BASIC FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN CHANGED; It's still the way I feel about it, it's still the way I believe. It's still the way I think we ought to operate. But just because I wrote them nine or ten years ago, some people have decided they don't mean anything anymore.

54. WE MAY CHANGE OUR METHODS BUT WE DON'T CHANGE THE BASIC PRINCIPLES.--Just like a general fighting a war. He may change tactics, methods, means of attack, ways of doing things, but he doesn't change the basics.

SEX JEWELS! Complied May 1980

26. WE WERE SITTING IN A RESTAURANT NEXT TO A TABLE OF HOMOSEXUAL MEN DRESSED AS WOMEN, & Abrahim spoke quite violently in tongues & interpretation: "These have not the kisses of your father! These are they for which Sodom was destroyed." What these guys don't understand is that an evil spirit gets into them. I am sure they are female devils who get into these guys. They don't realise they are playing with something more powerful than they are, the spirit world!

27. I'M CONVINCED THEY BECOME DEMON-POSSESSED BY FEMALE DEVILS which makes them more female even than they expected to be, a total perversion that God has hated evenfrom the beginning! This is why [EDITED: "Canaan, see "The Un-Cursed Sons of Ham!", ML #2928"] was cursed. [DELETED] May God deliver us from this sort of sickening delusion! Poor boys, I guess I should feel sorry for them, but it is a perversion. But God can help us. He's proved with even some of our boys who are in the Family today, He can completely deliver them of this kind of thing. So that's the way I feel about it.

THE DEVIL HATES SEX--But God Loves It May 20, 1980

12. BUT THE DEVIL HAS ABSOLUTELY MADE IT [sex] AN ABOMINATION to where it's practically one of the cardinal doctrines of the Church--particularly the Catholic Church-- to forbid their priests sex, of all things, Imagine! And it has driven them into horrible perversion till they've become a bunch of homosexual perverts: The Priest hood has fallen into the worst kind of sexual sin-sodomy--because of the Church doctrines against sex! Think of it!

35. AS FAR AS GOD'S CONCERNED THERE ARE NO MORE SEXUAL PROHIBITIONS HARDLY OF ANY KIND, EXCEPT HE SURE SEEMED TO HATE SODOMY & I don't see where He withdrew that.--But whatever it is, there might be exceptions as long as it's in love. God's only law is Love!--And I'll tell you, it's dangerous because the System sure hates it,& the System's laws & everything are geared against sexual activities of all kinds & types, particularly having anything to do with children!-- You don't even have to be a child, just a minor, & in some countries a minor is 23 years of age! Ha! Catholic countries!

36. (MARIA: THE CASES OF SODOMY THAT THINK THEY ARE EXCEPTIONS DON'T USUALLY SEEM To BEAR VERY GOOD FRUIT.) Yes, that's another thing, some people are always looking for a loophole. (Maria: Even if it's because of guilt that they don't bear good fruit.) It shows they didn't have the faith for it. "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin". (Ro. 14:23.) --Even if it's wrong in God's sight, & a sin to God or His way of looking at things.

37. IF IT'S NOT OF FAITH &IT'S NOT IN LOVE, IT'S SIN!--Even if it's right! Even if it's not wrong! Even if legally, technically, according to God's Law of Love it's really not wrong & could even be right, it's wrong for you if you haven't got the faith for it & if you haven't got the love for it! My Lord, how totally messed up the world is! So totally messed up that anybody who wants to fight for openness about se in any way, legally or in literature, ort or anything, has to be very very careful they don't violate the system's very strict rules about sex!


40. I UNDERSTAND IN BRAZIL RIGHT NOW THEY'RE REALLY CLAMPING DOWN ON MISSIONARIES, not just us but all kinds of missionaries & Gospel & so on, really anti-Christ, anti-God. It's an anti-Christ anti-God country anyhow full of devils & demons & homosexuals & fiendish music & a really horrible place to be, in a way. And I think when a country starts getting down on us & giving us trouble or restricting or prohibiting or limiting us or warning us, it's a good time to get out & wait until the Lord changes things or the administration or judges them, & if they deserve it, puts better government in control so we can go back again.

ISLAND OF REVELATION!--Part 7 of "The Garden of Eden!" 25/4/81

27. Homosexuality between men [EDITED: "is"] "men with men working that which is unseemly" sexually. (Ro.1:27.) And I'm sorry to say it has now swept across the civilised World, from uncivilised, savage, native Africa, across Europe, North America & South America. In fact, it has virtually taken the World over today until it seems like the World is just full of sodomites, which is one reason God is now going to have to destroy the World again!

28. HE PROMISED NEVER TO DESTROY IT AGAIN WITH A FLOOD OF WATER, but this time He's going to destroy it with a flood of fire, in the very end, & purify it & destroy the pollution, the germs, the contamination, the wicked, & all evil & the curse, & re-make the surface of the Earth into another Garden of Eden, a New Earth with a New Heaven!

THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!--1st 4 Seals & 4 Horsemen!--Part 11 of "The Garden of Eden!"--Revelation Chapter 5 & 6:1-8. 29/4/81

25. BLACK HAM-- HAM IS THE EGYPTIAN WORD MEANING BLACK--THE BLACK SON OF NOAH COMMITTED SODOMY AGAINST HIS OWN FATHER one of the most disgusting, sickening, homosexual sins against his own father when his father lay drunk from wine!--And as result, was cursed for, & his son [EDITED: "Canaan"] cursed for it, & [EDITED: "Canaan's"] whole progeny from that time on were cursed! ...

11 FLANNELGRAPH!--Part 4! 1/3/81

86. "NEITHER SHALL HE REGARD THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS." Did his fathers have a God? Ah-ha! So he must have come from some kind of a family that used to worship God. Well, here's another indication he might be Jewish. "Neither shall he regard the desire of women." I wouldn't be surprised if he's a homo!

87. THAT'S THE WORST KIND OF AN ABOMINATION TO GOD, HOMOSEXUALITY, SODOMY, for which He wiped out not only cities, but whole nations, & even cast out Israel from their land[DELETED] because He hated that sin so much & He knew that they would be the greatest practisers of it in the whole World! [DELETED] "Men with men working that which is unseemly." (Rom.1:27) Sodomy, homosexuality. It says the Antichrist is not going to regard the desire of women so I wouldn't be surprised if he's a homo! [DELETED]

THE FUTURE IS HERE!--& Needs Leaders! 18/2/82

99. MY WILD FANATICAL HIPPIE REVOLUTIONARY TACTICS worked great with the wild fanatically hippie revolutionary generation! But now we're nice little families, parents with children, homes of our own & it's time we all grew up & not let some of these stupid idiots get away with some of their shenanigans!--Running homosexual Homes, smoking grass & all the rest of it! We need to excommunicate them! I don't give a damn how much they contribute or how faithfully they tithe or love to read the Family News Magazine while they're sitting there looking like hippies on the floor smoking grass! I mean, it's just not our Family!


27. QUESTION: I WAS WONDERING WHAT WAS THE APOSTLE PAUL'S THORN IN THE FLESH EXACTLY. I know he did not like women so much by the way he talks about them in some of the writings, & it came to me that perhaps he had problems with homosexuality. Could it be possible that that was his thorn in the flesh?--And that is what he was fighting against?--Louisa;Argentina.

ANSWER: NEVER! HE ABHORS IT! (Rom.1:18-32)--Like God hates it! (1Cor.6:9-13; Deut.22:5; Gen.18,19:5-7; Deut.23:17; Col.3:5.) A "thorn in the flesh" is a physical affliction--not a sinful temptation! "A messenger of Satan" (2Cor.12:7)--Perhaps even an annoying demon! BUT WE DO KNOW FROM GAL.6:11 THAT HIS EYES WERE POOR, as he says: "Behold with what large characters I write unto thee." & "you would have given me your own eyes" (Gal.4:15) It was certainly no sin or bad example nor did it stop God's Work or hurt his influence like sodomy!


83. SOME OF THESE RELIGIOUS ART PICTURES OF JESUS MAKE HIM LOOK SICK OR LIKE A WOMAN!--A little frail skinny delicate thing with long hair like a woman. Some of the times I think they were deliberately trying to make Him look like some kind of a homo or a queer! Especially in the Italian art where homosexuality is so rampant in the Catholic Church! Did you ever notice how some of those Catholic-Italian pictures of Christ make Him look like a queer? Take a look next time & see.


43. THAT'S ONE THING THAT WORRIES ME ABOUT POPE JOHN! I don't know how he can be so spiritual & yet be so far off the beam when it comes to sticking to celibacy as being something Scriptural & something good for the priests! It's resulted in some of the worst havoc in the Church! I've had so many reports from converted priests & people themselves, including one sad experience in Israel.

44. ONE ARAB BOY WE KNEW GOT CONVERTED & JOINED THE CHURCH, & as an Arab, he practically had to move in for safety's sake! The priest came around to his bed one night to have sex, & he was so horrified & so astonished & shocked that he told us about it! He said, "What is this?" And we told him, "Well, that certainly was not of God! He was not a man of God to do things like that!"--And he was horrified & we were horrified! But even before that I heard that sodomy or homosexuality is rampant in the Catholic Church amongst the priesthood! After all, they've got to have sex, it's normal & natural, the flesh needs it, craves it, & if they won't let'm have women, the Bible says they burn in their lusts, men with men working that which is unseemly. (Rom.1:27)

45. SO THAT'S A DOCTRINE OF DEVILS, A FALSE DOCTRINE, & how the Pope can be a man of God & stick to it, I don't know!--Along with a few other things! I certainly highly agree with his stand against birth control & abortion & most other things, although the Catholics are not very strong on salvation by grace. But that business of celibacy has caused nothing but trouble & is still one of their biggest problems, & it should be!

SIGNS OF THE TIMES! BOF Parts 2 & 3 Compiled 4/83

36. IN ANOTHER PROPHECY RELATED TO HIS "DAYS OF NOAH" PREDICTION REGARDING WORLD CONDITIONS & TRENDS IMMEDIATELY BEFORE HIS RETURN, Jesus said, "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire & brimstone from Heaven & destroyed them all. Eventhus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." (Lk.17:28-30)

37. WELL, JUST LIKE THE ANCIENT WICKED CITIES OF SODOM & GOMORRAH, TODAY'S WORLD IS JUST FULL OF SODOMITES, "men with men working that which is unseemly" (Rom.1:27), & Sodomy, or male-homosexuality, has swept across the civilised World! The laws of man are beginning to tolerate & even encourage it, while countless films, recordings & entertainers are openly flaunting & promoting it--which is another reason why God is going to have to step in soon! "And I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of Judgement, than for these!" (Mt.11:24)


15. SO IN SOME WAYS THE COMMUNISTS ARE MORE RIGHTEOUS THAN THE AMERICANS OR THE WEST, which is just rife with that kind of corruption & iniquity & filth--mental, physical & spiritual poison & pollution! They've gone mad! At least the Communists have a little sympathy & a little sanity & are trying to help the poor & share a little bit of the wealth. (Maria: America does everything contrary to the Bible. The women rule the country, [DELETED] they have accepted homosexuality!) They're totally perverse!--Perverts, deviates, wicked, iniquitous, sickening! (Maria: Their spare-time activities are snake-handling, racing rats, women wrestling each other!) Everything perverse! Everything contrary to even sanity, as well as the Bible, God & Christ!


20. WHEN YOU GET ASKED SOME OF THESE FUNNY QUESTIONS, YOU REALLY TRY TO THINK BACK ON THE BIBLE, IF YOU EVER HEARD OF ANY EXAMPLE OF THAT KIND. I knew a preacher once who believed angels could be any size, from 900 feet tall to microscopic, & that they could even enter your bloodstream or whatever, the size of germs! And he believed that the angels enter your body & fight diseases, hand-to-hand conflict with the microbes!--Ha! Well, why not? I can believe most anything! God can do most anything!

21. WELL, THE LORD DEFINITELY HAS GOOD FORCES WITHIN YOUR BODY WHICH FIGHT THE EVIL FORCES, & this is the big problem with this latest epidemic of what they call AIDS in which people have no resistance to any kind of disease. Why they want to call it "AIDS," I don't know, it doesn't aid'm, it hurts'm! It's rampant now amongst the Sodomites of America, the homos. They like to use that nice little word "homosexuals" instead of Sodomites. So they're getting their just deserts, as Paul said, receiving in their own bodies the judgement they deserve. (Rom.1:27)

22. BUT SCIENCE HAS KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME THAT WHITE BLOOD CORPUSCLES FIGHT DISEASE & that there are various other defence mechanisms in your body which fight disease & the forces of evil, etc. That was O.L. Jaggers' theory, by the way, a guy I used to work for. I didn't purposely work for him, but he bought the church & the school we were in & bought us with it! He had a lot of interesting ideas, & he believed that diseases were not only evil & just a result of the Curse & of the Devil, etc., but they were actually microscopic demons by the millions who entered your body. So he thought the Lord would send in legions of microscopic-size angels to fight'm when he prayed for you, of course! Well, I'm not going to argue with him! All things are possible! (Mk.9:23)

MOVIE REVIEWS!--"Superman II", "Emanuelle", "Roll Over", "War Games", "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy"! 9/83

26. THEY HAD ABOUT EVERYTHING IN THERE EXCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY, & they even had a touch of that, a hint of it at least. But apparently at the time that was made it wasn't quite as popular & wouldn't have probably been as acceptable as heterosexual sex or lesbianism, which was already quite accepted in this film, or various other forms of odd, peculiar, unnatural sex. Perhaps they avoided it simply because that would have limited its distribution & a lot of cinemas couldn't have gotten away with it. They gave a hint of it though. I don't know whether you noticed some of those flashes that came on so quick & off so quick, you could hardly tell what was there, but that's what they were hinting at in some of that threesome junk!--Disgusting, sickening vomit! "The dog returning to his vomit, the sow to her wallowing in the mire." (2Pe.2:22.) Well, that's even more natural than the depths to which perverted corrupted man can sink! It just turns my stomach to even talk about it, so let's talk about something better.

THE MAKING OF A MAN!--1941 Wars & Lessons! 1/84

12. WELL, IT KIND OF WORKS BOTH WAYS--"WHERE SIN DOTH ABOUND, GRACE DOTH MUCH MORE ABOUND." (Rom.5:20.) But in that case, where grace abounded, the Devil got in & sin did much more abound & it became Sin Capital, Sin City of the World today!--Along with San Francisco where the homos run the government. But why should we call them such a nice little name as "homos", why don't we just say "Sodomites", huh? That's what the Bible calls them! They're trying to get away from the stigma of that bad name--sodomy--using homosexuality, a nice big word that tries to cover up its wickedness.

13. SAN FRANCISCO WAS THE SIN CAPITAL OF CALIFORNIA BACK IN THE DAYS OF THE BARBARY COAST & THE LATE 1880s & '90s--my Mother knew, she used to work there with all the White slaves they brought in etc. They'd give a girl a dose of drugs & practically put her in a house where she was held a prisoner under the influence of drugs for prostitution. It was common. Well, it's still common today, they still do it, but they don't call it White Slavery much any more. They try to get rid of all those bad terms, saying, "There's nothing evil any more, nothing's bad, really, everything's really good in some way", so they try to get rid of all those bad names & bad words such as "Sodomy" & call it "homosexuality" & that sort of thing.

14. SO SAN FRANCISCO AGAIN NOW IS SIN CITY, SIN CAPITAL OF CALIFORNIA WHERE THE HOMOS RUN THE GOVERNMENT!--ALONG WITH LOS ANGELES & HOLLYWOOD! It has such a large Sodomite population that it's becoming like the ancient city of Sodom, & it's going to meet the same fate.--Probably the same way it got it after it became so wicked back in the late 1800s. 1906 was the year of the great earthquake, & boy, they really got it! It almost levelled the town, killed thousands of people & made a mess of the place. They're probably going to get that same thing again--either that or some of those missiles are going to be a direct hit & land in the right place. The World would be a lot better off if they'd have good aim when they hit San Francisco & Los Angeles! Those two cities have polluted the Earth, not only with Sodomy, but with all their filthy movies & all the rest!

SINLESS SEX!--God's Sex Position!--Compiled 11/84

42. AS FAR AS ACTUAL SEXUAL ACTIVITY, THERE SEEMS TO BE ONLY ONE SEXUAL SIN WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED WITHOUT EXCEPTION & WHICH WAS JUDGED VERY SEVERELY BY GOD.--It even gets its name from that ancient licentious city which God totally wiped out & horribly destroyed for its common indulgence in this sin, the city of Sodom! (Gen.19) Sodomy, or homosexuality between men, seems to be an abomination to God & utterly & unequivocally forbidden, although the laws of man in some places like the U.S. are beginning to tolerate it & even encourage it!

43. MALE HOMOSEXUALITY, "MEN WITH MEN DOING THAT WHICH IS UNSEEMLY" (ROM.1:27), IS APPARENTLY A COMPLETE ABHORRENCE TO THE LORD! To say the least it is insanitary, infectious, insane, disgusting, degrading, dirty, perverted & hazardous to the health of both body & mind!--And it is so totally unnecessary, making it a complete perversion of the normal, God-created, heterosexual appetite of natural desire between men & women.

44. I'M NOT CONDEMNING THE POOR BOYS WHO HAVE SOME KIND OF SATANIC PERVERSION or demonic impulse that drives them into that kind of a relationship.--It's really sad & I feel sorry for them! But I know that if they will sincerely pray & ask the Lord to free them & deliver them from that spirit, He will! He has proven in many cases that He can completely cleanse & deliver them from that sort of thing, making them "new creatures in Christ Jesus." (2Cor.5:17)

EZEKIEL 38!--Verses 18-23! 2/85

34. THIS IS THE WAY GOD WIPED OUT THE ENTIRE CITIES OF SODOM & GOMORRAH, TWO WHOLE CITIES, FOR THEIR SODOMY!--Something that now I notice the so-called "civilised" countries are practically bragging about. It's becoming accepted in the news & everywhere. The so-called "gays" are anything but gay! Isn't that a Devil's lie to call them "gay," as though they were happy? That's what they call these Sodomites, these homosexuals, these men who make love with men. Even you children know what I'm talking about, don't you? It's an abomination to God & God curses it in His Word, & He has wiped out whole cities & whole civilisations for it in the past. There's a record of it in the Bible time & again. Two whole cities of Sodom & Gomorrah were completely wiped out by just such a raining of hailstones, fire & brimstone!


39. BUT GOD KNEW ABOUT THOSE EVIL , [EDITED: "CANAANITE"] IDOLATERS & WICKED, SINFUL SODOMITES & GOMORRITES WHOSE MOST CARDINAL SIN WAS HOMOSEXUALITY, sodomy, "men with men working that which is unseemly"! (Rom.1:27) No wonder God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah! They even wanted to fuck the angels that came to rescue Lot! They said, "Bring out these new men that we may know them!" (Gen.19:5) That meant they wanted to fuck'm in the rear! What a horrible, horrible thing! My God, don't ever let anybody do that to you! You can get all kinds of diseases that way, even you women. I'm not talking about from the rear, it's possible to fuck in the right place from the rear, I'm talking about instead of where you're supposed to put your penie, boys, some people put it into the place where you're supposed to have your BMs!--That's Sodomy!

40. CAN YOU IMAGINE PUTTING A PENIE INTO THAT PLACE & LETTING THE SEEDS OF GOD MINGLE WITH THE DIRT & THE FILTH & THE SHIT OF MAN?--And not only with women, but men with men! It's accursed!--And today has resulted in all kinds of horrible diseases, diseases that they get in their bowels & in their anus, their asshole or whatever you want to call it, because of that kind of sin. Because it introduces germs in there that aren't supposed to be in there, & they have all kinds of intestinal diseases, rectal diseases, anal diseases, & now they've got AIDS! Of all the lies of the Devil to call it AIDS, it doesn't aidanybody, the only thing it aids you to do is die, it aids you to get sick!

41. WASN'T THAT A CLEVER LITTLE TRICK OF THE DEVIL TO MAKE IT NOT SOUND SO BAD? The first time I ever read the word I thought it must be something good, AIDS, it must be a help. Don't you think that when you talk about aid, that it's a help? Let me tell you, it's no help! AIDS is just the initials of a horrible disease in which your own white corpuscles & the bacteria & all the various defense forces that God has put in your body to fight disease & to fight evil germs & to fight bacteria, God removes'm & you are left defenseless & a prey to every disease that comes along, until you die from that kind of thing. And the people who have the most of it are these Sodomites!

42. I DON'T EVEN LIKE TO CALL'M HOMOS! That's a nice little technological medical word they've cooked up to kind of gloss over how bad it is. Why don't we call it what it really is, sodomy!--The vile, filthy,dirty sin of sodomy that the Devil cooked up to destroy man, "men with men," & for which God cursed & wiped out whole cities & whole civilisations, whole peoples, whole nations, whole empires! And He's going to do it again to the U.S.A. where it's rampant today!

43. THAT WAS THE CARDINAL SIN OF THE CANAANITES & [DELETED] IT STILL IS TO THIS VERY DAY THROUGHOUT AFRICA, WHERE AIDS ORIGINATED. It has now swept across the World & across the civilised World, the U.S. & Europe, & is spreading everywhere, mostly to the people who participate in such horrible sins. There's just something about it that God doesn't like, mingling the holy seed that God created, from which He creates life, with shit! Some men do it with women & women prefer it so they won't get pregnant, imagine that!

46. THERE'S NOTHING DISGUSTING ABOUT SEX, THERE'S NOTHING BAD ABOUT SEX, NOTHING EVIL ABOUT SEX, NOTHING WRONG WITH SEX, IT'S BEAUTIFUL IF IT'S USED IN THE RIGHT WAY & WITH LOVE & LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. But all these horrible perversions are cursed of God, & if you participate in them, you'll be cursed. So watch out! God help you! I'll tell you, the Lord has really wreaked judgement on people who have sins like that, & it [EDITED: "is the"] sin He hates. He doesn't hate the [EDITED: "Sodomites"], He loves'm, He wishes they'd get saved, but He hates their sin. He died for the [EDITED: "them"] just as much as He did for [DELETED] you & me [DELETED] or anybody! But it just so happens that God hates that sin it seems above almost all other physical sins. Of course, He hates murmuring worse than anything, because murmuring is absolute rebellion against God, idolatry!--Devil-worship! But of the physical sins, it seems in the Bible that sodomy was the one sin God hated the most & for which He wiped out whole cities, whole generations, whole Empires, & He's going to do it again to the U.S.A., because it's becoming rampant there!

47. NOW THEY'RE GETTING OPEN ABOUT IT, GLORIFYING IT! It's becoming accepted & they have organisations of Sodomites. I refuse to call'm Gays or Homos, they're not gay & homo's too nice a word.Sodomites!--That's what the Bible calls them. Sodomy!--That's what God calls it! They're becoming accepted & they're promoting it in the news, promoting it in the movies. Well, let me tell you, God never accepted them! Every time He heard anything about them He drove them out or told His people to drive them out.--In fact, He told them to kill'm, & He held some kings responsible because they did not destroy all the Sodomites in the country!


82. THEY'RE ALWAYS LOOKING UP NICE BIG WORDS FOR THESE HORRIBLE DEEDS! They call murdering babies abortion & they call Sodomites homosexuals or gays. When I was a little boy they called them queers & pansies. But they've got new names for them all the time because they don't want to call them what they really are, it's too bad a name! God calls it sodomy, & He calls those that practice it Sodomites, but they're always looking for prettier names for things. Abortion sounds a lot nicer than baby murder, doesn't it? I never even knew what the word meant until I got quite far along & reading books, & I finally found out what abortion was. I might have thought it was something like cold borscht & gefilte fish, or cheese blintzes & sour cream or something! It sounds like borscht, doesn't it?

ZECHARIAH 14!--PART 2--Verses 6-21 4/85

117. OKAY, BACK TO THE LAST VERSE: "IN THAT DAY THERE SHALL BE NO MORE THE CANAANITE." Who were the Canaanites? (Fam: They were Black.) And what land did they live in? That's almost as easy as asking, "Where was Joan of Arc from?" (Fam: Canaan!) What was Canaan? (Fam: The Promised Land.)--Or geographically speaking it was Palestine & some of it certainly ought to be Palestine, but it's Israel today. And what were the Israelites supposed to do when they took over this country that was occupied by these Black Canaanites, sons of [EDITED: "Canaan, the cursed son of Ham--see ML #2928"], Ham being an Egyptian word that means "black." They were [EDITED: "grand"]sons of Ham, that boy who was wicked to his father Noah, & his [EDITED: "son Canaan"] became like him. What was their major sin? (Fam: Sodomy!) Today they give it pretty names like "gays", "homosexuals" & we used to call them "pansies" when I was a kid. But they were Sodomites, the worst kind of sexual sin that God still condemns to this day!

118. THEY WERE NOT ONLY SODOMITES, SONS OF [EDITED: "CANAAN"] , BLACK, WHAT ELSE WERE THEY? (FAM: IDOL-WORSHIPPERS.)--IDOLATERS! They worshipped abominations, abominable idols! They were very wicked people, very wicked in every way. They worshipped idols, they committed sexual sin, sodomy, & they were the [DELETED] people that God had cursed & said because of their sins He would make them servants of servants & the others would rule over them. Now that is God's Word & you can read it right there in the Chapter right after the Flood, about Noah & Ham & Canaan. (Gen.9:25-27)

119. HAM WAS NOAH'S SON, CANAAN WAS HAM'S SON, & THEY WERE CURSED BY THE LORD FOR THEIR WICKEDNESS. Let's see, the Flood occurred about 2600 B.C., & when they occupied the Promised Land was about the 1400's. So that's about a thousand years later & they were apparently still wicked & maybe even more wicked in Moses' day!

120. SO GOD TOLD THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL TO DRIVE THEM OUT COMPLETELY!--Drive'm out or kill'm! He said, "Otherwise they will be thorns in your flesh & pricks in your eyes." (Num.33:55) In other words, their sins would infect the children of Israel. [DELETED] Well, God said to get rid of'm, to drive them out!

121. THIS, OF COURSE, IS TALKING ABOUT THE UNREGENERATE, UNSAVED, NONCHRISTIAN, N ON-BORN-AGAIN [EDITED: "CHILDREN OF CANAAN"] . God's for driving out any people that are not Christians, black or white or whatever colour they are!--And for giving the country or the place to His Own people, & that's what He's going to do in that day. They're not going to have any place in the cities of God & the positions of rule that they have today.


102. IT IS NOT GOOD FOR A MAN TO LIVE ALONE! Don't tell me it's good for men to live alone. Look at the priesthood & their proclaimed celibacy, now they're a bunch of Sodomites, homosexuals!--Because it's not good for a man to live alone. The church wouldn't let'm have women, so they've gone to men! How horrible, how sickening!--A bunch of men living together having sex with each other because they won't let'm have any women. You know they are! The Catholic church has become notorious for it, even some of the Popes!

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WHORE!--Revelation 17:11-18 & Revelation 18! 6/85

REVELATION 18:3! 25. (VERSE 3:) "FOR ALL THE NATIONS HAVE DRUNK OF THE WINE OF THE WRATH OF HER FORNICATION." She's busy fucking devils! "And the kings of the Earth have committed fornication with her, & the merchants of the Earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." Doesn't that sound like the U.S.A.? At least part of it has got to be the U.S.A., that's for sure! The U.S.A. certainly makes a good dandy bad example of this Whore!

26. I USED TO THINK IT WAS JUST THE U.S.A., but I realise now that some other parts of the World are just as bad, almost as bad at least. Europe is getting bad, England's getting horrible! They're just really getting sold out to the Devil & witchcraft! Some of those worst rock groups are from England. And Germany, sad to say, is not too much better. All these most affluent nations have just rotted, become corrupt, they stink now! No wonder God's got to wipe'm out!

27. THAT'S WHERE SO-CALLED HOMOSEXUALITY IS RAMPANT TODAY. They give it a nice big fancy name, when it's nothing in the World but Sodomy!--Sodden with iniquity! And God has wiped out whole nations & empires & cities for those wicked sins of men with men working iniquity! It's getting popular & accepted & touted & publicised!

WORLD CURRENTS!--No.31 Compiled 8/86

27. THE WORST THING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH EVER DID WAS FORBIDDING THEIR PRIESTS TO MARRY! How can they know anything at all about marriage counselling or about families or children or how to be a father or mother when they don't have any experience with it! It looks to me like in a way it has destroyed the Catholic Church. A lot of the priests have turned to homosexuality & sodomy instead. I can't understand how the Catholics could have glorified Mary & motherhood & children, etc., & not let their own priests marry!

PSALMS FOR KIDS!--Psalm 51, Verses 15-19!--Part 4! 8/86

56. AIDS is almost the worst disease in the World you can get! It means you'll get every kind of disease that comes along till it kills you! It won't kill you, Honey, don't worry! It's a disease that mostly the Sodomites have, the ones called homosexuals, these men that have sex with men.

57. Anyhow, AIDS is a disease transmitted mainly by people who disobey the Lord & the law & get into Sodomy. It makes them susceptible to every other kind of disease. Any kind of disease that comes along, they can get it, they don't have any resistance to any disease at all. God ordained this as a punishment on the people that do those things. So when they catch a cold or catch anything it just nearly kills them, & finally does!

JAPAN'S LAST CHANCE! --Dad's Birthday Message! 18/2/88

24. Their Rabbis are just about the most brilliant men you're going to find, the most brilliant religious leaders of almost any kind. They are doctors & lawyers with strings of degrees. They are their particular congregation's judge, etc., & they are married to good healthy women who produce a lot of children, Rabbis are notorious for large families! Whereas the stupid Catholic Church has practically committed genocide by its ridiculous "doctrine of devils" as the Scripture calls it, forbidding the priests to marry, etc., which has resulted in rampant homosexuality, rampant Sodomy in the Catholic Church, corrupting it, until it's declining rapidly & becoming decadent, corrupt & a mess!--1Ti.4:1-3.

49. I remember what one preacher said to me after I preached for two hours to his congregation. He was a jolly fellow, good-natured with a sense of humour. I'd been preaching about the Antichrist, & he said, "Dave, I know now that you must be the Antichrist because you fulfil the Scripture, you 'wear out the Saints!'"--Dan.7:25. I said, "I can prove to you that I'm not!--Because I desire women!"--Dan.11:37. Somebody suggested maybe the Antichrist is going to be a Sodomite, a homo. I wouldn't be surprised. What an abomination to the Lord for the World to be worshipping a Sodomite! So anyhow, that excludes me, praise the Lord, even if I do wear out the saints, I'm sorry.

GOD'S GOTTA STOP IT SOON!--The Devil's Workshop! 5/88


36. The Devil, through his demon-possessed geniuses, has turned once-Godly Mankind into devils, until the World today is more full of devils & devilish men & wicked people than Godly people! When I was a kid most people were good people, hard-working people who lived & worked on their farms & believed that doing right & good was the right thing to do even if they didn't really even know the Lord or weren't even Christians. Most people in those days when I was a kid were good people, Christian people, at least in the Christian countries, & went to church & professed to be Christians & tried to be good people & were ashamed of wickedness. Now are they ashamed? Ha! As Jeremiah said, "Were they ashamed? Nay, they could not even blush!"--Jer.8:12.

37. Today they're proud of their wickedness, they flaunt their wickedness! The Sodomites parade down the streets by the thousands bragging about their wickedness, flaunting their wickedness in the face of the World, showing off their wickedness, their evil, & demanding more liberty & freedom for their sins! Whew! Wow! I mean, it's a wicked World today, filthy wicked, to where Sodomites can brazenly, boldly, brashly strut down the streets by the thousands publicly in demonstrations to parade & brag about their wicked filth & filthy wickedness & sickening sin! Ugh! It's becoming more & more popular so that it has to be included in movies now, love stories between men, blah blah, sickening!

38. God wiped out whole nations for Sodomy in the past & He'll do it again, too! That's one thing He held against some of the kings of Israel, that they didn't destroy all the Sodomites! They were to slaughter them,destroy them, kill them! That's the only cure of that kind of wickedness & sin. It seemed that God didn't have too much faith for their repentance or their regeneration or their changing, He just said "Kill'm!" And He held it against some of the kings of Israel that they didn't slaughter all the Sodomites!--1Kg.14:21-24; 15:12; 22:46; 2Kg.23:7; Lev.20:13. [EDITED: "HomeARC note: Maria writes: "Look how we differentiated between the sin and the sinner in that Hope Magazine story about the teen witnessers who encountered and witnessed to two homosexuals. (See Hope Mag #33, pg.16-21.) The whole point of that story was to try to show our kids that even though Sodomy is a sin, the homosexual himself is a human being who can be delivered, and whom Jesus loves and wants to rescue. I'm well aware of the fact that Dad has expressed very strong feelings against the sin of Sodomy. But I have seen him sit with people who were afflicted by Sodomite spirits and lovingly witness to them, listening to their heartcry, sharing encouragement from the Word, and showing understanding of their problem" ("'God Is No Respecter of Persons!'--Acts 10:34, " ML #2909; 1/94)."]

39. Now the Sodomites strut down the streets & politicians polish their politics to please the Sodomites & seek their votes because they've become an influential political power to govern & rule the people & get their so-called "gay rights." And instead of the governments & the people slaughtering the Sodomites, the Sodomites are slaughtering their people through their filthy diseases like AIDS & their filthy wickedness & sin!--To where now they're even attacking children with their Sodomy, molesting little boys, kidnapping them, buying & selling them on the open market in some poor countries to be played with like toys, perverted & sickeningly abused, almost openly! Although it's supposedly illegal & unlawful in most countries, in the poor countries they do it, sell the poor kids to the rich foreigners for molestation, sexual slavery!--Sexual slavery worse than the old White slavery of girls!

40. Whoredom & harlotry is old hat, it's considered almost respectable today compared to Sodomy! Even Sodomy is becoming respectable now. Politicians, governors & leaders engage in it, to where the leadership of the World, businessmen, politicians, are exposed as being Sodomites, so that it's being made legal now & lawful in many of the so-called "developed" countries. Ha! They have developed, all right, they developed every kind of filth & wickedness & perversion ever known to Man, & some that weren't known before! They've developed, all right, into monsters!--Filthy, wicked, sinful, iniquitous monsters, "brute beasts created to be destroyed!"--2Pet.2:12. And God's going to destroy them pretty soon. He's gotta stop it soon or the whole thing would just absolutely explode, blow up or degenerate into horrors!

41. If He & His Spirit had not kept control & kept it from getting completely out of hand, the whole World would have been gone long ago! But "He who letteth (prevents, restrains) will let until He be taken out of the way."--2Thes.2:7. He's letting them go ahead doing what they're doing right now, but He is controlling it & keeping them from going too far. But now that they're beginning to go too far & Man is really getting out of hand, He's going to have to stop them, & the last & the worst will be the Antichrist System.--And since he doesn't acknowledge or consider the desire of women, it sounds like he could be a Sodomite!

42. Wouldn't that be the ultimate in Man's wickedness to have a World ruler who is a Sodomite, & probably encourages sodomy & rule of himself & his Image to try to bring worldwide wickedness into recognised righteousness!--So you'd be considered peculiar if you were good, odd if you were righteous, strange if you're a Godly Christian, out of line, out of order in the World Order of Orgies!--Eccentric, off the center of wickedness, fiendishness, devilishness! Whereas we're actually the ones who are not eccentric, we are the ones who are on the right Center!--Christ is the Center, the right Center! They're the ones who are eccentric, out of order, strange, wicked, vile, filthy, iniquitous, unrighteous, completely perverted men & women!

MOVIE GUIDELINES!--"Choose the Good & Eschew the Evil!" 7/88

51. One thing that mitigates against any movie, & there's a lot of it now, is a lot of bad language in the movie. We don't mind so much the sexual references, we're oriented to sex & we don't consider that nudity & sex are necessarily anything against a movie, except homosexuality, Sodomy, which God hates!--And there's a lot of it in movies now. I would avoid any movie or series that even tolerates Sodomy, like that series "Dynasty"!

52. "Dynasty" promotes it! Its heroes are all Sodomites from the head of the family on down!-- All of its heroes are homos. Oh, it's sickening! (Maria: It's got a lot of other bad things in it too.) Yes, a lot of other horror. It doesn't teach any real good lessons at all. (Maria: It's just a tool of the Enemy to weaken people spiritually.)--To corrupt their morals & everything else. In fact, its primary heroine is a woman who is deceitful, cruel & unprincipled, totally without conscience, & yet she's the star of the show!--Unscrupulous, greedy, self-indulgent, she's the star! And the other, the head of the family, the head of the dynasty, is a former homo & his son is a homo & he has homo friends, ugh! It's just so icky, so sickening, I couldn't stand to watch it! Horrible!

62. That show finally got to where it was showing tolerance & forgiveness--even though it was in a condescending manner--for homos. That's when I just about got fed up with "Love Boat"! Apparently the Sodomites have got a lot of influence & power in getting their propaganda into the movies nowadays. They're even having a lot of influence in the laws of the land! The Sodomites are taking over. [DELETED] This is the thing that defeated [EDITED: "nations"] even as far back as the Bible times, defeated Israel & the kingdoms & the kings in those days, Sodomy. The Devil has sure got a tool in that stuff, sickening!


20. The only kind of sex that God ever really condemned was Sodomy!--Homosexuality! My God, the World is just full of it today, even the churches! Many of the priests in the Catholic Church are Sodomites. They'd rather have illegal sex or illegitimate sex, evil sex, "men with men working that which is unseemly" (Rom.1:27), rather than decent marriage! It's horrible!

25. Every false religion in the World forbids sex, limits sex, restricts sex, condemns sex as being something evil! You don't find the Bible condemning sex anywhere, only the wrong kind of sex. So what's the wrong kind of sex? Well, the Bible makes it very clear the wrong kind of sex is "men with men doing that which is evil," homosexuality, Sodomy, the misuse of women, the misuse of sexual organs, evil sex, perversion, masochism, unloving sex, sex that hurts somebody, sex without love, the kind of sex you practice!--That's evil sex! Because you don't love your wife, because you don't love your sex partner, you even try to hurt'm! Sex without love,that's evil sex! Sex in the wrong way, perverted sex, sex that hurts & damages & destroys the body, selfish sex!


43. "If there were no other reason for wanting to keep kids out of school, the social life would be reason enough. In all but a very few of the schools that I have taught in or visited or know anything about, the social life of the children is mean-spirited, competitive, exclusive, status-seeking, snobbish, full of talk about who went to who's birthday party and who got what Christmas presents and so on." He continues, "I remember my sister saying of one of her children, then five, that she never knew her to do anything really mean or silly until she went away to school. A nice school, by the way, in a nice small town." He then brings out the things that of course we all know are prevalent in public schools today: The drugs, the drinking, the cigarettes, the witchcraft, the homosexuality, the deceitfulness, the wide array of very serious problems that are now besetting kids who attend public schools.

44. So I think one reason why I can tell you that Techi and David are so well-behaved and such beautiful children is because they haven't been contaminated by that kind of horrible atmosphere. Peer pressure is one of the very strongest things there is, and even though most children don't want to do bad things, even though they know in their hearts they're wrong, even though they detest doing them, if they're put in that position (even our sweet Christian children who love the Lord), it's almost impossible for them to resist, and that's all there is to it. They rarely can do much else, it's very very difficult.

RELATING TO THE SYSTEM!--"Be Ready Always to Give an Answer!"--1Pet.3:15. By Maria 8/89

1. When our families return to their Home Fields, the parents need to try to explain a few things to their teens & children about what the System's like & how it operates. Otherwise, the poor kids are going to be completely embarrassed by not even knowing the basics! They need to not only tell their kids about the real bad parts of the System, but they also need to matter-of-factly explain to them basically what goes on in the System, how things operate & what to expect when dealing with Systemites.

2. In a way, I almost hate to see our Family kids have to get into all that, talking all about the System & what they do & how Systemites think & do things. Some of our kids might even be tempted to think, "Well, I wish we could do things that way too!" But if you not only explain to them the way Systemites do things, but also emphasise & teach them why our way is better, then they should understand.

3. They need to learn & know what the System expects young teens to be able to do. For example, we read about this incident where an adult Family member called a pet shop to buy a bird for their teenager. They told the shop owner, "We'll bring him over to get his bird," & the man replied, "Why, is there something wrong with your son? Can't he just take a bus?" What he meant was, "Is he disabled or mentally retarded or something?"

4. This typical Systemite shop owner was apparently shocked that the adults were so hesitant to just send their boy out on a bus across town all alone.--Which shows how much they expect a normal System teen to do on his own or by himself! So our parents need to be prepared with reasonable explanations when such instances arise. Of course, you may not be able to always give Systemites [DELETED] the whole reason why we do things differently from them, & neither will your kids. You can't tell a Flatlander, "Well, we believe in going two-by-two because that's how Jesus sent out His disciples, & it's much safer that way, considering all of the evil spiritual influences out there!"

5. Of course, you could very well respond by saying, "Considering how dangerous & corrupt things are becoming nowadays, with all kinds of drug-dealers & homos & other perverts & weirdos running around rampant, I don't like my 15-year-old going off all by himself if I can possibly avoid it.--He might get in trouble!" You could go on the attack with an answer like that. They may think you are too strict & overly-protective, but at least an answer like that is something most people can relate to, & I wouldn't say that it's too weird or abnormal because there really are an awful lot of really bad things happening in most places nowadays!

26. If you can at least give outsiders part of the reason why you don't allow your teens out by themselves with conviction, even if you can't go into detail about all the negative spiritual influences, etc., at least you can say you don't want your kids attacked by homosexuals or drug dealers or gang members! That is part of the reason why we're so protective, we're concerned for our children's physical safety & well-being as well as their spiritual safety & wellbeing.


6. Satanism amongst teens & school children is another big thing that a lot of parents & officials are getting concerned about now. Different reporters & media people have discovered & exposed how Satanists are behind all kinds of horrible mass murders recently, & that Satanism has become rife in many of their high schools. A lot of people are finally waking up to how bad things have gotten!

7. So if you're ever in the position of defending Home Schooling, go on the attack about drugs, Satanism & violence!--And Sodomy! As much as most of them don't seem to mind homosexuality nowadays, & in fact even exalt & promote it in the adult World, they really cringe when you talk about their kids, boys being raped by other boys in the school bathroom etc.--And that's the kind of thing that's apparently going on in America's hellish schools! Boy, that kind of scenario really triggers their panic button!--Not to mention all the other forms that school violence takes--violence against teachers, violence against each other, beatings, bullying, knife fights, gang wars etc.!

14. But boy oh boy, if you just sock it to them about drugs & about the violence & about Satanism & about all the crime & the bullying & the peer-pressure blackmail & the homosexuality, I think that at least the parents, the general public, will certainly sympathise with you. I'm not saying that the school system will necessarily sympathise, they don't want these things exposed & they don't even want to admit these problems exist. But if you're trying to appeal to the general public, or even if you're being interviewed or going on TV to give your reasons & answers, I think you'll win a lot more people to your side if you attack these issues that they're all freaked out about right now.

Berg on female homosexuality

Berg spoke approvingly about female homosexuality in the following Mo Letters:


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