Reboot Documents

From XFamily - Children of God

The Reboot Series was a series of documents published by the Family International in May 2010, and outlined numerous changes to the structure, rules, lifestyle, and beliefs of the cult.

Some of the related documents are not yet available to, but will most likely be added here in the near future.

The documents

The reboot package contains the following documents:

  1. "Change Journey Manifesto"
  2. "Preface to Reboot Documents"
  3. "Backtracking Through TFI History": An overview of major contextual points in Family history, their impact on Family culture over the years, and what needs to change today.
  4. "Blueprint for the Future": Key concepts at the heart of the reboot changes, cornerstones of the environment we’re creating for the Family of today and tomorrow.
  5. "Statement of Faith of the Family International":
  6. "Mission Statement of the Family International":
  7. "Membership": An explanation about TFI membership of the future and changes in membership requirements.
  8. "Lifestyle": A summary of lifestyle-related matters, such as communal living, spiritual life requirements, shepherding, civic responsibilities, etc.
  9. "Reporting and Statistics"
  10. "Structure and Services": Outline of the concepts and elements of the new structure, and explanations regarding changes in structure and services.
  11. "Tithing and Giving": TFI's updated policies and requirements regarding tithing and giving.
  12. "Family Aid Fund" (FAF): Explanation of the FAF program, with adjusted policies for the future.
  13. "TFI Member Works": An overview of the structure for works and mission projects of Family members; what mission facilitation the Family structure will provide, and the expectations as far as a professional standard of operations.
  14. "Building Community": Concepts and principles of mission-centered community, as a means by which to fulfill our core purpose.
  15. "Applying the Law of Love": Updated position on the application of the Law of Love to sexual relations.
  16. "Membership Accountability": Details of changes regarding disciplinary procedures and membership accountability.
  17. "A Safe Haven for Our Children": Includes a new TFI child protection policy and “Standard for the Care of Children at Events and Mission Works of the Family International.”
  18. "Charter of the Family International (v4)": A new Charter that conveys the rights and responsibilities of membership, and the services and governance of the Family in a clear and concise manner; accompanied by supplementary documents that support the Charter.
  19. "Closing": Wrapping up the reboot package.

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