
From XFamily - Children of God

There have been several publications purges over the history of The Family International. As law enforcement agencies around the world were investigating the organization, members were periodically instructed to destroy or alter publications to remove evidence of criminal acts, advocacy and promotion of prostitution, pedophilia, incest, child abuse and neglect, anti-Semitism, and other controversial doctrines, practices, and policies. In 1991, members were also instructed to destroy any photographs of people other than their own immediate family.

Many children in the cult participated in these purges, spending hours or days burning documents and books, slicing out book pages, and drawing over offending images and text. For example, bras and panties were drawn onto comics of naked women in children's books with black marker ink, and book pages that didn't have so much to purge that they were simply sliced out had their offending lines first covered with white-out and then with black marker so they could not be read when held to the light. Many books, including all comic books for children, were stamped with the words "For adults only. Not to be removed from the premises." However, the availability of these books was not changed, and the "adults only" part of the message was well understood to be intended only for outsiders that might someday come across the books (see deceivers yet true).

Purge notices

Publications that have been purged

See also

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